B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine

B io ph ile Issu e 18 - Biophile Magazine


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INBOX: OUR READERS WRITEQuest<strong>io</strong>ning9/11agree wholeheartedly withI Daniel on many of the sentimentsexpressed in his letter! ButI wish to point out a few things.Conspiracy theories are definitely“stigmatized” but this does notNuclear is notrenewable!My daughter's Grade 7 schoolscience book Science Spectrumstates that nuclear is a renewablesource of energy. How is thispossible when there are limiteduranium reserves? And wheredoes the energy to build nuclearpower stat<strong>io</strong>ns come from? Andcan waste continue piling upindefinitely ? I really think thisshould be taken up with theeducat<strong>io</strong>n dept and the authorsof the book, Alistair Clacherty &Co and the publishers, MaskewMiller.Jenny HunterA big 'thumbs down'for VisaWh<strong>ile</strong> I thoroughly enjoy severalof the advertisements featuredin their current campaign I haveto state that the one featuringan allergic father insincerelypurchasing his daughter a kittenon a whim in order to stand achance of winning two ticketsto the Rugby World Cup isabsolutely appalling and in verypoor taste.South Africa is faced with ser<strong>io</strong>usproblems caused by a domesticanimal overpopulat<strong>io</strong>n crisis,in fact statistically, in order togive every homeless cat/kittenin a shelter a home every singleSouth African would have toadopt 45 cats.These animals are being killedevery single day simply becausethey are now homeless and amajor contributor to all theseanimals ending up in sheltersis the impulse purchasing ofanimals from pet stores.When one considers that a petshould be a lifelong commitment,an advert featuringan allergic father insincerelypurchasing a cat with a possible20 year lifespan on impulse isdisgusting.An advert of this frivolous natureshould rather be filmed at a toyshop where insincere; impulsebuying is enthusiastically andwholeheartedly appreciated bykids.Paula SpagnolettiTo the best of my knowledge, Aluminiumsmelters typically spew airbourne fluoridesand leachable cyanides and it is in these that thereal toxicity of the smelting process lies. The leastof your readers'concerns should consequently bethe hazards posed by arsenic, mercury and the120 000 000 l/year of carbon d<strong>io</strong>xide (I'm told)to be pumped into the atmos<strong>ph</strong>ere as a result ofplanned aluminium smelting at Coega.Just exactly how toxic are these pollutants?Several reputable sources (including the U.S.Dept. of Agriculture) have cited fluoride pollut<strong>io</strong>nas being more damaging and responsiblefor more litigat<strong>io</strong>n, worldwide, than all otherpollutants combined.I'm not a medical doctor, however, I oncehappened to pass through country in which Inoticed an inordinate number of people in wheelchairs, cripples of var<strong>io</strong>us sorts, people of cur<strong>io</strong>usdentit<strong>io</strong>n etc..On enquiring, convent<strong>io</strong>nal wisdom had itthat this had all been the result of an Aluminiumsmelter. Apparently local childrens' best chanceof normal bone development had been a totalban on all forms of sport and <strong>ph</strong>ysical educat<strong>io</strong>nat schools.seem to lessen their liberating power!In fact, the power is, multiplied greatly becauseof the risk of being seen as a “looney” if onesubscribes to them! I admire the work of DavidIcke and Credo Mutwa greatly, simply becauseof the fact that they , against the odds have managedto publish their ideas and insights and putthem out there! I myself am trying to overcomethe barrier to publishing ones ideas and it is noeasy task!I find many things of value in David Icke’s andCredo Mutwa’s writings but I also detect signs of“paranoia” and “bullshit” in them! This is whollyunderstandable because of the weight of thepredominating world-view that they are battlingagainst! We however who imbibe and entertaintheir ideas have an enormous task of rat<strong>io</strong>nalityand critical editing to engage in if we are not tosuccumb to mass paranoia and delus<strong>io</strong>n!The path of the rat<strong>io</strong>nal and critical personis not an easy one! Especially in times of severestress and economic and social meltdown! Iprefer not to unreservedly subscribe to “conspiracy”theories and continue to see them asjust theories and not reality!I do not think there is necessarily a grandconspiracy afoot – though I do believe thereare many forces shaping convergence towardsa single terrible end. As the environmentalistSusan George has pointed out, “they don’t haveto conspire if they have the same world view, aspireto similar goals and take concerted steps toattain them”. I don’t even think that they – thosewho are actively pushing for this dominatingworld view are aware of what they are doing! Insteadthey are simply converging involuntarily,like sleep walkers, under the insid<strong>io</strong>us influenceof a certain world view, without consc<strong>io</strong>usknowledge, towards the brink of obliv<strong>io</strong>n.It is our duty, those who see this, to trumpetthe “wake up call” to these individuals or wemay all be doomed!My thanks to Daniel Baum for a wonderfularticle and well thought out argument, Kudos’ toyou, pal!Gregory AlexanderCoega: what we should reallybe concerned aboutWhat is going to be different about ALCAN'ssmelter?ALCAN certainly owe the public an explanat<strong>io</strong>nwhen it comes to proposed emiss<strong>io</strong>ns,what these emiss<strong>io</strong>ns are in comparison to othersmelters, details of the litigat<strong>io</strong>n which arose as aresult of those smelters and the exact processesthey intend using. The noticeable omiss<strong>io</strong>n of anyreference to fluoridat<strong>io</strong>n as a toxin or pollutantin statements to a naive Eastern Cape public isless than forthright.Why don't ALCAN build their smelter inthe great, white, snowy wastes of a liberal andinformed Canada?Certainly it is true that the minutest doses(non-smelter doses) of this toxin can agitatehuman developmental metabolism and havebeneficial side effects, however, you don't needa degree in chemistry to glance at the per<strong>io</strong>dictable and notice that Fluorine is at the top ofGroup VII.As such, it is THE most powerful oxidisingagent in the entire per<strong>io</strong>dic table. It willeven oxidise water!Of course, there is a veritablePandora's box of other quest<strong>io</strong>ns relating to thissmelter, such as are we going to be subsidising aforeign company's electricity bill?Trying-not-to-be-spineless4B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

Tree-free drummingI have been playing the African drum for 12years and work in the inspirat<strong>io</strong>n, healing andteam-building field now for my 7th years.Through the years it has come to my attent<strong>io</strong>nthat every one who has an African djembedrum is in actual fact playing a tree and a goat.Banging away blissfully not realising the impactthat it has on the planet.One night in a dance round the fire at a fullattended drum circle the trees spoke to meclearly, conveying the message that we have tostart using a sustainable source for the makingof drums. I spoke to the owner of the circleand suggested planting a sacred drum grove toreplace the trees cut down for the drums. Butthe idea fell on deaf ears and the message fromthe trees burned like a fire in my heart.When I spoke to one of my West Africandrum colleagues the message was confirmedand he told me that it is now illegal to cut downPlease don't lump allscientists togetherabsolutely love your magazine and can't waitI for the new issue every second month. As afemale natural scientist I take personal offenceat the abrasive comment that science is "masculineleft-brain stuff".I am certainly not masculine, have a verycreative side and believe me, you can ask mostscientists, there is no fun in measuring, recordingand dissecting. It is an essential part of anystudy so one can remain objective but the lovecomes in when patterns emerge from the resultsand answers to quest<strong>io</strong>ns become clearer.I also completely disagree that "intuit<strong>io</strong>n andfeelings" are not allowed in a "scientific and logicalsystem".Has the editor any scientific experienceon which to base such claims? There are manyscientists who are pass<strong>io</strong>nate about what theydo and play a vital role in collecting informat<strong>io</strong>non rare and endangered species to come up withconservat<strong>io</strong>n plans.One does have to remain objective when pr<strong>io</strong>ritisingspecies for conservat<strong>io</strong>n efforts, but itdoes not mean that the pass<strong>io</strong>n for conservat<strong>io</strong>nand the environment cannot exist in a scientificmind.Science (as much as it has been a contributorto many environmental problems we face today)is going to be essential in finding solut<strong>io</strong>ns tothese problems.In the same editorial, the editor ment<strong>io</strong>nsthat "there are places in Mexico where groundtemperature is heating up to an excess of 200degrees". How would we know this if it wasnot for the scientists doing what they do best? –measuring! Please don't lump all scientists intothe same category. There are many "feminine,nurturing, intuitive, right brain" scientists whoINBOX: OUR READERS WRITEtrees to make drums in Ghana because of massdeforestat<strong>io</strong>n and they are now getting the woodfrom neighbouring Nigeria. It became clear tome that something had to be done.I started experimenting with different materialsand eventually came upon the idea of usingrecycled news paper and glue to create a strongdrum shell or body which the part is originallymade from a tree trunk.It took months to perfect the formula andshape. But the hard work and dedicat<strong>io</strong>n paid offand I can now proudly say that I invented (withthe help of the trees) the first recycled paperdrum that works and sounds like a West AfricanDjembe drum. I am now using them in myworkshops and am looking for a way to turn thedrum making into a community project. To letthe drums <strong>ph</strong>ysically and spiritually bring thehealing to the rainbow nat<strong>io</strong>n and the world .Piet Aardeare unlike what you have described in youreditorial. Perhaps the editor should get to know afew and form a new opin<strong>io</strong>n.Carin SwartThank you for your pass<strong>io</strong>nate, heart-feltresponse. I totally agree with you, and maybeI did not let this come out in the editorial, thatscience has played a major role in many of theexcellent conservat<strong>io</strong>n, and other projects thatare underway. I would have been wiser to usethe word "yang" rather than masculine. It wasintended to be understood as the opposite tothe 'feminine, yin, intuitive' side of our minds. Itwas not intended as a subjective criticism ofthe males or females in the business of scientificobservat<strong>io</strong>n!I still maintain that we would need much lessscientific observat<strong>io</strong>n of all and everything, ifpeople intuited the way to live from their heartfelt response to situat<strong>io</strong>ns. This is the way theancient people do it. They have no need forany science labs. They 'talk to and listen to' theplanet, plants, animals and each other fromtheir heart centre's which are fully funct<strong>io</strong>nal.I always find it so interesting (found out byscience!) that the heart has the same cellularstructure as the brain and and it starts funct<strong>io</strong>ninglong before our brains do in the womb!In my humble opin<strong>io</strong>n this is what is sadlylacking in the teaching of our children. As thesaying goes.."what you dont use, you loose"!We live in a totally lopsided world at the moment,but I do think that people are waking upto the divinity inside of each and every one ofus. I think simple heart -centred living is key,with compass<strong>io</strong>n and considerat<strong>io</strong>n for all andeverything.AntheaWater harvestingand storage?I'm in the process ofretrofitting my own hometo be more environmentallyfriendly. A challenging taskat the best of times. A keystumbling block for me at themoment is the quest<strong>io</strong>n ofwater harvesting and waterstorage. More specifically, whatmaterial — from a life cycleand health perspective — ismost appropriate.On 50/50 I noticed that youused Jo-Jo water tanks forwater harvesting and waterstorage. Would you argue thatthese are the best containersavailable — even though theyare basically non-recyclableand directly related to thepetro-chemical industry?I've written to the CSIR andhave engaged many 'green'architects on the subjectbut cannot come up with adefinitive answer. Some havesuggested glass, but whomakes 1 000 or 5 000 litre glasscontainers? Cement is notgreat either, due to the energyintensiveness, possible healthimpacts and is also not entirelyrecyclable.I've been thinking of rows ofclay jars but they are difficultto integrate into a system i.e.inlet/outlet pipes — and alsorequire quite a lot of energy inthe baking process. But they doeventually return to the Earth.Any suggest<strong>io</strong>ns or ideason this would be muchappreciated...Harald WittI love the clay jar idea, but fear itmay be too small.The best solut<strong>io</strong>n would be tohave a well point. Saving therain water into jo-jos seems towork well I have heard, althoughI dont do that myself. I havemine collected into pipes andchannelled into a small dam atthe bottom of my property, butthere is a lot of water lost viaevaporat<strong>io</strong>n in the hot weather.I have a borehole which I usesparingly for my fruit and nuttrees and veg garden.All my grey water, black water,horse, chicken and dog manureis sent to a b<strong>io</strong> digester all mygas for my stove comes fromthe methane from this, and theeffluent is extremely nutrit<strong>io</strong>usfertiliser, and is stored in a reedbed and then pumped back tothe veg and fruit and nut — thisis a GREAT thing to have.AntheaB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>5

Earth SongI tried to imaginealways making love with the lights offNever knowing the ecstasy of visible skinThe body’s sublime paletteLooking into out the darknessAnd not my lover’s eyesAnd I couldn’tI tried to imagine a life lived withoutpass<strong>io</strong>nEach day merging into the nextA wasteland of material desiresChained to the demands of work andmoneyA prison sentence of a lifetimeLove fallen by the waysideAnd I couldn’tI tried to imagine a world where peaceWas still some barefoot pro<strong>ph</strong>et’sIntangible <strong>ph</strong>iloso<strong>ph</strong>yWhere lovers came and wentWithout ever reallyTouching each otherA world run by men with grand plansAnd small imaginat<strong>io</strong>nsInspired by sky-scraping buildingsAnd supermarketsWho thought lives were dispensableAnd love for the weak and idealisticAmong usMoney the currency that propels theplanetAnd the anchorOf an unsatisfactory existenceAnd I felt sadBecause I was living in itI began to imagine a worldIn which love and community were thethreadsThat weaved the fabric of existenceWhere lovers looked out beyondThe darknessInto each other’s eyesSitting face-to-face, a seamless breatheMaking love sacredWhere the earth spin was impelledBy the radiance of loving heartsAnd many handsWorking togetherTo create a peaceful worldA growing landscape of rivers and treesMountains among usEmerald jungles and indigenous forestsThat stretchedFrom where our eyes could seeInto the infinite beyondI imagined a worldWhere the rainbow tribes livedIn harmony with the earth rhythmsWhere humanity was the balmThat brought healing and soothedOur earth motherAnd I felt hopeFor this world we all live in.Talia ‘Medicine Dreamer’6INBOX: OUR READERS WRITELiving, growing, shiningand loving it!Recently the father of my child told mewe should have another child. In mynaivety I was delighted – but horrified!I could not endure another nine monthsvulnerable and alone as I had just experiencedfifteen months ago. Our beautifulchild is six months old now.I started to look at the relat<strong>io</strong>n manhas towards woman. Why we women areimpregnated, but cheated and neglectedwhen we are in our most vulnerable state.I found him having multiple affairs andfound that he was making empty promisesto var<strong>io</strong>us women.For a time I was very hateful towards allof them, but eventually found in my heart alot of compass<strong>io</strong>n towards them all.I started to analyze why we are experiencingthis? What external influences,behind the scenes, are actually responsiblefor the entrapment we as women feel bythe false words and act<strong>io</strong>ns..? of our malespecies. Are they out to intent<strong>io</strong>nallydestroy us or what has initiated the imbalanceof even going so far as realizing thatwe females, because of our rite to produceand create - being Godlike - is just not beingaccepted by our ignorant sons? Whatif men are just our laborers that work forus women – like in a normal balanced beehive?Or... what if we women at the momentwhen we fall pregnant are actuallybeing abducted and fertilized by a speciefrom other dimens<strong>io</strong>ns - as most humanmen, because of their own low levels ofconsc<strong>io</strong>usness, are actually infert<strong>ile</strong>. Socarefully some women are being chosenby a higher specie to bring the future generat<strong>io</strong>nsto life as in the case of our Extravirgin Mother Mary.( This is not targetedat the faint hearted and this article shouldmaybe have an age restrict<strong>io</strong>n).Childbirth is the most holy and empoweringexperience that I have ever experienced.I am a creator: I create, I paint, IMedicine DreamerThank you so much for all the wonderfuleffort you put into making B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> theinspiring, informative pubicat<strong>io</strong>n it is!Ifeel I have grown and received so much indifferent ways through some of the articlesand your inspiring editorials.I love that you refuse to sideline spiritualityandrecogniseits centrality in honouringour commitment to the earth mother.I have sent you three pieces of originalpoetry (one of them, "Earth Song", isB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>plant, I cook, I bake, I dance, I meditate, Icare , I love, I need nothing, I am free, I amme and I walk in the beauty and magic oflife. My life is infused with a certain kindof sweetness. I, at times, wish my malecounterparts could understand, but I amnot here to make anyone understand anything,I take only responsibility for myselfand my act<strong>io</strong>ns.I came to the conclus<strong>io</strong>n that if wecould aim to restore our broken environments(family lives also represents oneof the many environments), but all kindsof environments (spiritual, <strong>ph</strong>ysical andmentally). Then we will experience a morefulfilled respectful life for ourselves. Womenin our societies have been suffering toomuch. I am not a feminist or a lesbian but Iintently wish for equality and balance.If we heal the Earth it will benefit alland everyone on a massive, collectivemeasure. We will understand our fellowbrothers and sisters better and in that wewill respect all as sentient beings of theuniverse. We could so easy live heavenly –it all is just a state of mind.We have the power to elevate ourselvesor to willingfully be imprisoned by ourown undisciplined minds.Let’s live our fullest potential and let’schoose freedom!!!Dream, Love and Wish everyday, everymoment. You have the power! To be whateveryou want to be.We live in Heaven and we live in Hell.Open your eyes and see no one is right orwrong. There is no duality, no God andDevil. Have an opin<strong>io</strong>n, but only for yourown understanding and for purposes ofevolving – which will lead to your peaceand clarity of vis<strong>io</strong>n.Life can’t and never will end!Let’s live, love, grow and SHINE!Organic love and peace to all you goodpeople!Nomvulaprinted on the left, Ed.) that I feel alignwith the some of the interests/themes ofyour publicat<strong>io</strong>n.I see that you sometimes publish aninspirat<strong>io</strong>ns page and it would be wonderfulif you felt that there was a place for thepoems in the magazine — if not i hope youwill enjoy reading them!I would love to contribute an article atsome point - waiting for inspirat<strong>io</strong>n to hit!Talia ‘Medicine Dreamer’

IINBOX: OUR READERS WRITEIn the hands of the Unhappy LordsThey have given us into the hands of the new Unhappy LordsLords without anger or honour who dare not carry their swordsThey fight by shuffling papers and they have bright dead alien eyesThey look at our labours as a tired man looks at fliesAnd the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongsTheir doors are shut in the evening and they know no songst is the totalitarian tiptoe that explainswhy political leaders push ahead withno matter what the evidence or theview of the people. They are following theagenda and nothing is allowed to get inthe way. The invas<strong>io</strong>n of Iraq is an example.This was decided long before it happenedas you will see. George Bush and Tony Blaircontinued to say that war was not inevitablewhen they knew the date the troopswere going in. Public debate is just part ofthe smokescreen to hide the agenda andgive the people the illus<strong>io</strong>n that they live ina free and open society.The European Superstate, fluoride inpublic drinking water and geneticallymodified or GM food IS A CLASSIC of itskind. Blair said the he wanted a publicdebate on the issue and then delayed allscientific reports into the potential (lethal)dangers of it until after the debate hadtaken place. Michael Meacher the Secretaryof State for the Environment, sackedby Blair in 2003, has since highlighted thelack of research and the ser<strong>io</strong>us risk posedby GM food. He also confirmed that TonyBlair appeared uninterested in the scienceand was determined that GM food begiven the go ahead.Of course that is the case – GMfood worldwide is the Illuminati plan.It will:(a) bring about the genetic changesin humans that they want,(b) undermine the human immunesystem and(c) make every grower on the planetno matter how poor dependant onthe seeds of the transnat<strong>io</strong>nals andthe price they charge for them. Controland populat<strong>io</strong>n reduct<strong>io</strong>n is whatGM food is all about.The Corporat<strong>io</strong>n behind GM foods isthe truly appalling Monsanto in St Louis,Missouri that has been spoken of manymany times in books. It is Illuminati to itsfingertips and the Bush Administrat<strong>io</strong>n isawash with its personnel.When one quest<strong>io</strong>ns the Blair (Illuminati)line as with Bush in the UnitedStates the consequence can be brutal. DrArpad Pusztai is considered the worldexpert on GM food with more than 270published studies relating to the subject.He was working at the Rowett Institute inAberdeen, Scotland when he was interviewedfor a World in Act<strong>io</strong>n televis<strong>io</strong>ndocumentary on August 10th 1998. Whathe said was to destroy his career because ofthe react<strong>io</strong>n of Tony Blair."Control and populat<strong>io</strong>nreduct<strong>io</strong>n is what GM food is allabout."Dr Pusztai told the programme thatrats fed on certain GM potatoes had sufferedstunted growth, damage to theirimmune systems and their liver, heart, andother organs got smaller. He said that thiswas also the case with the brain but he hadnot ment<strong>io</strong>ned that to avoid being “alarmist”.He said of GM food “ If I had the choiceI would certainly not eat it. “On the evening the interview wasbroadcast Dr Pusztai was congratulatedfor his contribut<strong>io</strong>n by Professor PhilipJames, Director of the Rowett Institute.The next morning the Institute issued apress release highlighting the range ofcarefully controlled studies underlying thebasis of Dr Pusztai’s concerns.Forty-eight hours later has was suspendedand ordered to hand over all hisdata. His research team was disbandedand he was threatened with legal act<strong>io</strong>nif he spoke to anyone on the subject. Evenhis personal assistant was banned fromtalking to him and he was alerted to anInstitute Press Release that his contractwas not being renewed. His wife was alsosacked.Dr Pusztai was to have two heart attacksand his wife was put on permanentmedicat<strong>io</strong>n for high blood pressure. TheRowett Institute lied and lied about thereasons for their disgraceful treatment ofDr Pusztai. As we later proved the trustwas that his comments on GM food comingfrom such a world class source hadthreatened to blow apart the Illuminatiplan. He had to be destroyed with theusual vindictiveness.Dr Pusztai is certain that his demisewas caused by Tony Blair. He says that theday after the World in Act<strong>io</strong>n Programme,two <strong>ph</strong>one calls were made by Blair’s officeto his boss Philip James and the next dayhe was fired. Dr Pusztai says he was toldby a sen<strong>io</strong>r manager at Rowett that Blair’sintervent<strong>io</strong>n was prompted by a <strong>ph</strong>one callfrom United States President Bill Clinton.The story was confirmed by Professor RobertOrskov, one of Britain’s top nutrit<strong>io</strong>nresearchers who worked for Rowett for 33years. He said he was told that <strong>ph</strong>one callswent from Monsanto to Clinton and thento Blair to do something. It was damagingthe relat<strong>io</strong>nship between the United Statesand United Kingdom because it was goingto be a huge blow for Monsanto.Love What You Do,or do Something ElseYou'll never achieve real success unlessyou like what you're doing.No one has ever succeeded in a line ofendeavor which they did not like.Your chances of successare directly proport<strong>io</strong>nalto the degree of pleasure you derivefrom what you do.If you're in a job you hate,face the fact squarely and get out.It's better to be a failurein something you love,than attempting to be a successin something you don't.Don't set compensat<strong>io</strong>n as a goal.Find the work you love, and thecompensat<strong>io</strong>n will follow.The more you love what you are doing,the more successful it will be for you.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>7

INBOX: OUR READERS WRITEHow muchcrueltycan youswallow?magine you've just eaten an enormouslunch. So enormous that you can hardlyImove. In fact, you are finding it difficultto breathe. You feel bloated, swollen and inagony."Why did I do it?, you ask yourself."Never again!" Now imagine you didn't havethe choice. What if, like the geese usedto produce foie gras, you were forced torepeat the process time and time again?What if, for the next 16 days, at regular - alltoo short - intervals, somebody pusheda rigid metal tube down your throat andfilled your stomach with food.The pain, discomfort and utter miseryyou would feel can only be imagined.Importing it, supplying it, ordering it,buying it and eating it means you are partof the cruelty, pain and suffering! You don´thave to be a bunny-hugging vegetarian towant to outlaw deliberate animal cruelty.It may be tradit<strong>io</strong>n, it may be culture,but times have progressed and the undeniablepain and suffering caused by modernfarming methods are unacceptable. foiegras is one of many unspeakably cruelitems we eat, but unlike chicken whichis the mainstay for many South Africanhouseholds, foie gras is trendy and forthose with the funds to spend outrageousamounts on a small plate consisting of 85%fat and 100% suffering.The foie gras industry often tries tojustify its practices by saying they are justan extens<strong>io</strong>n of the natural, pre-migrat<strong>io</strong>ngorging behav<strong>io</strong>rs of migratory fowl, firstnoted by the Egyptians thousands of yearsago. However, this claim is patently falseon several accounts. First, migratory geesenever gorge themselves up until the pointof death before migrat<strong>io</strong>n. Such extremebehav<strong>io</strong>rs would be <strong>ph</strong>ysically incapacitatingand would be antithetical to theirsurvival. The livers of wild ducks and geesemay expand up to twice their normal size,pr<strong>io</strong>r to migrat<strong>io</strong>n, not a ten-fold expans<strong>io</strong>nas found in forced-feeding product<strong>io</strong>n.Second, the duck species (MuscovyDavid Hill, the director of Good Relat<strong>io</strong>ns(the Monsanto public relat<strong>io</strong>ns in theUK), ran the media campaign for Blair’sLabour Party in the General Elect<strong>io</strong>n victoriesof 1997 and 2001. Another eminentresearcher, Stanley Ewen, said that hewas told the same story by another sen<strong>io</strong>rfigure at Rowett:“That conversat<strong>io</strong>n is sealed in my mind.My jaw dropped to the floor, I suddenlysaw it all – it was the missing link. Untilthen I couldn’t understand how on MondayArpa had made the most wonderfulbreakthrough and on Tuesday it was themost dreadful piece of work and rejectedout of hand.”The vic<strong>io</strong>us campaign against Dr Pusztaiwas as coordinated as it was callous.Reports attacking him were published bythe Illuminati, Royal Society and ScienceTechnology select committee of the Houseof Commons with its pro-Blair majority.Cabinet Minister Jack Cunningham,another Blair lapdog, condemned DrPusztai’s “wholly misleading results” andsaid that all GM food in Britain would besafe to eat. But how does a#+”$@ like Cunningham know thatcompared with the world’s leadingauthority? It has nothing to do with truthor protecting the public. It is politicalbusiness. GM food is a done deal. The Blairgovernment is one of the most corrupt inall British history and it has fundamentalties to the b<strong>io</strong>tech industry. In its first twoyears in office GM food companies metgovernment officials 81 times.Blair’s unelected Science Minister LordSainsbury is a dedicated supporter of GMfood.When he was appointed he held largeshareholdings in b<strong>io</strong>tech companies Datatechand Innotech which were placed ina blind trust so that he could not knowinglybenefit from decis<strong>io</strong>ns he makes ingovernment – hummmm has he forgottenhe has them? He made 20 mill<strong>io</strong>n UKPounds profit in four years from Innotechand such wealth allows him to be the biggestsingle donor to Blair’s Labour Partywith payments of more than 8 mill<strong>io</strong>n UKPounds since it came to power.But what of Professor James, the head ofRowett, who also felt the wrath of dictatorBlair? At the time he enjoyed good relat<strong>io</strong>nswith Blair and he’d been chosen tohead the planned Food Standards Agency.But that changed after Dr Pusztai madehis comments.“You destroyed me” he told Dr Pusztai.“This is how the Illuminati work to stifledissent and mislead the public. You wantto advance your career? OK do what wewant and you’ll be fine. Speak your mindand we’ll destroy you.”Anonymousand Mulard or Moulard) used in foie grasproduct<strong>io</strong>n are non-migratory and notpredisposed to gorging as are wild geese.In addit<strong>io</strong>n, wild birds who do migrateexpend the excess fat for migrat<strong>io</strong>n, unlikethe severly confined birds in foie grasfacilities. Artificially-induced gorging isextremely painful and debilitating to thesebirds, as noted by the European ScientificCommittee on Health and Animal Welfare's1998 report, which concluded that"Whilst the domestic goose might well beadapted to store food before migrat<strong>io</strong>n,it is less likely that a cross between thedomestic duck and the Muscovy duck, theMulard, has such potential for food."The foie gras industry also defends theirproduct<strong>io</strong>n methods by claiming it is along-held tradit<strong>io</strong>n. However, ducks andgeese fattened with figs in olden timeswere not forced to endure living insidedark warehouses in cramped and dirtywire cages with little or no water andforce-fed with wide, inflexible and nonlubricatedpipes.The inherent cruelty of foie gras hasresulted in the product<strong>io</strong>n being banned inmany countries around the world, includingSouth Africa, the UK, most USA states,Isreal and others and many states arestarting to ban the supply in restaurants.It is still available in South Africa throughimports however, and the cycle of crueltycontinues.Kindly visit www.sentience.co.za to seehow you can help end the supply and availibilityin South Africa with a click of yourmouse. We welcome 'no foie gras' pledgesfrom restaurants and any companies whohold large funct<strong>io</strong>ns, stating they will notserve foie gras at their funct<strong>io</strong>ns or establishmentsand these will be advertised onthe website as caring companies.Toni Brockhoven8 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

