B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

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BIOFILESget active! what you can doEnvironmental JusticeNetwork ForumEstablished to servicethe common interestsof participating SouthAfrican non-governmentaland community-basedorganizations on mattersconcerning environmentaljustice and sustainabledevelopment.Tel: +27 (0)11 403 8978Fax: +27 (0)11 339 3859Web: www.ejnf.org.zaEarthlife AfricaA membership-drivenorganization of environmentaland social justice activists,founded to mobilize civilsociety around environmentalissues in relation to people.Web: www.earthlife.org.zaBiowatchSouth African NGOpublicising, monitoring andresearching issues of biologicaldiversity,genetic engineeringand sustainable livelihoods.Tel: +27 0(21) 447 5939Email: biowatch@mweb.co.zaWeb: www.biowatch.org.zaSAFeAGESA Freeze Alliance on GeneticEngineeringTel. +27 (0)21 447 8445Email: safeage@mweb.co.zaWeb: www.safeage.orgCANE - Coalition AgainstNuclear Energy SouthAfricaA group of organisations,NGOs, Environmental Groups,Communities and Citizensfrom all over South Africa whoare opposed to Nuclear Energyas a power source.Web: www.cane.org.zaAN INVITATION TO PICKETare you involved in an informed wayin the energy decision-making ofgovernment?The Department of Minerals and Energy(DME) is planning an Energy Summit on25-27 September at the Sandton ConventionCentre in Gauteng.The programme is designed to review the1998 Energy White Paper. Some of the panelsplanned are about electricity privatization(Regional Electricity Distributors), electricitypricing and governance, petrol, gas andparaffin, competition in the energy markets,access to energy for the poor.• The DME has not involved civil society inpreparations for the summit• Most civil society organizations andformations have not been invited• There is no support provided to civil societyto attend• The programme is dominated by governmentand big business• The programme focuses on dirty, unsafeenergy technologies like petrol, coal andnuclear energy.• Government is deciding to spend hundredsof billions of rands on a dirty and unsafenuclear programme when people are stillliving without houses or health care.Earthlife Africa Cape Town will be picketingoutside the DME’s offices in Cape Townon Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th tomake clear to government that they cannotmake decisions that affect us without ourparticipation.Please join us in this protest action.Contact Nosiphiwo Msitwenifor more information:021 447 4912076 2900 320DME’s Energy Summit puts ourheritage at riskThe Minister of the DME has publicly stated thatthe purpose of the Energy Summit was to afford allstakeholders an opportunity to reflect on the energypolicy development process However, the experiencehas been that NGOs such as Earthlife Africa CapeTown and Sustainable Energy Africa have had littlesuccess. Their efforts have either been ignored orrejected.Communities represented by organizations like theSouth African Council of Churches (SACC) have notbeen invited. Significantly, neither have organizationsdirectly affected by a policy review process suchas the Namaqualand Action Group for EnvironmentalJustice and the South Durban CommunityEnvironmental Alliance.Earlier this year—at the announcement of the annualBudget—the People's Budget Campaign whosestakeholders include the South African Council ofChurches (SACC), COSATU and SANGOCO urgedgovernment to "spend more, spend better on theright programmes." Believing expenditure on thePebble Bed Modular Reactor—as an example—to alreadybe a non-viable and expensive project, the PBCproposed that government redirect spending on thePBMR (somewhere in the region of R6 billion) forthe development and financing of renewables overthe next five years.In order for an energy summit to claim that it isboth national and of the people, government wouldneed to provide sufficient notice and invite civilsociety organizations and communities active in theenergy sector to genuinely consultative process. Sucha process should be open and transparent, with aprogramme that reflects the full range of energy topicsthat affect South Africans today. The undersignedorganizations call on government to return to thebasic tenets of democracy. We demand the right toparticipate in decisions that affect policy changes toenergy use. We demand a say for future generationsthat may not have a voice because of the choicesgovernment and big business make today.Signed by:Earthlife Africa Cape TownSA Catholic Bishops Conference Justice & Peace EnvironmentalDeskGoedgedacht Forum for Social ReflectionKeith Vermeulen (People’s Budget Campaign)South African Energy CaucusSustainable Energy AfricaNamaqualand Action Group for Environmental JusticeEarthlife Africa JohannesburgCitizens United for Renewable Energy & Sustainability(CURES)EcoCityKoesterfontein Residents Action GroupgroundWorkEarthlife Africa eThekwiniPelindaba Working GroupSouth African Faith Communities EnvironmentalInstituteJustice & Peace Department: Archdiocese of JohannesburgSA Freeze Alliance on Genetic EngineeringSouth Durban Community Environmental AllianceContactKeith Vermeulen 021 423 4261/082 523 0701Maya Aberman 021 447 4912/076 754 632714 Biophile Issue 18

