2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

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IV International Workshop on Immune Tolerance in Hemophilia 15the A2 domain has been described that recognizeswild-type FVIII but not the endogenous FVIII A2domain. 48An inhibitor with specificity confined to the A1domain was identified in a severe hemophilia Apatient who had a deletion of the A1 domain, butnevertheless produced detectable circulating FVIIIantigen. 49 Three type II inhibitory autoantibodieshave been identified that recognize the A3domain, and not the C2 domain, which typicallyis the target of type II antibodies. 50 These antibodiescirculate as immune complexes with FVIII,which has not been previously described.It is unusual for previously treated patients withhemophilia A to develop an inhibitor if they havenot developed one within the first year of treatment.18,51 Outbreaks of C2-specific inhibitorshave been described in previously treated hemophiliaA patients receiving specific lots of plasmaderivedFVIII. 52,53 The C2-specificity is remarkablebecause it is unusual in the hemophilia A population.The results suggest that exposure to denaturedforms of FVIII or generation of a neoepitopemay be immunogenic.The immunogenicity of FVIII in murinehemophilia AThe analysis of FVIII inhibitors is man is limitedby the inaccessibility of lymphoid tissue andthe difficulty associated with cloning antigen-specificB-cells. The polyclonal nature of the inhibitorantibody population makes functional and structuralanalysis of B-cell epitopes difficult. Only twohuman monoclonal antibodies have been produced(vide supra), in contrast to the potentialease of generation of murine monoclonal antibodies.Thus, the analysis of the immune responseto FVIII in mice holds considerable promise as amodel. There are two strains of FVIII knockoutmice, 54 which were produced by targeted disruptionof the FVIII gene at exons 16 and 17 encodingthe A3 domain. The E16 and E17 mice haveidentical phenotypes in studies to date. The micehave no measurable FVIII and have a bleedingdiathesis. However, they synthesize detectableamounts of FVIII antigen due to the fact that theFVIII gene is disrupted near to the middle of thesequence encoding protein. 55 In contrast, secretionof potentially tolerizing FVIII antigen may bethe exception, rather than the rule, in severehuman hemophilia A. Human hemophilia A isextremely heterogeneous at the genetic level,which probably influences the variability in theimmune response to FVIII. There could be similardifferences in the immune responses in hemophiliaA mice if they are produced by lesions in differentregions of the FVIII gene.When E16 or E17 is infused intravenously withhuman FVIII using a dosage schedule and dosageon a body weight basis that mimics treatment ofsevere hemophilia A in man, almost all develophigh titer inhibitors after two or three doses. 56These mice have a T-cell proliferative response toFVIII, demonstrating that the immune response isT-cell dependent. 56,57 A T-cell proliferativeresponse has also been demonstrated in humanhemophilia A. 58 The murine antibody response isprimarily IgG1-mediated, and to a lesser extentIgG2-mediated. 57 In contrast, when hemophilia Amice are crossed with B7.2 knockout mice, theydo not develop anti-FVIII antibodies or produce aT-cell proliferative response. 59 The fusion proteinCTLA-Ig, which blocks the B7-CD28 interaction,prevents the primary response to FVIII. 59 Theseresults indicate that the B7-CD28 co-stimulatorypathway is necessary for the immune responseto FVIII and suggest a possible therapeuticapproach. Anti-CD40L antibodies also block theprimary response to FVIII in this model. 60,61The murine hemophilia A model has beenadopted widely for development of somatic cellgene therapy of hemophilia A, in which immunogenicityof FVIII 55,62,63 and potential induction oftolerance 64 are major areas of interest.FundingSupported by grants from the National Institutesof Health, R01-HL40921.References1. Laver WG, Air GM, Webster RG, Smith-Gill SJ. Epitopeson protein antigens: misconceptions and realities. Cell1990;61:553-6.2. Jin L, Fendly BM, Wells JA. High resolution functionalanalysis of antibody-antigen interactions. J Mol Biol1992;226:851-65.3. Watts C, Lanzavecchia A. Suppressive effect of antibodyon processing of T cell epitopes. J Exp Med 1993; 178:1459-63.4. Benjamin DC, Berzofsky JA, East IJ, Gurd FR, HannumC, Leach SJ, et al. The antigenic structure of proteins: areappraisal. Ann Rev Immunol 1984;2:67-101.5. Caton AJ, Brownlee GG, Yewdell JW, Gerhard W. 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