Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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24MESSAGE OF PEACEwith the powerful argument that there is clear mention ofsuch worship and nowhere is there any prohibition. To saythat these are the names of God, is a claim which has not asyet been clearly settled. Had it been settled, what reason couldthere have been for the scholarly pundits in Banares and othercities to have rejected the beliefs of the Aryas? Despite effortsover the past thirty to thirty-five years, very few Hindus haveaccepted the Arya faith and in comparison with the Sanatanfaith and other Hindu sects, the followers of the Arya faithnumber so few that they are insignificant, nor do they haveany influence on the remaining Hindu sects. Similarly, theteachings of nyog, which is attributed to the Vedas, is abhorrentto human dignity and the human sense of honour. As Ihave already stated, we cannot accept that it is a genuine Vedicteaching. In fact, our well-meaning intentions make usstrongly inclined to believe that such teachings must havebeen introduced later from sensual motives. Since thousandsof years have passed since the original compilation of Vedas itis possible that in different times some scribes added to orsubtracted from it. For us it is proof enough that the Aryafaith has had millions upon millions of followers for thousandsof years who have held it to be the word of God. It is notpossible that the work of an imposter could enjoy suchhonour.So when we, despite all these obstacles, purely out of fearof God, accept the Vedas to be divine revelation in its originand assume all the false teachings to be the work of scribes,what justification can there be for the Holy Qur’an to bemade the target of such brutal attacks? It is full of injunctionsfrom cover to cover speaking only of the worship of

MESSAGE OF PEACE 25one God. Nowhere does it require man to worship the sun,the moon etc. In fact there are clear statements to thecontrary: 14......In other words, do not worship the sun, the moon, or anywork of creation, but worship only Him, Who has createdyou. Apart from this, the Holy Qur’an is itself a testimony toGod through its old and new signs. It is a mirror which showsGod’s existence. Why should it be made the target of suchferocious attacks? Why are we not treated in the same spirit aswe treat the Aryas? And why is the seed of enmity and hatredsown in the soil of this country? Do they really expect thatthe outcome of such behaviour will be good? Is it decent tohurl stones at one who offers flowers or to splash urine onone who offers milk?If Hindus and those belonging to the Arya faith wereprepared to make a complete truce whereby they accept ourProphet, (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) tobe a true Prophet of God and in future agree to refrain fromcontempt and slander, then I am ready to be the first to signthe following treaty:We, the members of the Ahmadiyyah Jama‘at, will testify tothe truth of the origin of the Vedas, and will speak of theVedas and their Rishis with respect and love, and if we do nothonour our part of the contract, we will be liable to pay a fineof not less than three hundred thousand rupees to the Hinducommunity.14. (Ha Mim al-Sajdah, 41:38)

24MESSAGE OF PEACEwith the powerful argument that there is clear mention <strong>of</strong>such worship and nowhere is there any prohibition. To saythat these are the names <strong>of</strong> God, is a claim which has not asyet been clearly settled. Had it been settled, what reason couldthere have been for the scholarly pundits in Banares and othercities to have rejected the beliefs <strong>of</strong> the Aryas? Despite effortsover the past thirty to thirty-five years, very few Hindus haveaccepted the Arya faith and in comparison with the Sanatanfaith and other Hindu sects, the followers <strong>of</strong> the Arya faithnumber so few that they are insignificant, nor do they haveany influence on the remaining Hindu sects. Similarly, theteachings <strong>of</strong> nyog, which is attributed to the Vedas, is abhorrentto human dignity and the human sense <strong>of</strong> honour. As Ihave already stated, we cannot accept that it is a genuine Vedicteaching. In fact, our well-meaning intentions make usstrongly inclined to believe that such teachings must havebeen introduced later from sensual motives. Since thousands<strong>of</strong> years have passed since the original compilation <strong>of</strong> Vedas itis possible that in different times some scribes added to orsubtracted from it. For us it is pro<strong>of</strong> enough that the Aryafaith has had millions upon millions <strong>of</strong> followers for thousands<strong>of</strong> years who have held it to be the word <strong>of</strong> God. It is notpossible that the work <strong>of</strong> an imposter could enjoy suchhonour.So when we, despite all these obstacles, purely out <strong>of</strong> fear<strong>of</strong> God, accept the Vedas to be divine revelation in its originand assume all the false teachings to be the work <strong>of</strong> scribes,what justification can there be for the Holy Qur’an to bemade the target <strong>of</strong> such brutal attacks? It is full <strong>of</strong> injunctionsfrom cover to cover speaking only <strong>of</strong> the worship <strong>of</strong>

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