If a global ecological collapse is almost upon us, thenwhere's the urgency?It's time to act bravely,and with resolveby Dr. Glen Barryate to say it, but "i told you so."Global ecological collapse is uponus and the human family isentering a Hobbesian struggle for survivalof the Earth and all her species includinghumans.Even mainstream leaders tell us wehave a decade to act before utter ecologicalruin and despair is assured. If things arereally so bad, where is the urgency? Willyou fight for being?Many mega-consumers in the overdevelopedworld, until now responsiblefor most environmental destruction, livein a world of entertainment, abundanceand great comfort. We sit stupefied infront of our home entertainment systems,addicted to vicariously watching the livesof glamorous stars, as the Earth dies. Moviesand TV are the modern day bread andcircuses meant to control and keep blindconsumers blindly consuming.A lifetime of global change and ecologyresearch leads me to conclude humans areon the brink of global ecological collapseand only dramatic, even revolutionary,global policy responses can save us now.The Earth system has been cut deeply, hurtin so many ways, that barring major socialand personal transformation, it is notinconceivable that complex life is finished.There has been enough awareness building.It is time to act bravely and with resolve.These are dangerous times. Andthose concerned with the fate of theplanet and her species are faced witha dilemma. They can follow a failing,star-studded, corporate drivenreformist agenda which seeks togreenwash business as usual environmentalpolicy responses. Or you canconcern yourself with what is trulyrequired to maintain the biosphere,ecological patterns and processes,relatively civilized human society;and yourself, family and friends.Human populations have increasedsixfold in just over 125 years. Who has aplan to reduce global population? Billionslive on a dollar or two a day while a handfulof billionaires enjoy more wealth thanentire nations. The whole world increasinglyembraces and idolises the ostentatiouslifestyles of celebrities. Meanwhileour climate, forests, oceans and water arefailing worldwide. The sky is falling.Humanity is facing global ecologicalArmageddon within a decade or generationat most. Responses to date have beenhalf-hearted, and do little or nothing tostrike at over-population and over- consumptionas the underlying causes of afailing biosphere.There is little hope when Greenpeacepromotes ancient forest logging, whenAl Gore states climate change can be addressedwithout economic sacrifice, whenLeonardo DiCaprio assures us at the 11thHour he only uses private jets when absolutelynecessary.These are our leaders? Their visionlacks concrete actions adequate toachieve equitable and just ecologicalsustainability.Academically, at what point if ever willarmed struggle on behalf of Gaia be justified?I ask not to encourage violence, but toascertain what we are willing to sacrificeto save the Earth and her humanity. Giventhe failure of large environmental groupsand well-known environmental activiststo present a coherent and adequate visionto save the Earth, what are we left with?Changing light bulbs? Renewable energy?Simultaneous global rock concerts? Willthese get us there?Is the very ecological fabric of beingworthy of fighting for at all costs? I do notknow. But if indeed there is only a decadeto save the planet, our being, and veryexistence; are we not justified in imaginingmore robust responses? I speak not oftoken arson or mild larceny, but of a globaleco-insurgency adequate to topple thewhole disgusting planet eating industrialgrowth machine and replace it globallywith decentralized ecologically sustainableagrarian democracy. The vision is ofpeople living peacefully with the land, air,water, oceans and all life; and within theirecological and bioregional limits.A hypothetical Earth revolution mustknow when and how to strike. As globalecological mayhem intensifies, it will becomeincreasingly evident when to beginwholeheartedly targeting SUVs, coalpower plants, ancient forest loggers andtheir apologists.The goal must be prompting swiftindustrial collapse and lead to acontinued insurgency adequate tostop its regeneration, even as people'sneeds are met by returning tothe land in relocalized communitiespracticing true egalitarian democracyand sustainable permaculture.It is crucial that the first strike notresult in the entire Earth insurgency beingarrested, suppressed and dismantled.War in defense of the Earth and ourhabitat is not mere tokenism; it is a fightfor all life and continued being. Given thefailure of the environmental movementand existing political and economic structuresto enunciate and implement policiesadequate to stop ecosystem destructionand meet all basic human needs, it is timeto ask yourself whether you will simply liedown and die without fighting for motherEarth and your children's children? Mybest advice is to educate yourself, bandtogether in landed communities, organizeand protest; and begin to stealthilyprepare yourself for an Earth Revolutionshould we fail. Gaia will say when.Biophile Issue 1815

