Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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44MESSAGE OF PEACElove was highly stressed to the same degree. Hence the moralteaching found in the Gospels is specifically for the Jews andnot for the whole world as Jesus as had no concern with otherpeople.The teaching which Jesus as brought did not only have thedrawback of not being addressed to all mankind, but it alsohad another shortcoming. As Torah overemphasises revengeto one extreme, the Gospels, turn to the other extreme asregards the teaching of forgiveness. Both these scriptures failto bring into focus all the possible branches of human nature.As for Torah, it remains concerned with only one branch,while the Gospels hold fast to the other exclusively. Bothteachings lack balance. As it is evident that to punish on everyoccasion is not appropriate nor is it in accordance with thedictates of justice, likewise to forgive and to overlook faultsindiscriminately is contrary to the spirit of human reform. Inview of this the Holy Qur’an does not entirely agree witheither, but instead proposes the following: 29...So an injury can only be avenged to the extent of the injuryreceived, as is taught by the Torah. But whoever prefers toforgive, as is taught by the Gospels, then such forgiveness isonly permitted when the person forgiven is likely to respondwith reform and the final outcome is positive and healthy andthe whole episode ends up well. Otherwise, the routineteaching remains the same as that of the Torah.29. The recompense of an injury is an injury the like thereof; butwhoso forgives and his act brings about reformation, hisreward is with Allah. (al-Shura, 42:41) [Publisher]

glossaryAbu Bakr—A close friend and companion of the Holy Prophet saand the first caliph in Islam. He was the first among men to confirmthe truth of the claim of the Holy Prophet sa .Allah—Allah is the personal name of God in Islam. To showproper reverence to Him, Muslims often add Ta‘ala, ‘the MostHigh’, when saying His Holy name.Ahmadi Muslim or Ahmadi—A member of theAhmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at.Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at—The Community ofMuslims who accept the claims of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad asof Qadian as being the Promised Messiah and Mahdi; the Jama‘atwas established by Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as in 1889, and isnow under the leadership of his fifth Khalifah, Hadrat MirzaMasroor Ahmad aba .Al-Imam al-Mahdi—The title given to the Promised Reformerof the latter days; it means guided leader.Arya or Arya Samaj—A movement founded in 1875 bySwami Dayananda in India with the objective of promoting theteachings of the Vedas.Aryan—A member of the Arya group.Aryawart—Land of the Aryas—India.

44MESSAGE OF PEACElove was highly stressed to the same degree. Hence the moralteaching found in the Gospels is specifically for the Jews andnot for the whole world as Jesus as had no concern with otherpeople.The teaching which Jesus as brought did not only have thedrawback <strong>of</strong> not being addressed to all mankind, but it alsohad another shortcoming. As Torah overemphasises revengeto one extreme, the Gospels, turn to the other extreme asregards the teaching <strong>of</strong> forgiveness. Both these scriptures failto bring into focus all the possible branches <strong>of</strong> human nature.As for Torah, it remains concerned with only one branch,while the Gospels hold fast to the other exclusively. Bothteachings lack balance. As it is evident that to punish on everyoccasion is not appropriate nor is it in accordance with thedictates <strong>of</strong> justice, likewise to forgive and to overlook faultsindiscriminately is contrary to the spirit <strong>of</strong> human reform. Inview <strong>of</strong> this the Holy Qur’an does not entirely agree witheither, but instead proposes the following: 29...So an injury can only be avenged to the extent <strong>of</strong> the injuryreceived, as is taught by the Torah. But whoever prefers t<strong>of</strong>orgive, as is taught by the Gospels, then such forgiveness isonly permitted when the person forgiven is likely to respondwith reform and the final outcome is positive and healthy andthe whole episode ends up well. Otherwise, the routineteaching remains the same as that <strong>of</strong> the Torah.29. The recompense <strong>of</strong> an injury is an injury the like there<strong>of</strong>; butwhoso forgives and his act brings about reformation, hisreward is with Allah. (al-Shura, 42:41) [Publisher]

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