Local Newsletter - Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Local Newsletter - Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Local Newsletter - Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs


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April - June 2010First QuarterIssue No. 1MPUMALANGAA Pioneering SpiritOFFICIAL NEWSLETTERgPresident Jacob Zuma visitsDipalesengg MEC Mokoena tables the 2010/11Policy <strong>and</strong> Budget SpeechgMinister Ny<strong>and</strong>a <strong>and</strong> MEC Mokoenaswitch on TV/Radio signal forEkulindenigChief Mnisi signs developmental pact withforestry industrygMEC Mokoena donates school uniforms to needylearnersgNkomazi Municipality scoops multiple SALGAProvincial Awards.

<strong>Local</strong> NewsTable of contents1. Editorial <strong>Co</strong>mment 12. MEC’s Foreword 23. Message from the HOD’s Office 34. President Zuma’s second visit to Dipaleseng Municipality brings hope 45. MEC Mokoena tables the 2010/11 Policy <strong>and</strong> Budget Speech in the Legislature 56. Access to Basic Services a must for Casteel residents 67. <strong>Co</strong>gta in action 7/88. Chief Mnisi signs a developmental pact with forest industry 99. COGTA Awards Students with Bursaries 1010. SALGA Provincial Excellence Awards in 2010 1111. Municipalities complete process of Developing Municipal Turn Around Strategies 1212. MEC Mokoena donates school uniforms to needy students 1313. TV signal for Ekulindeni community 14Editorial <strong>Co</strong>mmentOur department has offered a number of students from Mpumalanga,bursaries to further their studies. Students who arein careers which are crucial for service delivery, such as FinancialManagement, Spatial Planning, Financial Management <strong>and</strong>Graphic Design will benefit immensely in the department’s nobleinitiative. This initiative will go a long way to address both theskills shortage <strong>and</strong> skills development in Mpumalanga. This formof support is coherent with MEC Norman Mokoena’s messagewhenever he addresses learners at schools to consider careerswhich are crucial for the country’s development.The Cabinet Outreach Programmes have taken a new shape.The new approach is such that Members of the Executive visitevery ward of all municipalities, leaving no stone unturned. Thenew approach rhymes well with President Jacob Zuma’s call,when he delivered his State of the Nation address earlier thisyear when he said ‘the defining feature of this administration willbe that it knows where the people live, underst<strong>and</strong>s their needs<strong>and</strong> responds faster. Government must work faster, harder <strong>and</strong>smarter’. This approach is yielding positive results. The needs ofthe people are identified on the spot before they attend communitygatherings <strong>and</strong> use the public platforms to tell governmentabout their plight. This is how MEC Mokoena discovered theplight of four learners who have given up school in two schoolsin Thaba Chweu Municipality. They had no school uniforms <strong>and</strong>saw no need to attend. Through the intervention of the MEC, thelearners are now back at school with new uniforms.ties still trapped in poverty by providing them with the necessarysources of livelihoods.What has become even more evident is the lack of information ofgovernment services. Many communities are not even aware ofwhat government has to offer them. To close the information gap,government is rolling out Thusong Service Centres in rural areas.To date the province has 14 Thusong Service Centres . Therecent one to have services launched was the Casteel ThusongCentre in Bushbuckridge.The hosting of the FIFA Soccer World Cup in South Africa has notonly improved the infrastructure. It has also created a platform forour people to gain experience in hosting major events. A numberof officials from our department have been recruited to assist inthe logistics of the world cup as volunteers, in the Mbombela Stadium,Disaster Management Centre <strong>and</strong> in the Fan Park. As adepartment we pride ourselves for the valuable contribution thatour officials have made to the success of the games. In the samebreath, we hope the experience gained will be vital to help ourcountry moving forward.The awarding of MEC Mokoena the highest honour by the MantjoloTribal Authority should be commended by us all. The honourserves as testimony to the MEC’s commitment to accord Amakhosithe dignity they deserve. As a department, we will continueto support him in his endeavour to restore the dignity of Amakhosi<strong>and</strong> other initiatives aimed at improving the lives of our people.The outreach programmes are conducted in a manner that governmentintervention is now recognised. But it also shows thatmore work still has to be done to make our communities awareabout the services that are available to take them out of the povertyquagmire. The challenge for us as a department is to useour new m<strong>and</strong>ate, as a co-ordinator of government business tobring Home <strong>Affairs</strong>, the South African Social Security Agency(SASSA) <strong>and</strong> other sector departments to assist our communi-We would like to hear from youSend your comments <strong>and</strong> suggestions to the Editor on the following e-mail address: gpmthethwa@mpg.gov.za or contact us telephonically. Visit our Website on: http//cgta.mpg.gov.za1The department’s Netball team has done us proud by winning atrophy during the inter-departmental games. They defeated thePremier’s office in the finals played at the Lowveld Agriculturalsports field. Their formidable level of play, when pitted againstequally strong teams gives us a sense of a galaxy of stars thatwe have in our midst. Sporting activities such as this, forms partof the department’s Wellness Programme <strong>and</strong> we will continueto promote it. Physical fitness enhances our better performance.

