B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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RecipesTrail mix packMix:50g Goji berries50g Cacao nibs50g Organic raisins50g Brazil nutsThis may seem like an overlysimple idea, but this littlecombinat<strong>io</strong>n in a great snackmix and tasty too, not toment<strong>io</strong>n you are eating rawand ant<strong>io</strong>xidant-rich, energyenhancingfoods. Every timeyou feel the inclinat<strong>io</strong>n to eat asugary sweet muffin or a bagel,or a packet of chips – replace itwith a handful or 2 of this mixinstead.Ice Cream and ChocolatesauceIce creamFreeze 1 Cup bananas and 1 Cupmangos.Either blend with 1 Cup freshlysqueezed orange juice or pressthrough an Oscer juicer with thesolid screen and mix in the orangejuice by hand(or leave the juice out).Chill in the freezer for another 5 - 10minutes wh<strong>ile</strong> you make up the chocolatesauce.Choc sauce1/3 Cup coconut oil1/4 Cup maple syrup*1/4 Cup raw chocolate powderWhisk through with a fork, get out your icecream, pour the sauce over and indulge - guiltfree.* Beware of 'maple flavoured syrup' - you wantmaple syrup, not maple-flavoured.Orange & Aloe detox smoothie2 Cups freshly squeezed orange juiceSmall chunk of fresh aloe ferox leafFresh mintAdd a chunk of real Aloe ferox by slicing open a leafand taking out the inner gel-like substance. Don’t blendthe skin. Blend the gel through with your juice in ablender until smooth. Add some fresh mint for flavourand to counteract the bitterness of the aloe.Try these recipes out and see and experiencesuperfoods soaring into act<strong>io</strong>n foryourself. If you would like to experiencefull immers<strong>io</strong>n into this wayof eating raw and living foods andsuperfoods, book yourself onto oneof the 4 week raw food prep classesfor the full experience.Classes are 2 ½ hours, once a week, for4 weeks.For more info please call 021 7864068 orvisit www.superfoods.co.za and check outthe ‘events’ page.to be super energised grow your own wheatgrassand juice it. A tot glass of freshly juicedwheatgrass is said to be equivalent to 2 plates ofveggies. Now you can eat (or drink) dinner in 30seconds or literally have your lunch ‘on the go’. Ifyou don’t have fresh there are some good greenpowders on the market which can be added towater or juice.Raw CacaoThis is by and large my favourite superfood. It isin fact our Superfood King.Raw cacao is tradit<strong>io</strong>nally know as Theobromacacao which literally means - "Food of the Gods".It is the HIGHEST ant<strong>io</strong>xidant food, surpassinggojis four times over.It is a great source of magnesium and is a naturalappetite suppresant and anti-depressant.But what is it, I hear you asking? Raw cacao ischocolate – it is the bean that all chocolate comesfrom. What makes chocolate unhealthy is notthe cacao itself, but rather the process that it goesthrough and what is added to it.The bean in its raw state is a superfood. It is ahigh vibrat<strong>io</strong>n, energetic food. It’s only whenthe bean is cooked, or roasted that it starts todenature; and when sugar, trans fats and dairyare added - chocolate the superfood, becomeschocolate the ‘stupid-food’.Cacao comes in 3 main forms – whole beans,crushed beans (called cacao nibs) or cacao powder.Using the raw cacao powder one can makefabulous chocolate mousse tarts - which everyonein the family is guaranteed to love.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>41

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