B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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hurricane. Is it possible that themanifestat<strong>io</strong>n of ominous stormsdoes not impel humanity to reflectas to whence comes such imbalancethat not only hurricanes andearthquakes, but even floods reachthe highest dimens<strong>io</strong>ns? It is a factthat mill<strong>io</strong>ns of people have alreadyperished, but the consc<strong>io</strong>usnesscontinues to grow worse. It would befair to ask humanity how many tensof mill<strong>io</strong>ns of victims are requiredbefore a change of consc<strong>io</strong>usness isrecognized.Fiery World II, sloka 211. H. RoerichThere is necessarily a subtleindirect appeal going forthcontinuously from the threesubhuman kingdoms in nature, butthat appeal focuses itself in thehuman kingdom, for that kingdomis the receiving and the transmittingagent for these kingdoms, just asthe Hierarchy has been and is thereceiving and the transmittingagent for every human appeal. Notehere the beautiful interlocking andthe fine interrelat<strong>io</strong>n which has beenestablished by our planetary Logos.Discipleship in the New Age vol II,A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yThe keynote, therefore, of the Lordof the World is HUMANITYfor it is the basis, the goal and theessential inner structure of all being.Humanity itself is the key to allevolut<strong>io</strong>nary processes and to allcorrect understanding of the divinePlan, expressing in time and spacethe divine Purpose… The work ofscience is…simply the developmentof the knowledge of substance and ofform; this knowledge will makeit possible for humanityeventually to act as themajor impressingagent in relat<strong>io</strong>nto the threeEARTH STEWARDSHIPsubhuman kingdoms in nature; thatis humanity's primary responsibility.Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, A.Ba<strong>ile</strong>yNothing which affects humanityor which stimulates it to aforward-moving activity is withoutits inevitable effect upon the threelower kingdoms in nature. Forgetnot! Mankind is the macrocosm tothis threefold lower microcosm.Discipleship in the New Age vol II, A.Ba<strong>ile</strong>yWhat being a naturalist hascome to mean to me, sittingmy mornings and evenings by theriver, hearing the clack of heronsthrough the creak of swallows overthe screams of osprey under the purlof fox sparrows, so far removed fromWhite and Darwin and Leopold andeven Carson, is this: Pay attent<strong>io</strong>nto the mystery. Apprentice to thebest apprentices. Rediscover innature your own b<strong>io</strong>logy. Write andspeak with appreciat<strong>io</strong>n for all youhave been gifted. Recognize that apolitics with no b<strong>io</strong>logy, or a politicswithout field b<strong>io</strong>logy, or a politicalplatform in which human b<strong>io</strong>logicalrequirements form but one plank, isa vis<strong>io</strong>n of the gates of Hell.The Naturalist, Barry LopezSimplicity should be ourwatchword for it is simplicitywhich will kill our old materialisticway of living.Educat<strong>io</strong>n in the New Age, A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yOut of intense complexitiesintense simplicities emerge.Winston ChurchillBuilding a world where we meetour own needs without denyingfuture generat<strong>io</strong>ns a healthysociety is not impossible, as somewould assert. The quest<strong>io</strong>n is wheresocieties choose to put their creativeefforts.Christo<strong>ph</strong>er Flavin, President,Worldwatch InstituteToday's problems cannot be solvedif we still think the way wethought when we created them.Albert EinsteinB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong> 45

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