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Republic of the PhilippinesCAReer executiVe SerVice boArdNo. 3 Marcelino Street, Holy Spirit Drive, Diliman, Quezon City 1127Tel Nos. 951-4981 to 85 (Trunkline) / 951-3306 (Fax)www.cesboard.gov.phExpression of graveConcern on theInstitution of the CEORank System By theCSCx-------------------------xRESOLUTION NO. 690WHEREAS, under Paragraph 1, Article IV, Part III of the IntegratedReorganization Plan (IRP), as approved under PD No.1 dated September 24,1972, as amended, the Career Executive Service (CES) was created "to forma continuing pool of well-selected and development oriented careeradministrators who shall provide competent and faithful service";WHEREAS, under the same law (Paragraph 2, ibid) a Career ExecutiveService Board (CESB) was created to serve as the governing body of theCareer Executive Service;WHEREAS, Paragraph 5 of the same IRP Article empowers the CESBto promulgate rules, standards and procedures on the selection,classification , compensation and career development of members of theCES;WHEREAS, membership in the CES depends on compliance of thefollowing:• Passing the examinations prescribed by the CESB; and• Appointment by the President to the appropriate class or rankin the CES; (Paragraph a, ibid )WHEREAS, the area of recruitment of CES members shall be"government-wide, with provisions to allow qualified or outstanding menfrom outside the government to enter the service;" (Ibid)1

WHEREAS, salary and status shall be based on rank, not on theposition occupied at any given time. The number and classification of ranksin the service shall be recommended by the CESB and "reviewed andapproved by the President;" (Paragraph 5b, ibid)WHEREAS, members of the CES "shall be divided into a number ofbroad functional groupings based on subject-matter of specialization, not onthe particular department in which the work is done; (Paragraph 5f, ibid)WHEREAS, appointment to appropriate classes or ranks in the CESshall be made by the President from a list of CES eligibles recommended bythe CESB; (Paragraph 5c, ibid)WHEREAS, in Opinion No. 16, S-97, the Secretary of Justice upon therequest of then CESB/CSC Chairman, Corazon Alma C. de Leon, ruled thatthe "authority to prescribe the entrance requirements to third level is vestedupon the CESB, which, as created in PD No. 1 on September 1, 1972, stillexist as an autonomous entity. Notably, the relevant provisions of E.O. 292,relative to the CESB and its express authority to prescribe the entrancerequirements to the third level of the civil service are but a reiteration of itspowers and functions under Article IV, Chapter I, Part III of the IntegratedReorganization Plan;"WHERAS, the promulgation by the CSC of Resolution No. 062246 onthe creation of the Career Executive Officer (CEO) Rank System caught theCESB by surprise and perceives the same as impinging on the powers andprerogatives of the CESB;WHEREAS, the defunct Career Service Eligibility Examination (CSEE)of the CSC had caused confusion and apprehensions in the CES;WHEREAS, the CEO ranking system will again sow confusion andapprehensions in the bureaucracy as in fact, a number of incumbent CESOsare now asking whether the CEO rank will now supplant the CES rankingsystem.WHEREFORE, RESOLVE AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that thisexpression of grave concern be communicated to the Civil ServiceCommission with the request that implementation of CSC Resolution No.062246 particularly the conferment of CEO ranks scheduled on 26September 2007 be held in abeyance pending mutual consultations on howthe problem of Third Level government personnel can be better addressedwith due regard on the laws governing the same.2

City.Adopted this 21 st day of September 2007 at the CESB Office, Quezon3

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