Fractional Calculus - Gauge-institute.org

Fractional Calculus - Gauge-institute.org

Fractional Calculus - Gauge-institute.org


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<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal, Volume 5, No 1, February 2009H. Vic Dannon2.2 Direct Derivation of the Fundamental TheoremProof:( −1) d dDF2 ( x ) =f ( x )−12( dx ( − a)) ( dx ( − a))d 1−1= ( x −u) 2f( u)du( − ) Γ()∫( dx a)12u=xu=a−121 d−1= ( x −u) 2f( u)duΓ()dx∫12u=xu=aBy Leibnitz Rule for Differentiation of Integrals, [Spieg, p. 95],ddxu= ψ( x) u=ψ( x)∫ Gxudu ( , ) = ∫ ∂xGxudu ( , ) + ϕ'( xGx ) ( , ϕ( x)) −ψ'( xGx ) ( , ψ( x)).u= ϕ( x) u=ϕ( x)If we take−12Gxu (, ) = ( x− u) fu (), then Gxx (, ) is not defined. Toremove the singularity, we integrate by partsu= x u=xu=x−1 1 1⎡⎤( x − u) 2f( u) du = 2( x u) 2f( u) 2 ( x u) 2⎢ − ⎥ − − f '( u)du⎣⎦∫ ∫u=au= a u=aTherefore,u=x1 12 2=−2( x −a) f( a) −2 ( x −u) f '( u)du∫u=a10

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