Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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28MESSAGE OF PEACEabstained from joining this cause, but they also obstructed thepassage of Hindu efforts by openly opposing it. Thus mutualenmity increased.I admit that such factors contributed to furthering theenmity which had already existed. But I cannot accept themto be the real reason. I beg to differ with those who believethat religious disputes are not at the root of Hindu-Muslimenmity and discord, and that the disputes are in fact politicalin nature.Everyone can easily understand why Muslims are reluctantto join forces with Hindus in demanding their due rights andwhy they have been refusing to join Congress and why again,having perceived the soundness of the Hindu strategy, theybegan to follow the same path step after step while maintaininga distinct and separate entity, taking great care not tobe identified with them. They did not join the Hindus, butcreated a similar but separate Muslim organisation. 18Dear Friends! I reassert that the underlying factor responsiblefor this behaviour is religion, and nothing else. If todaythe same Hindus embrace the Muslims while pronouncingthe kalimah Tayyibah: 19then Muslims would cease to oppose them forthwith.Conversely, if Muslims renounce Islam and embraceHinduism and start worshipping fire, air, etc., in accordance18. The organisation was called Muslim League and was establishedin 1906. [Publisher]19. There is none worthy of worship except Allah; Muhammadis the messenger of Allah. [Publisher]

MESSAGE OF PEACE 29with the Vedic injunctions 20 , then those differences which arelabelled as political will suddenly vanish as if they had neverexisted.It is thus evident that the underlying factors in all enmitiesand grudges are the religious differences. It is such religiousdifferences which, since times immemorial, reach a climaxand then invariably give way to extensive bloodshed.O Muslims, I say: If Hindus treat you as a different nationmerely because of religious differences and you respond tothem in the same manner, the matter will not end here. Howcan you achieve a sound, healthy relationship unless you takeappropriate remedial measures against this root cause? It ispossible that you may temporarily enjoy a friendship, but onlysuperficially. The ultimate sincerity of heart, worthy of beingcalled sincerity, can only be achieved if you genuinely changeyour attitude towards the Vedas and the Vedic Rishis byaccepting them to be from God. Likewise, the Hindus shouldalso change their niggardly attitude by testifying to the truthof our beloved Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him). Remember, and remember it well, thatthis is the only principle which can establish a genuine trucebetween you and the Hindus and this is the only water whichcan wash away all malice embittering your relationship. If thehour has finally come when these two nations, who have forso long fallen apart, are destined to be reunited, then God willopen up their hearts to this purpose as He has already openedup our hearts to the same.20. The reference is to today’s distorted Vedic injunctions thathave been modified over time by the followers. [Publisher]

28MESSAGE OF PEACEabstained from joining this cause, but they also obstructed thepassage <strong>of</strong> Hindu efforts by openly opposing it. Thus mutualenmity increased.I admit that such factors contributed to furthering theenmity which had already existed. But I cannot accept themto be the real reason. I beg to differ with those who believethat religious disputes are not at the root <strong>of</strong> Hindu-<strong>Muslim</strong>enmity and discord, and that the disputes are in fact politicalin nature.Everyone can easily understand why <strong>Muslim</strong>s are reluctantto join forces with Hindus in demanding their due rights andwhy they have been refusing to join Congress and why again,having perceived the soundness <strong>of</strong> the Hindu strategy, theybegan to follow the same path step after step while maintaininga distinct and separate entity, taking great care not tobe identified with them. They did not join the Hindus, butcreated a similar but separate <strong>Muslim</strong> organisation. 18Dear Friends! I reassert that the underlying factor responsiblefor this behaviour is religion, and nothing else. If todaythe same Hindus embrace the <strong>Muslim</strong>s while pronouncingthe kalimah Tayyibah: 19then <strong>Muslim</strong>s would cease to oppose them forthwith.Conversely, if <strong>Muslim</strong>s renounce Islam and embraceHinduism and start worshipping fire, air, etc., in accordance18. The organisation was called <strong>Muslim</strong> League and was establishedin 1906. [Publisher]19. There is none worthy <strong>of</strong> worship except Allah; Muhammadis the messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah. [Publisher]

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