2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica 2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

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12P. Lollaragainst a limited number of immunodominantepitopes. For example, the immune response tothe Mr 76,000 influenza A hemagglutinin heterodimeris directed against four immunodominantB-cell epitopes 5 that cover only a fraction ofthe protein surface.The mechanisms that produce this restrictionof the immune response are not known. Oneview is that T-cells orchestrate the process andthe structure of the antigen itself is relativelyunimportant. However, it is possible that thepotential antibody repertoire is biased to recognizeendemic pathogens and to avoid self-reactivespecificities. 6 When there is a loss of tolerance,intrinsic structural properties of the antigen mayinfluence immunodominance. For example, theautoantibody response to cytochrome c found insystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and otherdisorders is directed to a limited number of siteswhich are similar to those recognized by mice thatare immunized with human cytochrome C. 7Analysis of the polyclonal response within asingle immunodominant epitope reveals considerableheterogeneity when the component monoclonalantibodies are studied. An exhaustiveanalysis of the number of anti-hemagglutininmurine B-cell hybridomas produced in responseto infection with an influenza A strain producedan estimate of 1,500 different antibodies in therepertoire directed against the four immunodominantepitopes. 8 Thus, an immunodominantepitope could be viewed as an area underneathan antibody footprint, or set of overlappingfootprints, in which there is considerable variationat the clonal level in the atomic contacts thatdetermine the strength of the interaction.Structural analysis of antigen-antibody complexesby X-ray crystallography has demonstratedthat typically 20-25 amino acid residues of eachcomponent are buried. 9 However, most of thestructural epitope does not contribute significantlyto the binding energy because most of theresidues in contact with antibody can be mutatedwithout loss of binding energy. 10 However,mutation of one of a few key residues typicallyresults in a major decrease in affinity. The set ofthese residues has been defined as the functionalepitope. 2,10FVIII structure and functionWith this background, we can discuss factorVIII (FVIII) as a potential target of the immunesystem. FVIII is a large, complex plasma glycoprotein.It contains 2,332 amino acids and ispost-translationally glycosylated and sulfated. Themolecular weight of the mature protein is approximately300,000. FVIII circulates bound noncovalentlyto von Willebrand factor (vWf). vWfis a huge, multimeric protein that weights severalmillion Daltons and has a hydrodynamicradius in the submicron range. 11 Thus, the FVIIIvWfcomplex may look something like a bacteriumor virus to the immune system. Disruption ofthis interaction, for example in severe von Willebrand’sdisease or naturally occurring vWf mutations,results in rapid clearance of FVIII and a secondarydeficiency of FVIII.FVIII contains a sequence of domains designatedA1-A2-B-ap-A3-C1-C2, where ap is an activationpeptide. FVIII is cleaved intracellularly withinthe B domain by a protease known asPACE/furin. 12 This results in fragmentation ofthe B domain and production of a heterodimer,which still requires proteolytic activation in thecoagulation cascade. During the activation ofFVIII by thrombin, cleavages occur between A1and A2 at Arg 372 , between A2 and B at Arg 740 , andbetween ap and A3 at Arg 1689 . Consequently, theB domain fragments and the acidic 41-residue appeptide are released, producing an A1/A2/A3-C1-C2 activated FVIII (FVIIIa) heterotrimer. 13 FVIIIalso can be activated by factor Xa, 14 which producesa more complex cleavage pattern. 15The only known function of FVIII is to participate,in activated form, as a cofactor for factor IXaduring intrinsic pathway factor X activation. Theenzymatic complex consists of factor IXa, FVIIIaand factor X on a phospholipid membrane surface.FVIII is assayed in coagulation or chromogenicassays under conditions in which it islimiting relative to factor IXa, factor X and phospholipid.Inhibitory antibodies are most commonlymeasured using the Bethesda assay 16 or theNijmegen modification of this assay. 