B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

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Eden CampusNewsletterby Nidhi ChaitowKey Role and Purpose of EdenCampusTo consciously create a financially andenvironmentally sustainable green businessschool that educates and transformsindividuals from impoverished communitiesin the Southern Cape in entrepreneurshipand enterprise.Eden Students CommunityHomework Project Inconjunction with 7 Up YouthInitiativePart of student life at Eden Campusis commitment to community outreachand our Afrikaans speaking students aretransported twice a week by local farmersto 3 different centres where they helplocal children with their homework. Thisinitiative has brought encouragement tolocal communities and has brought hopeand promise to so many children who havebeen struggling to achieve their academicoutcomes.Environmental ProjectOn a recent visit to Sedgefield we visitedthe local Recycling project.Jocelynn Jacobs, Johan Minnies andAlexis Jansen visit Sedgefield’s RecyclingProject.The man in charge is Rejoice Gawie, alocal resident from Smutsville who has setup a small recycling project in Smutsvilleas well, beginning with the primary schoolpupils.This Recycling project employs sevenlocal people. The employees sort the wasteinto different corners divided as follows:plastic, cartons, metals, glass, office waste,cans, etc.The Municipality collects part of thewaste and the others are sold to differentrecycling organisations. The waste alsogets donated to schools in the surroundingareas for use in creating artwork.We at Eden Campus identified thatthe community of Karatara has very littleknowledge of recycling. We found thisproject to be very motivating and are inthe planning process of creating our ownRecycling Bin in Karatara. We are workinghand in hand with Rejoice Gawie of SedgefieldRecycling, The Knysna Municipalityand The Karatara Community.Watch this space for further developmentconcerning our project.Contact usEden Campus, P.O. Box 4, Karatara 6580Office: 044 356 2789info@edencampus.co.zawww.edencampus.co.zaStudents present their business plans andstrategies for taking their businesses forwardEden Campus Soccer Team with coachAngelo D’AmbrosioAnd our cheer-leaders giving rhythmic andjoyous support to their soccer teamThe Joy of Life – Henry WitbooiTo wake up early in the morning and seea flower fill of dew drops dancing in themorning breeze.To hear birds greeting the new day withgrateful songs in their hearts.To inhale the smell of the early morningcoffee hanging in the air.To hear the voices and see the faces offriends and family and to know that you areloved.So often we forget the things that reallymatter in life. Between all the importantbusiness meetings, the lunch with importantbusiness clients and friends, the longhours at the office, frustrating traffic jamsand coming late at homes there are childrenlonging for their parents. Butch, the familydog sitting lonely with his rubber toy in hismouth, waiting for his human family to play.We forgot the first steps of a baby and thatlittle smile that makes your knees go numb.The miracle of seeing seasons come and goand that fresh smell of dry earth after thefirst rains.The laughter of children at a jungle gym.The joy of a reunion between friends andfamily. And the first kiss.Between the happiness and joy of birthdayparties and the tears of being scared of thedark, there is something mystical that cannotbe described.To me that is the true joy of life.48 Biophile Issue 18

Honouring Traditional Wellbeing - NUI100% Certified Organic Skin CareWhat are you willing to put into yourbody? Do you choose to stay away fromchemicals, additives and preservatives ……?Are you making conscious choices aroundwhat supports your health? What gives yourbody the essentials to be healthy, energeticand naturally beautiful?Well done for making these choices!Well done for being aware that you have thepower to make choices that enable you tolive in harmony naturally within your bodyand your environment.What do you put onto your skin to nourishit? To keep it protected, healthy andyoung? We need to make the same consciouschoices. Your body gets filled withwhat goes onto/into your skin!Off course you are aware of this! Butwhere to get something that isn’t full of sh.t?NUI creates a Skin Care Range that isbased on age old traditional recipes. There isnothing in these products that hasn’t beenavailable for hundreds of years. Natural,alchemical processes that have been used tocreate beauty care products forever.In addition to being a completely natural,100% Certified Organic and a Fair Tradeproduct (what more could you want?), theNUI Skin Care Range is based on wonderfulVirgin Coconut Oil (VCO). VirginCoconut Oil is known as ‘The Healthiest OilNUI SKIN CAREin the World’ ! This is true for its nutritionalbenefits as well as its amazing nurturingand healing properties for the skin.The moisturizing and protecting propertiesof this oil are becoming increasinglypopular again. Island communities aroundthe world have benefited from VCO forcenturies.The NUI Skin Care Range is one of a veryfew 100% Certified and Fair Trade ranges inthe world. This holistic approach makes theproducts unique. But there is more to theseinternationally acclaimed products than thehigh ethical and sustainable principles ofthe company producing them.All processing, starting with that of theVirgin Coconut Oil to the actual blending ofthe natural ingredients, is done with utmostcare. The alchemical process (in contrast toa chemical process) ensures that the desiredbeneficial and natural properties of the substancesare preserved. Traditional methodsuse cold processing formulas to preservethe life force of all the original substances.Clean, simple, powerful – on your skin.With so much conversation going onabout the possible dangers of phthalates,sodium lauryl-sulphates plus other petrochemicalsubstances you will be relieved toknow that none of these substances are usedin the NUI Skin Care range. Irrespectiveof the potential hazards in using thesesubstances on your skin, they are obviouslya burden to the environment due to thechemical refining process they are takenthrough. The traditional processes used tocreate the NUI products do not requireany of these and thus provide you with oneof the safest and healthiest alternativesavailable.The NUI range has convinced customersin Australia, Europe, England, Japan andCanada. The Fair Trade and Certified Organicrange provides you with a simple butcomplete selection of body care productsdesigned to give you a fresh start to everyday.Enjoy your next bath or shower with ourLemongrass & Ginger Liquid Body Washor hard Body Bar (also available in otherfragrances) or try our luscious Body Butteras a day or night cream. Sensitive enough tobe used on the face you will find a fragranceto suit your mood and skin type.NUI is currently available at selectedretailers in Gauteng and Western Cape andon the Internet via online shops.For a brochure with the full range or moreinformation on NUI please contact:Henrike Lombardozzi on076 1120 547 or e-mailhenrike@africanpacific.comor get more information on the benefits ofVirgin Coconut Oil via our website: www.nuicoconut.comBiophile Issue 1849

