Lord Grey News - Lord Grey School

Lord Grey News - Lord Grey School

Lord Grey News - Lord Grey School


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We welcomed eleven students and two teachers from Ruyuan Senior High <strong>School</strong>, Guangdong Province, China this week. Our Chinesevisitors have been staying with their partners in the Bletchley area for ten days. Our two schools have a long term link and a group of <strong>Lord</strong><strong>Grey</strong> students and teachers visited Ruyuan Senior High <strong>School</strong> in 2009. A full and varied programme happened during the ten day visit toshow our guests as much diversity of the English culture as possible. First we had a formal exchange of gifts and then some of the visitsduring their time here included trips to: London, Oxford, Cambridge, Stratford upon Avon, an English seaside trip, BBQ, time in school/lessons, cooking lessons – “how to cook scones” and life with an English family.We feel very proud and privileged to have this strong link with Ruyuan Senior High <strong>School</strong> and look forward to enjoying many more years ofthis partnership.

Chinese CalligraphyOn Wednesday we did Chinese Calligraphy in our form, Lorenz 9. Our Chinese Exchange students came into classto teach us. They taught us how to hold the special pens which they write with. We had to hold them straight andupright while we drew on the calligraphy paper which they gave us. Instead of ink which they usually use, we drewwith water. It showed up on the paper for a few seconds but you could see what we had done. The good thingabout using water is that you could reuse your piece of paper without it being covered in ink. They taught us howto write words and our names. It was great!Riannon Lucas, Lorenz 9Since the Chinese students have been in England they have been doing a lot of activities with theirpartners. They have been out to places like London, Oxford and Cambridge. At the weekend we wenton a day trip to Bournemouth and we went in the sea even though it was cold! The Chinese studentshave found our summer very bizarre as it is so cold, they said it is like their winter.Last week Miss Reynolds organised a cookery class, we made fairy cakes and scones with our Chinesepartners. Mrs Scudamore and Mrs Broom helped us made the cakes, which were delicious.I have really enjoyed hosting a Chinese student and I have learnt many things about China. I was veryshocked when my partner, Lin said that their school day is 15 hours long!I can’t wait to go to our partner school next year and see how people live on the other side of the world.Charlotte Brown, Lorenz 9

National <strong>School</strong>Monday 27 June - Friday 1 July 2011WeekDuring National <strong>School</strong> Sports Week we are encouraging students to 'try something new'. As well as our traditionalsports of Netball, Cricket, Tennis and Rounders we are inviting you to try other alternative sports such as Rock-it-ball,Ultimate Frisbee, Pana (Football)NATIONALand Yoga.SCHOOL SPORTS WEEKMONDAY 27 th We are also offering activities whichJUNE – FRIDAY 1 st students may not usually get a chanceto play at school such as Cricket for girls. No activity week would be complete in the JULY 21st Century 2011 without a Nintendo Wiito play Sports Resorts, Wii Sports and other pulse raising games!!!Monday27 th JuneTennisMr PearceCourts(max 32)Tuesday28 th JunePana (Football)Mr MortSports Hall(max 32)Wednesday29 th JuneLunchtimeWii SportsMrs Murphy/Miss GrahamDance Studio(max 32)Thursday30 th JuneDodgeballMr BatemanGym(max 32)Friday1 st JulyWii SportsMiss MayDance Studio(max 32)Cricket (7/8)Mr MortAstro(max 32)DanceMiss BeachDance Studio(max 24)Yoga*Miss CauserDance Studio(max 24)TennisMiss May/Miss DunnCourts(max 32)Girls FootballMr D(Mr Di Rubbo)Astro(max 32)Girls Cricket*Mr PearceAstro(max 32)Table TennisMr BatemanGym(max 24)RoundersMiss CauserField(max 32)UltimateFrisbee*Miss DunnCourts(max 32)CricketMr PearceAstro(max 32)TennisHoHCourts(max 32)Rock-it-Ball*Miss MaySports Hall(max 32)After <strong>School</strong>Irish Dancing*Miss HerlihyDance Studio(max 32)FencingMr BatemanSport Hall(max 32)Wii SportsMrs Murphy/Miss GrahamHall(max 32)Cricket (9/10)Mr PearceAstro(max 32)Yoga*Miss CauserDance Studio(max 24)Rock-it-Ball*Miss MaySports Hall(max 32)Pana (Football)Mr MortGym(Max 32)SoftballMr SoperField(max 32)Pana (Football)Mr MortGym(Max 32)TrampoliningMiss LeeSports Hall(max 24)TrampoliningMiss LeeSports Hall(max 24)Extreme Golf*Mr HenryAstro(max 32)Table TennisMr BatemanGym(max 24)You must sign up to the club you would like to attend. There are only so many places per club soget signed up asap! Registers will be outside the Sports Hall office from Monday 20 th June. Youmust only sign up before school/lunchtime/afterschool due to exams taking place in the SportsHall.You must take your sports pledge certificate (get them from a member of the PE staff) to theclub you are attending and get it signed from the member of staff running the club.You will receive a sticker for every club that you attend and register with the member of staff .If you attend a club with a * next to it you will also be rewarded with 2 stickers!ENJOY TRYING SOMETHING NEW!!