17 Theseassays measure the loss of FVIII activity in a coagulationassay and return a single number — thedilution of antibody sample that produces 50%inhibition — as a global measurement of inhibitoryantibody activity.FVIII inhibitorsThe FVIII molecule represents the most commonlytargeted plasma protein for the developmentof inhibitory antibodies. Hemophilia A isthe most common severe hereditary bleeding disorderand produces a clinical setting in whichpatients are infused with a potentially immunogenicprotein. Most patients with severe hemophiliahave gene deletions, insertions, inversionsor nonsense mutations, all of which could possiblylead to complete lack of circulating FVIII. Inthis setting FVIII would represent a foreign proteinand would be fair game for the immune system.Alloantibodies arise in approximately 25%of patients with hemophilia A 18 and it is perhapssurprising that the incidence is not higher.Patients with severe hemophilia usually do nothave detectable levels of FVIII antigen. However,it is possible that in some of these patients, thereis a small amount of antigen that is sufficient toproduce tolerance.It is not possible to predict whether a previouslyuntreated patient with hemophilia A will developan inhibitor. However, patients with missensemutations and circulating levels of FVIII antigenare less likely to develop inhibitors, either becauseof a state of immune tolerance or because themissense mutation does not produce severehaematologica vol. 88(supplement n. 12):september 2003

IV International Workshop on Immune Tolerance in Hemophilia 13hemophilia and the frequency of FVIII infusionsis less common. Occasionally, patients with missensemutations develop inhibitors in responseto increased FVIII usage.Additionally, FVIII is the most likely coagulationprotein to be targeted in autoimmune reactions,producing a condition termed acquiredhemophilia or acquired hemophilia A. The incidenceof this condition is very low, being approximately1 in 5 million people. It usually manifestsas a serious bleeding disorder, which anecdotally,and for unknown reasons, is more severethan when inhibitory antibodies develop inpatients with hemophilia A. FVIII autoantibodiesdevelop in a variety of clinical settings, includingthe postpartum period, systemic lupus erythematosus,and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Inapproximately 50% of the cases, acquired hemophiliais idiopathic. 19In both hemophilia A and acquired hemophilia,FVIII inhibitors are polyclonal IgG populationsthat are usually directed toward more than oneepitope. For unknown reasons, the IgG4 subclassis more common in plasma of inhibitor patientsthan in the normal population. Inhibitors areclassified into two types. 20,21 Type I inhibitorsinactivate FVIII completely with second-orderkinetics, which would be expected for a simplebimolecular antigen-antibody reaction. Type IIinhibitors inactivate FVIII incompletely and displaymore complex kinetics of inhibition. Mostautoantibody patients have type II inhibitors. Inmost cases, type II inhibitors behave like type Iinhibitors when they are tested against FVIII inthe absence of vWf, indicating that inhibition bythe type II antibodies is blocked due to competitionfor binding by vWf. 22FVIII domains recognized by inhibitoryantibodiesA comprehensive analysis of the antibodyresponse to FVIII in either human disease or inanimal models does not yet exist. A hierarchicalanalysis would answer whether: 1) the humoralimmune response is restricted to only some of theFVIII domains; 2) antibody binding to epitopesin different domains is independent or co-operative;3) there are single or multiple immunodominantepitopes within a domain; 4) andwhether there is variation in the amino acidswithin a single FVIII epitope (corresponding toan antibody footprint) that contribute significantlyto antibody binding energy.SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysisof FVIII reveals bands corresponding to FVIIIheavy chain (A1-A2-B) and light chain (ap-A3-C1-C2). After exposure to thrombin, the threeheterotrimer bands, A1, A2, and A3-C1-C2, areapparent. Initial epitope mapping studies byWestern blotting of purified FVIII revealed thatmost patients’ antibodies bound to the A2 andA3-C1-C2 domains. 