Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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30MESSAGE OF PEACEIt is essential however that you treat Hindus with sincerityand kindness and let decent behaviour be your second nature.Refrain from all such measures as would cause them pain,except those that are essential or obligatory according to ourfaith. Consequently if the Hindus sincerely accept the propositionof testifying to the truth of our Holy Prophet (maypeace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and of having faithin his truth, then what remains regarding the split on the issueof cows can be done away with. Remember if we arepermitted to eat something, it does not follow that we have toeat it. Everything permissible is not obligatory. There aremany things which we know to be lawful yet we do notnecessarily practice them. To treat Hindus with decency andkindness is one of the important Islamic injunctions—. If forthe sake of achieving a higher goal one forgoes a right, it willnot be against the spirit of the Divine law. To consider somethingto be lawful is one thing, to utilise it is another. Thespirit of piety requires that you abstain from whatever God hasforbidden. To actually pursue the path of gaining His favourand to have the welfare of His creation at heart and to treatothers with goodness and sympathy and to respect all the holyProphets and Messengers from God, and to accept them asreformers and to not discriminate between them and to serveall mankind irrespective of denominations. This is the essentialrequirement of our faith. How can we ever be at peacewith such people who—without justification and withoutregard for the fear of Allah—speak of our Holy Prophet,Hadrat Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) with disrespect, and abuse him and refrain notfrom the use of foul language? In truth, I declare that it is

MESSAGE OF PEACE 31possible for us to make peace with the serpents fed onbrackish soil and the wolves of the wilderness, but not withthose who make wanton attacks on our Holy Prophet (maypeace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who is dearer to usthan our lives, our mothers and our fathers. May Allah causeus to die as Muslims. We are not willing to do anything at thecost of our faith.Here, I do not wish to censure any particular people nordo I intend to hurt anyone’s feelings. But, with a deep sense ofmortification, I observe that Islam, being a religion of peace,never attacked the founder of any religion. The Qur’an is thatrevered book which laid the foundation of peace betweennations and acknowledged the truth of all Prophets belongingto all the different nations. It is the Holy Qur’an which enjoysthe unique distinction of teaching us with regards to theProphets of the entire world that: 21...Therefore, O Muslims, you should declare: We believe in all theProphets of God belonging to this world and we do not discriminatebetween them as to reject one and accept the others.Name one book like the Holy Qur’an which is so dedicatedfor the cause of peace. The universal beneficence ofGod has not been confined by the Qur’an to any specificHouse. It acknowledges the Prophets of the House of Israel,one and all, be they Jacob as , Isaac as , Moses as , David as or Jesus as .And it acknowledges the Prophets of other nations regardlessof whether they dwelt in India or Persia. None of them have21. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Himwe submit. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:85) [Publisher]

30MESSAGE OF PEACEIt is essential however that you treat Hindus with sincerityand kindness and let decent behaviour be your second nature.Refrain from all such measures as would cause them pain,except those that are essential or obligatory according to ourfaith. Consequently if the Hindus sincerely accept the proposition<strong>of</strong> testifying to the truth <strong>of</strong> our Holy Prophet (maypeace and blessings <strong>of</strong> Allah be upon him) and <strong>of</strong> having faithin his truth, then what remains regarding the split on the issue<strong>of</strong> cows can be done away with. Remember if we arepermitted to eat something, it does not follow that we have toeat it. Everything permissible is not obligatory. There aremany things which we know to be lawful yet we do notnecessarily practice them. To treat Hindus with decency andkindness is one <strong>of</strong> the important Islamic injunctions—. If forthe sake <strong>of</strong> achieving a higher goal one forgoes a right, it willnot be against the spirit <strong>of</strong> the Divine law. To consider somethingto be lawful is one thing, to utilise it is another. Thespirit <strong>of</strong> piety requires that you abstain from whatever God hasforbidden. To actually pursue the path <strong>of</strong> gaining His favourand to have the welfare <strong>of</strong> His creation at heart and to treatothers with goodness and sympathy and to respect all the holyProphets and Messengers from God, and to accept them asreformers and to not discriminate between them and to serveall mankind irrespective <strong>of</strong> denominations. This is the essentialrequirement <strong>of</strong> our faith. How can we ever be at peacewith such people who—without justification and withoutregard for the fear <strong>of</strong> Allah—speak <strong>of</strong> our Holy Prophet,Hadrat Muhammad (may peace and blessings <strong>of</strong> Allah beupon him) with disrespect, and abuse him and refrain notfrom the use <strong>of</strong> foul language? In truth, I declare that it is

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