EMRI model - Indiagovernance.gov.in

EMRI model - Indiagovernance.gov.in EMRI model - Indiagovernance.gov.in

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Study of Emergency Response Service (EMRI Scheme)k. The members of the registered society are said to have brought in Rs 34 crores when itwas formed. It was with this amount that EMRI funded the first 70 ambulances andagreed to pay 50% of the operating costs in Andhra for the first year of the partnershipwith the government of Andhra Pradesh. This sum of Rs 34 crores was used up in thefirst years. Then EMRI raised Rs 40 crores as loans for further investments for its officesand training complex at Hyderabad and to meet leadership costs. The board under ShriRaju had promised a further 108 crores, which would have paid back the loan and takencare of the leadership costs, but this is now ruled out. The effort of the CEO is to findsponsors who would be willing to bring in capital to repay the loans and meet theleadership costs and allow such a sponsor to take over the society, whereby, either anumber of persons bringing in Rs 2 crores each or one large sponsor brings in 40 to 50crores. But while searching for new sponsors, EMRI needs to avoid large hospital chainswhich would have a potential conflict of interests. Potentially a large hospital chain wouldbe more interested in drawing patients into their underutilised hospital capacity thanproviding an universal ERS. The funds/sponsors would also need to have legitimate andreputable sources. The new sponsors would need to deal with Satyam whose name stillappears on every ambulance as technology sponsor and persuade Satyam to part withthe technology and the intellectual property rights over it. And finally new sponsorswould have to be able to ensure that current society members are all phased out withoutfurther costs and trouble. Clearly achieving all this is a large order, but the CEO and histeam seemed to be cautiously optimistic of being able to do all this and that too within amonth or two.Commenting on the above two observations EMRI has stated in response, “EMRI hasalready come out of the crisis post January 2009 developments. EMRI has continued toprovide same level of service in all the nine states. The new donor has been finalizedand formal announcement is expected shortly”.l. How does one define the relationship between the government and the EMRI? If thedefinition of partnership is a relationship where both partners share in the resources,rewards and risks, this would not qualify as partnership. EMRI has brought in nofinancial or material resources after the pilot stage. EMRI bears no risks. Whatever bethe efficiency, the government is committed to paying for it. It has a limited share of thebenefits in that it provides high value employment to its key personnel, though perhaps ithas considerable social contribution and social recognition, and these were their greatersource of inspiration. However it could be argued that the intellectual resources of thesekey personnel are of a very high order and this alone would merit such an arrangement.In essence, rather than being a partnership, it is now more of a management contractgiven to a not for profit body constituted purely for this single purpose.National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC)35

Study of Emergency Response Service (EMRI Scheme)m. There is however no doubt that what exists as management processes andmanagement competence are of a high order. The organisation of these services and itsmassive expansion across the states, achieved in a very short time is a majorachievement. Processes by which calls are received, processed and acted upon aidedby GIS based software are fine tuned to a high level of precision. The system ofmonitoring including a voice recording of every single one of the tens of thousands ofcalls received daily and the documentation trail of every single step which allows a 100%recall and analysis of every process for quality, efficiency and effectiveness - both at thelevel of programme management and for redressal of every single grievance is trulyimpressive. There is justifiable pride in the professionalism and excellence in the designand operational management of the programme. It would be difficult to reinvent all this.Though it is not impossible to do so, the effort of bringing together a professional teamwith the sort of liberal funding and blank cheques that EMRI has been allowed and whichis invaluable or such experimentation would seldom be available again in thegovernment system. The EMRI team is proud of its achievement. It can scarcely concealits dismissive assessment of even the possibility of anyone else being able to replicatethis level of management excellence. To make this point they invested time in showingthe evaluation team the details of the 72 odd processes that have to be monitored andreacted to on a daily basis to make the system work. This was truly impressive.Moreover, the team felt that it should also be unnecessary to lose this intellectual capitaland start from scratch, as every new service provider beginning work in this area wouldhave to do. However, how does one go forward with such a single vendor contract ifEMRI is an independent private agency?n. If it is a management contract one option is to make it a government operation andcontract this same team to expand this scheme to all states on an agreed to structure. Itwould thus become a public sector undertaking with some protection of the salaries ofthe top 100 and with adequate safeguards for management autonomy. As long as theprofessional contribution is respected and the current take home salaries of the top 100are protected there may be no resistance and even a cautious welcome to this move. Ifthis is not sustainable, would it be possible for government to see the EMRI as a turnkeyPPP which builds, operates and transfers (BOT) the ERS?o. To examine the options of governance of this management contract:i. Option 1.0 :Government retains EMRI as a private agency, and does not bail itout of its current crisis and lets it find its own sources to meet leadership costsand pay back liabilities:Questions:1. Would EMRI be able to survive, pay back its loans and regain its liquiditywithout being bailed out by a substantial government infusion of funds? IfEMRI is unable to pay its creditors and honour its commitments and goesunder- would it not disrupt a potentially great programme leaving behind aNational Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC)36

