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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Scots</strong> Club<strong>The</strong> Club never stands still. Lunchtime Lectureswere introduced recently and have proved to be verypopular. During the autumn the speakers will be SirJohn Leighton, Director General of the NationalGalleries of Scotland, Sir John Arbuthnott, Presidentof the <strong>Royal</strong> Society of Edinburgh, a specialist ininfectious disease research and Mark Dennis,Ormond Pursuivant of Arms, who will talk aboutState ceremony in the United Kingdom, with specialreference to Scotland.Despite the foregoing, food and drink still lies at theheart of the Club. In June a charity event in aid ofCapability Scotland was held when the theme wasBBQ recipes and wine tasting. Both the solids andliquids went down well. In October a similar eventwill be held involving beer and cheese. Innis & Gunn,the Edinburgh based specialist independent brewer,will provide the beer while cheesemaker I J Melliswill match his cheeses to the beers.<strong>The</strong> Club was delighted to provide a homecominglunch for some 80 members of 1 SCOTS in April andmembers much enjoyed an excellent presentation,led by Lt Col Ben Wrench, on 1 SCOTS recentexploits in Afghanistan in late June.Gen Bob Richardson and Lt Col Ben WrenchHRH <strong>The</strong> Princess <strong>Royal</strong> attended a Reception andBeating of Retreat by the Association Pipe Band inQueen Street Gardens on 4 July to mark the Club's 90thAnniversary celebrations. It was a cool evening for Julybut it remained dry. <strong>The</strong> Princess spent an hour talkingto those present before taking the salute after anexcellent performance by the Association Pipe Band.After the Princess had left members returned to theClub for dinner and entertainment.HRH meeting Club MemberscEdinburgh Life MagazinePAGE 7

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