BlatantDecept<strong>io</strong>nJohnson & JohnsonrespondsRe: False Statements by B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> TeamDear Ms. Torr:I represent Johnson & Johnson ConsumerCompanies, Inc. who markets theJohnson’s® Soothing Naturals® line ofproducts. We have become aware of yourpublicat<strong>io</strong>n in which you make numerousfalse and irresponsible statementsregarding our Soothing Naturals BodyWash product. A copy of your publicat<strong>io</strong>nis attached. You claim that the productnot only contains ingredients that aredangerous and should not be applied to anyskin, especially that of babies, but also thatit contains “a cocktail of chemicals thatshould not be near any babies skin.” Thesebroad accusat<strong>io</strong>ns are completely false.Our company is made up of mothers andfathers who take the safety of our productsfor all consumers, including babies, veryser<strong>io</strong>usly. Our products are rigorouslyreviewed, tested and proven safe and effectivepr<strong>io</strong>r to distribut<strong>io</strong>n.In addit<strong>io</strong>n to your general statementsthat our products contain dangerous ingredients,you purport to list which ingredientsyou believe are dangerous and why.Your intent is clearly to scare consumersbased upon falsehoods and misleadingstatements. For example, you suggest thatINBOX: OUR READERS WRITEEcocert has “banned” certain ingredientsand therefore that those ingredients areunsafe. Simply because a product hasnot been certified by Ecocert (or as youstate “not allowed”) as organic or natural,does not make the ingredient unsafe. Infact, as you well know, many “natural” or“organic” substances can be extremelydangerous. All of the ingredients includedin our products have been carefully chosenfor their safety and efficacy. Any suggest<strong>io</strong>nthat these ingredients, as formulatedin our products, are carcinogenic, toxic orotherwise unsafe, is false.We take this matter very ser<strong>io</strong>uslyand are prepared to defend our productsand their safety. We expect that you willimmediately stop making these false andmisleading statements.We look forward to your responsewithin 7 business days. You may reach meat 908-874-2430 if you wish to discuss thismatter.Sincerely yours,Clayton Paterson,Assistant General CounselDear Clayton,The following is in response to your letter.We are sorry that you have taken offenceto our article, but we continue to stand bythe informat<strong>io</strong>n. There is nothing false ormisleading about it.The newly launched range of products"Naturals" is by very virtue of the name,insinuating that you are putting on theshelf a pure and 'natural' product. Thedefinit<strong>io</strong>n of 'natural' is: "according to orprovided by nature and NOT artificial".Your product is NOT 'natural' and you arepretending that it is by calling it such andthis is false and misleading. I think thatthe only 'natural' thing in it is the waterand sodium. The vast majority of thepublic is totally ignorant and sadly 'trust'well established names such Johnson &Johnson.It is not 'new' news now in the industry,and the latest responsible and ethical researchshows that many of the ingredientsthat have been included in the "Naturals"range pose a ser<strong>io</strong>us threat to the healthof people when they are regularly absorbedinto the skin. This is even worsefor children, whose systems are still in thedevelopmental stages and their organs areoften not as efficient in the eliminat<strong>io</strong>n oftoxins. This is often not apparent immediately,but over time the effects are ser<strong>io</strong>us.And I am sure that you are well aware ofthe fact that up to 60% of what goes ontothe skin goes in, and in many cases issystemic.If you are in any doubt as to the authenticityof our informat<strong>io</strong>n please read the recommendedpublicat<strong>io</strong>ns at the end of thisletter. You will discover for yourself thatit is true and verified by some of the bestindependent researchers who are honestand not paid by big business to promotethe lies, decept<strong>io</strong>n and pure callous greedthat motivates them in their ser<strong>io</strong>us businessof 'profit before people'.Johnson & Johnson are in a posit<strong>io</strong>n toprovide a product that is ethical andharmless but they choose to go the 'cheap'route and make mill<strong>io</strong>ns instead. Butwhat is so disgusting and unethical is thatthey are now 'cashing in' on the latest andfastest growing movement in the world;namely 'natural and organic'. It costs ahuge amount more to formulate productswithout the undesirable chemicals andthe profits are much less. If you are goingto call a product 'natural' then you havea moral obligat<strong>io</strong>n to formulate it fromorganic and natural ingredients set downby the strict standards of the organiccertifying organizat<strong>io</strong>ns. If organic ingredientsare not used, in the main part,it is certainly not natural, and this is notdifficult to understand.If an ethical approach was adopted theproducts would be removed from theshelves forthwith and reformulated withproper ingredients.As is our custom, we shall be printingyour letter of complaint together with ourresponse in the next issue of B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong>.Regards and hoping for a healthier andmore ethical planet.Anthea TorrRecommended reading:Cosmetics Unmasked by Antczak S & GChemical Exposures: Low levels and highstakes by Miller N AshfordCleaning yourself to Death by Pat ThomasWhat's in this Stuff by Pat ThomasChemicals in everyday products by Lewis GRossDr Samuel Epstein - Many papers exposingthe links between cancer and ingredients inperson care productsB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>9

10 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

editorialccording to the scientists and otherswho contributed to the "11th Hour"documentary put together byLeonardo di Capr<strong>io</strong> we have reached 11:59, but as the Elder pointed out in theclosing lines:"The Earth has got all the time inthe world; it is we who are runningout of time..."So true!The earth is sick, however, as is themajority of humanity, and this there isno getting away from. And, like us whenwe get sick, she has got a temperatureand this temperature will increase, justlike ours does until all the parasites,bacteria and other anti-life organismsliving on her that are making her sickare gone and she can complete her healingjourney.We live in a hologra<strong>ph</strong>ic universeand the understanding that we 'mirrorall and everything' outside of us, or...'as within so without' is essential as wemove into a new age of being. Our consc<strong>io</strong>usnesswill determine the journeywe find ourselves in and there can be noblame for anything. We are co-creatorsof our lives and responsibility needs to betaken and acknowledged, right from thevolat<strong>ile</strong> weather patterns, to the car wedrive and type of clothes we wear.Everything in our outer lives is a mirrorof our inner world. If we are in needof material things, fancy cars, houses,clothes this is where our consc<strong>io</strong>usnessis cogitating. We need to look closely atthe motives that cause us to desire, andwhat we are desiring.At present we do live in a third dimens<strong>io</strong>nalmaterialist world and I doubtif there are many of us who don’t likethe odd item of new clothing, a new carmaybe or a holiday to a fancy overseasdestinat<strong>io</strong>n? I enjoyed a quote that camemy way the other day…"The voyage of discovery liesnot in finding new landscapesbut in having new eyes."(Marcel Proust.)Group consc<strong>io</strong>usness is dictating thatthis materialistically-driven lifestyle is'normal'. But where has it got us? Wellone thing that is for certain is that weare in a mess. We do not like to shareand we are surrounded by poverty,greed and inequality; our planet is sick,the animals are suffering. Somethingneeds to change. Our inner group consc<strong>io</strong>usnessis reflecting the governmentwe have governing our country, the foodwe are eating, the way it is grown anddistributed etc.Do we like the way things are going?And if not, are we going to take responsibilityand make the changes insideourselves to manifest the type of worldwe want to live in?If we are not living life in a way that isenhancing the wellbeing of our ourselves,(or pro-life), the planet and allthat is in our lives, we will ultimately becaught up in the 'temperature' scenar<strong>io</strong>,where anti-life organisms will not survive.The planet has for a long time nowbeen warning us that she is starting her'detox' and she needs to clean herself. Shedoes this via the elements: water, wind,earth and fire and this is very evidentwhen we look around us.The pockets of ancient tribal peoplethat have survived the onslaught of ourde-natured, detached, materialistic andtechnologically driven society have recentlyput out many warnings. The Hopipeople ask us:"Where are you living?What are you doing?What are your relat<strong>io</strong>nships?Are you in right relat<strong>io</strong>n?Where is your water?Know your garden.It is time to speak your Truth.Create your community.Be good to each other.And do not look outsideyourself for the leader."Intuitively, I want to simplify my lifeas much as possible and live accordingto the natural rhythms so beautifullyexemplified by nature, doing no harmto myself and all and everything in myouter world. I know that all the answerslie in nature and our connect<strong>io</strong>n to the'great sprit' inside us and outside us.So why not take the first step andstart a vegetable garden and compostheap? Apparently, if we knew how (andwe have just forgotten, that's all) andwe lived in a rural or semi-rural areawe could collect all the food we need tokeep us perfectly healthy within a 10 kmradius of our homes, and it would notneed cooking!So maybe it is time to really start tolive according to the 10 Indian Commandments:Remain close to the GreatSpirit. Treat the Earth and allthe dwell thereon with respect.Show great respect for yourfellow beings (including theanimal beings).Work together for the benefitof all Mankind.Give assistance and kindnesswherever needed.Do what you know to be right.Look after the wellbeing ofmind and body.Dedicate a share of yourefforts to the greater good.Be truthful and honestat all times and take fullresponsibility for your act<strong>io</strong>ns.AntheaB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>11

the b<strong>io</strong>f<strong>ile</strong>s news from around our worldA better way tomake b<strong>io</strong>dieselScientists at the Indian Instituteof Chemical Technology havefound a much better way tomake b<strong>io</strong>diesel. Their newmethod could lower the cost andincrease the energy efficiency offuel product<strong>io</strong>n.Instead of mixing the ingredientsand heating them forhours, the chemical engineerspass sunflower oil and methanolthrough a bed of pellets madefrom fungal spores. An enzymeproduced by the fungus does thework -- making b<strong>io</strong>diesel withimpressive efficiency.Typically, b<strong>io</strong>diesel is made bymixing methanol with lye andvegetable oil and then heatingthe brew for several hours. Thisbonds the methanol to the oilsto produce energetic moleculescalled esters. Unfortunately,heating the mixture is a hugewaste of energy, and a majorselling point of alternative fuelsis efficiency. [Wired]Large scale solar plants have abright futureChina's first nat<strong>io</strong>nalpark establishedThe Nature Conservancyhas helped China achieve aconservat<strong>io</strong>n landmark: theestablishment of that country'sfirst nat<strong>io</strong>nal park, which willalso serve as a model for a newChinese nat<strong>io</strong>nal park system.The new park — Pudacuo Nat<strong>io</strong>nalPark in China's NorthwestYunnan Province — is locatedin one of the most b<strong>io</strong>diversereg<strong>io</strong>ns of the world. Wh<strong>ile</strong> thereg<strong>io</strong>n comprises only 0.7% ofChina's land area, it containsmore than 20% of the country’splant species, about one-thirdof its mammal and bird speciesand almost 100 endangered species.[RLDC]Life Responds ToYour OutlookLife is largely a matter ofexpectat<strong>io</strong>n. You mustexpect to succeed, if youwant to succeed.Expectat<strong>io</strong>n energizesyour goals and give themmomentum. [Daily Guru]Personal, portable windmillWind power is one of the most promising sources of renewableenergy, yet most often its presence is felt only on the industrialscale, in large wind farms connected to the power grid. Howgreat would it be for individuals to be able to power their devicesthrough their own personal, portable windmill? Thats the conceptbehind the ‘Wing’ Personal Windmill. The name alone has an airof freedom and mobility, and that’s exactly what this lightweightpersonal windmill creates. Portable, easily folded and carried bya single individual, Wing produces enough electricity to satisfythe primary needs of the mob<strong>ile</strong> individual; powering cell <strong>ph</strong>ones,laptops, and lamps.Designed by Ines Vlahović and Mladen Orešić of Croatia, theoriginal impetus for Wing was to provide energy in remote locat<strong>io</strong>ns(camping, at the beach, in remote rural areas, etc), but thesuccess of the prototype makes it easy to use Wing as a secondarysource of electricity in the home as well. Wing is suitable as asecondary power source in any settled situat<strong>io</strong>n, and earned oneof the highly-coveted INDEX Awards of 2007: Design to ImproveLife. [www.indexaward.dk]The Brazilian government stands accused ofselling off huge swaths of the Amazon rainforest— including its oldest protected nat<strong>io</strong>nalpark — to unscrupulous logging companies,under the cover of a flawed sustainable developmentproject.An eight-month investigat<strong>io</strong>n by Greenpeaceinto the land scam, revealed that the Brazilianland reform agency, INCRA, had set up large settlementsin rainforest areas instead of placingthem in already deforested areas, and settlingurban families who promptly sold logging rightsto major timber conpanies."Instead of helping, the official efforts are puttingin place mechanisms to ensure the supply oftimber to loggers. This opens the door to furtherforest destruct<strong>io</strong>n and climate change," saysGreenpeace's André Muggiati.Wind turbines to createpositive energyEskom’s planned wind turbineson the West Coast representSouth Africa’s first major investmentin clean, renewable energy.Eskom is planning to go “fullsteam ahead” with the R1.1-bill<strong>io</strong>n project as soon as therequired environmental approvalswere obtained.The facility will be built on a25km² site about 40km northwestof Vredendal and 2 km inlandfrom the windswept beach.Eskom hopes it will start generatinggreen power in time forthe 2010 Soccer World Cup if theapproval process goes withouta hitch. The plan is to producea 100MW capacity, which wouldmean erecting at least 50turbines, but possibly as manyas 100. Each turbine wouldneed to be 80m high and carrya three-bladed propeller 90m indiameter. [The Times]Concentrat<strong>io</strong>n CanOpen Any DoorThe first law of success isconcentrat<strong>io</strong>n. Bend allyour energies to one point,and go directly to thatpoint, looking neither tothe right nor the left.Success is the result of welldirected energy.The rays of the sun do notburn until brought to afocus. [Daily Guru]Amazon forest sold off in housing scamIn 2006, INCRA created 97 "sustainabledevelopment settlements" (PDS) in Santarém inthe west of the Amazonian state of Pará, in areasof primary forest of huge value to loggers. Thesesettlements cover 2.2 mill<strong>io</strong>n hectares and havebeen assigned to 33,700 families."All these settlements were created in thelast three months of last year," says an INCRAemployee. "It was the end of Lula's first term sohe had to accomplish the targets. It is politicianswho will benefit from the PDS system." In OctoberMr Da Silva won a second term in office.As well as politicians, the scheme benefits thesettlers, who receive land and sell their loggingrights to large timber firms; the loggers, whogain access to valuable timber; and INCRA,which is close to reaching the government targets.[The Independent]12 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

Article Title Goes HerePlastic, notaxes, threatenscork forestsIf you buy a bottle of wine witha metal screw-top or a plasticcork, you won't just be thumbingyour nose at tradit<strong>io</strong>n.You may also be dooming theworld's cork forests.That is the view of environmentalistsand cork producers whohave joined forces to protectcork oaks -- and the unique habitatthey provide -- from competit<strong>io</strong>nin the wine trade.Alternative 'corks' are evermore common, as synthetic andaluminium wine closures havegrabbed a 20 percent share ofthe market, up from just 2 percentin 2000, according to wineindustry consultant Ste<strong>ph</strong>aneRein of Rein Consulting. He saysthat could increase to 35 percentby the end of the decade."Silicone corks are not a problemfor quality wines, they'llalways use cork," said BattistaGiannottu, an agronomistwho works with a consortiumrepresenting Sardinia's corkproducers."But the mass market, which is80 percent of the total, might(use synthetic corks). That's notjust an economic problem butan environmental one."The Quercus suber, or corkoak, which grows on both theEuropean and African sides ofthe Mediterranean, provides theraw material for practically allthe 20 bill<strong>io</strong>n wine corks usedevery year.The way cork is harvested-- shaved off the sides of treeslike the way a sheep is shorn --means forests continue to thriveas they give up their valuablebark.In Sardinia, the only reg<strong>io</strong>n inItaly that produces cork, theforests are a haven for wild boar,a species of hawk native to theisland and Sardinian deer.The highly endangered Iberianlynx roams the cork forests ofSpain and Portugal, the globalleader in cork product<strong>io</strong>n; inNorth Africa the forests providea habitat for Barbary deer.Mammoth dung may speed warmingSergei Zimov bends down, picks up a handfulof treacly mud and holds it up to his nose. Itsmells like a cow pat, but he knows better."It smells like mammoth dung," he says.This is more than just another symptom ofglobal warming. For millennia, layers of animalwaste and other organic matter left behindby the creatures that used to roam the Arctictundra have been sealed inside the frozenpermafrost. Now climate change is thawingthe permafrost and lifting this prehistoric oozefrom suspended animat<strong>io</strong>n.But Zimov, a scientist who for almost 30 yearshas studied climate change in Russia's Arctic,believes that as this organic matter becomes exposedto the air it will accelerate global warmingfaster than even some of the most pessimisticforecasts."This will lead to a type of global warmingwhich will be impossible to stop," he said.When the organic matter left behind bymammoths and other wildlife is exposed to theCombiningchickens, crops &sustainable, off-gridlivingIn the heart of Seattle, architectsinvis<strong>io</strong>n a farm rising vertically intothe sky. The Center for Urban Agriculture(CUA) won “Best of Show” inthe Cascadia Reg<strong>io</strong>n Green BuildingCouncil’s Living Building Challenge.Vertically constructed on a 3000m 2site, the off-grid building is designedto be completely energy and water sufficientand will include 3<strong>18</strong> affordableapartments. And on top of that, therewill be greenhouses, rooftop gardens,a chicken farm, and fields for growingvegetables and grains.CUA's sustainable features include3000m 2 of <strong>ph</strong>otovoltaic cells combinedwith hydrogen gas undergroundstorage tanks to help match energyproduct<strong>io</strong>n and demand, 3000m 2 rooftoprainwater collect<strong>io</strong>n area, 45 extrastorage tanks, and filtering/purifyingto supply the building's greywater anddrinking water;Commenting on the concept, BertGregory, Mithun President, said:"Concepts like the CUA are extremelyimportant for architecture as a science.Constantly developing creative andchallenging ideas is the best way touncover innovative solut<strong>io</strong>ns to today’sproblems."air by the thawing permafrost, his theory runs,microbes that have been dormant for thousandsof years spring back into act<strong>io</strong>n.As a by-product they emit carbon d<strong>io</strong>xide and-- even more damaging in terms of its impact onthe climate -- methane gas.According to Zimov, the microbes are goingto start emitting these gases in enormousquantities.Here in Yakutia, a reg<strong>io</strong>n in the north-easterncorner of Siberia, the belt of permafrost containingthe mammoth-era soil covers an area roughlythe size of France and Germany combined.There is even more of it elsewhere in Siberia."The deposits of organic matter in thesesoils are so gigantic that they dwarf global oilreserves," Zimov said.U.S. government statistics show mankindemits about 7 bill<strong>io</strong>n tonnes of carbon a year."Permafrost areas hold 500 bill<strong>io</strong>n tonnes ofcarbon, which can fast turn into greenhousegases," Zimov said. [Yahoo! News]B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>13

BIOFILESget active! what you can doEnvironmental JusticeNetwork ForumEstablished to servicethe common interestsof participating SouthAfrican non-governmentaland community-basedorganizat<strong>io</strong>ns on mattersconcerning environmentaljustice and sustainabledevelopment.Tel: +27 (0)11 403 8978Fax: +27 (0)11 339 3859Web: www.ejnf.org.zaEarthlife AfricaA membership-drivenorganizat<strong>io</strong>n of environmentaland social justice activists,founded to mobilize civilsociety around environmentalissues in relat<strong>io</strong>n to people.Web: www.earthlife.org.zaB<strong>io</strong>watchSouth African NGOpublicising, monitoring andresearching issues of b<strong>io</strong>logicaldiversity,genetic engineeringand sustainable livelihoods.Tel: +27 0(21) 447 5939Email: b<strong>io</strong>watch@mweb.co.zaWeb: www.b<strong>io</strong>watch.org.zaSAFeAGESA Freeze Alliance on GeneticEngineeringTel. +27 (0)21 447 8445Email: safeage@mweb.co.zaWeb: www.safeage.orgCANE - Coalit<strong>io</strong>n AgainstNuclear Energy SouthAfricaA group of organisat<strong>io</strong>ns,NGOs, Environmental Groups,Communities and Citizensfrom all over South Africa whoare opposed to Nuclear Energyas a power source.Web: www.cane.org.zaAN INVITATION TO PICKETare you involved in an informed wayin the energy decis<strong>io</strong>n-making ofgovernment?The Department of Minerals and Energy(DME) is planning an Energy Summit on25-27 September at the Sandton Convent<strong>io</strong>nCentre in Gauteng.The programme is designed to review the1998 Energy White Paper. Some of the panelsplanned are about electricity privatizat<strong>io</strong>n(Reg<strong>io</strong>nal Electricity Distributors), electricitypricing and governance, petrol, gas andparaffin, competit<strong>io</strong>n in the energy markets,access to energy for the poor.• The DME has not involved civil society inpreparat<strong>io</strong>ns for the summit• Most civil society organizat<strong>io</strong>ns andformat<strong>io</strong>ns have not been invited• There is no support provided to civil societyto attend• The programme is dominated by governmentand big business• The programme focuses on dirty, unsafeenergy technologies like petrol, coal andnuclear energy.• Government is deciding to spend hundredsof bill<strong>io</strong>ns of rands on a dirty and unsafenuclear programme when people are stillliving without houses or health care.Earthlife Africa Cape Town will be picketingoutside the DME’s offices in Cape Townon Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th tomake clear to government that they cannotmake decis<strong>io</strong>ns that affect us without ourparticipat<strong>io</strong>n.Please join us in this protest act<strong>io</strong>n.Contact Nosi<strong>ph</strong>iwo Msitwenifor more informat<strong>io</strong>n:021 447 4912076 2900 320DME’s Energy Summit puts ourheritage at riskThe Minister of the DME has publicly stated thatthe purpose of the Energy Summit was to afford allstakeholders an opportunity to reflect on the energypolicy development process However, the experiencehas been that NGOs such as Earthlife Africa CapeTown and Sustainable Energy Africa have had littlesuccess. Their efforts have either been ignored orrejected.Communities represented by organizat<strong>io</strong>ns like theSouth African Council of Churches (SACC) have notbeen invited. Significantly, neither have organizat<strong>io</strong>nsdirectly affected by a policy review process suchas the Namaqualand Act<strong>io</strong>n Group for EnvironmentalJustice and the South Durban CommunityEnvironmental Alliance.Earlier this year—at the announcement of the annualBudget—the People's Budget Campaign whosestakeholders include the South African Council ofChurches (SACC), COSATU and SANGOCO urgedgovernment to "spend more, spend better on theright programmes." Believing expenditure on thePebble Bed Modular Reactor—as an example—to alreadybe a non-viable and expensive project, the PBCproposed that government redirect spending on thePBMR (somewhere in the reg<strong>io</strong>n of R6 bill<strong>io</strong>n) forthe development and financing of renewables overthe next five years.In order for an energy summit to claim that it isboth nat<strong>io</strong>nal and of the people, government wouldneed to provide sufficient notice and invite civilsociety organizat<strong>io</strong>ns and communities active in theenergy sector to genuinely consultative process. Sucha process should be open and transparent, with aprogramme that reflects the full range of energy topicsthat affect South Africans today. The undersignedorganizat<strong>io</strong>ns call on government to return to thebasic tenets of democracy. We demand the right toparticipate in decis<strong>io</strong>ns that affect policy changes toenergy use. We demand a say for future generat<strong>io</strong>nsthat may not have a voice because of the choicesgovernment and big business make today.Signed by:Earthlife Africa Cape TownSA Catholic Bishops Conference Justice & Peace EnvironmentalDeskGoedgedacht Forum for Social Reflect<strong>io</strong>nKeith Vermeulen (People’s Budget Campaign)South African Energy CaucusSustainable Energy AfricaNamaqualand Act<strong>io</strong>n Group for Environmental JusticeEarthlife Africa JohannesburgCitizens United for Renewable Energy & Sustainability(CURES)EcoCityKoesterfontein Residents Act<strong>io</strong>n GroupgroundWorkEarthlife Africa eThekwiniPelindaba Working GroupSouth African Faith Communities EnvironmentalInstituteJustice & Peace Department: Archd<strong>io</strong>cese of JohannesburgSA Freeze Alliance on Genetic EngineeringSouth Durban Community Environmental AllianceContactKeith Vermeulen 021 423 4261/082 523 0701Maya Aberman 021 447 4912/076 754 632714 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