<strong>Local</strong> NewsMEC’s ForewordThe 2010/11 Financial Year started with earnest. Whileour eyes are fixed on the FIFA World Cup, however, weneed not loose sight of the fact that soon afterwards ourpeople will be watching the space to see how far we havegone in terms of service delivery. As we celebrate SouthAfrica’s glory to be the first African country to host the SoccerWorld Cup, we are also mindful of the fact that ourmunicipalities need our support to deliver services. Just asour people have been optimistic about a successful WorldCup, we need to keep the optimism high even in the areaof service delivery.Through our interaction with communities, during <strong>Co</strong>mmunitymeetings, Cabinet Outreach Programmes, IDP <strong>Co</strong>nsultationForums <strong>and</strong> other Public Participation Forums,our people have spoken. They have told us that they wantwater, electricity, proper roads, jobs, anti-corrupt practices<strong>and</strong> other amenities. We are a government that listens. Wehave moved swiftly to address some of these challenges.In my Policy <strong>and</strong> Budget speech, I have indicated that wehave put five municipalities under Administration, so thatthey can be put back on track to be able to provide ourpeople with the necessary services. The Administratorsthat we have appointed are doing a good job <strong>and</strong> I can assureour people that the municipalities will be returned totheir former glory. In the Pixley Ka Seme Municipality, weare preparing to pull out soon. Stability has been restored,<strong>and</strong> the election of the Mayor, the Speaker <strong>and</strong> the Mayoral<strong>Co</strong>mmittee give us hope that the municipality can runon its own <strong>and</strong> execute its m<strong>and</strong>ate. We are now in theprocess of appointing a Municipal Manager.In all the municipalities, in cases where corruption hasbeen detected, we have zoomed in to deal with it withoutfear or favour. Propelled by the desire to root it out, someofficials have been suspended <strong>and</strong> others have been dismissed.Where fraud has been committed, we have putsystems in place to get back the money. The messageshould inspire our people that we are committed to dealvigorously with corrupt tendencies. We also want to put themessage across that those involved in corrupt practices,will never find friendship in us.The province had to intervene in five municipalities. Thesemunicipalities, namely : Pixley Ka Seme, Mkhondo, Lekwa,Thaba Chweu <strong>and</strong> Thembisile Hani have all beenplaced under Administration. Significant progress hasbeen made in these municipalities <strong>and</strong> public confidenceis being restored. We appreciate the support provided byMondi, SASOL, DBSA, Xstrata <strong>and</strong> other government departmentsin assisting us improve our municipalities.I would like to thank our esteemed Executive Mayors <strong>and</strong>all other structures of our municipalities for their dedicationwhen we engaged them regarding the implementation ofthe resolutions taken during the <strong>Local</strong> Government Indaba<strong>and</strong> the 10 Point Turn Around Strategy. Municipalities havedemonstrated their willingness to make this strategy work.Our desire to accord our esteemed Amakhosi their right-2MEC, Mr N Mokoenaful position remains unshaken. Since the House of <strong>Traditional</strong>Leaders was integrated with the department, wehave moved swiftly to ensure that they get the necessarysupport they need. They are the pillars of the rural developmentplan, as espoused by President Jacob Zuma. Theneed for them to be provided with vehicles, as tools fortrade, cannot be over-emphasised. We are working towardsthat direction. We have already started with the refurbishmentof the <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Co</strong>uncils. The projects havealready created job opportunities for our people, <strong>and</strong> are incompliance with the Exp<strong>and</strong>ed Public Works Programme(EPWP).As the MEC for <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong><strong>Affairs</strong>, I have gazetted the names of 76 <strong>Traditional</strong> Leaderswho will participate in the proceedings of Municipal<strong>Co</strong>uncils. These <strong>Traditional</strong> Leaders will, as from 01 July2010 participate in Municipal <strong>Co</strong>uncils in terms of Section81 of the <strong>Local</strong> Government Municipal Structures’ Act,1998. This will ensure that the voice of <strong>Traditional</strong> Leadersin the rural areas find expression to the decision-makingprocesses of development in the rural areas. We urge ExecutiveMayors, Speakers, <strong>Co</strong>uncillors <strong>and</strong> officials in themunicipalities to work in unison with Amakhosi to makethis a success.I wish to thank the management of the Department ledby the Head of Department, Mr David Mahlobo for theircontinuous support to my office. It is through his dedication<strong>and</strong> the entire staff members that the department continuesto fulfil its m<strong>and</strong>ate. We also thank the Bafana Bafanateam for bringing the nation together during the World Cupgames. We remain committed to supporting them <strong>and</strong> othersporting codes, as a symbol of unity in our country.