Honouring Tradit<strong>io</strong>nal Wellbeing - NUI100% Certified Organic Skin CareWhat are you willing to put into yourbody? Do you choose to stay away fromchemicals, additives and preservatives ……?Are you making consc<strong>io</strong>us choices aroundwhat supports your health? What gives yourbody the essentials to be healthy, energeticand naturally beautiful?Well done for making these choices!Well done for being aware that you have thepower to make choices that enable you tolive in harmony naturally within your bodyand your environment.What do you put onto your skin to nourishit? To keep it protected, healthy andyoung? We need to make the same consc<strong>io</strong>uschoices. Your body gets filled withwhat goes onto/into your skin!Off course you are aware of this! Butwhere to get something that isn’t full of sh.t?NUI creates a Skin Care Range that isbased on age old tradit<strong>io</strong>nal recipes. There isnothing in these products that hasn’t beenavailable for hundreds of years. Natural,alchemical processes that have been used tocreate beauty care products forever.In addit<strong>io</strong>n to being a completely natural,100% Certified Organic and a Fair Tradeproduct (what more could you want?), theNUI Skin Care Range is based on wonderfulVirgin Coconut Oil (VCO). VirginCoconut Oil is known as ‘The Healthiest OilNUI SKIN CAREin the World’ ! This is true for its nutrit<strong>io</strong>nalbenefits as well as its amazing nurturingand healing properties for the skin.The moisturizing and protecting propertiesof this oil are becoming increasinglypopular again. Island communities aroundthe world have benefited from VCO forcenturies.The NUI Skin Care Range is one of a veryfew 100% Certified and Fair Trade ranges inthe world. This holistic approach makes theproducts unique. But there is more to theseinternat<strong>io</strong>nally acclaimed products than thehigh ethical and sustainable principles ofthe company producing them.All processing, starting with that of theVirgin Coconut Oil to the actual blending ofthe natural ingredients, is done with utmostcare. The alchemical process (in contrast toa chemical process) ensures that the desiredbeneficial and natural properties of the substancesare preserved. Tradit<strong>io</strong>nal methodsuse cold processing formulas to preservethe life force of all the original substances.Clean, simple, powerful – on your skin.With so much conversat<strong>io</strong>n going onabout the possible dangers of <strong>ph</strong>thalates,sodium lauryl-sul<strong>ph</strong>ates plus other petrochemicalsubstances you will be relieved toknow that none of these substances are usedin the NUI Skin Care range. Irrespectiveof the potential hazards in using thesesubstances on your skin, they are obv<strong>io</strong>uslya burden to the environment due to thechemical refining process they are takenthrough. The tradit<strong>io</strong>nal processes used tocreate the NUI products do not requireany of these and thus provide you with oneof the safest and healthiest alternativesavailable.The NUI range has convinced customersin Australia, Europe, England, Japan andCanada. The Fair Trade and Certified Organicrange provides you with a simple butcomplete select<strong>io</strong>n of body care productsdesigned to give you a fresh start to everyday.Enjoy your next bath or shower with ourLemongrass & Ginger Liquid Body Washor hard Body Bar (also available in otherfragrances) or try our lusc<strong>io</strong>us Body Butteras a day or night cream. Sensitive enough tobe used on the face you will find a fragranceto suit your mood and skin type.NUI is currently available at selectedreta<strong>ile</strong>rs in Gauteng and Western Cape andon the Internet via online shops.For a brochure with the full range or moreinformat<strong>io</strong>n on NUI please contact:Henrike Lombardozzi on076 1120 547 or e-mailhenrike@africanpacific.comor get more informat<strong>io</strong>n on the benefits ofVirgin Coconut Oil via our website: www.nuicoconut.comB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>49

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