If a global ecological collapse is almost upon us, thenwhere's the urgency?It's time to act bravely,and with resolveby Dr. Glen Barryate to say it, but "i told you so."Global ecological collapse is uponus and the human family isentering a Hobbesian struggle for survivalof the Earth and all her species includinghumans.Even mainstream leaders tell us wehave a decade to act before utter ecologicalruin and despair is assured. If things arereally so bad, where is the urgency? Willyou fight for being?Many mega-consumers in the overdevelopedworld, until now responsiblefor most environmental destruct<strong>io</strong>n, livein a world of entertainment, abundanceand great comfort. We sit stupefied infront of our home entertainment systems,addicted to vicar<strong>io</strong>usly watching the livesof glamorous stars, as the Earth dies. Moviesand TV are the modern day bread andcircuses meant to control and keep blindconsumers blindly consuming.A lifetime of global change and ecologyresearch leads me to conclude humans areon the brink of global ecological collapseand only dramatic, even revolut<strong>io</strong>nary,global policy responses can save us now.The Earth system has been cut deeply, hurtin so many ways, that barring major socialand personal transformat<strong>io</strong>n, it is notinconceivable that complex life is finished.There has been enough awareness building.It is time to act bravely and with resolve.These are dangerous times. Andthose concerned with the fate of theplanet and her species are faced witha d<strong>ile</strong>mma. They can follow a failing,star-studded, corporate drivenreformist agenda which seeks togreenwash business as usual environmentalpolicy responses. Or you canconcern yourself with what is trulyrequired to maintain the b<strong>io</strong>s<strong>ph</strong>ere,ecological patterns and processes,relatively civilized human society;and yourself, family and friends.Human populat<strong>io</strong>ns have increasedsixfold in just over 125 years. Who has aplan to reduce global populat<strong>io</strong>n? Bill<strong>io</strong>nslive on a dollar or two a day wh<strong>ile</strong> a handfulof bill<strong>io</strong>naires enjoy more wealth thanentire nat<strong>io</strong>ns. The whole world increasinglyembraces and idolises the ostentat<strong>io</strong>uslifestyles of celebrities. Meanwh<strong>ile</strong>our climate, forests, oceans and water arefailing worldwide. The sky is falling.Humanity is facing global ecologicalArmageddon within a decade or generat<strong>io</strong>nat most. Responses to date have beenhalf-hearted, and do little or nothing tostrike at over-populat<strong>io</strong>n and over- consumpt<strong>io</strong>nas the underlying causes of afailing b<strong>io</strong>s<strong>ph</strong>ere.There is little hope when Greenpeacepromotes ancient forest logging, whenAl Gore states climate change can be addressedwithout economic sacrifice, whenLeonardo DiCapr<strong>io</strong> assures us at the 11thHour he only uses private jets when absolutelynecessary.These are our leaders? Their vis<strong>io</strong>nlacks concrete act<strong>io</strong>ns adequate toachieve equitable and just ecologicalsustainability.Academically, at what point if ever willarmed struggle on behalf of Gaia be justified?I ask not to encourage v<strong>io</strong>lence, but toascertain what we are willing to sacrificeto save the Earth and her humanity. Giventhe failure of large environmental groupsand well-known environmental activiststo present a coherent and adequate vis<strong>io</strong>nto save the Earth, what are we left with?Changing light bulbs? Renewable energy?Simultaneous global rock concerts? Willthese get us there?Is the very ecological fabric of beingworthy of fighting for at all costs? I do notknow. But if indeed there is only a decadeto save the planet, our being, and veryexistence; are we not justified in imaginingmore robust responses? I speak not oftoken arson or mild larceny, but of a globaleco-insurgency adequate to topple thewhole disgusting planet eating industrialgrowth machine and replace it globallywith decentralized ecologically sustainableagrarian democracy. The vis<strong>io</strong>n is ofpeople living peacefully with the land, air,water, oceans and all life; and within theirecological and b<strong>io</strong>reg<strong>io</strong>nal limits.A hypothetical Earth revolut<strong>io</strong>n mustknow when and how to strike. As globalecological mayhem intensifies, it will becomeincreasingly evident when to beginwholeheartedly targeting SUVs, coalpower plants, ancient forest loggers andtheir apologists.The goal must be prompting swiftindustrial collapse and lead to acontinued insurgency adequate tostop its regenerat<strong>io</strong>n, even as people'sneeds are met by returning tothe land in relocalized communitiespracticing true egalitarian democracyand sustainable permaculture.It is crucial that the first strike notresult in the entire Earth insurgency beingarrested, suppressed and dismantled.War in defense of the Earth and ourhabitat is not mere tokenism; it is a fightfor all life and continued being. Given thefailure of the environmental movementand existing political and economic structuresto enunciate and implement policiesadequate to stop ecosystem destruct<strong>io</strong>nand meet all basic human needs, it is timeto ask yourself whether you will simply liedown and die without fighting for motherEarth and your children's children? Mybest advice is to educate yourself, bandtogether in landed communities, organizeand protest; and begin to stealthilyprepare yourself for an Earth Revolut<strong>io</strong>nshould we fail. Gaia will say when.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>15

Sounding the AlarmMore than forty years ago, Rachel Carson's S<strong>ile</strong>nt Spring foreverchanged our view of the environmentby Bruce Watsonmonth before World War II ended,a relatively unknown writer namedRachel Carson proposed an articlefor Reader's Digest about the effects ofthe pesticide DDT on what she called "thedelicate balance of nature." The shy womanassured the editors that "it's somethingthat really does affect everybody." Theyturned her down.Perhaps they felt a story about pesticideswould be too depressing. Or maybeit was that DDT, then widely used in theUnited States, had likely saved thousandsof American Marines and soldiers bykilling disease-carrying insects on far-offbeachheads, Carson f<strong>ile</strong>d the subject awayand went on to write best-selling books onthe wonders of the sea, A dozen years later,she decided to take up the topic again. Thistime would be different.Wh<strong>ile</strong> authors and publishers like tobelieve that a single book can change theworld,few books actually have had such animpact. Yet the day it hit bookstores morethan 40 years ago, Rachel Carson's S<strong>ile</strong>ntSpring fuelled a vigorous public debateabout the use of chemicals in our environmentthat has yet to be resolved."Without this book," wrote former VicePresident Al Gore in the introduct<strong>io</strong>n toa 1994 reprint of it, "the environmentalmovement might have been long delayed ornever have developed at all," This complex,lyrical volume led not only to the banningof DDT but eventually to the format<strong>io</strong>n ofthe US Environmental Protect<strong>io</strong>n Agency."After S<strong>ile</strong>nt Spring,people began tothink about the chemicals they werehandling, what they were doing to theenvironment, and what scientists weren'ttelling them," says Carson b<strong>io</strong>gra<strong>ph</strong>erLinda Lear (Rachel Carson: Witness forNature, 1997). "They began to quest<strong>io</strong>n thevery direct<strong>io</strong>n of technology."Carson had no intent<strong>io</strong>n of starting amovement. Working against time followinga diagnosis of cancer, she sounded herwake-up call in the name of songbirds, "IfI kept s<strong>ile</strong>nt I could never again listen to athrush's song without overwhelming selfreproach,"she wrote. But in the fall of 1962,many scientists and people in the chemicalindustry wished she had kept s<strong>ile</strong>nt.Growing up in western Pennsylvania,Rachel Louise Carson, known to friendsas Ray, immersed herself in nature andbooks, especially the sea sagas of Melvilleand Conrad. At the Pennsylvania Collegefor Women in the mid-1920s she changedher major from English to B<strong>io</strong>logy, butretained a deep love of writing. Eventuallyshe earned a master's degree in MarineZoology from Johns Hopkins Universityand became a jun<strong>io</strong>r aquatic b<strong>io</strong>logist forthe US Bureau of Fisheries in Washington,D.C.Her first book, Under the Sea-Wind,was published in 1941 and sold fewer than2 000 copies. But it put her in contact withscientists who were beginning to ask hardquest<strong>io</strong>ns about the fate of the earth.In the late 1940s, wh<strong>ile</strong> working as publicat<strong>io</strong>nseditor for the Fishand WildlifeService, sheRachel Louise Carson (27 May 1907 —14 April1964) was an American marine b<strong>io</strong>logistand nature writer whose landmark book, S<strong>ile</strong>ntSpring, is often credited with having launched theglobal environmental movement. S<strong>ile</strong>nt Springhad an immense effect in the United States,where it spurred a reversal in nat<strong>io</strong>nal pesticidepolicy. [Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]began her secondbook, The Sea Around Us. The literarysensat<strong>io</strong>n of 1951— topping best-seller listsand winning a Nat<strong>io</strong>nal Book Award—itoutlined the latest science informingour understanding of the ocean. Carsonalmost instantly became the nat<strong>io</strong>n's unofficialspokesperson for the sea."Heavens!" she wrote a friend after winninganother accolade. "Is this all aboutme—it is really ridiculous!” Sea's successenabled her to become a full-time writerand buy a cottage on the coast of Maine,which would become a sanctuary for therest other life. Wh<strong>ile</strong> she would write anotherbook about the sea, she continued toharbor nagging quest<strong>io</strong>ns about the effectof pesticides on the land.Dichlorodi<strong>ph</strong>enyltrichloroethane(DDT) was first used as an insecticide in1959, just a few grains of the white powderwould miraculously wipe out coloniesof mosquito larvae. During World WarII, B-25 bombers sprayed DDT pr<strong>io</strong>r toinvas<strong>io</strong>ns in the Pacific. After the war,DDT would all but wipe out malaria in thedeveloped world and drastically reduce itelsewhere. (The Nat<strong>io</strong>nal Academy of Sciencesreported in 1970 that DDT had savedmore than 500 mill<strong>io</strong>n lives from malaria.)Paul Muller, the chemist who first turnedit on unsuspecting flies, won a Nobel Prizein 1948 for his work.By the late 1950s, DDT product<strong>io</strong>nhad nearly quintupled from World WarII levels as municipal authorities took tospraying the chemical on American suburbsto eradicate tent caterpillars, gypsymoths and the beetles that carried Dutchelm disease.But the chemical had a disturbing characteristic,it killed indiscriminately. Afterfinding seven dead songbirds in her yard16 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

after the area had been sprayed againstmosquitoes, a Massachusetts friend ofCarson's wrote a letter to the BostonHerald in 1958 demanding that officials"stop the spraying of poisons from the air."Carson read the letter and realized that"everything which meant most to me as anaturalist was being threatened." She decidedto make DDT the subject of her nextbook, tentatively entitled Man Against theEarth.represent our willingness to rush aheadand use something new without knowingwhat the results are going to be."Suddenly in a single summer, chemicalscience had fallen from its pedestal. By lateAugust, reporters were asking PresidentKennedy if federal officials would beinvestigating the long-range effects ofpesticides. "They already are," he answered"I think particularly, of course, since MissCarson's book, but they are examining theAccording to the WorldwatchInstitute, a higher percentage ofcrops in America are now lost topests than before pesticides werefirst widely used.chapters, theauthor followed thetrail of pesticides from farm to familytable, provided a "Who's Who" of toxicchemicals—DDT, chlordane, malath<strong>io</strong>n,parath<strong>io</strong>n—and noted that pesticides accumulatein fatty tissues of organisms.React<strong>io</strong>n to S<strong>ile</strong>nt Spring was quick,strong and largely negative. Life claimedthat Carson had "overstated her case."Time, citing scientists' claims that insecticideswere "harmless," dismissed it as an"emot<strong>io</strong>nal and inaccurate outburst." Thechemical and food industries came afterCarson aggressively. Chemical and EngineeringNews, a chemical industry trademagazine, linked Carson with "pseudoscientistsand faddists," denounced her"high-pitched sequences of anxieties" andbelittled her credentials. The Nutrit<strong>io</strong>nFoundat<strong>io</strong>n ma<strong>ile</strong>d scathing reviews of thebook to newspapers. The Nat<strong>io</strong>nal AgriculturalChemicals Associat<strong>io</strong>n launcheda $250, 000 campaign to refute it, andthe Monsanto Corporat<strong>io</strong>n published aparody of Carson's opening fable, describinga world without pesticides, overrunby insects and disease. In a cartoon in theNovember 10, 1962, issue of the SaturdayReview, a man lamented "I had just cometo terms with fallout, and along comesRachel Carson."But there were voices of praise as well.Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglascalled S<strong>ile</strong>nt Spring "the most importantchronicle of this century for the humanrace."Wh<strong>ile</strong> undergoing debilitating radiat<strong>io</strong>ntreatments, Carson answered hercritics.No civilizat<strong>io</strong>n, she said,"can wage relentless war onlife without destroying itself,and without losing the rightto be called civilized."But working on it in 1960, she was diagnosedwith breast cancer and underwenta mastectomy. Subsequent radiat<strong>io</strong>n treatmentsleft her nauseated and bedridden.The book she had expected to finish in afew months dragged on for four years.Finally, inJune 1962, the first of a threepartexcerpt from S<strong>ile</strong>nt Spring appearedin the New Yorker magazine. Beforethe final instalment hit newsstands, theVelsicol Corporat<strong>io</strong>n, which manufacturedthe pesticide chlordane (bannedin 1988), threatened to sue the magazinefor libel. "Everything in those articles hasbeen checked and is true," replied the NewYorker's legal counsel. "Go ahead and sue."The company never did, but the attackshad only begun. One reader wrote thatCarson's work "probably reflects her Communistsympathies."Then, in July, news broke that a supposedlyharmless drug given to thousands ofpregnant women in Europe for morningsickness had been determined to causewidespread birth defects. Newspapers andmagazines ran <strong>ph</strong>otogra<strong>ph</strong>s of babies bornwithout arms and legs or otherwise <strong>ph</strong>ysicallydeformed. "It's all of a piece," said Carson."Thalidomide and pesticides—theymatter."S<strong>ile</strong>nt Spring went on sale September27 and raced to the top of the New YorkTimes best-seller list where it stayed formost of the fall. By Christmas, the book,which begins with Carson's fable aboutan idyllic countryside that teemed withwildlife until "a strange blight crept overthe area and everything began to change,"had sold more than 100,000 copies. In subsequentShe insisted she was not against all pesticidesand had never called for banningthem, only for restricting their use. Publicopin<strong>io</strong>n wavered. Then televis<strong>io</strong>n tippedthe scales in her favor.In April 1963, 15 mill<strong>io</strong>n Americanswatched CBS Reports' "The S<strong>ile</strong>nt Springof Rachel Carson.""We still talk in terms of conquest," Carsonsaid. "I think we're challenged, as mankindhas never been challengedbefore, to prove our maturity andour mastery, not of nature but ofourselves."Her thoughtful and reservedpresentat<strong>io</strong>n struck a chord withviewers: hundreds wrote concerned lettersto Carson, CBS, the USDA, the PublicHealth Service and the PDA. A month later,President Kennedy's Science AdvisoryCommittee released its own report onpesticides, which backed Carson's thesis,criticized the government and the chemicalindustry, and called for "orderly reduct<strong>io</strong>nsof persistent pesticides."Today, despite the banning of DDT in1972, pesticides are still widely used, andCarson, who died in 1964 at age 56 ofheart disease and the cancer she battledso valiantly, still comes in for criticism."Rachel Carson's book was a brilliant pieceof writing and a seminal work, but it's clearnow that she was more fearful of pesticidesthan was warranted," says DennisAvery, former sen<strong>io</strong>r agriculture expertB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>17

SOUNDING THE ALARMRachel Carsonchanged the way welook at nature. Wenow know that we area part of nature, andwe can't damage itwithout it coming backto bite us.with the State Department and author of Saving thePlanet With Pesticides and Plastic. Wh<strong>ile</strong> admittingthat some dangers exist to the farmers who handleconcentrated amounts of pesticides, Avery maintainsthat the "Green Revolut<strong>io</strong>n" of fertilizers, pesticidesand genetically improved seeds has tripled crop yieldssince 1950 and saved 12 mill<strong>io</strong>n square m<strong>ile</strong>s of naturalhabitat that otherwise would have been cleared forfarmland in order to maintain the nat<strong>io</strong>n's food supply.But veteran environmentalist Barry Commonerinsists that pesticides remain a significant danger tothe environment and human health."Enough is known now that we could greatly reduceand eventually eliminate the harm caused by our useof pesticides and herbicides through organic farmingand integrated pest management," he says. "We arestill exposed to pesticides in our diet, and not much isknown about their medical consequences. Since S<strong>ile</strong>ntSpring, the only real improvement has been for thebirds. Thanks to the eliminat<strong>io</strong>n of DDT, the ospreyare better off, but I don't think we are."S<strong>ile</strong>nt Spring reported that chemical companiesin the United States produced about 32 000 tons ofpesticides in 1960. Today the EPA says that farmers,consumers and the government use about 615 000tons of convent<strong>io</strong>nal pesticides each year. (Most pesticidesused today, however, are less toxic and breakdown faster in nature than those used 40 years ago.)And, as Carson warned, insects continue to developchemical resistance.According to the Worldwatch Institute, an environmentalpolicy think tank, a higher percentage of cropsin America are now lost to pests than before pesticideswere first widely used. In an attempt to safeguardAmericans' food, the US Congress passed theFood Quality Protect<strong>io</strong>n Act in 1996, giving the EPA adecade to re-evaluate the safety of 9 000 pesticides.If debate over Carson's thesis continues, few doubther impact. "Rachel Carson's legacy has less to do withpesticides than with awakening of environmentalconsc<strong>io</strong>usness," says b<strong>io</strong>gra<strong>ph</strong>er Lear."She changed the way we look at nature. We nowknow that we are a part of nature, and we can't damageit without it coming back to bite us."Organic Jungle Gymsand rustic creat<strong>io</strong>nsWe at Dreamweavers believe that all children need amagical place to climb, play and daydream in. Thereforewe create beautiful organic jungle-gyms custombuilt into your special spot in the garden, whether it’sbuilt into a tree, freestanding, by the pool or tuckedaway in that secret corner - we build them all. We alsospecialise in big jungle-gyms and play structures forthe schoolground.We weave dreamcatcher webs where even you cantake a nap, dizzying spinners, comfy swings, intricateclimbing walls, slides, rustic ladders, adrenaline swings,<strong>ph</strong>oofy slides, monkeybars, stretchy shades, treehouses,dreamchairs, baby’s cribs… all made of organic,naturally shaped tree branches and strong colourfulropes.We cut all the wood ourselves out in the bush, usingonly alien species like the blue gum, spider gum etc.They are then ground and sanded to ensure there areno splinters, and then treated with an organic productcalled Timberwatch that prevents rot, fungus and insectinfestat<strong>io</strong>n. We then apply raw linseed oil to preserve it.Call us on (021) 780 1092 or 084 730 8246 and wewill come and visit you to see how we can best help youweave that magical place of your dreams.<strong>18</strong>B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>19

Sandbag HouseAn eco-friendly house takes root in the Eastern CapeBack in March 2002, wh<strong>ile</strong> on a shortvacat<strong>io</strong>n, we played golf at a par 3course in George. After our game weembarked on a search for that perfect spotby the ocean to enjoy a quiet drink. Combingthe coastline, we drove into a side roadoff the N2 to Kleinkrantz, on the outskirtsof Wilderness.Kleinkrantz hasn’t changed much sincethose days, a few more houses have goneup but it remains a small and quiet townshi<strong>ph</strong>ugging the Indian Ocean coastlineboasting some stunning beaches. Many ofthe home owners reside in Johannesburgor Cape Town. That perfect spot to haveour romantic drink remained elusive – insteadwe found numerous sale board signsfor plots of land. After casually scribblingsome tele<strong>ph</strong>one numbers, we ended upback in Wilderness at the estate agents.Later that evening, we shared our excitementby SMS with my sister in Londonand the following day we made an offerto purchase. The timing was somewhatstrange as I had already resigned from myjob with VSO in southern Africa and hadmade plans to move to the Netherlandswhere Marjan, my partner was residing.Wh<strong>ile</strong> in Holland, we watched endlessTV programmes depicting property makeovers,mill<strong>io</strong>n pound challenges, findinga place in the country, abroad….. My newjob with Oxfam brought me back to thereg<strong>io</strong>n on a regular basis but it was only atthe end of 2003 that we returned to SouthAfrica for a holiday; part of which includedplaying golf in George and visiting our plot.It was as beautiful as ever and other thanfynbos getting thicker and thicker, notmuch had changed. Late in 2004, I had theopportunity of returning to South Africaand after much thought, we accepted andended up back in Pretoria. Perhaps nowwas the time to get started.The visit of my sister and brother-inlawhelped to kick start the process of thedesign parameters. For Shakeel, as he hadstudied architecture in India but never hadthe chance to fully practice, this was theultimate challenge and dream. He startedsharing his creative fruits with us andoften the three women (all keen cooks)would end up giving him endless ideas forthe kitchen, not forgetting the outdoorjacuzzi. This process continued and had itsby Dolar Vasaniebbs and flows. The mushroom design wasvery cool but it was eliminated for beingtoo ambit<strong>io</strong>us.Green living was slowlybecoming an inherent partof our daily lives and optingto apply these principles inconstruct<strong>io</strong>n was the naturalstep forward.It was during a cob building course thatwe first came across the idea of sandbagsinstead of bricks and started making someser<strong>io</strong>us in-roads. For our locat<strong>io</strong>n, thisseemed to make perfect sense.In mid 2006, we started getting aproject team together in earnest. We arrangedseveral meetings with an engineer,a builder, a draftsman, and suppliers alongthe garden route to map out a process ofgetting the drawings ready for submittingto the municipality. Being a totallyunconvent<strong>io</strong>nal design, many eyebrowsand quest<strong>io</strong>ns were raised about what andhow; however everyone was extremelyopen and very cur<strong>io</strong>us to see the projectunfold. Using sandbags for construct<strong>io</strong>nis an old technology used mainly for floodrehabilitat<strong>io</strong>n and bunkers.An architect called Nader Khahili ofCal-Earth (The California Institute ofEarth Art and Architecture) has taken itto another level and created some fabulouseco-domed houses. In South Africa, thistechnology has been developed by Ecobeamsin Cape Town using slightly differentparameters. The bag and beam methodhas been used to construct a wide range ofhouses, especially in the Western Cape.Managing the highs and lows ofprojects is something one acquires withexperience, but a building project that isunconvent<strong>io</strong>nal in design, method andform brings its own set of unique challenges.Like golf, the purpose may be clearbut each hole or <strong>ph</strong>ase brings its unique setof hurdles, strategies, risks and rewards.For us, finalising the structural design andintegrity has been a long and drawn outprocess; one of the hindering factors wasthe communicat<strong>io</strong>n blocks and profess<strong>io</strong>nalexpectat<strong>io</strong>ns between London andthe folks in Cape Town which often feltlike we were moving one step forward andtwo steps back!In December 2006, Marjan and Ire-located to the southern cape and sincethen, the building project has become afull-time vocat<strong>io</strong>n for my sabbatical year.Having no pr<strong>io</strong>r experience in this sector,we have appointed a Project Managerto oversee and guide the process to itscomplet<strong>io</strong>n. We have also visited a numberof sites in Cape Town, Montagu, Greytonand Macgregor to see and hear about theexperiences of building with this medium.Completing the plans for submiss<strong>io</strong>n hasbeen the first pr<strong>io</strong>rity and we have used20 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

guys based in Calcutta to get the drawingsdone on AutoCAD, finding this service tobe fast and financially very competitive,something that cannot be matched byany South African or British draftsmen.The engineering has proved to be morecomplicated and after several attempts,we found a local engineer based in Georgethat is interested, willing and available towork on this project. At the end of February,we finally submitted our plans to themunicipality.The months of March to June were notterribly exciting as we waited patientlyfor a react<strong>io</strong>n from the council; the reviewprocess would take 8-10 weeks. As itturned out, the process was much longeras the council struggled to recruit andretain skilled and competent staff at publicsector salaries. The interact<strong>io</strong>n with thecouncil was both positive and negative.Department personnel are very openand arranging a meeting with the chiefplanning officer or director was possiblewithout difficulties - this open door policywas a breath of fresh air. However, theircapacity to enforce positive changes andget more environmentally sustainableguidelines has not been considered inany form or shape. Individuals that wantto follow an eco route are not given anyincentives to do so – something that willhopefully change in time. For now, theoverall cost of the applicat<strong>io</strong>n remainsexorbitantly high with unclear returns.The process thus far has been long andat times very frustrating. Tempers havefrayed and communicat<strong>io</strong>n between thefamily members involved hasn't alwaysbeen the best. We have all wrestled to finda comfortable spot that meets our varyingneeds and expectat<strong>io</strong>ns. Hopefully wehave turned a corner now, especially asthe green light finally came through inearly June. So, 5 years, 2 months and 16days after purchasing the plot, we can nowgo ahead with digging, bagging, stacking,building, filling and finishing the house.For regular up-dates and <strong>ph</strong>otogra<strong>ph</strong>s ofthe building process, visit www.sandbaghouse.blogspot.comB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>21

SSay'No!' toAnimalsinPetshopsPetshops are forbowls and collarsby Paula Spagnolettiay NO to Animals in Pet Shops is a campaign originallyfounded in Australia by June Bird (of Adamand the Ants fame) and Dave Casey in 2002.The campaign has since gone from strength tostrength gaining the support of many people who opposethe practice of selling animals from pet shops.Because celebrities are invaluable in reaching andinfluencing a huge amount of people, June and Davehave enlisted the support of several internat<strong>io</strong>nalcelebrities including; Daniel Johns from Silverchair,Uri Geller, Lindsay McDougall from Frenzal Rhomb,Bryan Adams, Judith Durham from the Seekers, andBianca Dye from Nova 96.9.Having always found animal-selling Pet shopsto be rather sad, lackluster and distasteful I wasthrilled at being offered the opportunity tooriginate and represent Say NO toAnimals in Pet Shops — SouthAfrica. The driving force of ourcampaign is to educate potentialpet owners and societyin general about wherethese poor animals in petshops come from, what22 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

eventually becomes of them and how absolutelyshameful it is that we keep these gluttonous petshop owners and backyard breeders in businesswhen every year hundreds of thousandsof lovable, desperate, lonely, homeless animalsare killed in shelters throughout the countrysimply because they are no-longer wanted.There just are not enough loving homes for allthese animals.Pet shops do not support or promote responsiblepet ownership. Animal-selling pet shopsrely on and in-fact encourage the impulsivebuying of compan<strong>io</strong>n animals; they desperatelydepend on the sweet faces and charmingcharacters of these young vulnerable animalsto make that sale.The impulsive buying of animals from petshops is in my opin<strong>io</strong>n the single biggest contributorto our current animal overpopulat<strong>io</strong>nproblem. People who buy an animal on impulseare not likely to get that animal sterilized as thecost of sterilizat<strong>io</strong>n was not considered at the time ofpurchase.Wh<strong>ile</strong> pretending to be a potential customerone pet shop proprietor actually told me not toworry about sterilizat<strong>io</strong>n because if the kittenlater has babies I can bring all those babiesback to him to sell?I am no economist, but consideringthis issue logically I have to assume thatPet Traders must be a huge economicdrain on a country that can leastafford it. I reason that annually thefinancial implicat<strong>io</strong>ns and costsof ‘dealing’ with these massivenumbers of no-longer wantedor unwanted animals mustbe astronomical.We have all seen them,noses pressed tightagainst the cage barspleading for us to takethem home.We have all heardthe frightened,confused yelpingof puppies, whichsuddenly find themselves caged and on display in the middle ofbusy, noisy shopping centers and flee markets.What heartless individual wouldn’t be tempted to buy a pet ona whim? And many good people actually believe that they are rescuingan animal from a pet shop when all they are doing is makingroom for many others to take its place, wh<strong>ile</strong> the unfortunatemother of these animals is prostituted and bred to death.Say NO to Animals in Pet Shops aims to raise enough supportto have legislat<strong>io</strong>n drafted that would render the sale of animalsin pet shops and the large-scale, puppy-mill type breeding ofcompan<strong>io</strong>n animals illegal.We are encouraged by the fact that the Netherlands, Belgiumand Croatia are just some of the countries where the selling ofanimals in pet shops has been completely banned.Because large port<strong>io</strong>ns of the animal-buying public are stillunaware of the tragic implicat<strong>io</strong>ns of purchasing from pet shops,and animal-selling pet shops are so numerous and widespread,we believe that protesting outside them would be an inefficientmeans of achieving our objective.The pressure, urgency and change we are aiming to realizecalls for extensive public attent<strong>io</strong>n and this can only be broughtabout by the clever use of mass media.People must become consc<strong>io</strong>us to the fact that the pet trade isan incredibly cruel and insatiably greedy multibill<strong>io</strong>n Rand industrythat profits from the sale of misery.Pet traders are basically utterly and completely lawless. Theydo not have a legally binding code of conduct, ethics or minimumstandards.‘The South African Pet Traders Associat<strong>io</strong>n’ is a newly formed,self-appointed and self-regulated body or organizat<strong>io</strong>n. SAPTA isnot an independent body. (Although I know better, I always presumeand assume that an organizat<strong>io</strong>n with such an ‘official andfancy’ sounding name is an independent organizat<strong>io</strong>n).SAPTA membership is voluntary; this unfortunately renderstheir out-dated and wholly inadequate code of ethics to also bevoluntary. In fact several of the most appalling, and disgustingpet stores I know proudly boast about their membership to this‘esteemed’ organizat<strong>io</strong>n.Ironically I often see the ‘SAPTA Certificate of Membership’prominently displayed next to a notice stating that the pet shopoffers no guarantee on their livestock. A pet shop that is not preparedto offer a reasonable guarantee on their livestock is publiclydeclaring that they do not accept responsibility for the welfare,treatment or breeding of an animal in their store.SAPTA is unfortunately not in a posit<strong>io</strong>n to regulate, control oru<strong>ph</strong>old any code of ethics or minimum standards within the pettrade.Say NO to Animals in Pet Shops is a kick-butt movement. Wewill not be bullied into submiss<strong>io</strong>n and we will not stop until everysingle animal is out of pet shops.Please don’t contribute to animal suffering and exploitat<strong>io</strong>nby buying your compan<strong>io</strong>n from a pet shop. Support the few petshops that love animals so much they refuse to profit from theirmisery.Feel free to email me your postal address and I will postyou some of our rather funky Say NO to Animals inPet Shops bumper stickers, which you can proudlydisplay on your car, your fridge, bare bums, baldheads... wherever.Say NO to Animals in Pet Shops – South AfricaEmail: paula@temptech.co.zaWebsite: saynotoanimalsinpetshops.comB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>23