23 The relative lack of anti-A1 reactivity was an early indicator that the B-cell response to FVIII was restricted. Subsequently,the C2 domain was identified as the mostcommon target for anti-light chain antibodies byWestern blotting of defined domain fragments ofrecombinant FVIII produced in E. coli. 24,25 Anti-A3antibodies were also detected, although less frequently.Some inhibitory antibodies do not binddenatured FVIII in Western blotting experimentsand can be detected by immunoprecipitationusing soluble FVIII fragments. 26An important complementary method to Westernblotting analysis is antibody neutralization, inwhich recombinant or plasma-derived fragmentsof FVIII are used to block inhibitory antibodies.25,27,28 The sum of neutralization of inhibitoryactivity by the A2 domain and FVIII light chain(ap-A3-C1-C2) fragment approaches 100% inmost cases, 28 indicating that antibodies to the A1domain do not contribute significantly to mostinhibitor titers. By comparing antibody neutralizationby the ap-A3-C1-C2 fragment to that bythe C2 fragment, the relative contribution of anti-C2 antibodies can be assessed. Most anti-lightchain activity is against the C2 domain, althoughin some plasmas there is significant activityagainst ap-A3-C1. The dominant inhibitors inmost autoantibody plasmas are directed onlyagainst C2 or A2, but not both. In contrast, mosthemophilia A inhibitor plasmas recognize multipleepitopes. However, the similarity betweenalloantibodies and autoantibodies is perhaps morestriking than the difference, because the A2 andC2 domains are immunodominant in both settings,despite the different immunologic backgroundsfrom which they arise.Mechanism of action of FVIII inhibitorsFVIIIa binds factor IXa, 29 phospholipid 30 andfactor X 31 in the intrinsic FXase complex. Thus,disruptions of any of these interactions by anantibody could be inhibitory and all these possibilitieshave been observed. Additionally,inhibitors could function by binding to sites thatare recognized by thrombin or factor Xa. However,this mechanism of action has not been convincinglydemonstrated.Anti-A2 inhibitors inhibit intrinsic FXase noncompetitively,i.e., most likely by blocking thebinding of FVIIIa to factor X. 31 However, inhibitionof binding of FVIIIa to factor IXa by anti-A2inhibitors also has been observed. 32 Many, if notall, anti-C2 antibodies inhibit the binding of FVIIIto phospholipid. 33 However, the C2 domain alsobinds vWf, 34,35 at or near the phospholipid bindingsite. Thus, vWF could interfere with the bindingof anti-C2 antibodies, producing the type IIantibody pattern described above. Consistentwith this, polyclonal patients’ antibodies that recognizeonly the C2 domain are much more commonin autoantibody patients, 28 in whom mosttype II antibodies are found. 20,22Thus, another possible mechanism of action ofinhibitors could be to block the binding of FVIIIto vWf. In contrast to disruption of the intrinsicFXase complex or inhibition of proteolytic acti-haematologica vol. 88(supplement n. 12):september 2003

12P. Lollaragainst a limited number of immunodominantepitopes. For example, the immune response tothe Mr 76,000 influenza A hemagglutinin heterodimeris directed against four immunodominantB-cell epitopes 5 that cover only a fraction ofthe protein surface.The mechanisms that produce this restrictionof the immune response are not known. Oneview is that T-cells orchestrate the process andthe structure of the antigen itself is relativelyunimportant. However, it is possible that thepotential antibody repertoire is biased to recognizeendemic pathogens and to avoid self-reactivespecificities. 6 When there is a loss of tolerance,intrinsic structural properties of the antigen mayinfluence immunodominance. For example, theautoantibody response to cytochrome c found insystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and otherdisorders is directed to a limited number of siteswhich are similar to those recognized by mice thatare immunized with human cytochrome C. 7Analysis of the polyclonal response within asingle immunodominant epitope reveals considerableheterogeneity when the component monoclonalantibodies are studied. An exhaustiveanalysis of the number of anti-hemagglutininmurine B-cell hybridomas produced in responseto infection with an influenza A strain producedan estimate of 1,500 different antibodies in therepertoire directed against the four immunodominantepitopes. 