Practical Information - Generative Linguistics in the Old World

Practical Information - Generative Linguistics in the Old World

Practical Information - Generative Linguistics in the Old World


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Miren-ERG Jon.ABS see AUX Miren-ERG not AUX Jon.ABS see‘Miren has seen Jon.’‘Miren hasn’t seen Jon.’(7) [ XP Mirenek [ NegP ez-du [ TP [ AspP Jon ikusi] ]]]An antisymmetric approach requires a different approach to <strong>the</strong> polarity-sensitive wordorder variation <strong>in</strong> (5) and (6). In particular, follow<strong>in</strong>g Haddican (2001, 2004, 2005, 2008) wepropose that <strong>the</strong> relative order of <strong>the</strong> verb, verbal dependents and modals is derived via rollup.We fur<strong>the</strong>r assume a F<strong>in</strong>P projection, with an EPP feature which attracts <strong>the</strong> negativemorpheme ez <strong>in</strong> negative sentences. In neutral affirmatives, <strong>the</strong> complement of <strong>the</strong> auxiliaryraises to this position, yield<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> VP-Aux word order. From this perspective, TP is a lef<strong>the</strong>adedprojection that does not participate <strong>in</strong> roll-up movement; that is, <strong>the</strong> complement of Tdoes not move to its spec:(8) a. Affirmative orders b. Negative orders[ F<strong>in</strong>P [ XP Complement of T] F<strong>in</strong> [EPP] [ TP T ]] [ F<strong>in</strong>P ez F<strong>in</strong> [EPP] [ TP T [ vP …]]]Assum<strong>in</strong>g that non-f<strong>in</strong>ite T is like f<strong>in</strong>ite T <strong>in</strong> not participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> roll-up movement, <strong>the</strong>structure sensitivity of <strong>the</strong> word order variation <strong>in</strong> (3) is expla<strong>in</strong>ed as a vanilla FOFC effect:what rules out a non-f<strong>in</strong>ite TP-layer <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> (3a) order (<strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itive - modal) is <strong>the</strong> presence of ahead-complement structure <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> spec of <strong>the</strong> modal head, <strong>in</strong> violation of (1). Specifically,<strong>the</strong> complement of <strong>the</strong> non-f<strong>in</strong>ite T head is not <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> spec of <strong>the</strong> non-f<strong>in</strong>ite T, but ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>sister of T. The <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itival T itself <strong>the</strong>n moves to <strong>the</strong> spec of <strong>the</strong> modal projection <strong>in</strong> violationof (1), as illustrated <strong>in</strong> (9a). In contrast, vP-sized <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itives will not run afoul of (1), s<strong>in</strong>ce v’scomplement raises to its spec, as <strong>in</strong> (9b). The structure-sensitivity of <strong>the</strong> alternation <strong>in</strong> (3) is<strong>the</strong>refore straightforwardly predicted as a FOFC-effect on LCA approaches to Basque.(9) a. FOFC-violat<strong>in</strong>g TP-rais<strong>in</strong>g b. FOFC-compliant vP-rais<strong>in</strong>g*[ ModalP [ TP T XP] Modal ] [ ModalP [ vP XP [ v’ v ]] Modal ]Unaddressed so far is why TP-sized modal complements are licit when <strong>the</strong>y appear to <strong>the</strong>right of <strong>the</strong> modal as <strong>in</strong> (3b). The approach <strong>in</strong> (8) leads us to expect movement of <strong>the</strong> Modalphrase to its usual land<strong>in</strong>g site <strong>in</strong> affirmative sentences, spec, F<strong>in</strong>P. In <strong>the</strong> (3b) order, <strong>the</strong>FOFC-offend<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itival TP <strong>the</strong>n subextracts to a Focus phrase, followed by remnanttopicalization. This yields an order <strong>in</strong> which <strong>the</strong> modal+Aux precedes <strong>the</strong> non-f<strong>in</strong>itecomplement as <strong>in</strong> (10). Crucially, because <strong>the</strong> TP <strong>in</strong> (10) targets an A-bar position, thismovement step is FOFC-exempt. (See BHR for discussion.)(10) [[ F<strong>in</strong>P nahi nuke] Top [ FocP [ TP horrelakoak maizago ikusi] Foc …]Independent evidence that <strong>the</strong> modal <strong>in</strong> (3b) sits <strong>in</strong> a derived position comes fromcomplex functional sequences preced<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> non-f<strong>in</strong>ite constituent that cannot be generated<strong>in</strong>-situ: (11) Nahi izan du beranduago etorri.Want PERF AUX later come‘She/he has wanted to come earlier.’In (11), <strong>the</strong> perfect head follows <strong>the</strong> modal, which it selects, and precedes <strong>the</strong> auxiliary,which <strong>in</strong> turn precedes <strong>the</strong> non-f<strong>in</strong>ite verb. The hierarchical relations among <strong>the</strong> differentcomponents of <strong>the</strong> sequence can be represented <strong>in</strong> terms of ei<strong>the</strong>r a head f<strong>in</strong>al structure orroll-up movement, but <strong>the</strong> relative order<strong>in</strong>g of that sequence and <strong>the</strong> non-f<strong>in</strong>ite verb cannot:<strong>the</strong> modal verb selects <strong>the</strong> non-f<strong>in</strong>ite TP, but <strong>the</strong> two elements appear on opposite sides of <strong>the</strong>sequence, and separated by o<strong>the</strong>r clausal heads. Remnant movement provides a simplerationale for this order<strong>in</strong>g, and is well attested <strong>in</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Basque focal constructions (EU).To summarize, <strong>the</strong> analysis entails: (i) that FOFC-violat<strong>in</strong>g structures are <strong>in</strong>deedgenerable by <strong>the</strong> narrow syntax contra BHR; and (ii) that FOFC violations are reparable bysubsequent movement. PF deletion of <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>termediate copy of <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itival TP <strong>in</strong> its FOFCviolat<strong>in</strong>gposition <strong>in</strong> spec, ModalP rescues <strong>the</strong> derivation. This suggests that FOFC effects are

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