B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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editorialccording to the scientists and otherswho contributed to the "11th Hour"documentary put together byLeonardo di Capr<strong>io</strong> we have reached 11:59, but as the Elder pointed out in theclosing lines:"The Earth has got all the time inthe world; it is we who are runningout of time..."So true!The earth is sick, however, as is themajority of humanity, and this there isno getting away from. And, like us whenwe get sick, she has got a temperatureand this temperature will increase, justlike ours does until all the parasites,bacteria and other anti-life organismsliving on her that are making her sickare gone and she can complete her healingjourney.We live in a hologra<strong>ph</strong>ic universeand the understanding that we 'mirrorall and everything' outside of us, or...'as within so without' is essential as wemove into a new age of being. Our consc<strong>io</strong>usnesswill determine the journeywe find ourselves in and there can be noblame for anything. We are co-creatorsof our lives and responsibility needs to betaken and acknowledged, right from thevolat<strong>ile</strong> weather patterns, to the car wedrive and type of clothes we wear.Everything in our outer lives is a mirrorof our inner world. If we are in needof material things, fancy cars, houses,clothes this is where our consc<strong>io</strong>usnessis cogitating. We need to look closely atthe motives that cause us to desire, andwhat we are desiring.At present we do live in a third dimens<strong>io</strong>nalmaterialist world and I doubtif there are many of us who don’t likethe odd item of new clothing, a new carmaybe or a holiday to a fancy overseasdestinat<strong>io</strong>n? I enjoyed a quote that camemy way the other day…"The voyage of discovery liesnot in finding new landscapesbut in having new eyes."(Marcel Proust.)Group consc<strong>io</strong>usness is dictating thatthis materialistically-driven lifestyle is'normal'. But where has it got us? Wellone thing that is for certain is that weare in a mess. We do not like to shareand we are surrounded by poverty,greed and inequality; our planet is sick,the animals are suffering. Somethingneeds to change. Our inner group consc<strong>io</strong>usnessis reflecting the governmentwe have governing our country, the foodwe are eating, the way it is grown anddistributed etc.Do we like the way things are going?And if not, are we going to take responsibilityand make the changes insideourselves to manifest the type of worldwe want to live in?If we are not living life in a way that isenhancing the wellbeing of our ourselves,(or pro-life), the planet and allthat is in our lives, we will ultimately becaught up in the 'temperature' scenar<strong>io</strong>,where anti-life organisms will not survive.The planet has for a long time nowbeen warning us that she is starting her'detox' and she needs to clean herself. Shedoes this via the elements: water, wind,earth and fire and this is very evidentwhen we look around us.The pockets of ancient tribal peoplethat have survived the onslaught of ourde-natured, detached, materialistic andtechnologically driven society have recentlyput out many warnings. The Hopipeople ask us:"Where are you living?What are you doing?What are your relat<strong>io</strong>nships?Are you in right relat<strong>io</strong>n?Where is your water?Know your garden.It is time to speak your Truth.Create your community.Be good to each other.And do not look outsideyourself for the leader."Intuitively, I want to simplify my lifeas much as possible and live accordingto the natural rhythms so beautifullyexemplified by nature, doing no harmto myself and all and everything in myouter world. I know that all the answerslie in nature and our connect<strong>io</strong>n to the'great sprit' inside us and outside us.So why not take the first step andstart a vegetable garden and compostheap? Apparently, if we knew how (andwe have just forgotten, that's all) andwe lived in a rural or semi-rural areawe could collect all the food we need tokeep us perfectly healthy within a 10 kmradius of our homes, and it would notneed cooking!So maybe it is time to really start tolive according to the 10 Indian Commandments:Remain close to the GreatSpirit. Treat the Earth and allthe dwell thereon with respect.Show great respect for yourfellow beings (including theanimal beings).Work together for the benefitof all Mankind.Give assistance and kindnesswherever needed.Do what you know to be right.Look after the wellbeing ofmind and body.Dedicate a share of yourefforts to the greater good.Be truthful and honestat all times and take fullresponsibility for your act<strong>io</strong>ns.AntheaB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>11

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