Message from the Office ofthe HOD<strong>Local</strong> NewsWe all cherish the momentous opportunity that FIFA hasgiven us: That of hosting the first Soccer World Cup on theAfrican soil. Our excitement is propelled by the fact thatthe World Cup was hosted during our time so that we canshare the success story with generations to come. Manylessons have been learnt in the process of hosting it. Oneof them is that never under estimate the ability of Africansin hosting major events, such as this. We have proved ourdetractors wrong, <strong>and</strong> we hope to do the same even in thefuture. Bafana Bafana has done us proud by their performance.They have demonstrated the spirit of resilience in alltheir games. They have united us all.The construction of the necessary infrastructure in Mpumalangawould have been meaningless if all of us wouldhave flocked to the magnificent Mbombela Stadium inNelspruit, when in fact elsewhere in the same province,people had no access to television signal. It was thereforebefitting for MEC Mokoena, Minister of <strong>Co</strong>mmunications,General (Retired) Siphiwe Ny<strong>and</strong>a <strong>and</strong> his Deputy, Ms DinahPule, the SABC, SENTECH <strong>and</strong> the Albert Luthuli Municipalityto switch on the Lower Power Transmitter to enablethe Ekulindeni community, outside Badplaas to watchthe games on television. After visiting that area a numberof times, MEC Mokoena was very keen to push the matterto realization. We thank all stakeholders involved in theproject for making it successful.The Honourable MEC, Mr Norman Mokoena has alreadygiven us all the marching orders when he delivered the2010/11 Policy <strong>and</strong> Budget Speech in the Legislature recently.The speech outlines what the department is expectedto do in response to the service delivery challenges inmunicipalities <strong>and</strong> the support for the <strong>Traditional</strong> Leadership.The department is working tirelessly to ensure <strong>and</strong>strengthen the pillars that are required for the success ofthe departmental plans. We have already finalized the fiveyear Strategic Plan <strong>and</strong> the Annual Performance Plan forthe department. We have already presented the two documentsto the Portfolio <strong>Co</strong>mmittee on Human Settlement<strong>and</strong> <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong> inthe Legislature, <strong>and</strong> they were approved.Our work as a department is premised on the m<strong>and</strong>ategiven by the ANC through its election manifesto. This planis aligned to government’s Medium Term Strategic Frameworkpriorities <strong>and</strong> outcomes. In order to achieve the government’sobjectives of building on effective, efficient <strong>and</strong>responsive local government, the department will implementthe resolutions of the Provincial <strong>Local</strong> GovernmentIndaba, guided by the <strong>Local</strong> Government Turn AroundStrategy <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Local</strong> Government 10 Point Plan. Expectationsare already high <strong>and</strong> therefore we cannot afford tofail.3HOD, Mr MD MahloboIt is also encouraging that all municipalities have developedtheir Municipal Turn Around Strategy (MTAS). The MTASwill ensure that challenges inhibiting delivery of services tothe communities are identified <strong>and</strong> addressed <strong>and</strong> that thenecessary resources are allocated accordingly. In terms ofthe MTAS, municipalities have identified clear deliverableswith targets <strong>and</strong> the necessary resources.People have told us, during the Cabinet Outreach Programmeswe have attended with the Premier, the HonourableDavid Mabuza, that they need water. The Departmentis responding positively to that. In this financial year, weare putting R20 million for the construction of the DelmasWater Pipeline in the Victor Khanye <strong>Local</strong> Municipality.Through this project, we are determined to put to anend the cycle of people drinking what has always beenreferred to as contaminated water, following a spiral of reportsabout a typhoid outbreak. We have put aside R25million for the installation of Water Boreholes in a numberof areas.Once this has been finalized, MEC Mokoena will soon rollthem out to the targeted areas facing acute shortages ofwater. In the Govan Mbeki <strong>Local</strong> Municipality, we are fundingthe Bethal electricity project. R10 million has been setaside for this project. We want to boost the electricity supplywhich is in high dem<strong>and</strong> due to the industrial sites. WithR9 million set aside for the establishment of four ThusongService centers, we want to bring to an end an era of peoplein the rural areas travelling long distances to accessservices. These are some of the projects the departmentwill be undertaking with the view to deliver services to ourpeople.The department has successfully completed the task ofintegrating in its fold, the House of <strong>Traditional</strong> Leaderswithout any challenge. I am deeply indebted to the Chairpersonof the House of <strong>Traditional</strong> Leaders, Ikosi SiphoMahlangu, the Secretary of the House, Mr Jacques Modipane<strong>and</strong> officials of the Department, especially the ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO) <strong>and</strong> his team as well as the Officeof the MEC, Mr Norman Mokoena for ensuring that theintegration process becomes successful. We have lived upto the slogan: “Working together, we can do more”.Our people deserve better services. We are poised to liveup to the Batho Pele Principles. With MEC Mokoena at thehelm of this programme within the department, we darenot fail. We are poised to turn things around. We are alsodetermined to reward good performers <strong>and</strong> assist poorperformers. As a province, we shall spare no effort in instillinga new culture <strong>and</strong> new value systems among thoseworking for the Provincial Administration, <strong>Local</strong> Government<strong>and</strong> State Owned Enterprises. MEC Mokoena hasalready spelled it out that there is no place for corruptionin the department. We join him in the call that people withcorrupt tendencies will never be tolerated.

