National Overview Malawi 2011 - Media Institute of Southern Africa

National Overview Malawi 2011 - Media Institute of Southern Africa

National Overview Malawi 2011 - Media Institute of Southern Africa

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CommuniquéDate: July 28, <strong>2011</strong>Person/ institution: MillenniumChallenge Corporation (MCC)Violation/ issue: OtherThe international community continuesto withhold aid to <strong>Malawi</strong> followingwhat they have described as the country’spoor economic policies, deterioratinghuman rights standards and badgovernance. In the latest development,the Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC), a U.S. Government agency, hasannounced that it is deeply concernedby recent events in <strong>Malawi</strong> and is placingan immediate hold on all programoperations in order to review its partnershipwith <strong>Malawi</strong>, including whether torecommend to its Board <strong>of</strong> Directors tosuspend or terminate its assistance.CommuniquéDate: September 9, <strong>2011</strong>Person/ institution: ParliamentViolation/ issue: Legislation<strong>Malawi</strong>’s President Bingu wa Mutharikaon 7 September <strong>2011</strong> announced a newcabinet which has seen the bouncingback <strong>of</strong> former Minister <strong>of</strong> Informationand Civic Education Patricia Kaliati tohead Ministry <strong>of</strong> Information and CivicEducation, a ministry she has headedbefore. Kaliati has replaced Simon VuwaKaunda who has been deployed to headMinistry <strong>of</strong> Youth, Sports and Culture.Kaliati is known for her openness withthe media. She was dropped by Mutharikafrom cabinet two years ago. The30 member cabinet was announced onstate-controlled <strong>Malawi</strong> BroadcastingCorporation (MBC) and the appointmentis with immediate effect from 6 September<strong>2011</strong>.AlertDate: September 9, <strong>2011</strong>Person/ institution: BlantyreNewspapers Limited (BNL)Violation/ issue: OtherTension has engulfed staff <strong>of</strong> BlantyreNewspapers Limited (BNL) following retrenchment<strong>of</strong> eight journalists and othermembers <strong>of</strong> staff at the company. BNLis a subsidiary <strong>of</strong> Blantyre Print and Publishing(BP & P), publishers <strong>of</strong> The DailyTimes (the country’s oldest daily), <strong>Malawi</strong>News (the country’s oldest weekly),The Sunday Times, The Weekend Timesand Times Lifestyle Magazine (a quarterlymagazine). According to newspaperreports, the eight media practitioners arepart <strong>of</strong> 44 members <strong>of</strong> staff BP & P hasdismissed to allegedly salvage the company.AlertDate: September 13, <strong>2011</strong>Person/ institution: Ernest MahwayoViolation/ issue: DetainedPolice on 12 September <strong>2011</strong> arrestedjournalist Ernest Mhwayo for allegedlytaking pictures <strong>of</strong> President Bingu waMutharika’s Ndata Farm without permission.Ndata Farm is President Mutharika’sretirement residence in his home district<strong>of</strong> Thyolo, <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Malawi</strong>. The Farmrecently came under the spotlight whencivil society leaders requested the presidentto explain his wealth.September 16, <strong>2011</strong>: Journalist Ernest82So This is Democracy • <strong>2011</strong>

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