Roll on, our own "special per<strong>io</strong>d"!WHY YOU SHOULDGROW YOUR OWN FOODLESSONS FROM THE CUBAN EXPERIENCEver the next several years foodprices will increase sharply.These coming price increases areas unavoidable and inevitable as anincrease in the price of oil. In fact the pricewe pay for food is interestingly andinextricably linked to the oil price, and thisarticle will not only show how the twohave become inseparably intertwined buthow they cannot do anything other thanescalate.The really, truly inconvenient truth weface as a species is not only Global Warming,it is PeakOil as well.PeakOil is the point in time when thetotal quantity of oil annually extractedfrom the Earth reaches its maximum. Itmarks the moment in time at which thefirst half of the Earth's crude oil reserveswill have been used up. By implicat<strong>io</strong>n, itmarks the moment in time from when thetotal quantity of oil annually extractedfrom the Earth begins to decline.The oil remaining in the Earth will bemore difficult and thus more expensive toextract, coincidentally occurring at a timewhen annual Global demand for crude oilis expected to increase by up to 9%, as thetwin bursts of industrial growth shownby both China and India proport<strong>io</strong>nallyincrease the demand for energy. Theinevitable result of irrevocably decliningproduct<strong>io</strong>n and ever-increasing demandwill be inevitably higher oil prices.Most indicat<strong>io</strong>ns are that PeakOil willoccur sometime in the next three to fiveyears, other indicat<strong>io</strong>ns are that it mighthave already occurred. The exact timingof PeakOil is not vitally important hereFarms in Cuba's Vinales Valley24 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

"The really, truly inconvenient truth we face as a speciesis not only Global Warming,it is PeakOil as well."by Geoff Lotzbecause only history will really show usexactly when PeakOil happened. Whatmatters is understanding the implicat<strong>io</strong>nsof PeakOil, one of which is that everythingwill change, including the price of food.PeakOil is not about running out of oil, it isabout running out of cheap oil.Oil and the food we eatTransportOver 90% of the developed world'stransport energy is oil sourced. Theaverage item of food in the United Statestravels over 2200 kilometres from the soilto the plate, powered mostly by diesel. InSouth Africa we transport almost all ourfood by truck, from growing, preparat<strong>io</strong>nand packaging centres to distribut<strong>io</strong>ncentres and outlying retail outlets andeventually to our homes.The diesel price extends further itsinfluence to the costs of operating thetractors and agricultural machinery thatassist us to extract from our environmentmore food than it could otherwise produce.Addit<strong>io</strong>nally, the divers<strong>io</strong>n of food cropssuch as maize, sugar, wheat and even vegetableoils into the product<strong>io</strong>n of alternativefuels such as ethanol and b<strong>io</strong>diesel hasalready had an inflat<strong>io</strong>nary effect on theglobal market prices of some of these commodities.Without doubt the cost of fuel isalready an increasingly significant factorin the final price we pay for food.ElectricityUnfortunately, the price of oil does notonly affect the price of transportat<strong>io</strong>n. Theoverall price of all forms of energy will in-Farmers in Cuba's Vinales ValleyB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>25

"Our 'cleverness' has led to an unsustainable doubling inpopulat<strong>io</strong>n... totally dependant on petrochemical derivatives."crease, meaning the cost of electricity usedto irrigate, prepare, package and refrigerateour favourite foods will also escalate.PackagingSimultaneously, all the plastics thatare used in the packaging of foods arepetroleum derived, and so the cost of thesepackaging materials will too be adverselyaffected by the escalating price of crudeoil. Producers will be forced to increase theex-farm price of most foodstuffs to coverthese increases in input costs. Increasesin ex-farm costs will be met by you inincreased retail prices, plain and simple.Fertilisers, pesticides andherbicidesPetroleum by-products are the mostsignificant raw materials used in themanufacture of fertilisers, pesticides andherbicides. It is estimated that grains nowcontain between 4 and 10 calories of fossilfuel energy for every calorie of solar energy.In 1909 two German scientists, FritzHaber and Carl Bosch discovered and refinedthe process of synthesizing ammonia,a nitrogen-rich agricultural fertiliser, fromcoal. The process was later refined to usenatural gas, and worldwide today 150 mill<strong>io</strong>ntons of ammonia-based fertilisers areproduced from fossil fuels each year.After World War Two, chemists andchemical companies who had developedall manner of chemical compounds andexplosives with which to destroy thingsduring wartime faced the complete loss ofmarkets as peace descended. Using experiencegained during the war years theydeveloped from petrochemicals syntheticherbicides and pesticides for use in agriculture,as well as the means to chemicallycombat diseases like malaria.The 'Green Revolut<strong>io</strong>n' of the 1960's sawthe export of these practices to less developedareas of the Earth, to what becameknown as the Third World. The result wasthat by the end of the 20 th Century therewere a little over 6 bill<strong>io</strong>n inhabitants onPlanet Earth, from a mere 3 bill<strong>io</strong>n back in1963. Our "cleverness" has led to an unsustainabledoubling in populat<strong>io</strong>n, artificiallyfed and fuelled by an abundance of cheapoil, coal and gas, and totally dependant onall manner of petrochemical derivatives.As PeakOil marks the end of thesecheap petroleum derivatives, whatwill this massive Global populat<strong>io</strong>nsurvive on?Farmer in Cuba's Vinales Valley26 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

"Cubans now eat a healthy, low-fat almost vegetarian diet, theyexercise more by walking and riding bicycles."At $250 per barrel, can we afford ourcurrent systems of food product<strong>io</strong>n, whichcost more energy to produce food thanthe food can deliver to the consumer? If aleopard expends more energy in catchingan impala than it can gain from eating thatimpala, how long before the leopard speciesface extinct<strong>io</strong>n? What is to be done?Lessons from CubaCuba 's oil crisisAll is not lost, and there are solut<strong>io</strong>ns. Tofind them let us look to the only countrythat has survived an 'artificial' PeakOil,namely Cuba.The island of Cuba lies about 90 nauticalm<strong>ile</strong>s off the coast of Florida, USA. Populatedby 12 mill<strong>io</strong>n people, it is perhaps thelast remaining truly socialist country inthe world. Once a kind of satellite to theformer USSR, it relied heavily on the SovietUn<strong>io</strong>n to supply most of its imports, to buymost of its exports and most importantlyto supply a bit more than half of its crudeoil needs.In 1990 the USSR experiencedeconomic meltdown and collapse,and Cuba very nearly followed suit,losing almost overnight 85% of itstrade market and fully half of itsoil supply. Businesses and factoriesclosed down, transportat<strong>io</strong>n cameto a standstill. Electricity blackoutsaveraged 16 hours a day in areas, andwhat Cubans today refer to as "TheSpecial Per<strong>io</strong>d" began.The average Cuban lost almost 15kilogrammes in body weight and hungergripped the populat<strong>io</strong>n. There began adaily battle to find enough food to eat. Theaverage per capita calorific intake droppedby a third. Due to an embargo emplaced bythe USA since the 1960's as well as becauseof the loss of its export market for tobacco,sugar and citrus, Cuba could not importfood. To compound things, without anadequate substitute for its fossil-fuel basedlarge-scale farming systems, ordinaryagricultural product<strong>io</strong>n dropped dramatically.How Cubans survivedPeople were forced to start cultivatingvegetables and other food wherever theycould or face starvat<strong>io</strong>n.They replaced petroleum fuelledmachinery with oxen, developedcommunal inner-city organic foodgardens that reduced the distancesfood had to be transported, andthey developed b<strong>io</strong>-pesticides andb<strong>io</strong>-fertilisers as petrochemicalsubstitutes.Using principles taken from Permaculture,rooftops and pat<strong>io</strong>s became foodproducing spaces, and communities beganto harmonise with each other and with theEarth.Today, the city of Havana producessome 50% of its vegetables within the citylimits, whilst most other Cuban towns andsmaller cities produce 80% to over 100% ofwhat they need. Throughout their PeakOilcrisis they maintained their free healthcaresystem which focuses on preventativecare and features a qualified doctor per167 people. Their free educat<strong>io</strong>n systemwas maintained, literacy is over 97% andthere is a teacher for every 42 people in thecountry. The average student:teacher rat<strong>io</strong>is 1:16.Cubans now eat a healthy, low-fatalmost vegetarian diet, they exercisemore by walking and riding bicycles.Significantly, they now use less thanone twentieth of the quantities ofchemical pesticides and herbicidesthan they used before the advent of"The Special Per<strong>io</strong>d".Everywhere communities have beenrevitalised and strengthened by the activityof sustainably producing enough foodto feed themselves and have a surplus.The 30-year old motto of the country haschanged from "Socialism or Death" to "Abetter world is possible".Despite its stated ideology of a centralisedeconomy, Cuba did what it had todo to survive a crippling energy crisis byencouraging a return to an agrarian, communallifestyle based more on a localisedeconomic model, even in the cities.What we can doAre we prepared to undertake majorshifts in paradigm? Do we have sufficientstrength, fortitude and vis<strong>io</strong>n to survivethe initial stages of PeakOil and come outstrong enough to make any other adaptat<strong>io</strong>nsthat we might be required to?Why not minimise the u<strong>ph</strong>eavaland start changing now?Most fruit trees take several years tobear. A healthy soil with healthy levels ofmicrobial activity can take several yearsto organically re-create from a prev<strong>io</strong>uslychemically-dependent wasteland. Wh<strong>ile</strong>machines, packaging and transport are ascheap as they currently are, it makes senseto take advantage of the prevailing situat<strong>io</strong>nand make a start now.Things will never cost as little asthey do today.Take the time now to learn about organicfood product<strong>io</strong>n, no-till or minimum-tillfarming, Permaculture or even the "donothing" approach of Masanobu Fukuoka.Is it not better to make mistakesand learn the art of sustainable,petrochemical-free food product<strong>io</strong>nnow, when the cost of those mistakesare less drastic to the fortunes of youand your family?Which seed varieties are too dependenton the frequent and liberal applicat<strong>io</strong>n ofpetroleum-derived chemicals? Test andfind varieties that can not only flourishunder purely organic condit<strong>io</strong>ns, butthat can re-produce themselves throughseveral generat<strong>io</strong>ns from saved seed. Learnabout b<strong>io</strong>-pesticides and fertilising opt<strong>io</strong>nsthat are effective for your condit<strong>io</strong>ns andsoil types. Remember that in a $250 perbarrel world you don't want to be relyingon systems that are too far removed fromthe way Nature designed them.Make a start now because you will certainlynot regret it later and the benefits toyour health and that of your family cannotbe underestimated. If your gardeningbranches out into becoming a form of communityactivity, so much the better.As a result of the end of cheap oil ourworld is going to change beyond recognit<strong>io</strong>n,and to survive we will have todramatically change the way we see andinteract with that world.Why not begin now by seeing it as asustainable world in which everyone matters?B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>27

FAsTing drinksFAsTing drink FOr PiTTA TyPEs4 Cups water2 Tsp. Cumin powder2 Tsp. Coriander powder20 Rose petals (approx. One whole rose) or1tsp. Rose water4 Cardamom1 Tsp. Fennel seeds powder1 Pinch asafoetida4 Basil leaves1 Pinch black pepper½ Tsp. Ginger juiceMix everything together in a pan andbring to the boil. Simmer gently for about5 minutes, remove from the heat and keepit covered for a further 20 minutes. Filterand keep warm in a flask to drink regularlythroughout the day.FAsTing drink FOr VATA TyPEsUse the same recipe as described above,but add 3 pinch ajwain powder and 1 tsp.Ginger powder.FAsTing drink FOr kAPHATyPEs2 Tsp. Ginger juice (squeeze the juice froma few slices of root ginger)10 Basil leaves made into a juice1 Pinch asafoetida2 Pinch black pepper1 Tsp. Cumin powder3 Cups waterMix everything together in a pan andbring to the boil. Simmer gently for about5 minutes, remove from the heat and keepit covered for a further 20 minutes. Filterand keep warm in a flask to drink regularlythroughout the day.If you experience dryness in the mouthduring the fast, just add half a teaspoon ofliquorice root to the flask.siddHA PAsTEApplying siddha paste around the navelonce a day is an effective way to speed upthe removal of intestinal blocks and toxicaccumulat<strong>io</strong>ns.1 Small on<strong>io</strong>n½ Tsp. Dry ginger powder½ Tsp. Ajwain powder¼ Tsp. Black pepper2-4 Cloves garlic2 Pinch asafoetida2 Tabs. Suhruday2 Tabs. AnulomChop the on<strong>io</strong>n and put it into a blenderSummer Detox10 Day ayushakti fasting programby the Vedic Society, www.vedic.orgwith the garlic and all the spices. Pusheverything through a sieve in order tomake a fine paste. Crush the medicinesand add to the pulp. Apply on the stomachall around the navel area and leave for atleast 15 minutes.This paste is also an excellent remedy toapply on any body part that is painful suchas the lower back or on strained or achingjoints, muscles and tendons.MAnd, PEyA And ViLEPi rECiPEsMand, peya and v<strong>ile</strong>pi are three typesof khichadi. Khichadi is a special indiandish, which is very easy to digest, highlynutrit<strong>io</strong>us and, most importantly, it ignitesthe digestive fires. All three khichadisare prepared in the same way, but requiredifferent amounts of water. The amountsof water given below apply when cookingin a pressure cooker; more water should beadded when cooking with a normal pan.Mand:1 part rice, split mung and vegetablesto 8 parts water.Peya:1 part rice, split mung and vegetablesto 6 parts water.V<strong>ile</strong>pi:1 part rice, split mung and vegetablesto 4 parts water.Cooking instruct<strong>io</strong>ns:Soak the split mung beans for at least onehour before cooking. Heat ghee or olive oilin a pan and add cumin seeds. Then addsome finely chopped on<strong>io</strong>n, root gingerand garlic and sauté until golden brown.Stir in 1 tsp. Turmeric powder, ¼ tsp.Asafoetida, some black pepper, a few bayleaves, ½ tsp. Coriander powder and 1 tsp.Garam masala. At this stage don’t add saltas it makes the beans tougher, and theywould therefore take longer to cook. Addto the pan ½ cup of rice, ¼ cup of mungbeans and ¼ cup of chopped vegetablessuch as carrots, pumpkin, courgettes orasparagus.Now add the required amount of water asstated above. In a normal pan you mightneed to add more water and cook for about30 minutes, whereas in a pressure cookerit will cook within about five minutes aftercoming to pressure.When the khichadiis ready, ie.The beans havedissolved and therice has becomecompletely soft andbroken up, add alittle salt and servethe dish with gheeand freshly chopped coriander leaves.Mand should have a very watery consistency(blending it in a liquidizer helps toimprove its flavour). Peya is like a thicksoup and v<strong>ile</strong>pi has a consistency similarto mashed potatoes. Use a thermos flaskto take some soup with you when going towork.Mung sOuPMung beans are less gas producing thanother beans, remove toxins from the bodyand when cooked with the suggestedspices, stimulate the digestive fire. Soakthe mung beans either over night or for atleast one hour before cooking. Heat oliveoil or ghee in a pan and add a teaspoon ofturmeric powder, 2 pinches asafoetida(to take the gas quality out of the beans)and two bay leaves. (All ingredients areavailable in any indian food store.) Discardthe water from the soaked beans and addthe beans into the pan with fresh water. Toone part mung you need at least three tofour parts water. Leave to bubble away for30-40 minutes adding water as necessary.(If you have a pressure cooker the soup iscooked much quicker.)Slowly the beans begin to soften and breakup. Continue to cook until all the beans aresoft.Wh<strong>ile</strong> the beans are cooking heat someoil or ghee into another pan and add oneheaped teaspoon of cumin and corianderseeds plus any other herbs or spices (exceptchilies) such as garam masala, blackpepper, kokum etc. Sauté briefly and thenadd a finely chopped on<strong>io</strong>n, some freshroot ginger and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Sautéuntil the on<strong>io</strong>ns turn golden brown andthen remove from the heat.Once the beans are soft add the on<strong>io</strong>nsand some salt into the pan and continue tosimmer for a further few minutes. Don’tadd salt until the end as this makes thebeans tougher and they would thereforetake longer to cook. Serve with rice, freshcoriander leaves and ghee.Dr Ram Garg BAMS, MD Indiaruns his Ayurveda Centre at 5Clifton Road, Muizenberg and amonthly Ayurved Clinic in Fourways,Johannesburg.Practice No: 10400002<strong>18</strong>8045 Clifton Road, Muizenberg021-7883435/0828528084Or Email: ram_ayurveda@yahoo.com28 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>29DAY 1: MUNG SOUPAm: hot water with gheeFasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: mung soup (eat only when hungry and prev<strong>io</strong>us meal has digested)Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleepDay 2: mung soupAm: hot water with gheeFasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: mung soup (eat only when hungry and prev<strong>io</strong>us meal has digested)Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleepDay 3: mung soupAm: hot water with gheeFasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: mung soup (eat only when hungry and prev<strong>io</strong>us meal has digested)Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleepDay 4: total fastAm: hot water with gheeTake fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsT o t a l f a s tPm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleepDay 5: half day total fastAm: hot water with gheeTake fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsHalf day total fastDiet: mand with spices but without ghee in evening (chew the soup!)Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleepDay 6: restoratitive diet day 1Am: hot water with gheeTake fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: eat only mand with spices but without ghee todayDay 7: restoratitive diet day 2Am: hot water with gheeTake fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: mung soup with gheeDay 8: restoratitive diet day 3Am: hot water with gheeTake fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: take peya with spices and gheeDay 9: restoratitive diet day 4Am: hot water with gheeTake fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: mung soup and rice with gheeDay 10: restoratitive diet day 4Am: hot water with gheeTake fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)Siddha paste on navelAyushakti herbsDiet: mung soup with vegetables, rice and gheeNb: eat only when hungry!Nb: for 10 days following follow panchakarma diet! No wheat, sugar,tomatoes, dairy products, potatoes, sour or fermented foods or meat.Follow panchakarma diet. Try to eat foods like just dal, rice and vegetableswell spiced with ghee.

The GreatAwakeningby Michael Shar<strong>ph</strong>e consc<strong>io</strong>usness of this earth iscurrently undergoing a revolut<strong>io</strong>n-change. It is a renaissance, an Taryenlightenment, an awakening like no other.It is the pro<strong>ph</strong>esied global return of ChristConsc<strong>io</strong>usness and as it unfolds, and asmore of the people of this earth join in theglor<strong>io</strong>us chorus of an awakening Spirit, theglobe will transform.Poverty, suffering, war, disease, andall the evils of this sleeping world willmelt away like the illus<strong>io</strong>ns they foreverreplaced with Shambhala, Eden, and a newHeaven on Earth. I like to call this awakeningand transformat<strong>io</strong>n The Great Awakeningbecause it is a return to full spiritualconsc<strong>io</strong>usness and power.It is exciting! We are living through aper<strong>io</strong>d that has been pro<strong>ph</strong>esied for millennia.My name is Dr. Michael Sharp and I ama mystic and world teacher. I have to saythat I didn’t start out life as either of thesethings. I started out life as a tradit<strong>io</strong>nalCatholic and then, at an early age, movedon to explorat<strong>io</strong>n and finally, in my firstcouple of years of university, agnosticism.“There might be something to Spirit,” Ithought in that agnostic noodle of mind,but I’d need proof. What’s more, if therewas Spirit, or God, or whatever, it wouldhave to have a darn good explanat<strong>io</strong>n forthe mess on this earth. In terms of mybelief in things of a spiritual nature, thingsweren’t looking so good.And so I lived out the first forty or soyears of my life in an agnostic haze. Butthen, one day, that changed. In 2001 I hadan “11:11” type awakening experiencecatalyzed by the 911 attacks on the WorldTrade Center.To make a long story short, in aper<strong>io</strong>d of only two years I went fromcommitted agnostic (and borderlineatheist) to full blown, card carrying,Spirit talking, “demon banishing”mystic on a miss<strong>io</strong>n. To say the least,I was shocked.Now wh<strong>ile</strong> my awakening was gradualfor the first two years, the process kickedinto high gear for me after I resolved someof my deeper past life fears. When I had finallycleared all fears that had been beateninto me once a week as a child, I simply satdown at the computer and started to write.Suddenly I became an author—and a poet!Before my awakening I couldn’t have writtena poetic stanza if my life depended onit but now, epic poetry, and with no formalI am coming to your beautifulcountry for two reasons. I amcoming because I have alwaysbeen attracted to South Africa,its music, politics, and culture; so,I am coming to discover. Moreimportant is that I am also comingat the invitat<strong>io</strong>n of several residentLightworkers.training at all (at least in this lifetime).Of course, I didn’t stop with poetry.In 2002 when I “answered The Call” andstarted to write, the only thing I hadwritten was a boring and soulless PhD dissertat<strong>io</strong>n.But now, as I write these words,I have six spiritual books under my belt ontopics ranging from ascens<strong>io</strong>n, kundaliniawakening, chakra activat<strong>io</strong>n, the tarot,the Annunaki, and even God. I have justcompleted my first children’s book, VaydaJayne Bean, and am two weeks away fromcompleting the final draft of my seventhbook entitled The Basic Book. Beyond thatI see at least four or five more children’sbooks and another four adult spiritualbooks. I expect it will all be finished beforethe year 2012.Now the interesting thing for me wasn’thow prolific I had suddenly become, I’dalways been a hard worker. The interestingthing for me is what I was writing aboutand why I was writing. You see, all mybooks, all my poetry, all my articles, all mypodcasts, and even my future DVDs are allwritten with single minded focus. I haveonly one thing in my mind when I write.I’m here for one reason and one reasononly and that is to welcome you back hometo your Divinity, and I don’t mean maybe.I don’t mean in some future life, I don’tmean after you’ve “paid your debt,” I don’tmean after you’ve had your sins forgiven,or found Christ, or passed judgment, orevolved into a higher being, or anythinglike that.Michael Sharpin South AfricaJohannesburgWednesday 10th October6 for 6:30pm – 9pmKai Thai Restaurant, FerndaleVillage Shopping Centre, MainRoad, Ferndale. Tel: (011) 285-0922Dinner and Presentat<strong>io</strong>nTheme: Consc<strong>io</strong>usness, TheAscens<strong>io</strong>n and Great AwakeningTicket Sales at Door – R200 perpersonemail: info@innoviate.net to securebookings or call (011) 399-5710Sunday 14th October3 for 3:30pm to 6pmInanda Club, 1 Forest Road, Inanda,Sandton. Tel: (011) 884-1414Tea/Coffee and Presentat<strong>io</strong>nTheme: The Ascens<strong>io</strong>n and TheParable of The GardenTicket Sales at Door, R200ppemail: info@innoviate.net to securebookings or call (011) 399-5710Cape TownSunday 21st October1:30 for 2pm to 4pmSufi Temple. Tel: (021) 671-8807Tea/Coffee and Presentat<strong>io</strong>nTheme: The Ascens<strong>io</strong>n and TheParable of The GardenTicket Sales at Door – R150ppemail: info@innoviate.net to securebookings or call (011) 399-5710BOOK SIGNINGSJohannesburg13 October - 2pm – 5pmExclusive Books, Eastgate ShoppingCentreCape Town20th October – 1pm – 5pmTyger Valley BooksShop 530, Entrance 11,Tyger Valley CentreI mean right now and I mean no stringsattached. For you, just because of who youare.Now if you wanna find out more, youare in luck. I will be visiting South Africawith my family in October of this year. Iam coming to your beautiful country fortwo reasons. I am coming because I havealways been attracted to South Africa, itsmusic, politics, and culture; so, I am comingto discover. More important is that Iam also coming at the invitat<strong>io</strong>n of severalresident Lightworkers. These most excellenthosts have invited me to come andmeet people, eat food, sign books, and givetalks on the one thing that I love talkingabout the most and can’t seem to shut upabout—the divinity within you and how toawaken it. The Great Awakening!How could I say no to that?30 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