<strong>Local</strong> NewsPRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA’sSECOND VISIT TO DIPALESENGMUNICIPALITY BRINGS HOPEIN TUNE: President Jacob Zuma sings the NationalAnthem before the start of proceedings in Balfour. He isflanked by MEC Norman Mokoena <strong>and</strong> Minister EdnaMolewa (left) <strong>and</strong> Dipaleseng Municipality’s Mayor, CllrMabalane Tsotetsi.A visit for the second time to Siyathemba Township, in theDipaleseng Municipality, by President Jacob Zuma wasmet with high expectations by local residents. Last year,the township was plunged into flames when residents embarkedon protest marches. Poor roads, lack of job opportunities,lack of houses <strong>and</strong> the dem<strong>and</strong> for incorporationinto Gauteng, were some of the issues raised. Accompaniedby a high powered delegation of Ministers <strong>and</strong> MECs,<strong>Co</strong>uncillors <strong>and</strong> Senior Government officials, PresidentZuma told the residents that the purpose of the visit was toreport back on the issues that were raised during his firstvisit. A number of milestones in the area of infrastructuredevelopment, education, job opportunities <strong>and</strong> service deliveryhave been achieved.Public Works Minister, Mr Geoff Doidge told the packedstadium: “Government has 33 properties in the DipalesengMunicipality. In addition, we will purchase two farms withthe view to build low cost houses on it. We will use theseprojects to create the much needed job opportunities <strong>and</strong>fight poverty in this area”. MEC for Education, Ms ReginahMhaule told residents about the school nutrition plan<strong>and</strong> tertiary education. “All Primary Schools in this areaare now provided with food. No learner will go hungry atschool. We are aware that the closest FET <strong>Co</strong>llege hereis in Ev<strong>and</strong>er, <strong>and</strong> that is quite far. However, we urge allthose willing to attend, to register their names in the municipaloffices. This will determine the need to establish asatellite office of the FET <strong>Co</strong>llege here,” she said.The Department of Social Development has also madestrides in the welfare of Siyathemba residents.Minister Edna Molewa told residents: “We have trained 10Social Workers. We have also established two foster carecenters. These centers have created job opportunities forfifteen youths as care-givers,” she reported. Roads havebeen improved, with the completion of road constructionin Ward 4. MEC Norman Mokoena reported that the constructionof the road in Ward 6 is still in progress. Siyathembais a stone thrown away from the Gauteng Province.And as such residents depend entirely on Gauteng Healthfacilities. MEC Mokoena says the Provincial Governmenthas negotiated with the Gauteng Provincial Governmentfor the locals to be treated in Heidelberg Hospital. Headded: “The clinic in Nthoroane will operate for 24 hours.”Mokoena says other l<strong>and</strong> mark projects such as a DisasterManagement Centre, Offices for Social Services <strong>and</strong> a<strong>Co</strong>mmunity Hall are in progress. He says 20 projects havebeen initiated during the past 12 months in the DipalesengMunicipality.The proximity of the Dipaleseng Municipality to GautengProvince, has given residents the impetus to the call fortheir incorporation into that province. Even the progressreports by the various Ministers <strong>and</strong> MECs did little tochange their minds. The message was sent loud throughthe placards displayed in the stadium. In his remarks,President Zuma gave hope to the residents that the matterhas been referred to the relevant authorities to deal with<strong>and</strong> that a decision will be taken soon.Although the situation was tense inside the stadium, asresidents disputed the achievements, however, the President’ssignature tune, ‘Awulethe umshini Wami, broughtrelief <strong>and</strong> created an atmosphere of trust between the government<strong>and</strong> the local residents.GREAT ANTICIPATION: Throngs of residents of SiyathembaTownship converged at the local stadium to bebriefed by President Zuma <strong>and</strong> his entourage.4

<strong>Local</strong> NewsMEC MOKOENA TABLES THE 2010/2011POLICY AND BUDGET SPEECH IN THELEGISLATUREREADY TO DELIVER: MEC Norman Mokoena walks intothe Legislature Chamber to present the Budget Speech.MEC Norman Mokoena has tabled an amount of R404,093million for the Financial year 2010/11 in the Legislature.Support for municipalities <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong> Leaders was themain thrust of the speech. Mokoena committed the departmentto provide Amakhosi with tools of the trade <strong>and</strong>deployment of staff to the <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Co</strong>uncils. “The departmentwill spend approximately R20 million in the purchasingof 59 vehicles for the 59 <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Co</strong>uncils. Accordingly,I have instructed the department to proceed withthe necessary paperwork through Exco to ensure that thevehicles are h<strong>and</strong>ed over later this year,” Mokoena said.He added that the traditional councils will be provided withthe necessary training <strong>and</strong> support to empower them.The two days <strong>Local</strong> Government Indaba, held in Februaryin Secunda received a major boost when Mokoena toldMembers of the Legislature that the department will implementresolutions crafted. He says by implementing theseresolutions, the department will achieve the objective ofbuilding an effective, efficient <strong>and</strong> responsive local governmentsystem.Mokoena seized the opportunity to warn officials againstpoor performance. “ As government we need to take bolddecisions to enforce the culture of performance managementby rewarding those who are excelling in their duties<strong>and</strong> equally, ensure that there will be consequences forpoor performance. The new culture to be instilled by MECMokoena found expression when he committed himself tochampion the revival of the Batho Pele/ Bantu Phambili/People First/ Mense Eerste programme. Mokoena saysthe programme is aimed at capacitating those individualsat the forefront of service delivery.As the department gets into top gear to make <strong>Local</strong> GovernmentEverybody’s Business, the internal staff will haveits work cut out to make the commitment a reality beforethe end of the Financial year.The department’s commitment to improve water servicedelivery by municipalities was evident in the MEC’sspeech. R47 million has been set aside for this purpose.“In the next few weeks we shall conclude the constructionof the Delmas Water Treatment Plant <strong>and</strong> the installationof the of five boreholes to ensure adequate watersupply to the plant,” promised Mokoena . As he puts it,‘the intervention by the department in five municipalities isyielding positive results’. Through these interventions, fivemunicipalities, namely: Thaba Chweu, Pixley Ka Seme,Thembisile, Mkhondo <strong>and</strong> Lekwa, have been put undercuratorship. Says Mokoena: “Out of R3,2 million siphonedout of Thaba Chweu Municipality, we have now recoveredR2,3 million <strong>and</strong> the SAPS <strong>and</strong> the banks are assisting usto recover the outst<strong>and</strong>ing R900 000.”TEAM EFFORT: COGTA’s officials, Ms BuhleMkhonza, Ms Mantshodi Rankweteke <strong>and</strong> MsHellen Mokotedi prepare gifts for dignitaries atthe Legislature.5

