B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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t may seem ted<strong>io</strong>us to continuouslysuggest that we are living in changingItimes when it seems obv<strong>io</strong>us that life isin perpetual mot<strong>io</strong>n and by that very fact,it is changing. Maybe we need to make adistinct<strong>io</strong>n between changing times in aneasy-going, moving forward, adjusting tothe natural changes kind of year, and thehuge energy shifts that propel us to have toadjust in big ways.Using a recent example close tohome, South Africa was a very differentplace at the end of 1995 to what itwas at the beginning of 1994. In 1994Pluto was moving out of Scorp<strong>io</strong> andby 1995 it had moved into Sagittarius.The consc<strong>io</strong>usness of the masses wasready for change, the condit<strong>io</strong>ns andcircumstances were ripe, and the keyplayers were in place. South Africa wasready to initiate the changes that wereimminent and no longer avoidable. Therewas a deconstruct<strong>io</strong>n and a reconstruct<strong>io</strong>nas is relevant to the nature of Pluto. And soit is that we will look back in time and notethat life at the end of 2008 was different tothe beginning of 2007. We are at a pivotalpoint of facing change on a large scaleagain. Our level of personal discomfortwill be measured only by the degree towhich we have difficulty or ease adjustingto these changes.The cycle of Pluto is 284 years in itsorbit around the earth, although Plutoonly spent 7 years in Scorp<strong>io</strong> and 12 inSagittarius, he will be in Capricorn forapproximately 16 years, until 2024. Thenature of the archetypal energy of Pluto istransformat<strong>io</strong>n and transcendence. Whenwe are working in a positive manner withPlutonic energy we are personally empoweredand when using it wisely, manycan benefit. This is the time for breakingdown to build anew, especially outwornstructures and infrastructures. It is atime to move away from the old and theuseless to create space for the new, but notto annihilate what exists, just because wecan. It is an energy that works best for thegeneral good of all and not for individualselfish egotistical purposes. Pluto is aboutthe use, but not the abuse of power. Duringthe next year, we can look at this in moredepth but all aspects of life that fall underthe rulership of Capricorn will be affectedand with Pluto working positively, majorrestructuring and advancement can occur,but in some areas maybe some destruct<strong>io</strong>nprecedes this.In Rex Bills’ book of rulership, amongthe countries that are ruled by CapricornCosmicDirect<strong>io</strong>nsBernadette Medderof Cosmic Direct<strong>io</strong>nsConsultant and Teachersince 1993021 794 4150 orcosmicdirect<strong>io</strong>ns@icon.co.zagetting ready forPluto intoCapricornare Afghanistan, Bosnia, Greece, Mexicoand India. The Hindu relig<strong>io</strong>n is also ment<strong>io</strong>ned.Industry and profess<strong>io</strong>ns that aremost likely to be affected covers architects,as well as builders, especially bricklayersand even the bricks they lay. Looking closeto home, it is blatantly apparent that weare going to have to find effective means ofbuilding homes faster. This pressure couldaccelerate the need for resourcefulness.Capricorn rules the skeleton.Anyone working with bones such aschiropractors, osteopaths and all aspectsof orthopedics will be affected. The nextper<strong>io</strong>d could well prove to be the trueage of the b<strong>io</strong>nic body. Attent<strong>io</strong>n on the<strong>ph</strong>armaceutical industry that promotesbone density products also comes to mind.Farms and farmers, often referred to as thebackbone of a country, forests and mountainsare all current areas of concern. Themarathon task of finding solut<strong>io</strong>ns will besupported by this resourceful Pluto timebut the problem is, how bad does it have toget before there is a turnaround? The pyramids,caves and dark places also fall underCapricorn rulership. Many predict<strong>io</strong>nshave been made about discoveries still tobe made in the pyramids, but secrets of thepast, prev<strong>io</strong>usly hidden in caves and darkplaces, have a good opportunity of beingdiscovered over the next 16 years.Last but not least, Capricorn rulesgovernment structures, the economyand in general terms, business. This is anarea of concern for many, especially sincethere is talk and predict<strong>io</strong>ns about theeconomic collapse of the world. Pluto’sarchetypal energy is hugely powerful tobuild, transform and transcend. It is amodern planet only discovered in 1930. In1945 Saturn and Pluto were together whenAmerica dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.It brought an end to World War 2 and wasthe beginning of a reconstruct<strong>io</strong>n per<strong>io</strong>d.Saturn and Pluto are conjunct again in2020 a time for further lessons of the useand abuse of power.Coming back to the here and now, themost interesting sky pattern for this per<strong>io</strong>dis the full moon in the afternoon of the24th November. There is a grand square, apicture of planets in four spots in the skyin posit<strong>io</strong>n where they are held togetherby tens<strong>io</strong>n. I have prev<strong>io</strong>usly referred tothis as a cosmic boxing ring. Althoughthere is tens<strong>io</strong>n, there is no growth orchange, nothing much happens, there isorder wh<strong>ile</strong> everyone holding their posit<strong>io</strong>nholds it together, but all that becomesa little chaotic when one of them breaksaway, or meta<strong>ph</strong>orically speaking, “throwsthe first punch”.The fact that the Moon’s nodes andSaturn are involved, indicates that thehand of destiny is at play and that all willbe revealed when the time is right. Inthis picture, we find Pluto and Jupitersitting together in Sagittarius, observingbut not part of the dynamic. Mars, theplanet associated with act<strong>io</strong>n, is weak andineffective in its’ sign and because it is inretrograde mot<strong>io</strong>n. Although all threeouter planets are moving forward, Mars iscreating more frustrat<strong>io</strong>n, irritat<strong>io</strong>n andmuch niggling, and less act<strong>io</strong>n.In the last month of this year, it seemsas though Jupiter is accompanying Plutoout of Sagittarius, into his new sign. Thistime is right for those who are preparedto take a leap of faith into the future. Bynow you know what you need to address,change or let go of. You can’t leap into thefuture weighed down with the baggage ofthe past. This is personal for those born afew days before and after 19th of December,June, March and September.The New Moon in October in Libra hasa planetary pattern of hope in a kite format<strong>io</strong>nwith the focal point to the Moon’snodes, promising that as you sow, so shallyou reap, and the consequences of past act<strong>io</strong>nswill now be activated. A grand trinein water signs is held until the Novemberfull Moon, this can be an emot<strong>io</strong>nallycharged time, but it is creative and spiritual.This is a good time for working withenergetic healing, of the self, the earth andworld.64 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

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