National <strong>School</strong>WeekLocal school could wintickets to London 2012 orcarry the Olympic FlameThrough Lloyds TSB National <strong>School</strong> Sport Week, Loyds TSB are inspiring 5 millionchildren to try more Olympic and Paralympic sports and achieve their personal best.Between 27 June and 1 July 2011, schools across the country will take part in Britain’sbiggest school sporting event, and with your support we are helping schools get even closerto London 2012.Help <strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>School</strong> carry the Olympic Flame or go to London 2012By pledging your support to <strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>School</strong> taking part in the National <strong>School</strong> Sport Week,we could be in with a chance of carrying the Olympic Flame in the Olympic Torch Relay orwinning tickets to London 2012. And, by pledging your support, we will also be entered intoa draw to win tickets to London 2012.Please visit:http://www.lloydstsblondon2012.co.uk/In-your-community/National-<strong>School</strong>-Sport-Week/, enter our school name (<strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>School</strong>) and postcode (MK3 6EW)We need over 100 pledges to be entered for these stunning prizes, so please log on andregister. It only takes a few seconds!Thank you for your continued support.Jo May, <strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>School</strong> Sport Co-ordinator

Ms May’s Year 10 BTEC class are running a Sports Festivalfor a number of primary schools on the 6 th July 2011.The primary schools who are taking part are:Rickley Park, Abbeys Primary, ChestnutsPrimary, Barleyhurst Park, Cold Harbour andHolne Chase.The striking and fieldingbased festival will be forstudents from Year 3 and Year 4. It will behosted on the <strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>School</strong> playingfield and will include music, refreshmentsand lots of enjoyment.When the students arrive they will be greeted by the wholeclass, we then will make our way to the field. The studentswill take part in sports such as: rounders, softball andcricket.All the students competing will receive a participationcertificate and a prize for the overall winner.Jak McCarthy, U05 and Aaron Tapster, M09If you find any Active Kids orTesco Vouchers for <strong>School</strong>s lyingaround at home, it is not too late!Please send the vouchers intoschool ASAP. The order for all theequipment will be sent early nextweek w/c 27 June 2011.I would like to say a massivethank you to everyone who havesupported us so far this year, itreally does make a difference!Faye Causer,Head of Sport & Healthy Livingg

Last week the Year 11 Prom took place at Wilton Hall. It was a rather spectacular evening with everyone arrivingin various types of limousines, even a horse and carriage! All were dressed up in some beautiful dresses and suitsfor this special night and a photographer was there to capture the memories. Congratulations go to JonathanBrown and Rosie Barton who were crowned Prom King and Prom Queen.Another special thank you must go to Mrs Jayne Dunn, Assistant Head of Enigma House, for all the organisation ofthis fantastic event, for making it such a special evening for the students, which I am sure they will remember formany years!Richard Henry, Head of Mercury HouseA selection of photographs showing off some fantastic dresses and suits!

