2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

2003; baxter - Supplements - Haematologica

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108L. Nemes et al.trates, plasmapheresis and transfusions).Our ITI protocol consists of 3 weeks of treatmentwithI. human FVIII:1 st week: 30 U/kg/day;2 nd week: 20 U/kg/day;3 rd week: 15 U/kg/day;II. cyclophosphamide:200 mg/day to a total dose of 2-3 grams;III. methylprednisolone:1 st week: 100 mg/day intravenously;2-3 rd week: tapering of the dose gradually.I and II were immediately discontinued ifFVIII:C has been normalized within the 3 weeks oftreatment. After the disappearance of the inhibitorno further maintenance immunosuppression wasgiven. Different high purity (Beriate-P, HaemoctinSDH, Koate-HP, Koate DVI) and ultra-high purity(Octonativ-M, Hemofil-M) FVIII concentrateswere used for the ITI. The laboratory follow upconsisted of aPTT and mixing tests before andafter two hours of incubation, Bethesda inhibitorassay, porcine FVIII cross-reactivity, FVIII:C beforeand after FVIII administration (recovery), threetimes a week.The definition of success was the disappearanceof the inhibitor in the Bethesda assay system andthe persistent normalization of the FVIII:C value(i.e. >70% activity of the normal). The sex ratio,mean age at the diagnosis, the initial and peakinhibitor titers and residual FVIII:C values weresimilar in the two groups. The summarized meanvalues for the entire cohort of the 26 inhibitorpatients are shown in Table 1. The characteristicsof the control and the ITI groups are demonstratedin Tables 2 and 3.Table 1. Summary of the patients’ mean values.Female/male 13/13Age at diagnosis 62 years (27-85 years)Residual FVIII:C 3.94% (1-16%)Initial human inhibitor titer 277,3 BU (2,2-3200 BU)Peak human inhibitor titer 288,5 BU (8-3200 BU)(maximal value after FVIII challenge)Initial porcine cross-reactivity 12,4 IU/mL (0-104 IU/mL)(measured in 11 patients)Peak porcine cross-reactivity 12,7 IU/mL (0-104 IU/mL)(measured in 11 patients)ResultsEradication of the inhibitor occurred in18(19)/20 patients in the ITI group versus 4/6patients in the control group. (One patientachieved complete remission only after a secondcourse of ITI.) The comparison of the results of thecontrol and ITI groups is shown in the Table 4.The main difference between the two groupswas in the time needed for the complete disappearanceof the inhibitor (4,7 weeks for ITI vs.28,3 weeks for controls). In the ITI group we haveobserved only two relapses during the relative longmean follow up period (26,2 months), in whichcases the same re-induction protocol was successfulagain. No bleeding-related mortalityoccurred in the ITI group in contrast to that of33% in the controls. Apart from the well-knownadverse effects of glucocorticoid therapy, we haveobserved only one patient with transient cytopenia,which resolved spontaneously without anyfurther consequence. We have not seen anyadverse event, which could be attributed to theuse of FVIII concentrates.DiscussionOn the basis of some earlier experiences withFVIII administration in autoantibody patients, anew aggressive protocol has been developed in1992 for the ITI treatment of acquired hemophiliapatients presenting with serious bleeds. 20 ThisBudapest protocol consists of three weeks of treatmentwith 1) human FVIII concentrates (30IU/kg/day for the 1 st week, 20 IU/kg/day for the2 nd and 15 IU/kg/day for the 3 rd week), plus 2)intravenous cyclophosphamide (200 mg/day to aTable 2. Control group.initials sex F/M age at Dx underlying condition initial bleeding res.FVIII:C(%) initial BIA rem.time* rem.duration° eradication1. J.H. F 36 PSS sc.,musc.hematomas 1 3200 − 3 CPH+steroid2. M.O. F 66 idiopathic sc.,musc.hematomas 2 610 8 36 steroid3. B.K.V F 27 postpartum uterine 2 5.5 3 1 steroid4. M.M. F 85 idiopathic hematuria 1 15 107 12 steroid5. S.B. M 69 idiopathic pharyngeal 5 20 2 3 steroid6. A.Cs. M 62 idiopathic femoral 1 437 − − CPH+steroidMean 57.5 2 714 28.25 13*remission time: time needed to achieve remission in weeks; °remission duration: duration of remission (follow-up) in months; BIA: Bethesda inhibitor assay; CPH: cyclophosphamide;PSS: progressive systemic sclerosis.haematologica vol. 88(supplement n. 12):september <strong>2003</strong>

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