Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Message of Peace - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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16MESSAGE OF PEACEnewspapers. Without exception, people from all denominationshave witnessed one or another of the signs.In the face of such repeated evidence, the teaching of theArya Samaj, which is wrongfully attributed to Vedas, cannotbe accepted, for it alleges that all Divine revelation andcommunication has come to an end with the Vedas. ThisArya position is tantamount to believing that nothing is left ofman’s belief but tales and legends. Consequent upon thisdogma, they dismiss all the Divine scriptures that came afterthe Vedas as mere man-made fabrications. They do thisnotwithstanding the fact that the Divine scriptures in questionpossess a greater and more potent proof of the Divine originthan the Vedas. The hand of God’s support and assistance isbehind them and extraordinary signs from God bear witnessto their truth. By what logic, then, are the Vedas termed the‘Word of God’, while these other books are not? Theattributes of God are limitlessly profound and He lies hiddenbehind innumerable covers. Hence, dictates of wisdomrequire that He should not rely on one book alone for Hismanifestation. Rather, it is befitting for Him to choose HisMessengers from all over the world in different countries,reflecting His glory through them by blessing them with Hisrevelation and gift of communion. This is so that man, weakand credulous by nature, should not be deprived of the goodfortune of responding to His call.Pure common sense cannot accept the proposition thatGod, the Lord of the Universe, Who illuminates the East andWest alike with His radiant sun and quenches the thirst ofevery land with the universal bounty of His rain, should be somiserly (God forbid!) with regards to the spiritual needs of

MESSAGE OF PEACE 17man as to become partial only to one country, one people andone language. I fail to understand what logic and rationale it isthat God the Omniscient listens to man’s prayers and supplicationsand understands him in every language, and He is notdispleased with it, yet He abhors to make His word descendupon hearts in any language other than Sanskrit, the languageof the Vedas. This philosophy is found only in the Vedas like awell concealed enigma which no one, as yet, has been able toresolve.Personally, I consider the Vedas to be absolved of everhaving displayed such a philosophy upon any of its pages,which not only goes against common sense, but also blemishesGod with the allegation of miserliness and niggardlyconduct. The reality is that once a long time elapses after therevelation of a Divine Book, the followers of that Book,either out of sheer ignorance, or as a result of some ulteriormotives—by mistake or by intent—feel free to annotate theDivine teachings. Because these annotators are of divergentviews, so, with the passage of time, hundreds of denominationsare born out of one.It is also strange that just as the Aryas believe that revelationhas only been confined to the Arya kith and kin and Aryafaith, and that Sanskrit has been specifically employed by Godas His own language, so too the Jews have similar viewsregarding the chosen Children of Israel and their Books. Theybelieve that the only language of God is Hebrew and theinstitution of revelation has been confined to the House ofIsrael and its land. According to them, anyone who claims tobe a prophet of God while he does not belong to this House

16MESSAGE OF PEACEnewspapers. Without exception, people from all denominationshave witnessed one or another <strong>of</strong> the signs.In the face <strong>of</strong> such repeated evidence, the teaching <strong>of</strong> theArya Samaj, which is wrongfully attributed to Vedas, cannotbe accepted, for it alleges that all Divine revelation andcommunication has come to an end with the Vedas. ThisArya position is tantamount to believing that nothing is left <strong>of</strong>man’s belief but tales and legends. Consequent upon thisdogma, they dismiss all the Divine scriptures that came afterthe Vedas as mere man-made fabrications. They do thisnotwithstanding the fact that the Divine scriptures in questionpossess a greater and more potent pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Divine originthan the Vedas. The hand <strong>of</strong> God’s support and assistance isbehind them and extraordinary signs from God bear witnessto their truth. By what logic, then, are the Vedas termed the‘Word <strong>of</strong> God’, while these other books are not? Theattributes <strong>of</strong> God are limitlessly pr<strong>of</strong>ound and He lies hiddenbehind innumerable covers. Hence, dictates <strong>of</strong> wisdomrequire that He should not rely on one book alone for Hismanifestation. Rather, it is befitting for Him to choose HisMessengers from all over the world in different countries,reflecting His glory through them by blessing them with Hisrevelation and gift <strong>of</strong> communion. This is so that man, weakand credulous by nature, should not be deprived <strong>of</strong> the goodfortune <strong>of</strong> responding to His call.Pure common sense cannot accept the proposition thatGod, the Lord <strong>of</strong> the Universe, Who illuminates the East andWest alike with His radiant sun and quenches the thirst <strong>of</strong>every land with the universal bounty <strong>of</strong> His rain, should be somiserly (God forbid!) with regards to the spiritual needs <strong>of</strong>

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