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Born tobe Heldby Sally Cameron,www.earthbabies.co.zaModern babies are held as little as 20%of the day due to parents having var<strong>io</strong>usgadgets to ‘help’ – we shift them fromcot to pram to bouncer to swing-chair tocar-seat. No need to take them from thecar-seat, simply take it with!All of these devices make a parents lifemuch more convenient but what about thebaby? Is it as beneficial to the baby? Babieshave an instinctive need to be in-arms.Human babies are born virtually helplessand so they rely totally on their caregiverto meet all their needs. They know that thesafest place to be is close to their mother/carer. They are designed to crave close humancontact as this is what ensured theirsurvival over the centuries.Although the environment that mostbabies are born into today is a lot saferthan 100’s of years ago, and babies survivaldoes not depend on them being withtheir mother at all times, babies are stillprogrammed to want this contact. Their<strong>ph</strong>ysical survival might not depend onit, but their emot<strong>io</strong>nal development stillneeds this contact.Not only does being close to the parentensure their survival but they also knowthat the best place for them to learn aboutwhat their species does is to be as close aspossible to people so they can watch, listenlearn and copy.Baby wearing also creates a strongbond between caregiver and baby, thisattachment in the baby years can boosta child’s confidence in themselves andthere relat<strong>io</strong>nship with their parents foryears to come. They know from the startthat they are important enough for you tomeet their needs by keeping them close toyou. Dr Sears an American Paediatricianand advocate of attachment parentingsays “With the high-touch parenting stylecalled attachment parenting, you can buildand strengthen this connect<strong>io</strong>n betweenyou and your child, laying the foundat<strong>io</strong>nfor discipline.” (to read more visit www.askdrsears.com )So wh<strong>ile</strong> all these modern gadgetsmay be good for us as parents we needto consider their impact on our babieswho need this vital contact. Practicallyhowever there are not many of us who cansit around all day just holding our baby.There is house work to do, other childrento take care of. Life has to carry on and amom needs to be hands free and yet haveher baby close to her. Tradit<strong>io</strong>nally inSouth Africa as with other non-westerncommunities there is a long history ofbaby wearing, and although now there arelots of different types of carriers, slingsand devises that can help you keep yourprec<strong>io</strong>us baby close to you, is it not time weconsidered the benefits of Baby Wearing?1. Happy baby: Babies want to be neartheir moms so a baby who is carried is a lotcalmer, they cry and fuss less.2. Decreased colic: Many moms saidthat a sling help with colic by reducingvomiting and excess spitting up.3. Looks after tiny backs: The wrapand sling conform to the baby’s body andeliminate pressure on their developingbacks, in other carriers they hang by theircrotch.4. Very comfortablefor mom/dad: No rigidframe with set arm andleg openings, the sling orwrap conform to your torso and are veryadjustable.5. Many different posit<strong>io</strong>ns to keepbaby happy: Both the sling and wra<strong>ph</strong>ave many different posit<strong>io</strong>ns thatyou can use which you can changedepending on your baby’s ageand mood.6. Improves baby’s development:Babies who are held andcuddled a lot develop mentallyand <strong>ph</strong>ysically much quicker thanbabies who receive minimal <strong>ph</strong>ysicalcontact.7. Enhanced language and social skills:Babies who are worn watch adultstalking and interacting at eyelevel and will learn morethan a baby in a pramwho can not observeconversat<strong>io</strong>n.8. Baby feelssecure: Not onlyis baby happiestwith mom but in anew environmentespecially one likea shopping centrewith a lot ofoutside stimulat<strong>io</strong>nbabies oftenfeel very insecureand so by wearingthem you can helpthem feel safe inall situat<strong>io</strong>ns.9. Weightdistribut<strong>io</strong>n: Thesling distributesthe weight overyour shoulder,entire back andhip; the wrapdistributes itover both shoulders,back andhips. They are both much more comfortablethat a convent<strong>io</strong>nal carrier in whichthe baby hangs on your shoulders and soyou are more likely to wear your baby forlonger.10. Spare hands: This is what all moms’need, more hands. It is a lot easier to getdaily tasks done with wearing your babythan to try and rush to do things beforebaby starts crying.The Earth Babies website (www.earthbabies.co.za) has a comparison ofdifferent types of Baby Wearing Carriersand advice how to choose what will be bestfor you and your baby.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>35

epress<strong>io</strong>n has become very big.A recent (2004) publicat<strong>io</strong>n of theWorld Health Report, produced bythe World Health Organisat<strong>io</strong>n showedthat “ mental and behav<strong>io</strong>ural disordersare common, affecting more than 25% ofall people at some time in their lives”.Strong epidem<strong>io</strong>logical data also show a10% increase in rates of depress<strong>io</strong>n in theUS populat<strong>io</strong>n every decade for the last100 years.Feelings of helplessness, loss of hope,sadness, crying, sleep or appetite disturbancesor difficulty in concentrating for atleast two weeks, are sufficient for the verycommon diagnosis of clinical depress<strong>io</strong>n.But, if you are in the antidepressantdrug business, depress<strong>io</strong>n is anything youwant it to be. The blues, feeling down, outof sorts, bothered, inconvenienced - nolevel of depress<strong>io</strong>n is so trivial that theaverage Joe couldn’t use a sampler pack ofProzac or Zoloft to get started.Selective SerotoninReuptake InhibitorsThe Nat<strong>io</strong>nal Institute for Health andClinical studies recently recommendedthat antidepressants, specifically SSRIs,should be the first line treatment for moderateto severe depress<strong>io</strong>n.The brain uses chemical messengers(neurotransmitters) to enable nerve cellsto talk to each other. For about 30 yearsdepress<strong>io</strong>n has been linked to low levels ofserotonin, a brain chemical that regulatesmood. The drugs called selective serotoninreuptake inhibitors, such as Prozac, aresaid to ease depress<strong>io</strong>n by keeping serorotoninactive within the synapses betweennerve cells, enhancing the chemical’spositive effect.Serotonin is, however, a multifunct<strong>io</strong>nalmessenger, present also in the gut,where it regulates the secret<strong>io</strong>n of digestivejuices and helps control the passage offood.Contemporary neuroscience has fa<strong>ile</strong>dto provide direct proof of seroronin deficiencyin any mental disorder, and has infact provided significant counterevidenceto the explanat<strong>io</strong>n of a simple neurotransmitterdeficiency. (Castren E 2005. Nat.Rev. Neuroscience 6:241) The brain isvastly complex, and poorly understood.“The public is being misinformed aboutthe precis<strong>io</strong>n of these SSRIs when themedical profess<strong>io</strong>n oversimplifies theiract<strong>io</strong>n in the brain, and ignores the body asif it exists merely to carry the head around.In short these molecules of emot<strong>io</strong>nregulate every aspect of our <strong>ph</strong>ys<strong>io</strong>logy” -Professor Candace Pert, neuroscientist.Recent studies (2002) even call intoquest<strong>io</strong>n the very efficacy of these SSRIs.Professor Irving Kirsch and colleaguesgained access to all clinical trials of antidepressantssubmitted to the Food and DrugAdministrat<strong>io</strong>n - the drug watchdog inAmerica - by the <strong>ph</strong>armaceutical companiesfor medicat<strong>io</strong>n approval. When thepublished and unpublished trials werepooled, the placebo (dummy pill ) duplicatedabout 80% of the antidepressantresponses, and 57% of these <strong>ph</strong>armaceuticalcompany funded trials fa<strong>ile</strong>d to show astatistically significant difference betweenantidepressants and inert placebo.The small difference between the drugresponse and the placebo response hasbeen a dirty little secret, known for yearsto researchers who conduct clinical trials.( Kirsch, Moore, et al 2002. Prevent<strong>io</strong>n andTreatment 2002. Vol 5: article 33)Treatment of depress<strong>io</strong>n is based on aflawed paradigm of “abnormal behav<strong>io</strong>ur”being caused by chemical imbalance in thebrain to be “corrected” by tweaking littleunderstood b<strong>io</strong>logical pathways.Side EffctsAlthough all the long-termside-effects of these centralnervous system drugs are still notknown, antidepressants carrysome potentially ser<strong>io</strong>us sideeffects.Long-term use of antidepressantsis controversial andwithdrawal from them can be asdifficult as the disorder itself.AkathisiaAkathisia is a medicat<strong>io</strong>ninduceddisorder consisting ofextreme restlessness, irritabilityand agitat<strong>io</strong>n. It is often associatedwith the withdrawal symptoms ofinsomnia, headaches, nervousness, anxiety,loss of appetite, tremors and nausea.It can be coupled with suicidal ideat<strong>io</strong>n,homicidal thoughts and acts. It may createan inability to control impulses. A study onProzac, reported in the Journal of ClinicalPsychiatry, estimated that the number ofProzac users who experience akathisia isbetween 10-25%.The inescapable truth is that theperpetrators of many of the most horrendousmurder rampages in the US, inrecent years, were taking or coming offprescribed psychiatric drugs.PregnancyThere is evidence linking SSRIs toincreased birth defects, and addit<strong>io</strong>nalevidence of SSRI toxicity in the developingbrain. According to a recent study out ofColumbia University, antidepressants maychange “crucial <strong>ph</strong>ases of brain developmentthat might, paradoxically, predisposechildren to depress<strong>io</strong>n and anxiety disorderslater in life.” One of the researcherswarned that the widespread use of SSRIsis a “ large scale experiment with ournat<strong>io</strong>n’s youth - we don’t know what thelong-term effects are.” Newborns, exposedto SSRIs, can also experience ser<strong>io</strong>us withdrawalsymptomsAddict<strong>io</strong>nSSRI- -discontinuing syndromeincludes symptoms like anxiety, cryingspells, mood lability, tremors and vomitingUp to 25% of patients stopping these drugs,can experience withdrawal symptoms.( Ditto K E ;J. of Postgraduate Medicine2003. 114)Childhood depress<strong>io</strong>nThe editorial in the Lancet (April 2004)pointed out “the story of research intoSSRIs use in childhood depress<strong>io</strong>n is one ofconfus<strong>io</strong>n, manipulat<strong>io</strong>n and institut<strong>io</strong>nalfailure”. The underlying study that sparkedthe strongly worded editorial - alsopublished in Lancet April 2004 - foundantidepressants:panacea orPROBLEM?by Dr Elizna Hanekomthat after a systematic review of publishedversus unpublished antidepressant clinicaltrial data, involving children and adolescents,the published data alone showed afavourable prof<strong>ile</strong>, wh<strong>ile</strong> hidden, unpublisheddata show the risk/benefit prof<strong>ile</strong> asunfavourable.Another article published in theBMJ (April 2004), similarly concluded “Investigators’ conclus<strong>io</strong>ns on the efficacyof newer antidepressants in childhoodhave exaggerated their benefits - adversereact<strong>io</strong>ns have been downplayed. Antidepressantdrugs cannot confidently berecommended as a treatment opt<strong>io</strong>n forchildhood depress<strong>io</strong>n”.The Food and Drug Administrat<strong>io</strong>n(US) issued a warning in 2004, that childrenand young adults who use SSRIs , mayhave an increased risk of suicide. After reanalysingthe results of hundreds of SSRIsstudies, the FDA issued a second warningin August 2005, caut<strong>io</strong>ning doctors andSSRI users to watch closely for signs ofsuicidal behav<strong>io</strong>ur. Studies found that takingantidepressants caused an addit<strong>io</strong>nal36 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

More people suffer from depress<strong>io</strong>ntoday than ever before. Despite the widearray of antidepressant medicat<strong>io</strong>ns onthe market, convent<strong>io</strong>nal psychiatricmedicat<strong>io</strong>n is clearly failingto successfully manage themood disorders that plaguemill<strong>io</strong>ns of adults,teenagers andchildren.14 out ofevery 1000patients underage <strong>18</strong> to havesuicidal thoughtsor behav<strong>io</strong>ur.The use of antidepressants,excludingProzac, for patientsunder <strong>18</strong> has been banned inBritain since 2003.In 2005, the scientific panel of theEuropean Medicines Agency - Europe’sdrug watchdog - banned the use of Prozac,and other modern antidepressants, for usein under <strong>18</strong>s, because of the increase of suicidalthoughts and suicide attempts amongchildren and adolescents on these drugs.Conclus<strong>io</strong>nMore people suffer from depress<strong>io</strong>ntoday than ever before. Despite the widearray of antidepressant medicat<strong>io</strong>ns onthe market, convent<strong>io</strong>nal psychiatricmedicat<strong>io</strong>n is clearly failing to successfullymanage the mood disorders thatplague mill<strong>io</strong>ns of adults, teenagers andchildren. Since the most expensive clinicalstudy ever, sponsored by the US government,showed that popular antidepressantmedicat<strong>io</strong>ns, such as Prozac, Zoloft andPaxil, benefited only 50% of the depressedpatients who used them, many scientistsand medical practit<strong>io</strong>ners believe that it istime to re-evaluate the standard approachto mental health treatment. (Rubinow D R2006 NEJM: March; 23)Without discounting the very ser<strong>io</strong>uscases of depress<strong>io</strong>n that may best betreated <strong>ph</strong>armaceutically, there are moreeffective solut<strong>io</strong>ns to help restore emot<strong>io</strong>nalbalance to life than relying on medicat<strong>io</strong>n,Our emot<strong>io</strong>nal and spiritual needscan not be met by popping a pill - relief isnot just a swallow away.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>37

Who’s that Girl?In 1994 a Siberian elder told the entrepreneur VladimirMegre a fascinating story about the "ringing cedars" -trees respected from Biblical times for their curativepowers and the capacity to re-connect human beings withthe Divine. The elder told him where such a ringing cedarwas growing in the Siberian backwoods. Vladimir Megreset out on an expedit<strong>io</strong>n to find the tree. But his encounterwith the elder's granddaughter Anastasia transformed himso deeply that he abandoned his commercial plans and,penn<strong>ile</strong>ss, went to Moscow to write a book about thespiritual insights she shared with him. What happened nextthrilled and inspired mill<strong>io</strong>ns!What readers worldwide are saying“Thank you for these wonderful books! To read them has been an amazingexperience… my life has changed…” Virginie , FranceBook 6 is so powerful. It brings me so much joy to see something I have alwaysknown in "my bones" so beautifully articulated.” Maria“What a blast... I digested the 5 in a week. I have not been as engrossed in a seriesof books since I discovered Lobsang Rampa in the 1970's. I will be recommendingthese books to everyone I know” George, Australia“Book 1 was extraordinary… a sense of deep well-being came over me! Anastasia’scomment that illness is a conversat<strong>io</strong>n with God just blew me away. I have had achronic illness for 21 years now and that is exactly what it has been for me. Justcan’t stop reading this remarkable material!” Robert, Pasadena CaliforniaWith no advertisement other than word of mouth theRinging Cedars Series has become an internat<strong>io</strong>nalbestseller. Having sold over 10 mill<strong>io</strong>n copies in Russianalone and translated into 20 languages, it has madeVladimir Megre into one of Russia's most widely readauthors.The books, which read like a fascinating novel, have anauthenticity of a documentary account and present spiritualinsights of incredible depth, are believed to be a mostsignificant masterpiece of Russian literature and one of themost important revelat<strong>io</strong>ns in the history of humanity.These highly unusual books provide extraordinary insightsinto dozens of subjects - from natural child rearing to theproduct<strong>io</strong>n of high-energy, healing foods, from themeaning of human life to the amazing potential that awaitsevery one of us, from ancient megalithic science to the vitalimportance of breast-feeding, and from sacred sexuality tothe hidden history of world relig<strong>io</strong>ns.Megre presents Anastasia's deep understanding ofMankind's innate spiritual connect<strong>io</strong>n to Nature andprovides practical solut<strong>io</strong>ns to the problems currentlyfacing humanity. He reveals her brilliant vis<strong>io</strong>n for thefuture of this planet, one full of hope and possibility.Her words of wisdom inspire and uplift in a way that has animmediate and profound impact on the reader.Now a series of 9 volumes, these books have alreadycreated a s<strong>ile</strong>nt revolut<strong>io</strong>n across Russia and Europe.Book 1 – 6 Now Available in South Africa, with Book 7 onits way!Web: www.ringingcedars.co.zaOr e-mail books@ringingcedars.co.zaOr <strong>ph</strong>one 021-439 3986These books are for you if you are INTO:Life Love Ancient HistoryEducat<strong>io</strong>n Nature TruthGardening Parenthood FreedomOrganics Conspiracy Practical solut<strong>io</strong>nsHealth Creat<strong>io</strong>n Finding meaningSpirituality Science Our future"It is difficult finding the words to express how much [reading Anastasia] means tome and how powerfully I am impacted by it. It's as if my mind and heart have beenprepared to read this book for years! I've found a treasure for which I have beensearching desperately for years! I will be ordering the entire series soon and sharingthem with everyone I know!" ... and soon after from the same reader..."I've beenimmersed in the books. Since we last spoke, I have read book 2 AND 3! I am in aweof what I have read. I have been DEEPLY impacted and touched thus far, and I can'twait to read book 4 through 8!" Brian, Los Angeles USA"Anastasia is among - no - is the most profound work I have ever read… this issomething special. No other book has actually changed me. I am even more excitednow in expectat<strong>io</strong>n of acquiring Books 2 thru 4 I'm quietly confident that this isindeed the life-changing experience I have been waiting for. Cheers" Ben,Australia"I cannot even begin to describe the depth of the effect Anastasia has had on me and Ihave only read Book 1. For the first time in my life I feel affirmed on a very deeplevel and feel free to be me." Mary, New Zealand"At last! Truth that has not been distorted by dogma or someone's ego! I mightexplode from emot<strong>io</strong>n if I read any more! I had a hard time getting myself to juststand still." Ana, Portugal"After reading this series I have recommended that my daughters give away all theirother reading materials." John, Melbourne, Australia"I first laid my eyes on the Anastasia books and felt the energy at once, bought them,and was completely breath taken. I had to stop reading just to cry for a wh<strong>ile</strong> I wasso touched with the beauty and simplicity of Anastasia's spirit... I have read 100's ofbooks through the years on spiritual advancement, but there is nothing so direct andclear as this." Jan, Norway"Have just read with utter delight and joy Book 1 and would like to buy the [other]books that are translated into English." Araura, UK"I so love Anastasia and everything about her. I have read or I should say devouredthe first four books and my life has changed. I am waiting for book five with excitedanticipat<strong>io</strong>n." CT, Sydney"It is the first thing written in a book that has made so much sense to me. All that shesays makes sense and you just know that you are reading TRUTH. The book isawesome and I could not put it down! " D, Canada"Basically, these books make all the books that I've read to date look like a completewaste of paper! .... I think that going through life without this knowledge is a waste oftime, and not passing it on to children is a crime. I can say with confidence thatnothing like these books exists in the world today." Rafal, Australia“We should all read this book, no matter nat<strong>io</strong>nality, ethnicity, gender or age. Thisgives us something to discuss that we cannot receive from modern media. ThisYOU NEED TO READ THESE BOOKS! allows us to expand upon ideas to create a community our children can thrive in.”Doug, Portland, OR (electrical engineer)38 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

There’s something happening here…These electrifying messages will change your life forever…“I was so excited I couldn’t stop jumping up and down and had goose bumps all over...”WHAT IF something got you SO EXCITED...You started dancing around the room and you couldn’t sit still if your lifedepended on it?What if you COULDN’T SLEEP – perhaps for days?What if I told you about a series of books ...• That few people in the West have ever heard of?• That have sold over 11 mill<strong>io</strong>n copies with no advertising except word ofmouth? (That’s ELEVEN MILLION !!!)• That from day one have created a frenzy of excitement among peoplefrom all walks of life?• That are the most stolen books in some overseas bookshops?• That after reading, thousands of people have quit their jobs?• That have inspired top scientists and military officers to write poetry andpaint?• That within minutes of starting, countless readers have ordered 3, 5 even12 copies to send to friends & loved ones?Sounds amazing?... IT’S ALL ABSOLUTELY TRUE!Can YOU think of ANY books, in the entire history of humanity, thathave had such a response? Well these have! And we have never heard ofthem ... until NOW.You can FEEL yourself changing as you read...If I told you your understanding of your life and your relat<strong>io</strong>nship withNature is about to change forever, if I told you these books contain themissing links we have allbeen looking for, if I toldyou that in many Europeancountries the Ringing CedarsSeries is now considered themost significant book seriesever written and contains themost important revelat<strong>io</strong>ns inthe history of humanity,would you want to readthem?Electrifying messageswill totally INSPIREyou ...My name is Jan Wessels. I was sitting in my cubicle at one of those mindnumbingcorporate set-ups, looking around on the internet for anythingthat could help me get through the afternoon, when I came across a reviewof a book that immediately got me sitting up. The reviewer was describinga Russian book called Anastasia by Vladimir Megre and the excitement ofthe descript<strong>io</strong>n was tangible. There was an excerpt from this book on thewebsite and I started reading through it. From that moment my lifechanged drastically and permanently.The BEST news EVER…After finally getting hold of a copy of Anastasia from the publisher I wentto sit on the beach by myself and read it from cover to cover. Sometimesin the middle of a page, I had to laugh out loud with a feeling of sheer joyrunning through me.The best way I can try to describe this to you, is: “Imagine what youwould feel like if you heard the BEST news you could possibly hear, butcould never have imagined, about Life, God, Man, Nature, the Earth andthe Universe!” This is the feeling that the deep truth and beauty inAnastasia’s words sprouts inside you. I got up with a feeling of warmthand joy all over. I quit my job immediately and vowed to distribute thesebooks as far and wide as possible in Africa!Your brain starts working at a NEW level…I was so excited I couldn’t stop jumping up and down and had goosebumps all over – my whole understanding had suddenly tied together, as ifall the loose ends have found each other! All my beliefs and instinctswere confirmed and reinforced in me. I have NEVER had such a deepfeeling of knowing and awe inside me before!And the EXCITEMENT keeps growing…The past four months has been indescribable. People from just aboutevery town and city in South Africa have been <strong>ph</strong>oning in and writing tous - just wanting to share what these books have meant to them: Thecontrols have fallen away from their lives; they’re suddenly without fear;they’re planting their first gardens; they’re writing, painting and singingfor the first time in years! Many are reading the books to their kids (whoare loving it!) or giving copies away to friends and family. Book clubsrevolve around these books; There really is something happening here!ANTHEA TORR (EDITOR BIOPHILE): 'It is one of the mostimportant series of books to hit the planet and should be set books forall schools. Anastasia lives according to the original blueprint forhumanity... she has not been closed down by the fear based systemsthat run our lives. If you only read one book in your life, readAnastasia!'CHRIS ERASMUS (EDITOR ODYSSEY MAGAZINE): 'Thisentire series looks set to become one of those 'sleeper' publicat<strong>io</strong>ns thatsneaks up on the publishing world, driven by word of mouth and aresonance with something profound in the collective consc<strong>io</strong>usness.This is one to read rather than talk about.'REAL Change…Mill<strong>io</strong>ns of people across the globe have read these books and amazingthings are starting to happen. Throughout all of Europe, the US, Canada,Australia and the UK, thousands of people are changing their way of lifeand living more spiritual lives closer to Nature – deeply connected to eachother, rooted in God and touching the Earth with all their love.You’ll DISCOVER lifeis more prec<strong>io</strong>us thanyou knew...I realised on a very deep levelthat I CAN NOT spend anothermoment of my life doingmeaningless work in ameaningless system! Life isbeautiful and full of gifts andour capabilities and capacity tolove are endless…You have NEVER readanything like this...Readers (and editors!) alike assure us that they have never read anythinglike these books. They contain the most astounding messages you willever read, from an amazingly beautiful woman, found more than 10 yearsago, living alone in a forest in Siberia. She is considered to be a survivingmember of an ancient culture, whose powers and knowledge FAREXCEED anything known today. Since her discovery in 1995, the spiritualinsights she has shared in these books have spread like a raging wildfireacross Europe, selling over 11 mill<strong>io</strong>n copies.These books have been translated into more than 20 languages, but onlyinto English last year, when a young Russian scholar went to the USA andset up Ringing Cedars Press. Seven volumes have been translated so farand they get progressively more mind-blowing!Listen to Anthea - EVERYONE needs to read thesebooks…Don’t make any important plans until you have read Anastasia. Thisreally is potent, critical new informat<strong>io</strong>n. Get reading!Email: books@ringingcedars.co.zaOr Call 021 439 3986 Mon-Fri, 8.30am-5pm.Or Visit www.ringingcedars.co.za to order on-lineB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>39

aw food lifeEnergetic Eating by Beryn DanielEnergy. We use this term in 101different contexts: potential energy,kinetic energy, energy healing, freeenergy, new energy, ‘I don’t haveenough energy’ or ‘my kids have toomuch of it!’.What about energetic eating?are incredibly high in vitamins, minerals,trace elements and <strong>ph</strong>ytonutrients, makingthem some of the most nutrient densefoods on the planet. They are alive withenergy and naturally that energy becomesyour energy when you eat these foods.Most importantly superfoods are foods– wholefoods with different inherent abilitiesto absorb different minerals. They arenot man-made supplements.four of my favouritesuperfoodsThe dict<strong>io</strong>nary definit<strong>io</strong>n of energy is ‘thecapacity of a body or system to do work’,which simply means the ability to move.We usually define energy by how muchGET UP AND GO we have. The truth iseverything is energy. Everything moves,vibrates and resonates at different speedsand frequencies, but it is all energy.And our food is no different.On a food level –Every food we eat has a different energy,resonance and vibrat<strong>io</strong>n.What’s more is that once you put that foodinto your mouth and start to digest it – itsenergy becomes your energy. When youstart to understand food at this vibrat<strong>io</strong>nallevel it becomes obv<strong>io</strong>us that you donot want to put the energy vibrat<strong>io</strong>n of abattery-bred, hormone-pumped chickeninto your body. The energetic value of thatfood is oppress<strong>io</strong>n and fear – it’s beencaged its entire life. Do you really wantthose stressed molecules floating aroundin your system? Would you put milk intoyour petrol cap?Of course not! Why not? Because itwouldn’t move – it would have no energyto take you from point A to point B. So whyroutinely day after day choose to put thelowest quality food fuel into your body?Here’s the flipside reality open to you. Thepicture looks quite different when youimagine putting Superfoods into yourbody. Again, I’m sure I need to qualifywhat I mean by superfoods.Superfoods are mineral rich, nutrientdense, energetic raw and living foods. Asuperfood can be a home grown livingsprout or a raw cacao bean from thejungles of South America. The energeticvalues of these foods are spectacular. Theenergetic value is held within the factthat they are 1. raw, meaning they havenot been destroyed by heat and 2. theyOn Day 3 of our Elements of Health rawfood course we look at over 15 differentsuperfoods in detail.Here are justfour of my favourite foods:super-Aloe FeroxI love this one because it is native to SouthAfrica and if you go hiking in certainplaces you can pick it yourself. Itstimulates the product<strong>io</strong>n of collagenwhich keeps the flexibility inyour skin, bones, joints and tissues.It’s also an excellent overall detoxifier. It’santi-parasitic and good for the digestivesystem.goji BerriesThis is a superfood that hails from Chinaand has been revered in Chinese medicinefor hundreds of years. It is routinely usedin cases of obesity and diabetes. It is a lowsugar dried fruit and is except<strong>io</strong>nally highin vitamin C. It has 50 x more vitamin Cthan oranges and 2000% more ant<strong>io</strong>xidants.They are also rich in trace minerals,proteins and omega oils just to get started.WheatgrassA healthy diet is very much based on rat<strong>io</strong>.It’s not so much about counting caloriesand eating x amount of this or that foodit’s about what proport<strong>io</strong>n they are eatenin, in relat<strong>io</strong>n to one another. For exampleif you eat a diet of solely Goji berries, eventhough they are a fantastic superfood,your diet will eventually become unbalanced.It’s easy to go for high fatty foods,even foods that contain good fats such asnuts and overdo it, but no-one ever seemsto overdo it on the greens. Almost everyoneoverlooks their greens and there’ssimply no way of getting around it – eatinggreen foods is fundamental.Grasses in particular have the ability toabsorb all 92 trace minerals, so if you wantAloe ferox is indigenous to SouthAfrica and is an excellent detoxifierTiny, red goji Berries areregarded as one of the earth’s mostnutrit<strong>io</strong>nally rich foodsRaw cacao comes in three forms:whole beans, cacao powder or cacaonibs (crushed beans)A tot glass of freshly juicedwheatgrass is said to be equivalentto two plates of veggies40 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

