B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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Today, more than ever before,life must be characterized by asense of Universal responsibility, notonly nat<strong>io</strong>n to nat<strong>io</strong>n and humanto human, but also human to otherforms of life.Dalai LamaMan's work is to raise the dead tolife, to bring brotherhood intoexpress<strong>io</strong>n on the <strong>ph</strong>ysical plane,and to transmit divine energy to awaiting world of forms. As the raysplay their part with humanity andbring man forth into manifestat<strong>io</strong>nas he is in essence and reality, hiswork with the animal kingdomand with the other kingdoms willproceed steadily and inevitably.Scarcely knowing how or why,humanity will play its part in thework of building. The creative workwill proceed and the Plan materialise.Man's work for the animal kingdomis to stimulate instinct untilindividualisat<strong>io</strong>n is possible. Hiswork for the vegetable kingdom isto foster the perfume-producingfaculty, and to adapt plant life to themyriad uses of man and of animals.Man's work with the mineralkingdom is to work alchemically andmagically.Esoteric Psychology vol I, A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yIf we look on our planet fromabove, we will observe, besidesthe evident volcanoes, particularvortices of light and darkness.The human spirit can createpowerful manifestat<strong>io</strong>nsof energy. One may state that thevortices of Light are sav<strong>io</strong>urs of theequilibrium of the planet. Nor isit far from the truth to state thatthe vortices of darkness contain adestructive gas, which is not onlydeadly to the crust of the planetbut can alter the climate and evensignificantly effect a shifting ofthe poles. Thus powerful is thesignificance of the human spirit.Fiery World I, p.664. H. RoerichThe <strong>ph</strong>ysical body ethericand dense can be picturedas a house with two tele<strong>ph</strong>onicinstallat<strong>io</strong>ns—one bringing inenergies from without the houseand the other being in the natureof a house tele<strong>ph</strong>one from roomto room. The analogy is far moreaccurate than appears to the casualthinker. In every modern house, lightand water and gas and tele<strong>ph</strong>onicinterchange are brought. Light,the symbol of the soul; water, thesymbol of the emot<strong>io</strong>ns; tele<strong>ph</strong>onicinterchange, the symbol of mindwith its intercommunicat<strong>io</strong>n ofknowledges; and gas, the symbolof the etheric nature. It isinteresting and saddening to notethat that which at present goes outof the average house is the refusethat is undesirable—this is thecorrespondence to that which isselfish and sad and the demand forthe satisfact<strong>io</strong>n of personal needsand desires.Esoteric Healing, Alice Ba<strong>ile</strong>yIf civilizat<strong>io</strong>n has risen from theStone Age, it can rise again fromthe wastepaper age.Jacques Barzun, HistorianIf we are concerned about ourgreat appetite for materials, it isplausible to decrease waste, to makebetter use of stocks available, andto develop substitutes. But whatabout the appetite itself? The majorcause of the continued deter<strong>io</strong>rat<strong>io</strong>nof the global environment isthe unsustainable pattern ofconsumpt<strong>io</strong>n and product<strong>io</strong>n,particularly in industrialisedcountries.John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist42

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