<strong>Local</strong> NewsAccess to basic services amust for Casteel residentsTravelling long distances in search of basic services isa thing of the past for communities residing in Casteel<strong>and</strong> surrounding areas in the Bushbuckridge Municipality.Thanks to the Casteel Thusong Service Centre. Thecentre is situated outside Bushbuckridge <strong>and</strong> is one of thefourteen centres in Mpumalanga, established to providecrucial basic services for rural communities.The centre is home to the Department of Home <strong>Affairs</strong>,the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), Departmentof Education, Department of Labour, Departmentof Social Services <strong>and</strong> the South African Police Services.As a result, residents are able to apply without restriction,for ID documents, Passports, Birth <strong>and</strong> Death Certificates<strong>and</strong> Social Grants. The center also provides residents withPostal, internet, <strong>and</strong> ATM services. A youth developmentcentre, <strong>Co</strong>mputer School <strong>and</strong> the Government <strong>Co</strong>mmunicationInformation Service (GCIS) are also on offer. Asite visit by a delegation led by MEC Norman Mokoena,which included MEC Madala Masuku, Bushbuckridge Municipality’sMayor, Cllr Milton Morema <strong>and</strong> Senior Governmentofficials, marveled at the types of services providedby the centre. “Not only do we provide postal services, butbanking services as well. The challenge is that most of thepeople cannot write. So as a result we always experiencelong queues,” said Mr Wilfred Chiloane, Branch Managerfor the Post Office.The center also boasts an information hub, provided bythe GCIS. MEC Madala Masuku said there is also a needto appoint a Web Master to bolster the system that feedsthe website with information. “There are so many developmentalissues that are taking place around this area.Government is rolling out projects aimed at improving thelives of our people, but those issues do not find their wayinto the mainstream stories because they are not availablein the website.The Web Master will ensure that people are informedabout these issues by filing such information in the website,”said Mr Masuku.MEC Mokoena says the centre rhymes well with government’sobjectives of bringing services where people are.“We urge you to utilize this centre for the betterment ofyour lives. Let there be no one without an ID here becauseyou can now apply for it here without any hassle. ID’s arean essential part of our lives. For you to access the SocialGrants that are offered by government, you need it,” MrMokoena said. His concern though is that the centre isvulnerable to criminal elements. He urged the communityto look after it. “We must not allow criminals to steal thecomputers here. We must guard the centre jealously,” heurged them. His sentiments come in the wake of a recentbombing of the ATM. The ATM has since been fixed <strong>and</strong>security has been increased.DANCING FOR SERVICES: Senior citizens of Casteelwelcome the launch of services in style.BENEFICIARIES: MEC Norman Mokoena accompaniedby Bushbuckridge Mayor, Cllr Milton Morema, Speaker,Cllr Lerato Theko , MEC Madala Masuku <strong>and</strong> <strong>Co</strong>gta’s MrSifiso Nxumalo visit a Home <strong>Affairs</strong> office at the centre.CUSTOMER CARE: Post Office Branch Manager, MrWilfred Chiloane shares information with MEC NormanMokoena <strong>and</strong> Bushbuckridge Mayor, Cllr Milton Moremaat the Casteel Centre.6

COGTAPLEASANTRIES: HOD, Mr David Mahlobo (grey suit) exchangesgreetings with President Jacob Zuma at the SiyathembaStadium during the President’s visit. DipalesengMayor, Cllr Mabalane Tsotetsi (Left) <strong>and</strong> MEC for PublicWorks, Roads <strong>and</strong> Transport, Dr Clifford Mkasi look on.IN TOUCH: MEC Norman Mokoena made a surprisevisit to a family in Piet Retief during a Cabinet OutreachProgramme, where he h<strong>and</strong>ed over some battery operatedlights.POST-MORTEM: House of <strong>Traditional</strong> Leader’s MrJacques Modipane <strong>and</strong> Chairperson, Ikosi Sipho Mahlangushare a moment with <strong>Co</strong>gta’s Chief Director, MrSam Ngubane at the Legislature.FRIENDSHIP: Thaba Chweu’s Administrator, Mr TerrenceMokale exchange pleasantries with Municipal Finance’sMr Izak Strauss during the tabling of the BudgetSpeech.EXPERIMENT: <strong>Co</strong>gta’s officials, Mr Jabulani Maduma<strong>and</strong> the CFO, Mr Dumisani Shipalana check the qualityof the food during the Budget Speech.7REPRESENTATION: NEHAWU Branch leadership,attended the Policy <strong>and</strong> Budget Speech function in theLegislature.

