Viola M4BL User Manual - Astra Security Systems Ltd

Viola M4BL User Manual - Astra Security Systems Ltd Viola M4BL User Manual - Astra Security Systems Ltd
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7.3 Smart SearchThe screen for Smart Search is shown below:The Status field will show the ‘Recorded from’ time in the HDDs before searching orthe search result after searching.The general operations are as below:• ▲▼◄► (Mouse: Left click)Press these buttons to select the items.• ESC (Mouse: Right Click)Press this button to escape from this screen, and return to split-window display.• SEARCH / MODE (Mouse: Left click)Press this button to start searching the recorded video/audio with the selectedsearch time, camera, and motion masks. The search result will be shown on theright half of this dialog. To prevent the system from overloading by SmartSearch, up to 500 matched files or 200 GB of HDD storage for each recordpartition, alarm or normal, from the start time will be searched.• SEQ => Page Up (Mouse: Left click)• CALL => Page Down (Mouse: Left click)Press SEQ/CALL to Page Up/Down the Matched file display.• Numeric (ENTER) (Mouse: Left click in the page number shown)- 54 -

Press these buttons to select the display page of the matched files in the list.Following is a brief description for each item and its specific operations:• Camera ID – the camera to be searched for matched files. Its title is shown onits right side. Press +/- buttons to change the camera ID.• Start/End Time – (Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute) for the recordedvideo/audio. The files will be searched from the start time to the end timeentered here when the user press the SEARCH/MODE button later for thematched files. Press +/- buttons to modify each item.• Matched file List – the matched files (HDD ID & time are shown) according tothe selected search time, camera, and motion masks. The files are shown fromthe oldest to the newest, and its page number is shown on the lower-left corner.The user may (1) press ENTER to enter Smart Search Playback display of theselected matched file in this list, (2) press Play Button ( ) (Mouse: Leftclick twice) to playback it directly, or (3) press Copy Button ( ) (Mouse:Left click) to backup (copy) the selected recorded video/audio to the connectedbackup device without playback. The Backup display (described in Section 7.5)will be shown. Please note that this kind of backup without playback isperformed in the background, and the user can still do almost all theoperations. Please also note that the playback (or backup) can walk acrossall the matched files. Please refer to Section 7.7 Playback For Smart Search forthe detailed operations for smart search playback.• Area.. – the motion areas for the camera to be searched for matched files. Thefiles with motion covering all the motion areas will be selected as matched.Press ENTER (Mouse: Left click) in Area.. to call up Motion Area Settingscreen as shown below. In Motion Area Setting screen, the video area is dividedinto many small grids, and the gray areas shown on the screen are the areaswhich will be checked for matched motion. Besides, there is a (yellow) Maskwindow. Please note that based on the search algorithm, there will be morematched files for smaller areas.- 55 -

7.3 Smart SearchThe screen for Smart Search is shown below:The Status field will show the ‘Recorded from’ time in the HDDs before searching orthe search result after searching.The general operations are as below:• ▲▼◄► (Mouse: Left click)Press these buttons to select the items.• ESC (Mouse: Right Click)Press this button to escape from this screen, and return to split-window display.• SEARCH / MODE (Mouse: Left click)Press this button to start searching the recorded video/audio with the selectedsearch time, camera, and motion masks. The search result will be shown on theright half of this dialog. To prevent the system from overloading by SmartSearch, up to 500 matched files or 200 GB of HDD storage for each recordpartition, alarm or normal, from the start time will be searched.• SEQ => Page Up (Mouse: Left click)• CALL => Page Down (Mouse: Left click)Press SEQ/CALL to Page Up/Down the Matched file display.• Numeric (ENTER) (Mouse: Left click in the page number shown)- 54 -

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