8 Thus, an immunodominantepitope could be viewed as an area underneathan antibody footprint, or set of overlappingfootprints, in which there is considerable variationat the clonal level in the atomic contacts thatdetermine the strength of the interaction.Structural analysis of antigen-antibody complexesby X-ray crystallography has demonstratedthat typically 20-25 amino acid residues of eachcomponent are buried. 9 However, most of thestructural epitope does not contribute significantlyto the binding energy because most of theresidues in contact with antibody can be mutatedwithout loss of binding energy. 10 However,mutation of one of a few key residues typicallyresults in a major decrease in affinity. The set ofthese residues has been defined as the functionalepitope. 2,10FVIII structure and functionWith this background, we can discuss factorVIII (FVIII) as a potential target of the immunesystem. FVIII is a large, complex plasma glycoprotein.It contains 2,332 amino acids and ispost-translationally glycosylated and sulfated. Themolecular weight of the mature protein is approximately300,000. FVIII circulates bound noncovalentlyto von Willebrand factor (vWf). vWfis a huge, multimeric protein that weights severalmillion Daltons and has a hydrodynamicradius in the submicron range. 11 Thus, the FVIIIvWfcomplex may look something like a bacteriumor virus to the immune system. Disruption ofthis interaction, for example in severe von Willebrand’sdisease or naturally occurring vWf mutations,results in rapid clearance of FVIII and a secondarydeficiency of FVIII.FVIII contains a sequence of domains designatedA1-A2-B-ap-A3-C1-C2, where ap is an activationpeptide. FVIII is cleaved intracellularly withinthe B domain by a protease known asPACE/furin. 12 This results in fragmentation ofthe B domain and production of a heterodimer,which still requires proteolytic activation in thecoagulation cascade. During the activation ofFVIII by thrombin, cleavages occur between A1and A2 at Arg 372 , between A2 and B at Arg 740 , andbetween ap and A3 at Arg 1689 . Consequently, theB domain fragments and the acidic 41-residue appeptide are released, producing an A1/A2/A3-C1-C2 activated FVIII (FVIIIa) heterotrimer. 13 FVIIIalso can be activated by factor Xa, 14 which producesa more complex cleavage pattern. 15The only known function of FVIII is to participate,in activated form, as a cofactor for factor IXaduring intrinsic pathway factor X activation. Theenzymatic complex consists of factor IXa, FVIIIaand factor X on a phospholipid membrane surface.FVIII is assayed in coagulation or chromogenicassays under conditions in which it islimiting relative to factor IXa, factor X and phospholipid.Inhibitory antibodies are most commonlymeasured using the Bethesda assay 16 or theNijmegen modification of this assay. 17 Theseassays measure the loss of FVIII activity in a coagulationassay and return a single number — thedilution of antibody sample that produces 50%inhibition — as a global measurement of inhibitoryantibody activity.FVIII inhibitorsThe FVIII molecule represents the most commonlytargeted plasma protein for the developmentof inhibitory antibodies. Hemophilia A isthe most common severe hereditary bleeding disorderand produces a clinical setting in whichpatients are infused with a potentially immunogenicprotein. Most patients with severe hemophiliahave gene deletions, insertions, inversionsor nonsense mutations, all of which could possiblylead to complete lack of circulating FVIII. Inthis setting FVIII would represent a foreign proteinand would be fair game for the immune system.Alloantibodies arise in approximately 25%of patients with hemophilia A 18 and it is perhapssurprising that the incidence is not higher.Patients with severe hemophilia usually do nothave detectable levels of FVIII antigen. However,it is possible that in some of these patients, thereis a small amount of antigen that is sufficient toproduce tolerance.It is not possible to predict whether a previouslyuntreated patient with hemophilia A will developan inhibitor. However, patients with missensemutations and circulating levels of FVIII antigenare less likely to develop inhibitors, either becauseof a state of immune tolerance or because themissense mutation does not produce severehaematologica vol. 88(supplement n. 12):september <strong>2003</strong>

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