RN LPN Re-Exam - Wyoming State Board of Nursing

RN LPN Re-Exam - Wyoming State Board of Nursing

RN LPN Re-Exam - Wyoming State Board of Nursing


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APPLICATION FOR<strong>RN</strong>/<strong>LPN</strong> LICENSUREByRE-EXAMINATION*All licenses expire December 31 <strong>of</strong> every EVEN year*NO REFUNDS. NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR CASH. Fees are subject to change. All licenses expire by December 31 <strong>of</strong> everyEVEN year.PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION. If a third party is paying separately, include an explanation.INCOMPLETE APPLICATION: Application must include all required information or it is considered incomplete. Incompleteapplications will be held for one (1) year from the date received. After one (1) year, application, fingerprint cards and fees must beresubmitted.WYOMING HAS A MANDATORY LICENSURE LAW. Individuals wishing to practice nursing in <strong>Wyoming</strong> must have a temporarypermit or license to practice. <strong>Re</strong>-examination applicants are not eligible for a temporary permit.MANDATORY CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK (CBC): If it has been more than one (1) year since fingerprint cards wereoriginally submitted to the WSBN, you must submit new cards and pay the fee for a new CBC.I AM APPLYING FOR:REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE LICENSURELICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE LICENSUREPersonal Information:Social Security Number_________________________ Date <strong>of</strong> Birth_____________ Male/Female___Last Name______________ First Name______________ Middle Name________ Maiden Name_________Mailing Address________________________________ City__________________ <strong>State</strong>____ Zip________Phone__________________ Work Phone________________ E-mail Address_______________________LIST EMPLOYMENT HISTORY FOR THE PERIOD BETWEEN NOW AND YOUR LAST APPLICATION:Give complete name and address, including city, state, and zip code for all employers listed. Attach a separate sheet ifnecessary.Include dates <strong>of</strong> unemployment, travel, school, homemaker, etc. Do not leave any period <strong>of</strong> time unaccounted for or theapplication will be returned to you for completion.1. BEGINNING DATE__________________________________ END DATE_______________________________ HOURS PER WEEK___________(Month and Year)(Month and Year)EMPLOYER NAME___________________________________________________________________ PHONE_______________________________ADDRESS________________________________________________ CITY____________________________ STATE__________ ZIP____________POSITION___________________________________________________ SUPERVISOR_________________________________________________2. BEGINNING DATE__________________________________ END DATE_______________________________ HOURS PER WEEK___________(Month and Year)(Month and Year)EMPLOYER NAME___________________________________________________________________ PHONE_______________________________ADDRESS________________________________________________ CITY____________________________ STATE__________ ZIP____________POSITION___________________________________________________ SUPERVISOR_________________________________________________Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 3<strong>RN</strong>/<strong>LPN</strong> <strong>Re</strong>-<strong>Exam</strong> Application 4/11/2013

Applicant Name___________________________ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED BY THE APPLICANT. If you fail to answer each and every question andprovide necessary documentation for any “Yes” answer the processing <strong>of</strong> your application will be significantly delayed.Your application is INCOMPLETE until all required documentation is received. Your personal statement must include 1)month and year <strong>of</strong> the incident; 2) full description <strong>of</strong> the incident; 3) legal/court action taken against you; 4) treatment andoutcome <strong>of</strong> treatment if applicable (i.e. mental health, substance abuse, etc.); and 5) the date <strong>of</strong> your statement and yourlegible signature. Since your last application:1. Has any disciplinary action been taken or is pending (i.e. open investigation) against you from a LICENSINGAUTHORITY? No Yes If “YES”, provide: • Personal <strong>State</strong>ment •Documentation <strong>of</strong> disciplinary action2. Have you ever been investigated or charged with ABUSE, NEGLECT OR MISAPPROPRIATION OFPROPERTY? No Yes If “YES”, provide: •Personal <strong>State</strong>ment • Documentation <strong>of</strong> disciplinary action3. Has your application for examination or licensure ever been DENIED BY A LICENSING AUTHORITY? No Yes If “YES”, provide: •Personal <strong>State</strong>ment •Documentation <strong>of</strong> the denial action4. Do you have a physical or mental disability which renders you unable to perform nursing services or duties withreasonable skill and safety and which may endanger the health and safety <strong>of</strong> persons under your care? No Yes If “YES”, provide: •Personal <strong>State</strong>ment • Progress report from counselor/physician• Discharge summary/aftercare plan from hospitalizations (IF you were hospitalized)5. Are you now or have you in the past five (5) years been addicted to any controlled substance, a regular user <strong>of</strong>any controlled substance with or without a prescription, or habitually intemperate in the use <strong>of</strong> intoxicating liquor? No Yes If “YES”, provide: •Personal <strong>State</strong>ment • Progress report from counselor/physician• Discharge summary/aftercare plan from hospitalizations (IF you were hospitalized)6. Have you been terminated or permitted to resign in lieu <strong>of</strong> termination from a nursing or other health care positionbecause <strong>of</strong> your use <strong>of</strong> alcohol or use <strong>of</strong> any controlled substance, habit-forming drug, prescription medication, ordrugs having similar effects? No Yes If “YES”, provide: •Personal <strong>State</strong>ment • Progress report from counselor/physician• Discharge summary/aftercare plan from hospitalizations (IF you were hospitalized)7. Have you ever been convicted, pled guilty to, pled nolo contendere to, or have charges pending against you forany crime including felonies, misdemeanors, municipal ordinances, and/or any Uniform Code <strong>of</strong> Military Justiceviolations, including driving under the influence <strong>of</strong> any intoxicating substance? Do not include non-movingtraffic violations or moving violations which did not involve alcohol or substance impairment. No YesIf “YES”, provide a Personal <strong>State</strong>ment and court documents including:•Information Sheet or Ticket•Judgment and Sentencing•Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> compliance with the following (if applicable):o Court Order o Fines Paido Probation Completion o Classes Attendedo Evaluation Completed and Subsequent Action on that EvaluationSIGNATURE REQUIRED:I certify under penalty <strong>of</strong> perjury and subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> W.S. 6-5-303 and its penalties, that I have notknowingly submitted false or misleading information to the <strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong> on any applicationfor licensure or temporary permit. I understand the WSBN reserves the right to verify any information in thisapplication.Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________________________________Date: _____________Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 3<strong>RN</strong>/<strong>LPN</strong> <strong>Re</strong>-<strong>Exam</strong> Application 9/7/12

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