LOST AND DAMGED BOOKSLots of our library books aregetting lost, or damaged, and I’dlike to ask parents to help us sortthis out!!Please make sure that all library books are kept somewhere safe athome - but visible, not hidden under the bed or in a drawer! (We geta lot of that!)Make sure your child responds quickly to any overdue notices theyget - it’s much easier to deal with these issues sooner rather thanlater. We’re really not that scary….....and we don’t even charge fines!!Not telling us what’s going on means that your child may be fallingbehind in their reading because they can’t borrow another book. Tobe successful in the Accelerated Reader programme that <strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong>is using the students need to be reading at least a book a week -having long-term overdues prevents the student from borrowing anybooks until the overdue is sorted.

Please, please, please make sure that books are wrapped in a plasticbag, or at least kept separate from any food or drinks that might bein your child’s schoolbag.The single biggest issue we have at the moment is books beingreturned to us damaged by water or other drinks. Often the bookhas been kept for a while after the accident and by the time we getit back it has gone mouldy!!! This is then a health hazard and meansthe book is immediately destroyed.Cats don’t like water,neither do books!If the unthinkable does happen, the procedure for charging is asfollows:When a student reports a book as lost, we ask them to look for itagain, to check with their friends in case it was lent to anyone, andto check classrooms and lockers. If it does not turn up we chargethe replacement cost, which will be refunded if the book turns uplater.For damaged books the full price is charged for a new book, and thendiscounted depending on the age of the book and the use it has had.Make a librarian happy - look after yourbooks, keep them clean and dry, and don’tlose them!Isabella Coles

Years 10, 11 & Post-16Results on InsightA Level results will be available from 2pm on Thursday 18th August 2011GCSE results will be available from 2pm on Thursday 25th August 2011

from the communityFROM 2 YEARS<strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> AssociationThe LGA will be holding a Weakest Link style quiz on Thursday 7th July at 7pm in theschool canteen. Come along and see how much the teachers at <strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> REALLY know!Admission: £2 for adults, £1 for children. Refreshments will be available, all proceeds will gotowards buying a torso for the Science Department.

DO YOU HAVE ANYSPARE PE KIT?HAVE YOU OUT GROWNYOUR KIT?For example:BLUE SHORTSBLACK SHORTSWHITE POLO SHIRTSFOOTBALL BOOTSTRAINERSIF YOU ARE ABLE, WE WOULD VERY PLEASED IF YOU COULD DONATE ANY OF THESE ITEMSTO THE PE DEPARTMENT. REWARDS WILL BE GIVEN. FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONPLEASE SEE MR GILLIONS.Dates for Your DiaryHPV Forms Year 7 Girls - please complete these forms and return to Student Services by 1st July 2011.Dates for the immunisations will be 20th September 2011, 8th November 2011 and 17th April 2012.GCSE Examinations: 9th May - 28th June 2011Everyman Male Cancer Awareness Month: 1st June - 30th June 2011National Osteoporosis Month: 1st June - 30 June 2011Deafblind Awareness Week: 27th June-3rd July 2011Childhood Obesity Week: 4th July-10th July 2011For more information visit: www.nhs.uk/change4lifeNational Transplant Week: 4th July-10th July 2011For more information visit: www.organdonation.nhs.ukThere will be regular reporting to parents and Academic Tutorialsthroughout the year for Years 7-11.Aspire, Learn, Achieve<strong>Lord</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>School</strong>This newsletter will be distributed fortnightly and will be published on the school website. Staff, students, parents orgovernors are welcome to contribute items of news or information.Please send your news items to webpost@lordgrey.org.uk or post to the address shown across.Rickley Lane,BletchleyMilton KeynesMK3 6EWPhone: 01908 626110Fax: 01908 366139E-mail: webpost@lordgrey.org.ukWe are on the webwww.lordgrey.org.uk

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