in ActionWATER FOR LIFE: Siyathemba residents witness MECMokoena as he drinks water pumped from a borehole toa tap in BalfourINFORMATION SHARING: A <strong>Co</strong>mmunity DevelopmentWorker (CDW) from Ehlanzeni shares information duringa meeting with the MEC Norman Mokoena outsideNelspruit.LIGHTER MOMENT: Generations Star, Dumisanishares a joke with MEC Mokoena at Ekulindeni duringthe function to switch a transmitter.CONVERSATION: HOD, Mr David Mahlobo talks tothe SABC’s Sipho Motha about the <strong>Local</strong> GovernmentIndaba during a talk show.COUNT DOWN: COGTA official do the Diski dance duringa competition in the Lowveld Show Ground.TRIUMPH: <strong>Co</strong>gta Netball Team celebrates victory afterwinning the annual Inter-Departmental games by beatingthe Premier’s Office Netball team.8

<strong>Local</strong> NewsChief Mnisi signs a developmentpact with forest industryHistory was recorded when Chief Bheki Mnisi of the Mantjolo<strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Co</strong>uncil signed a social accord which willsee KomatiL<strong>and</strong>s Forests contributing towards the developmentof the Enkonjaneni Tribal area. Komatil<strong>and</strong>sForests, one of South Africa’s Timber Manufacturing Industriesboasts vast tract of l<strong>and</strong> in the Badplaas area,which borders the Mantjolo tribal community. The deal wassigned by Chief Mnisi <strong>and</strong> Komatil<strong>and</strong>s Forests’ SeniorExecutive for <strong>Co</strong>rporate <strong>Co</strong>mmunications <strong>and</strong> Liaison, MrLeslie Mudimeli at Enkonjaneni. Witnesses of the deal includedMEC for <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong><strong>Affairs</strong>, Mr Norman Mokoena, MEC for Culture, Sport, Art<strong>and</strong> Creation, Mr Vusi Shongwe, MEC for Economic, Development,Environmental <strong>Affairs</strong> <strong>and</strong> Tourism, Mr JabuMahlangu <strong>and</strong> Chief Mlambo II of Mbuzini.DONE DEAL: Komatil<strong>and</strong> Forest’s Senior Representative,Mr Leslie Mudimeli <strong>and</strong> Chief Bheki Mnisi sign a SocialAccord at Enkonjaneni Tribal Authority.Chief Mnisi says the local community will reap the benefits of the social accord. “The Komatil<strong>and</strong>s Forests have alreadycommitted itself to building a road in our area as well as a creche. This accord will also pave the way for our people hereto be given priority when jobs are available in the company,” says Chief Mnisi. By signing the agreement, both partiessupport the following values:nnnnnPeople can live in safety <strong>and</strong> peace preferably in a family based society,Access to quality education, training <strong>and</strong> development will be promoted as a priority,Health, social <strong>and</strong> spiritual well being are encouraged,Economic growth <strong>and</strong> development can be shared on a sustainable basis,Natural resources <strong>and</strong> the environment will be used efficiently <strong>and</strong> also for the benefit of future generations.The social accord is set to put the tribal area on a developmentalpath. The signing ceremony coincided with thetraditional ceremony of ummemo of the Mantjolo tribe. Buoyedby the commitment of the signatories, MEC Mokoenaurged other traditional authorities to forge similar partnerships.“We consider this accord a birth of partnerships requiredfor the development of rural areas, as espoused byPresident Jacob Zuma”, he said. He further suggested thereview of all agreements signed previously by traditionalleaders <strong>and</strong> industrial conglomerates, in which Amakhosihave been exploited. “In some instances, you find thatsome conglomerates are making huge profits by miningmineral products in areas belonging to Amakhosi, whilethe local Chief has only been bought a car. This must cometo an end,” Mr Mokoena said.MELODY-MAKER: Stimela’s lead singer, Mr Ray Phiri entertainsthe crowd much to the delight of Chief Mnisi.9