If a global ecological collapse is almost upon us, thenwhere's the urgency?It's time to act bravely,and with resolveby Dr. Glen Barryate to say it, but "i told you so."Global ecological collapse is uponus and the human family isentering a Hobbesian struggle for survivalof the Earth and all her species includinghumans.Even mainstream leaders tell us wehave a decade to act before utter ecologicalruin and despair is assured. If things arereally so bad, where is the urgency? Willyou fight for being?Many mega-consumers in the overdevelopedworld, until now responsiblefor most environmental destruct<strong>io</strong>n, livein a world of entertainment, abundanceand great comfort. We sit stupefied infront of our home entertainment systems,addicted to vicar<strong>io</strong>usly watching the livesof glamorous stars, as the Earth dies. Moviesand TV are the modern day bread andcircuses meant to control and keep blindconsumers blindly consuming.A lifetime of global change and ecologyresearch leads me to conclude humans areon the brink of global ecological collapseand only dramatic, even revolut<strong>io</strong>nary,global policy responses can save us now.The Earth system has been cut deeply, hurtin so many ways, that barring major socialand personal transformat<strong>io</strong>n, it is notinconceivable that complex life is finished.There has been enough awareness building.It is time to act bravely and with resolve.These are dangerous times. Andthose concerned with the fate of theplanet and her species are faced witha d<strong>ile</strong>mma. They can follow a failing,star-studded, corporate drivenreformist agenda which seeks togreenwash business as usual environmentalpolicy responses. Or you canconcern yourself with what is trulyrequired to maintain the b<strong>io</strong>s<strong>ph</strong>ere,ecological patterns and processes,relatively civilized human society;and yourself, family and friends.Human populat<strong>io</strong>ns have increasedsixfold in just over 125 years. Who has aplan to reduce global populat<strong>io</strong>n? Bill<strong>io</strong>nslive on a dollar or two a day wh<strong>ile</strong> a handfulof bill<strong>io</strong>naires enjoy more wealth thanentire nat<strong>io</strong>ns. The whole world increasinglyembraces and idolises the ostentat<strong>io</strong>uslifestyles of celebrities. Meanwh<strong>ile</strong>our climate, forests, oceans and water arefailing worldwide. The sky is falling.Humanity is facing global ecologicalArmageddon within a decade or generat<strong>io</strong>nat most. Responses to date have beenhalf-hearted, and do little or nothing tostrike at over-populat<strong>io</strong>n and over- consumpt<strong>io</strong>nas the underlying causes of afailing b<strong>io</strong>s<strong>ph</strong>ere.There is little hope when Greenpeacepromotes ancient forest logging, whenAl Gore states climate change can be addressedwithout economic sacrifice, whenLeonardo DiCapr<strong>io</strong> assures us at the 11thHour he only uses private jets when absolutelynecessary.These are our leaders? Their vis<strong>io</strong>nlacks concrete act<strong>io</strong>ns adequate toachieve equitable and just ecologicalsustainability.Academically, at what point if ever willarmed struggle on behalf of Gaia be justified?I ask not to encourage v<strong>io</strong>lence, but toascertain what we are willing to sacrificeto save the Earth and her humanity. Giventhe failure of large environmental groupsand well-known environmental activiststo present a coherent and adequate vis<strong>io</strong>nto save the Earth, what are we left with?Changing light bulbs? Renewable energy?Simultaneous global rock concerts? Willthese get us there?Is the very ecological fabric of beingworthy of fighting for at all costs? I do notknow. But if indeed there is only a decadeto save the planet, our being, and veryexistence; are we not justified in imaginingmore robust responses? I speak not oftoken arson or mild larceny, but of a globaleco-insurgency adequate to topple thewhole disgusting planet eating industrialgrowth machine and replace it globallywith decentralized ecologically sustainableagrarian democracy. The vis<strong>io</strong>n is ofpeople living peacefully with the land, air,water, oceans and all life; and within theirecological and b<strong>io</strong>reg<strong>io</strong>nal limits.A hypothetical Earth revolut<strong>io</strong>n mustknow when and how to strike. As globalecological mayhem intensifies, it will becomeincreasingly evident when to beginwholeheartedly targeting SUVs, coalpower plants, ancient forest loggers andtheir apologists.The goal must be prompting swiftindustrial collapse and lead to acontinued insurgency adequate tostop its regenerat<strong>io</strong>n, even as people'sneeds are met by returning tothe land in relocalized communitiespracticing true egalitarian democracyand sustainable permaculture.It is crucial that the first strike notresult in the entire Earth insurgency beingarrested, suppressed and dismantled.War in defense of the Earth and ourhabitat is not mere tokenism; it is a fightfor all life and continued being. Given thefailure of the environmental movementand existing political and economic structuresto enunciate and implement policiesadequate to stop ecosystem destruct<strong>io</strong>nand meet all basic human needs, it is timeto ask yourself whether you will simply liedown and die without fighting for motherEarth and your children's children? Mybest advice is to educate yourself, bandtogether in landed communities, organizeand protest; and begin to stealthilyprepare yourself for an Earth Revolut<strong>io</strong>nshould we fail. Gaia will say when.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>15

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