B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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individuals are doing what they can,but real success can only come ifthere's a change in our societies andour economics and in our politics.I've been lucky in my lifetime to seesome of the greatest spectacles thatthe natural world has to offer. Surelywe have a responsibility to leave forfuture generat<strong>io</strong>ns a planet that ishealthy, inhabitable by all species.Sir David Attenborough,Broadcaster/NaturalistWe need a new environmentalconsc<strong>io</strong>usness on a globalbasis. To do this, we need to educatepeople…When future generat<strong>io</strong>nsjudge those who came before themon environmental issues, they mayconclude “they didn’t know”: letus not go down in history as thegenerat<strong>io</strong>nsEARTH STEWARDSHIPwho knew, but didn’t care.Mikhail Gorbachev, FoundingPresident, Green Cross Internat<strong>io</strong>nalIf future generat<strong>io</strong>ns are toremember us with gratituderather than contempt, we mustleave them more than the miraclesof technology. We must leave thema glimpse of the world as it was inthe beginning, not just after we gotthrough with it.President Lyndon Johnson on signingof the Wilderness Act, 1964The future isn't what it used to be.Arthur C Clarke, Author/scientistMy interest is in the futurebecause I am going to spendthe rest of my life there.Charles F. Kettering, AmericaninventorWhen men achieve illuminat<strong>io</strong>n,intelligently precipitate thekarmic quota of their time, and liftthe subhuman kingdoms with itsreflex activity of lifting the Highestsimultaneously , then they can andthen they do share in the work ofthe Hierarchy. That cycle of sharinghas seemed for aeons too far awayto be considered; when, however,humanity precipitated the war,they automatically and somewhatsurprisingly brought the finalachievement much nearer. Theilluminat<strong>io</strong>n of men's mindswill rapidlyfollow. Theprocess oflifting thesubhuman kingdoms has beenamazingly forwarded by science—the crowning accomplishment ofwhich was the fiss<strong>io</strong>n of the atomand the penetrat<strong>io</strong>n of the "spiritualinterfering" aspect of the humanspirit into the very depths of themineral world. Ponder on this.Discipleship in the New Age vol II,A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yTaken together, our efforts arelike drops of dew that slowlyaccumulate in the soul of the world,hastening the day when the entireEarth, with all its peoples andcreatures, will enjoy harmony andfulfilment.Guy Dauncey, AuthorTreat the Earth as though weintend to stay here.Sir Crispin Tickell, Diplomat/EnvironmentalistIn the end, our society will bedefined not only by what we create,but by what we refuse to destroy.John Sawhill, Former President, TheNature ConservancyHarmful magnetic condit<strong>io</strong>ns,as the result of man's wronghandling of force are the causesof evil in the world around us,including the three sub-humankingdoms. How can we, asindividuals, change this? Bythe development in ourselves ofHarmlessness. Therefore, studyyourself from this angle. Studyyour daily conduct and words andthoughts so as to make them utterlyharmless.A Treatise on White Magic, A Ba<strong>ile</strong>yYou have already seen thatthousands of people may perishin a single44B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

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