<strong>Local</strong> NewsCOGTA Awards Studentswith BursariesThe Department of <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong><strong>Affairs</strong> (<strong>Co</strong>gta) has awarded 23 students from Mpumalangawith bursaries to further their studies at severaltertiary institutions. The students from disadvantagedbackgrounds were offered the bursaries to pursue studiesin various fields with a short supply of expertise, namely:• Civil Engineering;• Electrical Engineering;• Graphic Design;• Environmental Science;• Town <strong>and</strong> Regional Planning;• Maths <strong>and</strong> Science;• Accounting.During a function to congratulate them by MEC NormanMokoena, the students could not contain their excitement.Ms Boitumelo Phatlane, studying for a Bachelor of ScienceDegree (Maths <strong>and</strong> Stats) at the University of Johannesburg,told MEC Mokoena that the group is elated by theprospect of studying with the support of the department.“We are committed to do well in our studies so that you canbe proud of us. This support will go a long way to help usfinish our studies,” Ms Phatlane said.Skills shortage is cited as one of the impediments of economicgrowth in South Africa. For this reason, governmenthas placed education in the top five priorities, as one ofthe interventions to deal with the problem. The decision by<strong>Co</strong>gta feeds into the bigger plan of government’s intervention,while at the same time assists the previously marginalizedcommunities whose impoverished backgroundprevents them from pursuing studies at tertiary institutions.This was further supplemented by MEC Mokoena, in hisaddress. “We have placed education <strong>and</strong> skills developmentat the core of our work. We are very cognizant of thefact that education <strong>and</strong> skills development are critical forus to achieve the rest of the priorities including the millenniumdevelopment goals,” he remarked.The awarding of the bursaries forms part of <strong>Co</strong>gta’s concertedefforts to improve the economic outlook of the province,especially municipalities. However, these efforts maygo to waste if the students do not come back. <strong>Co</strong>upled bylack of a fully fledged University, Mpumalanga is loosingpotential skilled people, who on completion of their trainingat tertiary institutions based in other provinces, becomereluctant to return to help improve the situation. The skillsshortage is hitting government in general, however, municipalitiesare bearing the brunt. Says MEC Mokoena:“Many of our municipalities have been <strong>and</strong> still continueto be faced with haemorrhaging of skills, <strong>and</strong> we have notbeen able to replace these. Our province is consideredvery rural <strong>and</strong> as a result is not able to attract the requiredskills as many of the young people are attracted by thebright city lights.” To turn the tide against this tendency,the students have signed a three year contract to work inMpumalanga once they complete their studies.IN CLASS: The successful students meet MEC Norman Mokoena during a session to congratulate them10

<strong>Local</strong> NewsSALGA ProvincialExcellence Awardsin 2010The annual Provincial South African <strong>Local</strong> Government Association (SALGA) Awards for 2010 were held in Secunda, inthe Govan Mbeki <strong>Local</strong> Municipality. The awards seek to encourage municipalities to improve performance on issues ofservice delivery. During the 2010 Awards, Nkomazi <strong>Local</strong> Municipality dominated the categories. MEC for <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong><strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong>, Mr Norman Mokoena, accompanied by MEC for Finance, Ms Pinky Phosa, Chairpersonof the SALGA, Mpumalanga, Mr Speedo Mashilo <strong>and</strong> Chairperson for Select <strong>Co</strong>mmittee: Human Settlements<strong>and</strong> <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong>, Mr Simon Skhosana presented the awards:NKOMAZI LOCAL MUNICIPALITYn Best municipality for the Implementation of Batho Pele Principles.n Best Municipality for the Implementation of Electrification Programme.n Best Municipality for the utilization of Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG).n Most improved Municipality for the Promotion of Staff Development.EHLANZENI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYn Most improved Municipality on Financial Viability.n Best Municipality on <strong>Local</strong> Economic Development (LED).n Best municipality for the Implementation of Transversal Programmes.MBOMBELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITYn Best Municipality on Capacity Development.n Best Municipality on Public Participation.Dr J.S MOROKA LOCAL MUNICIPALITYn Best municipality on Municipal Transformation <strong>and</strong> Organisational Development.BUSHBUCKRIDGE LOCAL MUNICIPALITYn Received Special Award for Most Improved Municipality on FinancialManagement.11

<strong>Local</strong> NewsMunicipalities complete process ofDeveloping Municipal Turn AroundStrategiesThe MEC for <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong><strong>Affairs</strong>, Mr Norman Mokoena has congratulated all municipalitiesin the province for their dedication <strong>and</strong> commitmentin developing their Municipal Turn Around Strategies(MTAS). These MTAS follows the development ofthe <strong>Local</strong> Government Turn Strategy <strong>and</strong> its adoption atProvincial <strong>Local</strong> Government Indaba held on 25-26 February2010. The MTAS will ensure that challenges inhibitingthe delivery of services to the communities are identified<strong>and</strong> addressed, <strong>and</strong> that the necessary expertise <strong>and</strong> resourcesare allocated appropriately.To date all municipalities have finalised their MTAS <strong>and</strong>19 of them have been endorsed by their respective Municipal<strong>Co</strong>uncils. These were signed off by the respectiveMunicipal Managers <strong>and</strong> the Mayors. In cases where themunicipalities are placed under Administration, the Administratorssigned them off.These MTAS will ensure that each municipality has a specificintervention plan aimed at addressing its challengesrather than the “one size fits all” approach. It will assistmunicipalities to achieve the following:nnnnnEnsure that municipalities meet the basic serviceneeds of communitiesBuild a clean, effective, efficient, responsive <strong>and</strong>accountable local governmentImprove performance <strong>and</strong> professionalism inmunicipalitiesImprove national <strong>and</strong> provincial oversight <strong>and</strong>supportStrengthen partnerships between communities,civil society <strong>and</strong> local governmentELATION: MEC Norman Mokoena congratulates municipalitiesfor the implementation of the Turn Around Strategies.A Task Team comprising of officials from the National <strong>and</strong>Provincial Department of <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong> working with relevant sector departmentsvisited all municipalities to assist them developtheir own MTAS. During these visits they engaged with theMayors, Speakers <strong>and</strong> Members of the Mayoral <strong>Co</strong>mmittees,Municipal Managers <strong>and</strong> Section 57 Managers of themunicipalities. In each municipality, commissions were setup to address the 5 key priority areas which include thefollowing:a) Basic Service delivery <strong>and</strong> Infrastructure,b) Public participation,c) <strong>Governance</strong>, Transformation <strong>and</strong> InstitutionalCapacity,d) Financial Management <strong>and</strong> viability, <strong>and</strong>e) IDP’s which include Spatial Planning <strong>and</strong> LED’s.In terms of the MTAS, municipalities have identified cleardeliverables, with targets <strong>and</strong> the necessary resources.The process that will unfold now will be the integration ofthese MTAS into the respective Integrated DevelopmentPlans of municipalities. MEC Mokoena has pointed out thatthe MTAS will not just be a document of compliance. “TheDepartment will ensure that these strategies are workedinto Service Delivery <strong>and</strong> Budget Implementation Plans aswell as performance contracts of Municipal Managers <strong>and</strong>Section 57 Managers. The Department will continuouslymonitor progress” said Mokoena.IMPLEMENTATION: <strong>Co</strong>gta’s Senior officials, Mr Aron Mkhabela<strong>and</strong> Mr Pat Nkosi provided support for municipalities during theimplementation of the Turn Around Strategies.12