RecipesTrail mix packMix:50g Goji berries50g Cacao nibs50g Organic raisins50g Brazil nutsThis may seem like an overlysimple idea, but this littlecombinat<strong>io</strong>n in a great snackmix and tasty too, not toment<strong>io</strong>n you are eating rawand ant<strong>io</strong>xidant-rich, energyenhancingfoods. Every timeyou feel the inclinat<strong>io</strong>n to eat asugary sweet muffin or a bagel,or a packet of chips – replace itwith a handful or 2 of this mixinstead.Ice Cream and ChocolatesauceIce creamFreeze 1 Cup bananas and 1 Cupmangos.Either blend with 1 Cup freshlysqueezed orange juice or pressthrough an Oscer juicer with thesolid screen and mix in the orangejuice by hand(or leave the juice out).Chill in the freezer for another 5 - 10minutes wh<strong>ile</strong> you make up the chocolatesauce.Choc sauce1/3 Cup coconut oil1/4 Cup maple syrup*1/4 Cup raw chocolate powderWhisk through with a fork, get out your icecream, pour the sauce over and indulge - guiltfree.* Beware of 'maple flavoured syrup' - you wantmaple syrup, not maple-flavoured.Orange & Aloe detox smoothie2 Cups freshly squeezed orange juiceSmall chunk of fresh aloe ferox leafFresh mintAdd a chunk of real Aloe ferox by slicing open a leafand taking out the inner gel-like substance. Don’t blendthe skin. Blend the gel through with your juice in ablender until smooth. Add some fresh mint for flavourand to counteract the bitterness of the aloe.Try these recipes out and see and experiencesuperfoods soaring into act<strong>io</strong>n foryourself. If you would like to experiencefull immers<strong>io</strong>n into this wayof eating raw and living foods andsuperfoods, book yourself onto oneof the 4 week raw food prep classesfor the full experience.Classes are 2 ½ hours, once a week, for4 weeks.For more info please call 021 7864068 orvisit www.superfoods.co.za and check outthe ‘events’ page.to be super energised grow your own wheatgrassand juice it. A tot glass of freshly juicedwheatgrass is said to be equivalent to 2 plates ofveggies. Now you can eat (or drink) dinner in 30seconds or literally have your lunch ‘on the go’. Ifyou don’t have fresh there are some good greenpowders on the market which can be added towater or juice.Raw CacaoThis is by and large my favourite superfood. It isin fact our Superfood King.Raw cacao is tradit<strong>io</strong>nally know as Theobromacacao which literally means - "Food of the Gods".It is the HIGHEST ant<strong>io</strong>xidant food, surpassinggojis four times over.It is a great source of magnesium and is a naturalappetite suppresant and anti-depressant.But what is it, I hear you asking? Raw cacao ischocolate – it is the bean that all chocolate comesfrom. What makes chocolate unhealthy is notthe cacao itself, but rather the process that it goesthrough and what is added to it.The bean in its raw state is a superfood. It is ahigh vibrat<strong>io</strong>n, energetic food. It’s only whenthe bean is cooked, or roasted that it starts todenature; and when sugar, trans fats and dairyare added - chocolate the superfood, becomeschocolate the ‘stupid-food’.Cacao comes in 3 main forms – whole beans,crushed beans (called cacao nibs) or cacao powder.Using the raw cacao powder one can makefabulous chocolate mousse tarts - which everyonein the family is guaranteed to love.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>41

Today, more than ever before,life must be characterized by asense of Universal responsibility, notonly nat<strong>io</strong>n to nat<strong>io</strong>n and humanto human, but also human to otherforms of life.Dalai LamaMan's work is to raise the dead tolife, to bring brotherhood intoexpress<strong>io</strong>n on the <strong>ph</strong>ysical plane,and to transmit divine energy to awaiting world of forms. As the raysplay their part with humanity andbring man forth into manifestat<strong>io</strong>nas he is in essence and reality, hiswork with the animal kingdomand with the other kingdoms willproceed steadily and inevitably.Scarcely knowing how or why,humanity will play its part in thework of building. The creative workwill proceed and the Plan materialise.Man's work for the animal kingdomis to stimulate instinct untilindividualisat<strong>io</strong>n is possible. Hiswork for the vegetable kingdom isto foster the perfume-producingfaculty, and to adapt plant life to themyriad uses of man and of animals.Man's work with the mineralkingdom is to work alchemically andmagically.Esoteric Psychology vol I, A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yIf we look on our planet fromabove, we will observe, besidesthe evident volcanoes, particularvortices of light and darkness.The human spirit can createpowerful manifestat<strong>io</strong>nsof energy. One may state that thevortices of Light are sav<strong>io</strong>urs of theequilibrium of the planet. Nor isit far from the truth to state thatthe vortices of darkness contain adestructive gas, which is not onlydeadly to the crust of the planetbut can alter the climate and evensignificantly effect a shifting ofthe poles. Thus powerful is thesignificance of the human spirit.Fiery World I, p.664. H. RoerichThe <strong>ph</strong>ysical body ethericand dense can be picturedas a house with two tele<strong>ph</strong>onicinstallat<strong>io</strong>ns—one bringing inenergies from without the houseand the other being in the natureof a house tele<strong>ph</strong>one from roomto room. The analogy is far moreaccurate than appears to the casualthinker. In every modern house, lightand water and gas and tele<strong>ph</strong>onicinterchange are brought. Light,the symbol of the soul; water, thesymbol of the emot<strong>io</strong>ns; tele<strong>ph</strong>onicinterchange, the symbol of mindwith its intercommunicat<strong>io</strong>n ofknowledges; and gas, the symbolof the etheric nature. It isinteresting and saddening to notethat that which at present goes outof the average house is the refusethat is undesirable—this is thecorrespondence to that which isselfish and sad and the demand forthe satisfact<strong>io</strong>n of personal needsand desires.Esoteric Healing, Alice Ba<strong>ile</strong>yIf civilizat<strong>io</strong>n has risen from theStone Age, it can rise again fromthe wastepaper age.Jacques Barzun, HistorianIf we are concerned about ourgreat appetite for materials, it isplausible to decrease waste, to makebetter use of stocks available, andto develop substitutes. But whatabout the appetite itself? The majorcause of the continued deter<strong>io</strong>rat<strong>io</strong>nof the global environment isthe unsustainable pattern ofconsumpt<strong>io</strong>n and product<strong>io</strong>n,particularly in industrialisedcountries.John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist42

Economics and a reliance onscience and technology tosolve our problems has led to anunsustainable situat<strong>io</strong>n wherecontinued growth in consumpt<strong>io</strong>nis required for governments andbusiness to be considered successful.This is a form of insanity. Economicsis at the heart of our destructiveways and our faith in it has blindedus.Dr David Suzuki, Canadian scientist,Environmentalist/BroadcasterEconomists are behav<strong>io</strong>uralpsychologists, but they thinkmore is better; they want to makeeveryone richer. They should pause.More's not necessarily better.David Hemenway, Professor ofHealth Policy, Harvard School ofPublic HealthThe closer we get to a virtuouscircle, in which our work, ourhome life, our ethics and ourspirituality are mutually reinforcing,the closer we will be to achievinggenuine sustainability.James Wilsdon, Sen<strong>io</strong>r Researcher,Forum for the FutureNo man manages his affairs aswell as a tree does.George Bernard Shaw, Playwrightmodern naturalist, then, isA no longer someone who goesno further than a stamp collector,mastering nomenclature and fieldmarks. She or he knows a localflora and fauna as pieces of aninscrutable mystery, increasinglydeep, a unity of organisms.Western culture has been tryingto elevate itself above since at leastMesopotamian times. The modernnaturalist, in fact, has now becomea kind of emissary in this, workingto reestablish good relat<strong>io</strong>ns withall the b<strong>io</strong>logical componentshumanity has excluded from itsmoral universe….How is a naturalisttoday supposed to imagine the placebetweennature and culture? How is heor she to act, believing as manydo that Western civilizat<strong>io</strong>n iscompromising its own b<strong>io</strong>logy byinvesting so heavily in materialprogress? And knowing that manyin posit<strong>io</strong>ns of corporate andpolitical power regard nature asinconvenient, an inefficiency in theirplans for a smoothly running future?The Naturalist, Or<strong>io</strong>nOnline, Fall2001, Barry LopezThe era of procrastinat<strong>io</strong>n...is coming to a close...we areentering a per<strong>io</strong>d of consequences.Winston Churchill warning aboutthe danger of appeasement - andhighlighted by Al Gore, 45th vicepresident of the United States in2006, in the context of climatechangeUnless we change direct<strong>io</strong>n, weare likely to end up where weare going.Chinese proverbThe future of life on earthdepends on our ability totake act<strong>io</strong>n.ManyEarth StewardshipSome Thoughts to Pondercomp<strong>ile</strong>d by Anthony Mitchell43

individuals are doing what they can,but real success can only come ifthere's a change in our societies andour economics and in our politics.I've been lucky in my lifetime to seesome of the greatest spectacles thatthe natural world has to offer. Surelywe have a responsibility to leave forfuture generat<strong>io</strong>ns a planet that ishealthy, inhabitable by all species.Sir David Attenborough,Broadcaster/NaturalistWe need a new environmentalconsc<strong>io</strong>usness on a globalbasis. To do this, we need to educatepeople…When future generat<strong>io</strong>nsjudge those who came before themon environmental issues, they mayconclude “they didn’t know”: letus not go down in history as thegenerat<strong>io</strong>nsEARTH STEWARDSHIPwho knew, but didn’t care.Mikhail Gorbachev, FoundingPresident, Green Cross Internat<strong>io</strong>nalIf future generat<strong>io</strong>ns are toremember us with gratituderather than contempt, we mustleave them more than the miraclesof technology. We must leave thema glimpse of the world as it was inthe beginning, not just after we gotthrough with it.President Lyndon Johnson on signingof the Wilderness Act, 1964The future isn't what it used to be.Arthur C Clarke, Author/scientistMy interest is in the futurebecause I am going to spendthe rest of my life there.Charles F. Kettering, AmericaninventorWhen men achieve illuminat<strong>io</strong>n,intelligently precipitate thekarmic quota of their time, and liftthe subhuman kingdoms with itsreflex activity of lifting the Highestsimultaneously , then they can andthen they do share in the work ofthe Hierarchy. That cycle of sharinghas seemed for aeons too far awayto be considered; when, however,humanity precipitated the war,they automatically and somewhatsurprisingly brought the finalachievement much nearer. Theilluminat<strong>io</strong>n of men's mindswill rapidlyfollow. Theprocess oflifting thesubhuman kingdoms has beenamazingly forwarded by science—the crowning accomplishment ofwhich was the fiss<strong>io</strong>n of the atomand the penetrat<strong>io</strong>n of the "spiritualinterfering" aspect of the humanspirit into the very depths of themineral world. Ponder on this.Discipleship in the New Age vol II,A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yTaken together, our efforts arelike drops of dew that slowlyaccumulate in the soul of the world,hastening the day when the entireEarth, with all its peoples andcreatures, will enjoy harmony andfulfilment.Guy Dauncey, AuthorTreat the Earth as though weintend to stay here.Sir Crispin Tickell, Diplomat/EnvironmentalistIn the end, our society will bedefined not only by what we create,but by what we refuse to destroy.John Sawhill, Former President, TheNature ConservancyHarmful magnetic condit<strong>io</strong>ns,as the result of man's wronghandling of force are the causesof evil in the world around us,including the three sub-humankingdoms. How can we, asindividuals, change this? Bythe development in ourselves ofHarmlessness. Therefore, studyyourself from this angle. Studyyour daily conduct and words andthoughts so as to make them utterlyharmless.A Treatise on White Magic, A Ba<strong>ile</strong>yYou have already seen thatthousands of people may perishin a single44B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

hurricane. Is it possible that themanifestat<strong>io</strong>n of ominous stormsdoes not impel humanity to reflectas to whence comes such imbalancethat not only hurricanes andearthquakes, but even floods reachthe highest dimens<strong>io</strong>ns? It is a factthat mill<strong>io</strong>ns of people have alreadyperished, but the consc<strong>io</strong>usnesscontinues to grow worse. It would befair to ask humanity how many tensof mill<strong>io</strong>ns of victims are requiredbefore a change of consc<strong>io</strong>usness isrecognized.Fiery World II, sloka 211. H. RoerichThere is necessarily a subtleindirect appeal going forthcontinuously from the threesubhuman kingdoms in nature, butthat appeal focuses itself in thehuman kingdom, for that kingdomis the receiving and the transmittingagent for these kingdoms, just asthe Hierarchy has been and is thereceiving and the transmittingagent for every human appeal. Notehere the beautiful interlocking andthe fine interrelat<strong>io</strong>n which has beenestablished by our planetary Logos.Discipleship in the New Age vol II,A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yThe keynote, therefore, of the Lordof the World is HUMANITYfor it is the basis, the goal and theessential inner structure of all being.Humanity itself is the key to allevolut<strong>io</strong>nary processes and to allcorrect understanding of the divinePlan, expressing in time and spacethe divine Purpose… The work ofscience is…simply the developmentof the knowledge of substance and ofform; this knowledge will makeit possible for humanityeventually to act as themajor impressingagent in relat<strong>io</strong>nto the threeEARTH STEWARDSHIPsubhuman kingdoms in nature; thatis humanity's primary responsibility.Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, A.Ba<strong>ile</strong>yNothing which affects humanityor which stimulates it to aforward-moving activity is withoutits inevitable effect upon the threelower kingdoms in nature. Forgetnot! Mankind is the macrocosm tothis threefold lower microcosm.Discipleship in the New Age vol II, A.Ba<strong>ile</strong>yWhat being a naturalist hascome to mean to me, sittingmy mornings and evenings by theriver, hearing the clack of heronsthrough the creak of swallows overthe screams of osprey under the purlof fox sparrows, so far removed fromWhite and Darwin and Leopold andeven Carson, is this: Pay attent<strong>io</strong>nto the mystery. Apprentice to thebest apprentices. Rediscover innature your own b<strong>io</strong>logy. Write andspeak with appreciat<strong>io</strong>n for all youhave been gifted. Recognize that apolitics with no b<strong>io</strong>logy, or a politicswithout field b<strong>io</strong>logy, or a politicalplatform in which human b<strong>io</strong>logicalrequirements form but one plank, isa vis<strong>io</strong>n of the gates of Hell.The Naturalist, Barry LopezSimplicity should be ourwatchword for it is simplicitywhich will kill our old materialisticway of living.Educat<strong>io</strong>n in the New Age, A. Ba<strong>ile</strong>yOut of intense complexitiesintense simplicities emerge.Winston ChurchillBuilding a world where we meetour own needs without denyingfuture generat<strong>io</strong>ns a healthysociety is not impossible, as somewould assert. The quest<strong>io</strong>n is wheresocieties choose to put their creativeefforts.Christo<strong>ph</strong>er Flavin, President,Worldwatch InstituteToday's problems cannot be solvedif we still think the way wethought when we created them.Albert EinsteinB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong> 45

Want to save the planet, do something positive for society, andhave a unique holiday ( or make some money)?Join the MUIZENBERG COB HOUSEINVESTMENT/ TIMESHARE SCHEMEBureaucracy makes it tricky for us to get finance for such acutting-edge eco-friendly building, but this means we're openingan investment opportunity to raise our final R80 000 – a smallamount in the property market, but what we need to really makeour organic Bed and Breakfast house a success. R80 000: that'sjust 80 people investing R1000 or 16 investing R5000 each! And,as you can see below, it is a safe and worthwh<strong>ile</strong> property investment.Your investment gets you 2 possibilities:1. TimeshareYou (or anyone you nominate to enjoy it) can cash in anyamount of your investment for organic B&B accommodat<strong>io</strong>n* ,whenever you choose (subject to availability), and always at specialhighly discounted prices that will stay fixed until the end of2009, and thereafter only increase annually strictly in line withinflat<strong>io</strong>n rates. A R1000 investment would get (in 2008) 2 nightsin peak season for a family of 4 – or 5 nights for a couple off-peak!For big investments we are also willing to vacate the whole housefor a negotiable per<strong>io</strong>d, again at a discount for investors.For 2008/9, standard B&B prices for investors:Off-peak (May-Sept) : R100 per person per night (R50 per child)[Typical Muizenberg prices: R200]Peak (Oct-Apr) : R150 per person per night (R75 per child)[Typical Muizenberg prices: R250]* Our unique fully organic B&B accommodat<strong>io</strong>n will be availablefor up to 4 people, in an area with a separate entrance andensuite shower/to<strong>ile</strong>t. You will experience organic food, in roomsmade and furnished with organic materials, all in a beautifulholiday home, with toxic chemicals avoided wherever possiblein the building process. Muizenberg's famous beach amenities,vlei, public transport and shops are a short walk away, and themountain towers impressively above our garden.We anticipate being open for business at the beginning of 2008,but if there are any delays in the final touches we will contact allinvestors with latest news at the beginning of the year.2. A financial return on the sale of the houseAny amount of your investment which you have not used for"timeshare" will be returned to you at a proport<strong>io</strong>nal rate ifthe house is sold i.e. if the house costs R1m to build and sells forR1,5m, a R1000 investment would be returned as R1500.Although it is difficult to accurately value an unfinished house,we have obtained a provis<strong>io</strong>nal independent valuat<strong>io</strong>n froma Muizenberg estate agent. If the house is completed with thefinishes we plan, it would be likely to sell in the near future forbetween R1,8m and R2,2m, a fair profit given an outlay of approximatelyR1m (including the price of the plot).We would ask you to commit to investing for five years. If wehave not yet decided to sell the house after that time you wouldthen be entitled to ask for your money back, although we wouldthen not be able to guarantee a return at property market rates.We would still, however, encourage you to keep your timeshareinvestment with us after that time!You can make your investment to bank accounts in the RSAor the UK and once confirmed we will send you a certificateshowing the rand value of your investment and confirming yourentitlements.Donat<strong>io</strong>ns/sponsorship from individuals or organisat<strong>io</strong>nsare welcome. Here's why we think our houseis worthy:1. Our house is the first "cob house" in an open suburban city streetin South Africa, and has been seen by thousands of people duringthe building process. It is being built in an energy efficient wayusing recycled, natural and non-toxic materials like sand, clay,straw, and wood. It features walls that naturally keep the housewarmer in winter and cooler in summer, and a passive solardesign. It will include a grey water recycling system and on-siterenewable energy generators to help us in our aim to be off-grid.2. The building site provides a safe and empowering experience forall ages to be involved in. Our prominent, convenient locat<strong>io</strong>n hasmade practical educat<strong>io</strong>n about eco-friendly building technologyavailable to many people for the first time. The owner-buildersare both qualified teachers and have run workshops on site withhundreds of people already. Besides workshops for the generalpublic, we have had many school groups (at both primary andhigh school level), university students, teachers and lecturers(including many architecture students), and even a group ofbankers on site getting muddy!We have attracted interest from officials in the municipalityand government departments keen to learn more about greenbuilding, and hope to hold workshops with these groups as thebuilding progresses. Once the main house is complete we will stillhold open days, and workshops to practically build outbuildings– and so will continue to establish our home as a site for sustainablebuilding awareness and environmental educat<strong>io</strong>n.3. Building this way involves more labour and time, but usesmuch cheaper materials than convent<strong>io</strong>nal building. We are thusinvesting our resources in empowering skills development andjob creat<strong>io</strong>n . Our "cobbing" team is led by a black foreman – thefirst fully black team we know of in South Africa - and as theybecome more confident with their skills they will be more able tolead workshops and train up future "cobbers".4. One reason why more homes of this type are not being built tosolve the housing crisis and create jobs, in a sustainable way, is anegative percept<strong>io</strong>n among most South Africans towards "mudhuts" as old-fash<strong>io</strong>ned. Building a stylish, elegant house like thishelps shift that percept<strong>io</strong>n so that eco-friendly buildings cantruly be aspired to by our people.5. We are building on a brown field site rather than a green fieldsite. This means the house is in an urban area, on the site of aprev<strong>io</strong>us building (apparently a beach cottage, "Bonnyrigg", oncebuilt for Cecil Rhodes!) Most new expensive developments in theCape are on prime agricultural or resource conservat<strong>io</strong>n land. Itwill become increasingly important to preserve our "green field"sites around Cape Town as global warming affects South Africa.6. We are generating much publicity – in newspapers, magazines,rad<strong>io</strong> and TV and on the internet – which would also be beneficialto any sponsors wishing to promote their green credentials .(Our first small business sponsor has been very happy with thepublicity so far!) All donors would be acknowledged by beinglisted on a small plaque on the property, but obv<strong>io</strong>usly for largerdonat<strong>io</strong>ns we can converse about the exact 'reward' a sponsorwould get.Contact us at simric1@gmail.com or on 021 788 6613 to talk furtherand to obtain bank details in the UK or RSA.46 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

Eden CampusNewsletterby Nidhi ChaitowKey Role and Purpose of EdenCampusTo consc<strong>io</strong>usly create a financially andenvironmentally sustainable green businessschool that educates and transformsindividuals from impoverished communitiesin the Southern Cape in entrepreneurshipand enterprise.Eden Students CommunityHomework Project Inconjunct<strong>io</strong>n with 7 Up YouthInitiativePart of student life at Eden Campusis commitment to community outreachand our Afrikaans speaking students aretransported twice a week by local farmersto 3 different centres where they helplocal children with their homework. Thisinitiative has brought encouragement tolocal communities and has brought hopeand promise to so many children who havebeen struggling to achieve their academicoutcomes.Environmental ProjectOn a recent visit to Sedgefield we visitedthe local Recycling project.Jocelynn Jacobs, Johan Minnies andAlexis Jansen visit Sedgefield’s RecyclingProject.The man in charge is Rejoice Gawie, alocal resident from Smutsville who has setup a small recycling project in Smutsvilleas well, beginning with the primary schoolpupils.This Recycling project employs sevenlocal people. The employees sort the wasteinto different corners divided as follows:plastic, cartons, metals, glass, office waste,cans, etc.The Municipality collects part of thewaste and the others are sold to differentrecycling organisat<strong>io</strong>ns. The waste alsogets donated to schools in the surroundingareas for use in creating artwork.We at Eden Campus identified thatthe community of Karatara has very littleknowledge of recycling. We found thisproject to be very motivating and are inthe planning process of creating our ownRecycling Bin in Karatara. We are workinghand in hand with Rejoice Gawie of SedgefieldRecycling, The Knysna Municipalityand The Karatara Community.Watch this space for further developmentconcerning our project.Contact usEden Campus, P.O. Box 4, Karatara 6580Office: 044 356 2789info@edencampus.co.zawww.edencampus.co.zaStudents present their business plans andstrategies for taking their businesses forwardEden Campus Soccer Team with coachAngelo D’Ambros<strong>io</strong>And our cheer-leaders giving rhythmic andjoyous support to their soccer teamThe Joy of Life – Henry WitbooiTo wake up early in the morning and seea flower fill of dew drops dancing in themorning breeze.To hear birds greeting the new day withgrateful songs in their hearts.To inhale the smell of the early morningcoffee hanging in the air.To hear the voices and see the faces offriends and family and to know that you areloved.So often we forget the things that reallymatter in life. Between all the importantbusiness meetings, the lunch with importantbusiness clients and friends, the longhours at the office, frustrating traffic jamsand coming late at homes there are childrenlonging for their parents. Butch, the familydog sitting lonely with his rubber toy in hismouth, waiting for his human family to play.We forgot the first steps of a baby and thatlittle sm<strong>ile</strong> that makes your knees go numb.The miracle of seeing seasons come and goand that fresh smell of dry earth after thefirst rains.The laughter of children at a jungle gym.The joy of a reun<strong>io</strong>n between friends andfamily. And the first kiss.Between the happiness and joy of birthdayparties and the tears of being scared of thedark, there is something mystical that cannotbe described.To me that is the true joy of life.48 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

Honouring Tradit<strong>io</strong>nal Wellbeing - NUI100% Certified Organic Skin CareWhat are you willing to put into yourbody? Do you choose to stay away fromchemicals, additives and preservatives ……?Are you making consc<strong>io</strong>us choices aroundwhat supports your health? What gives yourbody the essentials to be healthy, energeticand naturally beautiful?Well done for making these choices!Well done for being aware that you have thepower to make choices that enable you tolive in harmony naturally within your bodyand your environment.What do you put onto your skin to nourishit? To keep it protected, healthy andyoung? We need to make the same consc<strong>io</strong>uschoices. Your body gets filled withwhat goes onto/into your skin!Off course you are aware of this! Butwhere to get something that isn’t full of sh.t?NUI creates a Skin Care Range that isbased on age old tradit<strong>io</strong>nal recipes. There isnothing in these products that hasn’t beenavailable for hundreds of years. Natural,alchemical processes that have been used tocreate beauty care products forever.In addit<strong>io</strong>n to being a completely natural,100% Certified Organic and a Fair Tradeproduct (what more could you want?), theNUI Skin Care Range is based on wonderfulVirgin Coconut Oil (VCO). VirginCoconut Oil is known as ‘The Healthiest OilNUI SKIN CAREin the World’ ! This is true for its nutrit<strong>io</strong>nalbenefits as well as its amazing nurturingand healing properties for the skin.The moisturizing and protecting propertiesof this oil are becoming increasinglypopular again. Island communities aroundthe world have benefited from VCO forcenturies.The NUI Skin Care Range is one of a veryfew 100% Certified and Fair Trade ranges inthe world. This holistic approach makes theproducts unique. But there is more to theseinternat<strong>io</strong>nally acclaimed products than thehigh ethical and sustainable principles ofthe company producing them.All processing, starting with that of theVirgin Coconut Oil to the actual blending ofthe natural ingredients, is done with utmostcare. The alchemical process (in contrast toa chemical process) ensures that the desiredbeneficial and natural properties of the substancesare preserved. Tradit<strong>io</strong>nal methodsuse cold processing formulas to preservethe life force of all the original substances.Clean, simple, powerful – on your skin.With so much conversat<strong>io</strong>n going onabout the possible dangers of <strong>ph</strong>thalates,sodium lauryl-sul<strong>ph</strong>ates plus other petrochemicalsubstances you will be relieved toknow that none of these substances are usedin the NUI Skin Care range. Irrespectiveof the potential hazards in using thesesubstances on your skin, they are obv<strong>io</strong>uslya burden to the environment due to thechemical refining process they are takenthrough. The tradit<strong>io</strong>nal processes used tocreate the NUI products do not requireany of these and thus provide you with oneof the safest and healthiest alternativesavailable.The NUI range has convinced customersin Australia, Europe, England, Japan andCanada. The Fair Trade and Certified Organicrange provides you with a simple butcomplete select<strong>io</strong>n of body care productsdesigned to give you a fresh start to everyday.Enjoy your next bath or shower with ourLemongrass & Ginger Liquid Body Washor hard Body Bar (also available in otherfragrances) or try our lusc<strong>io</strong>us Body Butteras a day or night cream. Sensitive enough tobe used on the face you will find a fragranceto suit your mood and skin type.NUI is currently available at selectedreta<strong>ile</strong>rs in Gauteng and Western Cape andon the Internet via online shops.For a brochure with the full range or moreinformat<strong>io</strong>n on NUI please contact:Henrike Lombardozzi on076 1120 547 or e-mailhenrike@africanpacific.comor get more informat<strong>io</strong>n on the benefits ofVirgin Coconut Oil via our website: www.nuicoconut.comB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>49

