B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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herbsforhealthHerbs foreveryday ailmentsby Nicci HayesHerbal Teas (or Infus<strong>io</strong>ns)When making an infus<strong>io</strong>n (or indeed any herbal remedy) remember to use organicallygrown herbs, and to wash the plant matter before you begin. Use the best quality wateryou have, as water with a high lime content is less efficient at extracting the medicinalproperties from herbs. Don’t panic about exact quantities - different plants have differentconcentrat<strong>io</strong>ns of active ingredients anyway. As a rough guideline for infus<strong>io</strong>ns use an 8cmsprig per cup (or 10 mls chopped fresh herbs, or a teaspoonful of dried herbs - althoughfresh herbs are preferable). Pour boiling water over the herbs. Place a saucer over the cup toprevent "goodness" escaping in the steam, and leave to steep for about five minutes. It reallyis as simple as making tea. (Remember to strain before drinking if you have chopped upthe leaves.) Add a little honey if you find the infus<strong>io</strong>n a little bland or distasteful. A genericguideline is to drink about three cups a day. Never drink the same herbal tea for more thanthree weeks at a stretch.LAVENDERLavender takes pride of place for me, notbecause it is particularlyversat<strong>ile</strong> as a healingherb - others such as fennel and yarrowfar outstrip it in that regard; but becauseit is just so beautiful. Said to bring protect<strong>io</strong>nto the household if planted at the frontgate, lavender has long been afavourite inthe garden, in herb lore, and in the medicinechest. Its Latin origin "lavare" to wash,bears testimony not only to it's refreshingsmell but also to antiseptic qualities.Much fuss is made in some books aboutensuring that only the flower of EnglishLavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is usedas a healing herb but in this (as in manythings) I follow Yvette van Wyk, one of ourbest-know South African gurus on herbs.Yvette suggests that all major species,including the French (Lavandula dentata)are fine, and that all aerial parts are usable.Lavender is perhaps best known asa headache cure. (Always remember ofcourse that the cause of a headache shouldbe investigated especially if headachespersist. Many headaches are simply theresult of mild dehydrat<strong>io</strong>n, and can thus bebest dealt with by drinking a tall glass ofclean water.Other common causes of headachesare constipat<strong>io</strong>n, neck tens<strong>io</strong>n, allergens,and bad lighting.) Lavender is particularlyeffective as a relief from tens<strong>io</strong>n headaches.Make a strong cup of lavender tea(officially called an infus<strong>io</strong>n - see box onmaking infus<strong>io</strong>ns). Sip the tea, and inhalethe wonderful smell for (almost) instantsoothing.Lavender is also fantastic for insomnia.Drink a cup of tea just before bedtime, orsleep with a sprig between your pillowand pillowcase. Also good for calming thenerves, lifting the spirits, and curing sorethroats (gargle with a warm infus<strong>io</strong>n) andbad breath (due not only to its sweet smellbut also its antiseptic qualities).As an antiseptic, I find the essentialoil the most convenient and never travelwithout it. (It is essential to use organicessential oils, as there are no pesticide orfungicide residues. The distillat<strong>io</strong>n processis also done slowly, with as little heat andpressure as possible. This ensures the therapeuticvalue of the oil.) It is mild enoughto be used straight on the skin if necessaryand is great for insect bites and smallinjuries. Ideally it should be combined withwarm water to clean out grazes, small cuts,and the like, and can also be used like thisas a gargle (add about 5 drops to a glass ofwarm water). Apply a drop to each templefor headache relief.Lavender oil is one of the best treatmentsfor minor burns. (Apply only afterthe burn has cooled.) Add a few drops ofessential oil to the bath to relieve tens<strong>io</strong>n,and to take the sting out of sunburn. Lavenderis one of the essential oils that is mildenough to be safe for children.BULBINE FRUTESCENS(I use the Latin name to avoid confus<strong>io</strong>n asthe common names bulbinella and bulbineseem to lead to arguments in herbs circles.The plant I mean has long thinnish succulentleaves, and spike-like clusters of smallyellow or orange star-shaped flowers.)This wonderful indigenous plant is, likeLavender, an outstanding remedy for minorburns, cuts and abras<strong>io</strong>ns, and insectbites. Simply break off a leaf and squeezethe juice or jelly onto affected areas.The ease of applicat<strong>io</strong>n makes this anexcellent herb to plant with your culinaryherbs just outside the kitchen door - not tocook with,but to use for kitchen mishapslike burns and cuts.The juice of Bulbine frutescens alsohelps to stop bleeding. Use also for roughand cracked skin and lips, ringworm, andcold sores. Scabies also seems relieved byregular applicat<strong>io</strong>n, but remember thatScabies is caused by a small bug, so anytreatment of scabies must be holistic andinclude thorough laundering and ironingof bedding and clothes (to get rid of familyand friends).BulbinefrutescensLavandulaangustifoliaB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>53

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