Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


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MESSAGE OF PEACE 39Almighty] appoint you as My Messenger and send you to theworld, so that you may warn the people that they should turnback to their Lord before His punishment befalls them.Being unlettered, he was frightened by this command andbeseeched God: I know not how to read and write. ThenGod filled his bosom with all faculties <strong>of</strong> spiritual knowledgeand enlightened his heart. With the blessing <strong>of</strong> his quwwat-equdsiyyah[power <strong>of</strong> purification], the humble and meekstarted entering the circle <strong>of</strong> obedience to him. But thepowerful leaders mustered all their forces to oppose him toothand nail. They went even to the length <strong>of</strong> plotting to kill himand many men and many women were put to agonisingdeath. As a last measure they surrounded the house <strong>of</strong> theHoly Prophet (may peace and blessings <strong>of</strong> Allah be upon him)with intent to murder him. But who can touch him whomGod protects. God revealed to him: Leave this town forthwithand I will remain with you at every step.Accordingly he left Mecca and took Abu Bakr (may Allahbe pleased with him) along and remained in hiding for threenights in the cave <strong>of</strong> Thaur. The enemy gave chase, and withthe aid <strong>of</strong> a tracker were led to the cave. That tracker tracedtheir footsteps right up to the entrance <strong>of</strong> the cave, tellingthem: Here the track ends, so search for him in this cave. If heis not to be found here then the sky must have swallowedhim. Who can limit the boundless wonders <strong>of</strong> God’s creation?In a single night, God so manifested His will that a spiderspun its web across the mouth <strong>of</strong> the cave from end to endand a pigeon built its nest at the entrance <strong>of</strong> the cave and evenlaid its eggs therein. When the tracker urged the Meccans toenter the cave, an old man thus retorted: This tracker must be

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