B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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The GreatAwakeningby Michael Shar<strong>ph</strong>e consc<strong>io</strong>usness of this earth iscurrently undergoing a revolut<strong>io</strong>n-change. It is a renaissance, an Taryenlightenment, an awakening like no other.It is the pro<strong>ph</strong>esied global return of ChristConsc<strong>io</strong>usness and as it unfolds, and asmore of the people of this earth join in theglor<strong>io</strong>us chorus of an awakening Spirit, theglobe will transform.Poverty, suffering, war, disease, andall the evils of this sleeping world willmelt away like the illus<strong>io</strong>ns they foreverreplaced with Shambhala, Eden, and a newHeaven on Earth. I like to call this awakeningand transformat<strong>io</strong>n The Great Awakeningbecause it is a return to full spiritualconsc<strong>io</strong>usness and power.It is exciting! We are living through aper<strong>io</strong>d that has been pro<strong>ph</strong>esied for millennia.My name is Dr. Michael Sharp and I ama mystic and world teacher. I have to saythat I didn’t start out life as either of thesethings. I started out life as a tradit<strong>io</strong>nalCatholic and then, at an early age, movedon to explorat<strong>io</strong>n and finally, in my firstcouple of years of university, agnosticism.“There might be something to Spirit,” Ithought in that agnostic noodle of mind,but I’d need proof. What’s more, if therewas Spirit, or God, or whatever, it wouldhave to have a darn good explanat<strong>io</strong>n forthe mess on this earth. In terms of mybelief in things of a spiritual nature, thingsweren’t looking so good.And so I lived out the first forty or soyears of my life in an agnostic haze. Butthen, one day, that changed. In 2001 I hadan “11:11” type awakening experiencecatalyzed by the 911 attacks on the WorldTrade Center.To make a long story short, in aper<strong>io</strong>d of only two years I went fromcommitted agnostic (and borderlineatheist) to full blown, card carrying,Spirit talking, “demon banishing”mystic on a miss<strong>io</strong>n. To say the least,I was shocked.Now wh<strong>ile</strong> my awakening was gradualfor the first two years, the process kickedinto high gear for me after I resolved someof my deeper past life fears. When I had finallycleared all fears that had been beateninto me once a week as a child, I simply satdown at the computer and started to write.Suddenly I became an author—and a poet!Before my awakening I couldn’t have writtena poetic stanza if my life depended onit but now, epic poetry, and with no formalI am coming to your beautifulcountry for two reasons. I amcoming because I have alwaysbeen attracted to South Africa,its music, politics, and culture; so,I am coming to discover. Moreimportant is that I am also comingat the invitat<strong>io</strong>n of several residentLightworkers.training at all (at least in this lifetime).Of course, I didn’t stop with poetry.In 2002 when I “answered The Call” andstarted to write, the only thing I hadwritten was a boring and soulless PhD dissertat<strong>io</strong>n.But now, as I write these words,I have six spiritual books under my belt ontopics ranging from ascens<strong>io</strong>n, kundaliniawakening, chakra activat<strong>io</strong>n, the tarot,the Annunaki, and even God. I have justcompleted my first children’s book, VaydaJayne Bean, and am two weeks away fromcompleting the final draft of my seventhbook entitled The Basic Book. Beyond thatI see at least four or five more children’sbooks and another four adult spiritualbooks. I expect it will all be finished beforethe year 2012.Now the interesting thing for me wasn’thow prolific I had suddenly become, I’dalways been a hard worker. The interestingthing for me is what I was writing aboutand why I was writing. You see, all mybooks, all my poetry, all my articles, all mypodcasts, and even my future DVDs are allwritten with single minded focus. I haveonly one thing in my mind when I write.I’m here for one reason and one reasononly and that is to welcome you back hometo your Divinity, and I don’t mean maybe.I don’t mean in some future life, I don’tmean after you’ve “paid your debt,” I don’tmean after you’ve had your sins forgiven,or found Christ, or passed judgment, orevolved into a higher being, or anythinglike that.Michael Sharpin South AfricaJohannesburgWednesday 10th October6 for 6:30pm – 9pmKai Thai Restaurant, FerndaleVillage Shopping Centre, MainRoad, Ferndale. Tel: (011) 285-0922Dinner and Presentat<strong>io</strong>nTheme: Consc<strong>io</strong>usness, TheAscens<strong>io</strong>n and Great AwakeningTicket Sales at Door – R200 perpersonemail: info@innoviate.net to securebookings or call (011) 399-5710Sunday 14th October3 for 3:30pm to 6pmInanda Club, 1 Forest Road, Inanda,Sandton. Tel: (011) 884-1414Tea/Coffee and Presentat<strong>io</strong>nTheme: The Ascens<strong>io</strong>n and TheParable of The GardenTicket Sales at Door, R200ppemail: info@innoviate.net to securebookings or call (011) 399-5710Cape TownSunday 21st October1:30 for 2pm to 4pmSufi Temple. Tel: (021) 671-8807Tea/Coffee and Presentat<strong>io</strong>nTheme: The Ascens<strong>io</strong>n and TheParable of The GardenTicket Sales at Door – R150ppemail: info@innoviate.net to securebookings or call (011) 399-5710BOOK SIGNINGSJohannesburg13 October - 2pm – 5pmExclusive Books, Eastgate ShoppingCentreCape Town20th October – 1pm – 5pmTyger Valley BooksShop 530, Entrance 11,Tyger Valley CentreI mean right now and I mean no stringsattached. For you, just because of who youare.Now if you wanna find out more, youare in luck. I will be visiting South Africawith my family in October of this year. Iam coming to your beautiful country fortwo reasons. I am coming because I havealways been attracted to South Africa, itsmusic, politics, and culture; so, I am comingto discover. More important is that Iam also coming at the invitat<strong>io</strong>n of severalresident Lightworkers. These most excellenthosts have invited me to come andmeet people, eat food, sign books, and givetalks on the one thing that I love talkingabout the most and can’t seem to shut upabout—the divinity within you and how toawaken it. The Great Awakening!How could I say no to that?30 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

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