The Truth about Premarin50 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

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IarranginggarbageA Buddhist approachto compostby Wendy JohnsonWendy has been gardening andpracticing meditat<strong>io</strong>n at Green GulchFarm Zen Center in northern Californiasince 1975.t wasalmostdarkwhen I cameupon thebobcat, walkingalone on asteep overgrowntrail far above theGreen Gulch valley.She had been deadfor weeks, her blackrimmedlips pulledback in a snarl of protest,tiny soot flies scouring herempty eye sockets. Her bellywas slit open and she lay, disemboweled,in her own dry blood. The acridstench of death rose off her matted fur. Iconsidered carrying the bobcat down tobury her in the farm compost p<strong>ile</strong> but decidedagainst it. She was her own sovereignpalace of decay, already well-consumed. Iplaced her, instead, off the trail, onto a softmound of chain fern and lady’s bed-strawand hurried down the mountain wh<strong>ile</strong> Icould still see.This was more than ten years ago, butI still think of that bobcat, especially inthis autumn season as we build the lastbig compost p<strong>ile</strong>s of the year, arranginggarbage in one giant heap sealed withmoldy oat straw drenched in stale greenpond water.Much as I love cross-legged sittingand the Bodhisattva Vows, makingcompost is my core relig<strong>io</strong>us practice.“Life into death into life,” intonedmy garden teacher Alan Chadwick as hesupervised us in the ancient alchemicalart of creating a compost p<strong>ile</strong>, a practicefollowed by Chinese farmers for more thanfour thousand years. I take my place in thisgardening lineage that reveres and relieson rot and decay as an abiding source ofsoil fertility.Compost is an untame culture, turningon the dark side of Nature’s wheel of lifewhere all beings come apart and are recombined.The same clan of microbes andmaggots, nematodes and mites, bacteriaand fungi that helped to decompose thebobcat on the Zen trail so many years agoare the engine of decomposit<strong>io</strong>n in everycompost p<strong>ile</strong>. The gardeners’ task is only tocreate a hospitable site where the cultureof compost can unfold.This work is deeply simple. All you needis a shady piece of ground large enough fora compost p<strong>ile</strong> that is at least 1x1x2m. Firstyou fork open the soil beneath your proposedp<strong>ile</strong> and arrange a base made of oldplant stalks, stems, and soft woody debris.Next you mound on top of this base a deeplayer of green, nitrogen-rich materials likegarden weeds and grass clippings, mixedwith animal manure and kitchen scraps.The following layer is dry, carbonaceousmaterial like straw and old leaves, or woodchips and sawdust, all well watered sothat your p<strong>ile</strong> is as moist as Avalokiteshvara’shuge heart. Continue to layer yourcompost green material and then let dryuntil you have a tall, noble p<strong>ile</strong>, as high asyou can reach.Every compost p<strong>ile</strong> is alive, a teemingsangha of bill<strong>io</strong>ns of invisible microorganismsdigesting your autumn mountain ofgarbage.In a fewshort daysa healthycompost p<strong>ile</strong>begins tosteam withmetaboliclife asclouds of heatlovingbacteria breakdown raw protein andcomplex carbohydrates intoamino acids and simple sugars,generating temperatures as high as72º C. This breakdown stage is followeda few weeks later by a buildup stage thatlasts for more than a month as complexfungal networks absorb the p<strong>ile</strong>’s free gasesinto their web work of mycelia, reducingleaching of nutrients, disarming pollutantsand disease pathogens, and <strong>ph</strong>ysicallybinding soil and compost together, creatingstab<strong>ile</strong> aggregates that increase waterinfiltrat<strong>io</strong>n and retent<strong>io</strong>n.In the last stage of decomposit<strong>io</strong>n a fewmonths later—or sooner, if you turn yourp<strong>ile</strong>—your mound will be alive with sweet,woodsy-smelling compost laced with up toone hundred industr<strong>io</strong>us compost insectsper square foot, intertwined with writhingred compost worms testifying by theirpresence that decomposit<strong>io</strong>n is complete.“All condit<strong>io</strong>ned existence is of thenature to come apart,” observed theBuddha twenty-five hundred years ago.Although this may not be corroboratedby the Pali canon, I am confident not onlythat the Budda’s teaching was stimulatedby upright sitting beneath a sacredpipal tree, but also that in the vicinity ofenlightenment there is always a smokingdung heap alive with bobcat bones and rottenmelons, arranged to become the deep,black ground of awakening.52 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

herbsforhealthHerbs foreveryday ailmentsby Nicci HayesHerbal Teas (or Infus<strong>io</strong>ns)When making an infus<strong>io</strong>n (or indeed any herbal remedy) remember to use organicallygrown herbs, and to wash the plant matter before you begin. Use the best quality wateryou have, as water with a high lime content is less efficient at extracting the medicinalproperties from herbs. Don’t panic about exact quantities - different plants have differentconcentrat<strong>io</strong>ns of active ingredients anyway. As a rough guideline for infus<strong>io</strong>ns use an 8cmsprig per cup (or 10 mls chopped fresh herbs, or a teaspoonful of dried herbs - althoughfresh herbs are preferable). Pour boiling water over the herbs. Place a saucer over the cup toprevent "goodness" escaping in the steam, and leave to steep for about five minutes. It reallyis as simple as making tea. (Remember to strain before drinking if you have chopped upthe leaves.) Add a little honey if you find the infus<strong>io</strong>n a little bland or distasteful. A genericguideline is to drink about three cups a day. Never drink the same herbal tea for more thanthree weeks at a stretch.LAVENDERLavender takes pride of place for me, notbecause it is particularlyversat<strong>ile</strong> as a healingherb - others such as fennel and yarrowfar outstrip it in that regard; but becauseit is just so beautiful. Said to bring protect<strong>io</strong>nto the household if planted at the frontgate, lavender has long been afavourite inthe garden, in herb lore, and in the medicinechest. Its Latin origin "lavare" to wash,bears testimony not only to it's refreshingsmell but also to antiseptic qualities.Much fuss is made in some books aboutensuring that only the flower of EnglishLavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is usedas a healing herb but in this (as in manythings) I follow Yvette van Wyk, one of ourbest-know South African gurus on herbs.Yvette suggests that all major species,including the French (Lavandula dentata)are fine, and that all aerial parts are usable.Lavender is perhaps best known asa headache cure. (Always remember ofcourse that the cause of a headache shouldbe investigated especially if headachespersist. Many headaches are simply theresult of mild dehydrat<strong>io</strong>n, and can thus bebest dealt with by drinking a tall glass ofclean water.Other common causes of headachesare constipat<strong>io</strong>n, neck tens<strong>io</strong>n, allergens,and bad lighting.) Lavender is particularlyeffective as a relief from tens<strong>io</strong>n headaches.Make a strong cup of lavender tea(officially called an infus<strong>io</strong>n - see box onmaking infus<strong>io</strong>ns). Sip the tea, and inhalethe wonderful smell for (almost) instantsoothing.Lavender is also fantastic for insomnia.Drink a cup of tea just before bedtime, orsleep with a sprig between your pillowand pillowcase. Also good for calming thenerves, lifting the spirits, and curing sorethroats (gargle with a warm infus<strong>io</strong>n) andbad breath (due not only to its sweet smellbut also its antiseptic qualities).As an antiseptic, I find the essentialoil the most convenient and never travelwithout it. (It is essential to use organicessential oils, as there are no pesticide orfungicide residues. The distillat<strong>io</strong>n processis also done slowly, with as little heat andpressure as possible. This ensures the therapeuticvalue of the oil.) It is mild enoughto be used straight on the skin if necessaryand is great for insect bites and smallinjuries. Ideally it should be combined withwarm water to clean out grazes, small cuts,and the like, and can also be used like thisas a gargle (add about 5 drops to a glass ofwarm water). Apply a drop to each templefor headache relief.Lavender oil is one of the best treatmentsfor minor burns. (Apply only afterthe burn has cooled.) Add a few drops ofessential oil to the bath to relieve tens<strong>io</strong>n,and to take the sting out of sunburn. Lavenderis one of the essential oils that is mildenough to be safe for children.BULBINE FRUTESCENS(I use the Latin name to avoid confus<strong>io</strong>n asthe common names bulbinella and bulbineseem to lead to arguments in herbs circles.The plant I mean has long thinnish succulentleaves, and spike-like clusters of smallyellow or orange star-shaped flowers.)This wonderful indigenous plant is, likeLavender, an outstanding remedy for minorburns, cuts and abras<strong>io</strong>ns, and insectbites. Simply break off a leaf and squeezethe juice or jelly onto affected areas.The ease of applicat<strong>io</strong>n makes this anexcellent herb to plant with your culinaryherbs just outside the kitchen door - not tocook with,but to use for kitchen mishapslike burns and cuts.The juice of Bulbine frutescens alsohelps to stop bleeding. Use also for roughand cracked skin and lips, ringworm, andcold sores. Scabies also seems relieved byregular applicat<strong>io</strong>n, but remember thatScabies is caused by a small bug, so anytreatment of scabies must be holistic andinclude thorough laundering and ironingof bedding and clothes (to get rid of familyand friends).BulbinefrutescensLavandulaangustifoliaB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>53

transformat<strong>io</strong>nal forgivenessto not forgive is to not understandhow the universe works...by Verla Wadehen we harbour negative emot<strong>io</strong>nstoward others or towardWourselves, or when we intent<strong>io</strong>nallycreate pain for others, we poison ourown <strong>ph</strong>ysical and spiritual systems. Thestrongest poison to the human spirit is theinability to forgive self and others.It disables our emot<strong>io</strong>nal resources andforms obstacles to health and well being.Forgiveness is an essential spiritual actthat must occur for us to open ourselvesfully to the healing powerof love. Self-love means caringfor ourselves enoughto forgive people inour past so that thewounds can nolonger damage us.If you wantto walktheof higher consc<strong>io</strong>usness, then you musttake a hard look at your own willingnessto forgive. Most of us simply are not verygood at it. What we are good at is hangingon to our judgments and hatreds, blamingothers for the shortcomings of ourown lives.We tend to have a monumentalmispercept<strong>io</strong>n about our needto forgive. The belief that othersshould not have treated usthe way that they did is, ofcourse, the ultimate absurdity.When we judgeTrue 100 percentforgiveness involvesa dramatic shift. Tonot forgive is to notunderstand how theuniverse works andhow you fit into it.someone to have wronged us, we haveliterally given control of our life to them.The universe is always working just theway it is supposed to, and so is everythingin it, even the things that we have deemedto be wrong, improper, cruel, and painfulfor us and others.Learning to forgive involves learning tocorrect the mispercept<strong>io</strong>ns that we havecreated with our own thoughts.pathWHAT IS FORGIVENESS?Forgiveness is about letting go of thepast and refusing to be controlled by it.Forgiveness means that you do not holdothers responsible for your experiences.If you do not hold yourself accountablefor what you experience, you will holdsomeone else accountable, and if you are54 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

not satisfied with what you experience,you will seek to change it by manipulatingthat person. When you hold someoneresponsible for what you experience youlose power.Forgiveness means releasing your criticaljudgment, putting behind you injur<strong>io</strong>usbehav<strong>io</strong>rs that you didn’t like, and returningto loving yourself and others in thesame way that you did before an incidenthappened. Forgiveness does not meanignoring what has been done or putting afalse label on an evil act. It means, rather,that the act no longer remains as a barrierto your health, wellness, abundance, joy,peace of mind, and enlightenment.To forgive does not mean that you haveto bow and scrape to those whom youfeel have offended you. Rather, it meansto “give for,” to “replace” the ill feeling, togain a sense of peace and harmony again.To forgive literally means to “give up” thatwhich you should not have held on to in thefirst place!WHEN DO WE NEED TOFORGIVE?If you have a problem, you have somethingto forgive. Anyone who experiencespain has a need to forgive. Anyone whofinds her/himself in unpleasant circumstanceshas a need to forgive. Anyone whois in debt has a need to forgive. Wherethere is suffering, unhappiness, lack,confus<strong>io</strong>n, or misery of any sort, there is aneed to forgive.When your good is delayed, that is thetime to forgive. Often everything standsstill, and there is a deadlock, until yourelease forgiveness into the situat<strong>io</strong>n.Forgiveness can sweep aside all that hasdelayed you in your endeavor toward good.The forgiving state of mind is a magneticpower for attracting good. No good thingcan be withheld from the forgiving stateof mind.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WEFORGIVE?True, deep forgiveness releases the baggageof a negative or harmful experience.You lighten up. You do not cling to negativeexperiences that resulted from decis<strong>io</strong>nsyou made wh<strong>ile</strong> you were learning.When you forgive, you release criticaljudgment of yourself as well as of others.When you forgive, you open to lovinguncondit<strong>io</strong>nally. By forgiving painful occurrences,you internalize at a deeper levelyour understanding of the human predicament,and thus can feel love more fully.As you forgive you can access your truepower. Forgiveness, humbleness, clarity,and love are the dynamics of freedom. Togetherthey are the foundat<strong>io</strong>n of authenticpower.Forgiveness provides one of the bestpreventive medicines available. The law offorgiveness is the surprise law of healing. Itis an immutable mental and spiritual lawthat when there is a health problem, thereis a forgiveness problem. You must forgiveif you want to be permanently healed.When you bypass forgiveness, you bypasspermanent health.The cleansing generated through forgivenesshelps to release us from the spiritualenergy links we have unconsc<strong>io</strong>uslycreated between ourselves and the peoplewho have hurt us. Perceiving and actingbased on compass<strong>io</strong>n and forgivenessopens our personal gateways to movinginto the planes of higher consc<strong>io</strong>usness.WHAT IF THE SITUATION IS TOOLARGE TO FORGIVE ON OUROWN?Occas<strong>io</strong>nally we can find themselvesin circumstances where the hurt, pain, orinjury is so great that we simply cannotforgive on our own power. When this isthe case, it is enough that we pray to be giventhe grace, the percept<strong>io</strong>n, the elevatedLight that will allow us to forgive.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WECHOOSE TO NOT FORGIVE?When we choose not to forgive, it is likeagreeing to wear dark, gruesome sunglassesthat distort everything, forcing us everyday to look at life through those contaminatedlenses because we have chosen tokeep them. The experience that we do notforgive sticks with us.Lack of forgivenessrestricts the flow of life.Without forgiveness,it is not possible tolove.As long as we continue to hold on to and“energize” past feelings of having been embarrassed,injured, or attacked by peoplewe have encountered, we become overlyfocused in emot<strong>io</strong>nal patterns that blockthe percept<strong>io</strong>n of love in our lives. Walkingaround with hatred, bitterness, andresentment in our hearts because of someunfortunate past circumstance will keepus from experiencing the full happinessand contentment that is our birthright.“Forgiveness is thefragrance the v<strong>io</strong>letsheds on the heelthat has crushed it.”HOW DOES FORGIVENESSAFFECT OUR HEALTH?The energies of resentment, judgment,anger, and grudges are stored in our cells.Holding onto these negative emot<strong>io</strong>nscauses mental, emot<strong>io</strong>nal, <strong>ph</strong>ysical, andspiritual problems. Until there is forgiveness,complete health is unattainable.When people continue to think about oldtraumatic events in their lives, especiallyabout someone who has done somethingemot<strong>io</strong>nally hurtful to them, they actuallysend a part of their spirit to that distantperson or event in time.HOW DOES FORGIVENESSAFFECT OUR SPIRITUALITY?An absence of forgiveness is tantamountto staying imprisoned in anunawakened life. If we have not learnedforgiveness, we may master all of the otherprinciples and still remain prisoners. Notto forgive is not to understand how theuniverse works and how you fit into it.When we learn to forgive ourselves andothers, we grow, spiritually and emot<strong>io</strong>nally,in leaps and bounds. As we loosen thenoose of judgment, anger, righteousness,and betrayal, we begin to breathe witha new sense of energy and purpose. Nolonger tied by the shackles of our wounding,we are able to see the world as friendinstead of foe.We each have a choice about how weview the world. Do we see it as friendly orunfriendly? Do we expect people to be safeor unsafe? Wounded by life, we may find itdifficult to forgive ourselves and others. Awillingness to forgive real and imaginedwrongs is like taking a drink of fresh water.Nothing refreshes and rejuvenates like theself-love of deep forgiveness.Forgiveness, for both the individual andfor humanity, is our highest achievement,because it shows true enlightenment inact<strong>io</strong>n. It illustrates that one is in harmonywith the very stuff of the universe, that is,with the energy of love. Forgiveness is theability to give this love away in the mostdifficult of circumstances. Mark Twainsaid it so beautifully, when he wrote: “Forgivenessis the fragrance the v<strong>io</strong>let shedson the heel that has crushed it.”B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>55

soilforlifeIt's never too lateto plant a treeWhen a tree is propagated froma seed, the growth habit of itsstem and root system is differentfrom that of a tree propagatedfrom a cutting.Trees grown from seed have atall stem and a deep tap rootsystem.Trees grown from a cuttingoften have a shorter stem (theybush close to the ground) and donot have a tap root.by Pat FeatherstoneSoil for Life is a Cape Town-basedNGO which teaches people to grow theirown food. For more informat<strong>io</strong>n aboutSoil for Life membership, and organicmethods for growing vegetables, herbsand fruit, please <strong>ph</strong>one Pat on (021) 7944982It’s Spring. The trees herald the change ofseason by bursting forth with their newfoliage, many preceding the soft greenswith breathtaking shows of delicate blossomsthat produce the fruits and seedswhich will be welcomed by man and beastalike in the summer that lies ahead. It’s anapt time to celebrate Arbor Day, althoughperhaps not the best time to plant trees,especially in the Cape with the hot, drySummer months ahead. The beginningof Winter would be far more appropriateas the Winter rains would enable the rootsystem to establish itself before the growthspurt brought on by the rise in temperature.No doubt many thousands of treeswere planted on 7th September by wellmeaningpeople in the grounds of schools,churches, hospitals, clinics, office blocks,parks and along highways and by-waysaround the country. How many of themwill be given the care and respect that theyneed to reach maturity?How many will last long enough toprovide homes for birds and beasts in theirlofty boughs, or provide us with muchsought after protect<strong>io</strong>n from the elementsall year round?How many will bear fruit?Did you plant a tree?Around the world, over thousandsof years, man has impacted on the greatforests by felling huge swathes for livingspace, fuel, building materials andcropland. Mankind is continuing ‘the old,old story’ as told in The Epic of Gilgamesh– the earliest recorded story of what happenswhen forests are cut down. Rivers siltup, the land turns into desert or scrubland;civilisat<strong>io</strong>ns succumb to environmentaldegradat<strong>io</strong>n. It happened with theSumerians in the once ‘Fert<strong>ile</strong> Crescent’of Mesopotamia, the Greeks and Romansand many other cultures too. It’s happeningright now at an ever-increasing pace tomatch the exponential growth in humanpopulat<strong>io</strong>ns.Africa is being hard hit and Thom Hartman,in his book The Last Hours of AncientSunlight describes what has happenedin the West African country, BurkinaFaso. Like Lebanon, where magnificentCedar forests covered 90% of the land inGilgamesh’s time and where forests werereduced to less that 7% coverage in 1 500years, this small country has turned into adesert in a generat<strong>io</strong>n or so. Burkina Fasohas a populat<strong>io</strong>n explos<strong>io</strong>n. Self-sufficientfor tens of thousands of years it nowproduces only 40% of its food requirements.The thick, impenetrable forests aregone. Wood is used five times faster that itcan grow and one Berquinian farmer wasquoted:"In my father’s time, millet filled allthe granaries and the soil was deeperthan your body before you reachedrock. Now we have to buy food in allbut the wettest years and the soil isno deeper than my hand. When wewere boys, the forest was all aroundus, too thick to penetrate. Graduallymore and more of it was clearedaround the compounds, until oneclearing met the next and made thegreat openness you now see."Forty hectares of forest are purportedto being cut down every minute of everyday. Have we not learnt from the mistakesof past civilisat<strong>io</strong>ns? Headline news awh<strong>ile</strong> back recorded the destruct<strong>io</strong>n ofhundreds of hectares of forests in Kwa-Zulu Natal. There was discuss<strong>io</strong>n of howthis would affect the economy.Planting cuttings ortruncheonsSome tips for beginners.• Bury the cutting about half its lengthso that there are a few buds above thesoil to produce the shoots.• Keep the soil damp to the depth towhich the roots penetrate. Do not letthe soil dry out.• Use hardwood cuttings in winter,and softwood cuttings in spring andsummer.How will impact on us in other ways?Have you given it a thought? Did you planta tree, or two, on Arbor Day to ensureour survival into the future? It’s not toolate, you know. Get out there and dig ahole. Refer back to prev<strong>io</strong>us issues of thismagazine for instruct<strong>io</strong>ns on how to goabout it. Choose your tree carefully. Plant itwith love. Nurture it into the future. And ifyou’re looking for creative, low-cost ideas,here are a few:• Plant a tree on your birthday.• Plant one over the festive season, insteadof spending your time and money in shoppingmalls.• Give trees as gifts to show how much youcare.• Teach other people how to plant and takecare of them.• Save seeds; take cuttings. It will reducethe cost of planting trees. It may take a bitlonger, but your patience will be rewarded.• Plant a tree from a truncheon (smallbranch) taken from another tree. It takes ashorter time to grow a tree.56 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

food from treesPerhaps one of the best known wildfruits of Africa come from thehighly valued Marula (Maroela) tree– Sclerocarya birrea - which growsin the bushveld and woodlands fromKwa-Zulu Natal through Swaziland,Botswana, the northern parts of SouthAfrica, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.The fruits are fairly large sweet-smelling,greenish-yellow berries containing a large, veryhard seed. Inside each seed there are three nuts.In late summer the berries ripen and fall to theground where the strong scent attracts aplethora of wildlife. Reports of intoxicatedele<strong>ph</strong>ants and baboons are not uncommonas over-ripe fruits ferment, giving offstrong, turpentine-like smells.The Marula tree belongs to the samefamily (Anacardiaceae) as the mango,pistach<strong>io</strong> and cashew nuts, and also thepepper tree ( Schinus molle) which is socommon in the Karoo where it offers wearytravellers some respite from the heat at laybysalong the Great North Road.Marulas are deciduous trees; they cannottolerate frost, seldom grow to over 9m and have spreading crowns with dense,graceful foli-age. The delicate,spiky flow-ers are eithermaleor female(oc-cas<strong>io</strong>nally abi-sexual flowerisproduced) andareusually carriedonseparate trees.Only rarely do the maleflowers produce a fruit.Insects flock to theflowering trees in summer,their loud hummingcan be heard somedistance away, giving onethe feeling of noisy heat.As a food plant, the Marulais outstanding. The fleshy fruitis tart, thirst -quenching and energyboosting;it’s very rich in Vitamin C evenwhen fermented. By the way, the juice isalso claimed to be an a<strong>ph</strong>rodisiac!The nuts, incredibly difficult to extractfrom their shells, have a very high energyvalue, and contain roughly 30% protein and60% fat; an excellent source of nutrients.They are used by people in many ways,some examples are included in the recipesect<strong>io</strong>n that follows.And now, if you live in the right part ofthe world and you’re lucky enough to haveone of these trees in your backyard, hereare a few recipes for you to try:Marula Jelly2 kg ripe Marula berriesSugar (heated in oven)• Halve the berries, press the pips outinto a mixing bowl and squeeze the berriesThe wonderfulMarula treeThere is little wonder that the Marulatree is held in such high regard as everypart of it is used in one way or another.Quite apart from its value as a food tohumans, insects and game animals:▶▶The bark contains an anti-histaminewhich soothes the blisters caused byhairy caterpillars.▶▶The timber is fairly light and soft andis used for furniture, panelling, drums,divining bowls and dishes.▶▶It is used as a pro<strong>ph</strong>ylactic, to cure malaria,and eye disorders, and also in thepractice of magic, right down to the useof the bark from a male or female treeto pre-determine the sex of the unbornchild..▶▶The Zulus and Tongas call it ‘the marriagetree’; it is important in fertility rites,and for instilling a baby girl with softfeminine traits.▶▶The dense crown provides shelter,shade and food for wild animals, andreduces the evaporat<strong>io</strong>n of water fromholes in the tree trunk.▶▶The magnificent green lunar mothlays her eggs on the leaves; the caterpillarhatches out, eats and then pupates inlarge cocoons which are used tradit<strong>io</strong>nally,filled with small pebbles, as anklerattles.▶▶Marula oil is used in face creams andother body products, including the Enchantrixrange.▶▶The oil is reputed to be a good preservative,and when drizzled onto fresh meatwhich is then dried and stored, it keepsfor up to a year.▶▶The tree has huge potential as a cultivated,multi-purpose crop.Soil for Liferuns monthly workshops in CapeTown on all aspects of organicgardening. Check our website (www.soilforlife.co.za) for details of theseworkshops. Book early to avoiddisappointment!hard over a mixing bowl to extract juice.• Cover the pips and juice with water andturn out into a saucepan (not aluminium).• Boil for 15 minutes.• Strain through a nylon sieve linedwith damp muslin.• Use 250 ml heated sugar to 250 mlstock.• Heat at a low temperature and stiruntil sugar has melted.• Increase temperature and boil for20 minutes, or until setting point isreached. You can test for this by doing the‘wrinkle test’. Put a blob of the hot juice onto theback of an ice cube tray. Push with yourfinger. If the blob wrinkles, it is ready.• Spoon hot jelly into sterilised jars withscrew tops and seal.This jelly is best served with a rich venisonpie or stew.Marula juice5 kg ripe MarulasSugar• Pierce the berries so that the juice canescape and place in a saucepan, cover withwater and simmer for 20 minutes.• Strain through a muslin cloth. Don't stir.• Add 7 cups of sugar for every 10 cups ofextract . Add lemon juice to taste.• Bottle whilst still hot, in sterilised hotbottles.• Date the bottles and store in a cool, darkplace. Serve with ice in summer.And then there are some interestingtradit<strong>io</strong>nal African recipes (gleaned fromthe ‘The Evaluat<strong>io</strong>n of the Marula Projectin Bushbuckridge in Limpopo Province’,prepared by Felicia Chiloane and JacksonPhala)XiguguPut biltong (dried meat) and kernelsin a mortar. Stamp until it is well mixed.Remove the mixture and place it in a bowl.Pour a spoon of marula oil over the mixture.It is now ready to be served.LekomaBraai maize meal until it is brownish incolour. Put maize meal into a mortar, addkernels and a bit of salt and sugar. Thenstamp all the ingredients until well mixed.Serve.Last, but not least, you could alwaysbrew your own beer!References:Medicinal Plants of South Africa – Ben-Erik van Wyk, Boschvan Oudtshoorn, Nigel Gericke. Brize Publicat<strong>io</strong>ns 1997Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa – Braam van Wyk andPiet van Wyk. Struik Publishers (Pty) Ltd 1997Trees of Southern Africa, Volumes 23 – Eve Palmer andNorah Pitman. A A Balkema/Cape Town 1972People’s Plants. A guide to useful plants of S. Africa – Ben-Erik van Wyk, Nigel Gericke. Briza Publicat<strong>io</strong>ns 2000Everyone’s Guide to Trees of South Africa – Keith, Paul andMeg Coates-Palgrave. CNA 1985Food Plants of the World- Ben-Erik van Wyk. Briza Publicat<strong>io</strong>ns2005Southern African Trees – a Photogra<strong>ph</strong>ic guide – Piet vanWyk. Struik Publishers 1993The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight – Thom Hartman, ThreeRivers Press, 1998South African Game Cookbook - Rina Pont, Human & Rousseau(Cape Town, Johannesburg)Chef Justin Patterson of Chef-on-Call, www.chefoncall.co.zaB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>57

