Practical Information - Generative Linguistics in the Old World

Practical Information - Generative Linguistics in the Old World

Practical Information - Generative Linguistics in the Old World


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The directionality of agreement and nom<strong>in</strong>al concord <strong>in</strong> ZazakiMaziar Toosarvandani and Coppe van UrkMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyWe <strong>in</strong>vestigate two issues <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ory of agreement from <strong>the</strong> perspective of nom<strong>in</strong>al concord<strong>in</strong> Zazaki. First, does Agree operate downward, upward, or <strong>in</strong> both directions (Adger 2003,Baker 2008, Zeijlstra 2012, Prem<strong>in</strong>ger 2012)? Second, does nom<strong>in</strong>al concord make use of <strong>the</strong>same mechanism as agreement <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> verbal doma<strong>in</strong> (Carstens 2000, Baker 2008, Kramer 2009,Norris 2011)? Us<strong>in</strong>g our own fieldwork data, we argue that nom<strong>in</strong>al concord <strong>in</strong> Zazaki (NorthwestIranian, Indo-European) is bidirectional, because it first operates downward with features<strong>in</strong>side nom<strong>in</strong>al dependents and <strong>the</strong>n upward with features <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> extended nom<strong>in</strong>al projection.In addition, we argue that it is derived by <strong>the</strong> same mechanism as verbal agreement, becauseit is sensitive to <strong>the</strong> same barriers for agreement. This suggests that, if agreement <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> verbaldoma<strong>in</strong> is derived by Agree, nom<strong>in</strong>al concord also uses Agree and that Agree is bidirectional,with downward Agree tak<strong>in</strong>g precedence over upward Agree (cf. Béjar & Rezac 2009).Nom<strong>in</strong>al concord <strong>in</strong> Zazaki. In Zazaki, nom<strong>in</strong>al concord is realized on <strong>the</strong> ezafe morphemethat <strong>in</strong>troduces dependents of <strong>the</strong> noun, i.e. adjectives and possessors. Though ezafe cliticizesto its left, it forms a constituent with <strong>the</strong> adjective (1a) or <strong>the</strong> possessor (1b) to its right atsome stage <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> derivation (cf. Samiian 1983, den Dikken & S<strong>in</strong>ghapreecha 2004, Larson &Yamakido 2009). Its form always varies with <strong>the</strong> ϕ-features of <strong>the</strong> head noun — (1a) vs. (2a)and (1b) vs. (2b).(1) a. [ DP ju kutık [=oone dog‘a big dog (m.)’(2) a. [ DP a mang [=athat.F goat‘that white goat (f.)’=EZ.M.NOM=EZ.Fgırs]]bigspi]]=ewhite=Fb. [ DP ga [=êox‘Alık’s ox (m.)’b. [ DP bız [=agoat =EZ.F‘Alık’s goat (f.)’=EZ.M.OBLAlik=i]]Alik=OBL.MAlik=i]]Alik=OBL.MWith mascul<strong>in</strong>e nouns, which have a nom<strong>in</strong>ative-oblique case dist<strong>in</strong>ction, ezafe also agrees <strong>in</strong>case — but only when it <strong>in</strong>troduces adjectives (3a–b). When it <strong>in</strong>troduces possessors — whichreceive oblique case realized as <strong>the</strong> marker =i — ezafe <strong>in</strong>variably takes <strong>the</strong> oblique form =ê (4).(3) a. [ DP kutık [=o gırs]]b. [ DP kutik [=ê gırs]]=idog =EZ.M.NOM bigdog =EZ.M.OBL big=OBL.M‘<strong>the</strong> big dog (m. nom.)’‘<strong>the</strong> big dog (m. obl.)’(4) [ DP Kutik [=ê Alik=i] [=o gırs]] goşt wen-o.dog =EZ.M.OBL Alık=OBL.M =EZ.M.NOM big meat eat.PRS-3SG.M‘Alık’s big dog (m. nom.) is eat<strong>in</strong>g meat.’The proposal. Our proposal has two parts. First, we propose that <strong>the</strong> ezafe marker agreesfirst downward with its dependent and <strong>the</strong>n upward with a head <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> extended nom<strong>in</strong>al projection.This accounts for <strong>the</strong> difference <strong>in</strong> possible case realizations when ezafe <strong>in</strong>troduces possessorsand adjectives. With possessors, ezafe is always oblique because it agrees downward <strong>in</strong> casewith <strong>the</strong> possessor, which is always oblique case marked. No such effect arises when ezafe <strong>in</strong>troducesan adjective, however, s<strong>in</strong>ce adjectives do not have <strong>the</strong>ir own case. Second, we proposethat nom<strong>in</strong>al concord <strong>in</strong> Zazaki employs <strong>the</strong> same mechanism as verbal agreement, s<strong>in</strong>ce nei<strong>the</strong>rallows ϕ-agreement with obliques (cf. Rezac 2008, Bobaljik 2008, Prem<strong>in</strong>ger 2011). Ezafenever agrees <strong>in</strong> ϕ-features with <strong>the</strong> possessor (1b, 2b), even though it has its own ϕ-features(unlike an adjective). In <strong>the</strong> verbal doma<strong>in</strong>, ϕ-agreement with obliques is also banned. Zazaki issplit ergative: <strong>the</strong> oblique case marks objects <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> present tense and transitive subjects <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>past tense. The verb never agrees with an oblique argument, even with transitive verbs <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>past tense. T agrees with <strong>the</strong> (nom<strong>in</strong>ative) object, skipp<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> oblique subject (5).1

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