Study of Emergency Response Service (<strong>EMRI</strong> Scheme)k. The members of the registered society are said to have brought <strong>in</strong> Rs 34 crores when itwas formed. It was with this amount that <strong>EMRI</strong> funded the first 70 ambulances andagreed to pay 50% of the operat<strong>in</strong>g costs <strong>in</strong> Andhra for the first year of the partnershipwith the <strong>gov</strong>ernment of Andhra Pradesh. This sum of Rs 34 crores was used up <strong>in</strong> thefirst years. Then <strong>EMRI</strong> raised Rs 40 crores as loans for further <strong>in</strong>vestments for its officesand tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g complex at Hyderabad and to meet leadership costs. The board under ShriRaju had promised a further 108 crores, which would have paid back the loan and takencare of the leadership costs, but this is now ruled out. The effort of the CEO is to f<strong>in</strong>dsponsors who would be will<strong>in</strong>g to br<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> capital to repay the loans and meet theleadership costs and allow such a sponsor to take over the society, whereby, either anumber of persons br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Rs 2 crores each or one large sponsor br<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> 40 to 50crores. But while search<strong>in</strong>g for new sponsors, <strong>EMRI</strong> needs to avoid large hospital cha<strong>in</strong>swhich would have a potential conflict of <strong>in</strong>terests. Potentially a large hospital cha<strong>in</strong> wouldbe more <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> draw<strong>in</strong>g patients <strong>in</strong>to their underutilised hospital capacity thanprovid<strong>in</strong>g an universal ERS. The funds/sponsors would also need to have legitimate andreputable sources. The new sponsors would need to deal with Satyam whose name stillappears on every ambulance as technology sponsor and persuade Satyam to part withthe technology and the <strong>in</strong>tellectual property rights over it. And f<strong>in</strong>ally new sponsorswould have to be able to ensure that current society members are all phased out withoutfurther costs and trouble. Clearly achiev<strong>in</strong>g all this is a large order, but the CEO and histeam seemed to be cautiously optimistic of be<strong>in</strong>g able to do all this and that too with<strong>in</strong> amonth or two.Comment<strong>in</strong>g on the above two observations <strong>EMRI</strong> has stated <strong>in</strong> response, “<strong>EMRI</strong> hasalready come out of the crisis post January 2009 developments. <strong>EMRI</strong> has cont<strong>in</strong>ued toprovide same level of service <strong>in</strong> all the n<strong>in</strong>e states. The new donor has been f<strong>in</strong>alizedand formal announcement is expected shortly”.l. How does one def<strong>in</strong>e the relationship between the <strong>gov</strong>ernment and the <strong>EMRI</strong>? If thedef<strong>in</strong>ition of partnership is a relationship where both partners share <strong>in</strong> the resources,rewards and risks, this would not qualify as partnership. <strong>EMRI</strong> has brought <strong>in</strong> nof<strong>in</strong>ancial or material resources after the pilot stage. <strong>EMRI</strong> bears no risks. Whatever bethe efficiency, the <strong>gov</strong>ernment is committed to pay<strong>in</strong>g for it. It has a limited share of thebenefits <strong>in</strong> that it provides high value employment to its key personnel, though perhaps ithas considerable social contribution and social recognition, and these were their greatersource of <strong>in</strong>spiration. However it could be argued that the <strong>in</strong>tellectual resources of thesekey personnel are of a very high order and this alone would merit such an arrangement.In essence, rather than be<strong>in</strong>g a partnership, it is now more of a management contractgiven to a not for profit body constituted purely for this s<strong>in</strong>gle purpose.National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC)35

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