Simon’s Town , from the very beginningof its existence, has been custodian tothe history of the many nat<strong>io</strong>nalities, culturesand relig<strong>io</strong>ns who over the centurieshave walked its streets and lanes.Over the years people from Britainas well as "The Kroomen" from WestAfrican places like Sierra Leone, Liberia ,Ivory coast and Ghana have stayed on inSimonstown long after their Royal Navycontracts had expired. Many of these navymen remained and married Simonstown’swomen.If you are lucky , and know where tolook, you might find the remnants of someof their farms and homes which dottedthe mountain slopes around Simon’s Bay.If you are really lucky you might even hearthe faint whispering of their ghostly voicesand those of their children as they walk orrun to their schools, church, mosque, ordown to the beach.Simonstownunder siegeby Ingrid NewmanHow many of us have the courage and the foresight tobecome the new custodians of the environmental andhistorical heritage of places like Simonstown for ourgrandchildren?Or do we have so little faith in the vis<strong>io</strong>n of a future for our ownchildren, that it does not enter our wildest imaginings?The history of Simonstown is a richtapestry of stories that range from thebanishment of Napoleon to the suppress<strong>io</strong>nof the Slave Trade along the Africancoast, to the fight against Naziism durngthe Second World War .In our not too recent past. Simonstownwas home to 7000 people, forcibly removedand relocated to other parts of theCape Peninsula and Cape Flats, under thegroup areas act of the apartheid governmentin the 1960’s.A few of the original buildings whichwere home to these families, now live inthe shadow of brick and mortar, posing aspop-up-toasters or mausoleums. Buildingssoon to be given top billing in our favouritedecorating magazines and televis<strong>io</strong>nprogrammes.Despite the fact that Simonstownhas played such an important role onthe world stage throughout its history,it no longer has the energy to face theonslaught of a new breed of warmonger:the developer, or heaven forbid, theowner/architect/designer/ builder, whoconveniently earns his living as a travelwriter or a peddler of church icons andartifacts from far away places like Cuba.They earn their living convincing us toenjoy the romance offered by visiting thesebeautiful little towns around SouthernAfrica, or decorating our homes and pubswith sacred objects that were once used inplaces of worship.Simonstown has known its fair shareof conflict over the years but none asdamaging as the bulldozers, ten ton trucksand levelling equipment being sent in todevelop and in the process obliterate thehistory of people whose stories have notyet been told.The little lanes and roads that are aboutto be ripped up by the developers hold thesecrets of the feet that have walked alongtheir cobbles or meandered up the mountainside.Their history is disappearing stepby step.58 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

Muslim sailors from Zanzibar, joinedthe Royal Navy, they were called "Seedies".Most returned home at the end of theircontracts, but some married local womenand made their homes on the slopes of thismountain.The removal of the Muslim communityfrom Simonstown in term of the GroupAreas Act, resulted in the destruct<strong>io</strong>n ofa community with deep roots in the area.Two symbols of the historical occupancyof this community remain intact. TheMosque, and the Kramat.The Simonstown Mosque, which isnow under siege by developers, serves aspowerful symbol of the Simonstown muslimcommunities commitment to Islam,despite their humble origins as slaves .The little road, which gives access tothis mosque is about to become a turninglane for heavy vehicles. Some 3 000five ton lorry-loads of soil will have to beremoved in order to prepare the site. Thesite behind Hospital Terraces will see thebuilding of 23 new town houses with parkingfor 40 cars.The Catholic Church of Saints Simonand Jude owes its existence to two Spanishbrothers, the Delcarmes, reportedly fromSouth America. They married Irish andGerman women.Their descendants wereso numerous that they formed the basis ofthe resultant Catholic congregat<strong>io</strong>n. As alarge part of the Simonstown family, theywere able to build a church in <strong>18</strong>50.Not too many people know where CottonLane is. It is a little road that runs betweentwo 165 year old whaler’s cottageson the slopes of Simonsberg Mountain.The Delcarmes lived in or at least veryclose to these cottages before they wereforcibly removed first to Dido Valley andthen to Ocean View.On Monday the 17 September 2007 Iarrived home to find a site meeting beingconducted on my doorstep. Anotherhousing development will be scarring thelandscape of Simonsberg mountainside.We were informed that whether we likedit or not, the development would be takingplace. The levelling equipment, I was told,would be arriving on Wednesday the 19September 2007. The owner of the housein which I live, resides in Johannesburg.Mary, was completely unaware of whatwas about to take place. The rest of theneighbourhood was equally obliv<strong>io</strong>us.When the property bordering the newdevelopment was bought, the new ownerswere told that their property would bethe last row of houses. Above them, otherthan the Foxes' property, the rest was to bereserve. They were told by the owners thatthere was no intent<strong>io</strong>n of ever developingthe ground. Mr Fox has since passed away.The land is about to be carved up to makeway for at least 4 new houses.Two 165-year-old houses are to beimpacted on as a result of heavy 10 tonlevelling equipment and other buildingmaterials being trundled up little CottonLane with its 5 ton limit. The sign says 5tons because the municipality had no 3 tonsigns at the time.The trucks which have carried thebuilding materials up the lane to the popuptoaster which greets visitors to Simonstown,flagrantly disregard the 5 ton sign.Each passing day brings more bricks andmortar, doors and windows that would beenough to build accomodat<strong>io</strong>n for a numberof homes that would house a considerablenumber of families. This, for one manwho has shown no regard for the historyand the stories of the longtime inhabitantsof Cotton Lane.So much is lost when something orsomeone dies. Many of the people whohave battled for so long to honour and preserveSimonstown heritage are now runningout of steam or may even have died .How many of us have the courage and theforesight to become the new custodians ofthe environmental and historical heritageof places like Simonstown for our grandchildren.Or do we have so little faith in thevis<strong>io</strong>n of a future for our own children, thatit does not enter our wildest imaginings.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>59

Confess<strong>io</strong>nsof aConvertedCarrot CruncherYes, I know what you’re thinking and I agree.How utterly predictable.How alarmingly stereotypical.What other exercise would acarrot cruncher adopt?Eight weeks into my vegan way of lifeand I find myself addicted to a newform of exercise – well, new to me. Yoga.Yes, I know what you’re thinking andI agree. How utterly predictable. Howalarmingly stereotypical. What otherexercise would a carrot cruncher adopt? Imean, how many vegan kick boxers do youknow? Or vegan rally drivers? But veganYogis? They must be as numerous as lentilsat a Sherpa shindig.Now I must tell you that I’ve been apass<strong>io</strong>nate disciple of every exercise fadto have cursed the planet during the past30 years. My arms have thwapped mythighs every morning on the Army andNavy Routine; I’ve ‘gone for the burn’ withJane Fonda and spinned (or should that bespun?) till my knees begged for mercy. I’vetap danced with Delia Sainsbury (rememberher?) and power walked the suburbs ofJozi. But if my exercise of choice couldn’tbe done to loud, fast music - preferably TheVillage People - I wasn’t interested. (Oh,shut up would you – they weren’t considerednaff then!)But, nowadays, here I am, attendinga regular Bikram Yoga class and movingwith chameleon-like slowness in completes<strong>ile</strong>nce. The room is heated to a temperaturewhich Laurence of Arabia would findinsufferable, I’m sweating like a minerdown a shaft, contorting my steel-bandsinews into configurat<strong>io</strong>ns which defy descript<strong>io</strong>nand gravity – and I’m LOVING it!What The Hell Is Happening Here? Andwhat’s next for Krishna’s sake? Ankle bellsand Hessian draw-string knickers?The point is that I didn’t gravitatetowards yoga because of its <strong>ph</strong>iloso<strong>ph</strong>icalsymb<strong>io</strong>sis with veganism. In truth, I hadn’ta clue (then) that most forms of the disciplineem<strong>ph</strong>asize one’s interconnectednesswith all living things.Key to yoga is the issue of non-v<strong>io</strong>lence– to self, to other sentient beings and to theplanet. Not only was I in ignorance of thesefacts when I signed up but, as many willtell you, I have always relished the chanceto commit verbal v<strong>io</strong>lence against the oddtraffic cop or call-centre automaton.I joined my yoga class because at the ageof 47, I have finally realized that my Granwas right all along: you’re only as young asyour spine. (And to think I’ve been tryingall these years to test the other vers<strong>io</strong>n ofthat truism: you’re only as young as theman you feel!)Despite the fact that I have always keptmyself fit, my flexibility has gradually decreasedand I now realize that if I want toride a motorbike in my eighties, I’d betterstart loosening up.Now I am about as supple as a baobab,so wh<strong>ile</strong> the rest of the Bikram class isstill and balanced, I’m flailing around inthe corner like a flamingo on a bad trip.Ah well, at least I can make them all feelOlympian! But a strange thing happens,because wh<strong>ile</strong> directing my attent<strong>io</strong>n tomy <strong>ph</strong>ysical form and its shortcomings, asubtle change is occurring in my mindsetand conduct.And not only during the sess<strong>io</strong>ns either.I am definitely becoming calmer, more acceptingand (dare I say it?) more loving. Isthat because I’m no longer consuming thestress hormones of animals that have livedand died in agony?Or is it because yoga is inducing happyhormones into my mind and limbs?Either way, I sometimes catch myselfthese days behaving like some wafty waiffrom an ashram, with a beatific sm<strong>ile</strong> onmy face and the knowing look of someonewho has glimpsed Nirvana.Can it be that one who’s spent her wholelife stinging like a bee is now going to floatlike a butterfly?Emails to patriciaglyn@wol.co.za –particularly if you haveinformat<strong>io</strong>n on vegan rallydrivers!60B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

Greening the Webwithurban sprout is a blog-stylegreen website that is fanaticalabout the environment,sustainability and buyingorganic. With daily greennews and opin<strong>io</strong>n, a directorythat lists organic and ecofriendlyproducts, and a focuson green issues: organic food,global warming, sustainablelifestyles and environmentaljustice — we’re a site for ethicalconsumers.www.urbansprout.co.zaThe power of the web to disseminateinformat<strong>io</strong>n is enormous.At the click of a mouse one has accessto the new green ideology that haspropelled formerly diametrically opposedgroups to pull together to placethe environment at the top of theworld agenda. Green has hit the highstreet, the highway, the main road,and the internet plays an enormousrole in helping us fuel our future in acleaner, greener way.Gristgrist.orgRight down to the title of their firstbook – ‘Wake up and smell the planet’ –Grist is about environmental news andcommentary that veers away from dryjournalism and reportage. Their aim is totell the untold stories, spotlight environmentaltrends before they become trendy,and provide independent coverage. Bestof all – they don’t take themselves terriblyser<strong>io</strong>usly - so there’s a lot of wry elbow-inthe-sidetype humour. They don’t sufferfools lightly either and their react<strong>io</strong>n toMacDonald’s ‘half- price big Mac to fightglobal warming’ campaign in Japan got topspot on their grist list. They also tell youhow to deal with climate change sceptics.Greencars bloggreencars.za.netThis is a blog for those into cars. Evenif you’re not (yet!) into cars, you’ll want tocheck out local lad Carl Nienaber’s take onvehicles that are kind to the environment.His blog isn’t just about fast cars either.News like: the recent internat<strong>io</strong>nal greenhousegas curb agreement; and whetherthe misguided assert<strong>io</strong>n that a Hummeris actually more ecologically friendly thanthe Prius makes it onto his blog. Greencarstakes on the mainstream South Africanmotoring media, who remain well withinthe ‘petrol head’ paradigm, and puts‘green’ where it should be.Organic food –just a click awayfaithfultonature.co.zaorganicsonline.co.zachoosehealth.co.zaethical.org.zaorganicemporium.co.zaforearthsake.co.zaThe ‘login, order organic, and have itdelivered to your door’ market in South Africais growing by the day. Where there used to beonly a couple of ecommerce websites, there arenow quite a few that deserve a ment<strong>io</strong>n:Organics Online offers the full gambit –food, body care, baby, cleaning, pets, books,magazines, gifts and gift vouchers.Choose Health also has an exciting rangeof products plus a few kitchen gadgets totempt health fundis.The Ethical Co-op has an excellent onlineordering system. Their box deliveries aroundCape Town are easy to order and their alreadylarge range of products grows by the week.They also have an accompanying blog: blog.ethical.org.za which explores titillating subjectslike ginger and patented broccoli, and beatingthe living daylights out of wheat!Organic Emporium delivers to selectsuburbs in the north of Johannesburg and hasan extensive range that includes kids’ toys, andFor Earthsake Organics has a rich supplyof beauty and food products, including gift andvalue packs.Faithful to Nature is the new kid on theblock and is a great site to look at and use. Thesite’s raison d’etre is a concern about the lack oftransparency in cosmetic labelling, hence theselect range of beauty brands for those whoworry about what they put on their bodies.B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> website redesignedWe've given our website a freshnew look, and made it easier foryou to read articles from our backissues, comment on the articles andsubscribe online.www.b<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong>.co.zaB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>61

2008 Diary GiveawayA diary with a difference2008 FinancialFreedom AbundancediaryMOnEy is a systemof EnErgy . . .In the morning when we wakeup, none of us go outside and start tofrantically breathe in because we areafraid that later in the day there wouldbe a scarcity of air. We breathe in and webreathe out and we think nothing of it.We take it for granted and in fact, wejust know that when we exhale, our nextbreath will be there. We also know that ifwe did not take another breath, we wouldnot last more than three minutes. Nowif the power that created us has given usenough breath to last for as long as we shalllive, can we not also trust that everythingelse we need will also be supplied . . . ?Consider that money is an energysystem. There is no scarcity of money. Thebelief in lack, limitat<strong>io</strong>n and scarcity onlyexists in our minds.What if we trusted and believed thatabundance is our birthright? Experiencingabundance starts by focusing on beinggrateful for all that we do already have inour lives.Now is the time to give ourselves permiss<strong>io</strong>nto trust and believe in the abundancethat is all around. We all have setbelief systems about money, brought aboutby our childhood and the experiences thatwe have been through in our lives.Here is an opportunity to examinethose beliefs. What are your belief aboutmoney and abundance?Notice what beliefs about money maybe limiting you in some way. Notice whatthe “voice” in your head tells you (yes theone you are hearing now) about you andmoney.Financial freedom is not about themoney and it is not about your bank balance!Our experience of financial freedombegins and exists in our mind. Money is asystem of energy and it operates accordingto the beliefs and percept<strong>io</strong>ns we place onit.Take a moment to consider when youexperience a loss of power around money?Write it down. Notice what the voice inyour head is saying now?As those negative beliefs drift throughyour mind, wh<strong>ile</strong> you cannot stop them,you do have a choice as to whether youlisten to them, or not! By releasing negativebeliefs and focusing on abundance andbeing grateful, you begin to shift yourexperience of money.Top 7 Tips• Do what you love... find your pass<strong>io</strong>nand pursue it!! (Do not let lack of money bean obstacles, there is always a way…)• Save Save Save!!! Saving equals payingyou first! This is one of the most importantmoney management principles.• Give or donate 10 % of your Income.Spread it around. Use your money to makea positive difference in the lives of others.• Pay yourself first towards being debtfree. Yes, start saving, even wh<strong>ile</strong> you mayhave debt. There is a powerful <strong>ph</strong>ys<strong>io</strong>logicalshift around money when you take thisact<strong>io</strong>n. It may be small at first, but it isgrowing.• Observe the Law of Attract<strong>io</strong>n – Bevery clear about what you do want to attractinto your life.• Be accountable to yourself about yourmoney. This is about holding a commitmentto yourself.• Invest in Property and plan to pay offa bond within 5 or 10 years! Start buildingyour assets!It’s not just a Diary; it’s a fiscal guidewith a heart and soul. It’s like having yourown financial coach steering you, day byday, towards wealth and abundance.GIVEAWAY!We have threecopies of the2008 Abundancediary to giveaway. To enterthe lucky draw,send your nameand postal addresson a postcard or on theback of a sealed envelope toB<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong>, PO Box 39277, CapricornSquare 7948, or email your details toabundance@b<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong>.co.za.Subscribers are automaticallyentered into all our competit<strong>io</strong>ns andgiveaways.The diary guides you to set goals andto pay yourself first. It’s full of practicaladvice, self-help tips and inspirat<strong>io</strong>nalquotat<strong>io</strong>ns. The diary touches on modernquantum <strong>ph</strong>ysics’ <strong>ph</strong>iloso<strong>ph</strong>ies and thelaws of attract<strong>io</strong>n. You’ll also find a ‘virtual’abundance game to illustrate this advice.These are followed by easy-to-completecharts or boxes in which you can recordideal spending and saving plans, and itemizeday to day expenses, debt repayments,achievements, goals and act<strong>io</strong>ns for themonths ahead.Overall the 2008 Financial FreedomAbundance Diary offers a step by stepguide to steer you towards greater wealthand more leisure time – showing you thatfinancial freedom is a choice.Available from www.financial-freedom.co.za and from leading book stores.CONGRATULATIONS!WINNERS OF THEdiVinE LAWsGIVEAWAYJohn FraserJanis BrydenCoetzee Nortjé62 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

lo#*;4:bflo#*;lo#*;4:;4:Burnun Burnun(STATEMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENT)of the Wurundjeri People, based on Chief Seattle's speech of <strong>18</strong>54B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>l;4: ;4This land of the Dream time was given to us and we love it very dearly.The idea of it being taken is strange to us.If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water,how can you buy them?Every part of this land is sacred to my people.Every shining gum leaf, every sandy shore, every mist in the eucalypt forest,every dealing and insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people.The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the black man.The shining water that lives in the billabongs and rivers is not just water,but the blood of our ancestors.If you take our land, you must remember that it is sacred,and you must teach your children that it is sacred,and that each ghostly reflect<strong>io</strong>n in the dear water of the lakestells of events and memories in the life of my people.Our dead never forget this beautiful land,for it is the Mother of the black man.We are part of the land and the land is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters;the koala, the kangaroo, and great eagle, these are our brothers.The rocky crests, the juices of the forest, the body heat of the dingo, and man — all belongto the same family.There is no quiet place in the cities.No place to hear the crackling of leaves or the rustle of an insect's wings.What is there to life if we cannot hear the lonely cry of the curlew or the mopoke,of the arguments of the frogs around the billabong at night.The air is prec<strong>io</strong>us to us for all things share the same breath —the animal, the tree, the man; we all share the same breath.Since you have already taken our land, you must remember that the air is prec<strong>io</strong>us to us,that the air shares its spirit with all the life if supports.The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath, also receives his last sigh, and thewind must also give our children the spirit of life.Teach your children as we have taught our children, that the Earth is our Mother.Whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth.If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves.This we know; the Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth.This we know; all things are connected.Whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the people of the Earth.Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it.Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.Men come and go, like the waves of the sea.Love your land as we have loved it; care for it as we have cared for it.Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it was when you took itAnd with all your strength, with all your mind, with all your heart,preserve it for your children — and love it.63

t may seem ted<strong>io</strong>us to continuouslysuggest that we are living in changingItimes when it seems obv<strong>io</strong>us that life isin perpetual mot<strong>io</strong>n and by that very fact,it is changing. Maybe we need to make adistinct<strong>io</strong>n between changing times in aneasy-going, moving forward, adjusting tothe natural changes kind of year, and thehuge energy shifts that propel us to have toadjust in big ways.Using a recent example close tohome, South Africa was a very differentplace at the end of 1995 to what itwas at the beginning of 1994. In 1994Pluto was moving out of Scorp<strong>io</strong> andby 1995 it had moved into Sagittarius.The consc<strong>io</strong>usness of the masses wasready for change, the condit<strong>io</strong>ns andcircumstances were ripe, and the keyplayers were in place. South Africa wasready to initiate the changes that wereimminent and no longer avoidable. Therewas a deconstruct<strong>io</strong>n and a reconstruct<strong>io</strong>nas is relevant to the nature of Pluto. And soit is that we will look back in time and notethat life at the end of 2008 was different tothe beginning of 2007. We are at a pivotalpoint of facing change on a large scaleagain. Our level of personal discomfortwill be measured only by the degree towhich we have difficulty or ease adjustingto these changes.The cycle of Pluto is 284 years in itsorbit around the earth, although Plutoonly spent 7 years in Scorp<strong>io</strong> and 12 inSagittarius, he will be in Capricorn forapproximately 16 years, until 2024. Thenature of the archetypal energy of Pluto istransformat<strong>io</strong>n and transcendence. Whenwe are working in a positive manner withPlutonic energy we are personally empoweredand when using it wisely, manycan benefit. This is the time for breakingdown to build anew, especially outwornstructures and infrastructures. It is atime to move away from the old and theuseless to create space for the new, but notto annihilate what exists, just because wecan. It is an energy that works best for thegeneral good of all and not for individualselfish egotistical purposes. Pluto is aboutthe use, but not the abuse of power. Duringthe next year, we can look at this in moredepth but all aspects of life that fall underthe rulership of Capricorn will be affectedand with Pluto working positively, majorrestructuring and advancement can occur,but in some areas maybe some destruct<strong>io</strong>nprecedes this.In Rex Bills’ book of rulership, amongthe countries that are ruled by CapricornCosmicDirect<strong>io</strong>nsBernadette Medderof Cosmic Direct<strong>io</strong>nsConsultant and Teachersince 1993021 794 4150 orcosmicdirect<strong>io</strong>ns@icon.co.zagetting ready forPluto intoCapricornare Afghanistan, Bosnia, Greece, Mexicoand India. The Hindu relig<strong>io</strong>n is also ment<strong>io</strong>ned.Industry and profess<strong>io</strong>ns that aremost likely to be affected covers architects,as well as builders, especially bricklayersand even the bricks they lay. Looking closeto home, it is blatantly apparent that weare going to have to find effective means ofbuilding homes faster. This pressure couldaccelerate the need for resourcefulness.Capricorn rules the skeleton.Anyone working with bones such aschiropractors, osteopaths and all aspectsof orthopedics will be affected. The nextper<strong>io</strong>d could well prove to be the trueage of the b<strong>io</strong>nic body. Attent<strong>io</strong>n on the<strong>ph</strong>armaceutical industry that promotesbone density products also comes to mind.Farms and farmers, often referred to as thebackbone of a country, forests and mountainsare all current areas of concern. Themarathon task of finding solut<strong>io</strong>ns will besupported by this resourceful Pluto timebut the problem is, how bad does it have toget before there is a turnaround? The pyramids,caves and dark places also fall underCapricorn rulership. Many predict<strong>io</strong>nshave been made about discoveries still tobe made in the pyramids, but secrets of thepast, prev<strong>io</strong>usly hidden in caves and darkplaces, have a good opportunity of beingdiscovered over the next 16 years.Last but not least, Capricorn rulesgovernment structures, the economyand in general terms, business. This is anarea of concern for many, especially sincethere is talk and predict<strong>io</strong>ns about theeconomic collapse of the world. Pluto’sarchetypal energy is hugely powerful tobuild, transform and transcend. It is amodern planet only discovered in 1930. In1945 Saturn and Pluto were together whenAmerica dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.It brought an end to World War 2 and wasthe beginning of a reconstruct<strong>io</strong>n per<strong>io</strong>d.Saturn and Pluto are conjunct again in2020 a time for further lessons of the useand abuse of power.Coming back to the here and now, themost interesting sky pattern for this per<strong>io</strong>dis the full moon in the afternoon of the24th November. There is a grand square, apicture of planets in four spots in the skyin posit<strong>io</strong>n where they are held togetherby tens<strong>io</strong>n. I have prev<strong>io</strong>usly referred tothis as a cosmic boxing ring. Althoughthere is tens<strong>io</strong>n, there is no growth orchange, nothing much happens, there isorder wh<strong>ile</strong> everyone holding their posit<strong>io</strong>nholds it together, but all that becomesa little chaotic when one of them breaksaway, or meta<strong>ph</strong>orically speaking, “throwsthe first punch”.The fact that the Moon’s nodes andSaturn are involved, indicates that thehand of destiny is at play and that all willbe revealed when the time is right. Inthis picture, we find Pluto and Jupitersitting together in Sagittarius, observingbut not part of the dynamic. Mars, theplanet associated with act<strong>io</strong>n, is weak andineffective in its’ sign and because it is inretrograde mot<strong>io</strong>n. Although all threeouter planets are moving forward, Mars iscreating more frustrat<strong>io</strong>n, irritat<strong>io</strong>n andmuch niggling, and less act<strong>io</strong>n.In the last month of this year, it seemsas though Jupiter is accompanying Plutoout of Sagittarius, into his new sign. Thistime is right for those who are preparedto take a leap of faith into the future. Bynow you know what you need to address,change or let go of. You can’t leap into thefuture weighed down with the baggage ofthe past. This is personal for those born afew days before and after 19th of December,June, March and September.The New Moon in October in Libra hasa planetary pattern of hope in a kite format<strong>io</strong>nwith the focal point to the Moon’snodes, promising that as you sow, so shallyou reap, and the consequences of past act<strong>io</strong>nswill now be activated. A grand trinein water signs is held until the Novemberfull Moon, this can be an emot<strong>io</strong>nallycharged time, but it is creative and spiritual.This is a good time for working withenergetic healing, of the self, the earth andworld.64 B<strong>io</strong><strong>ph</strong><strong>ile</strong> <strong>Issu</strong>e <strong>18</strong>

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