<strong>Local</strong> NewsMEC Norman Mokoena donatesschool uniforms to needy studentsINTERVENTION: Mr Godfrey Mgiba of the Department of education,Chief Mahlangu of Draaikraal <strong>and</strong> Mr John Sikhosanaof the Department of <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong> h<strong>and</strong> over school uniforms to Nelson Monateof Hountenbek Primiary school.The MEC for the Department of <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Governance</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong>, Mr Norman Mokoena, has donatedschool uniforms to 5 needy students in the Draaikraal areaunder the Thaba Chweu <strong>Local</strong> Municipality. MEC Mokoenanoticed the plight of the students when he visited thearea during the outreach programme by the Provincial Executive<strong>Co</strong>uncil to the Thaba Chweu municipality in Aprilthis year.When the MEC conducted a walk about in the area hecame across a child headed household where two childrendid not have any school uniforms, <strong>and</strong> two familieswhere the Children did not have any uniforms <strong>and</strong> as aresult were reluctant to attend school. MEC Mokoena wastouched by the conditions that the children were living in<strong>and</strong> immediately requested the local social workers fromthe Department of Social Services to do an assessment<strong>and</strong> look into the possibilities of providing those familieswith food parcels <strong>and</strong> also look into how they can be assistedto access government grants. He further made acommitment that he will purchase the school uniforms forthe children. “It is very sad to find children still living insuch conditions. What is more painful is that governmenthas got programmes to assist such children such as socialgrants, but they are not accessing them. This means wemust intensify our education <strong>and</strong> awareness programmesso that people are aware of what services they can receivefrom government.” said Mokoena.MEC Mokoena said even though the uniforms will not addressall the children needs, he hopes that they will go along way in improving their conditions <strong>and</strong> importantly itwill motivate them to do well at school. “You are the futureleaders of our country, so please study hard <strong>and</strong> be committedto your education” said Mokoena. He further wishedall students well in their mid year exams.The uniforms included two sets for each child of schoolshoes, shirts, jerseys, socks, skirts <strong>and</strong> trousers wereh<strong>and</strong>ed over to two high school students from TonteldoosSecondary School <strong>and</strong> three from Hountenbek Primaryschool.HOPEFUL: Learners at the Hountenbek Primary schoolwaited patiently for the delivery of the uniforms for theirunder priviledged school mates.13

<strong>Local</strong> NewsTV Signal for Ekulindeni communitypositive spirit <strong>and</strong> the commitment that has been shown bythe people of Ekulindeni. When faced with adversity, theyhave never given up neither have they turned despondentor violent. They have always sought to raise their concerns,which were often genuine in a very peaceful <strong>and</strong>constructive manner,” said Mr Mokoena.DIGITAL DIVIDE: Minister S’phiwe Ny<strong>and</strong>a switches on aTV set to mark the functionality of the transmitter.The residents of Ekulindeni, in the Albert Luthuli Municipalitywere digitally connected to the rest of the world hoursbefore the start of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. For manyyears, residents of the impoverished area, situated about50 kms outside Badplaas, had no access to television<strong>and</strong> the radio signal was poor. Now, the residents enjoyunlimited access to television programmes like all othercommunities in South Africa, thanks to the installation ofa Low Power Transmitter. The installation forms part ofthe Department of <strong>Co</strong>mmunications’ programme to rollout such facilities to communities that had no access totelevision <strong>and</strong> radio due to the digital divide, in collaborationwith the SABC, SENTECH <strong>and</strong> ICASA. Minister of<strong>Co</strong>mmunications, General (retired) Siphiwe Ny<strong>and</strong>a toldthe communities that the switching on of the transmittermarks the reduction of communities without access totelevision. “Statistically, we have 3,6 million people in thecountry without access to television. You were part of thatnumber. Now that 20 000 of you have access, it means thenumber has been reduced. However, we as a departmentstill have a long way to go,” Ny<strong>and</strong>a said. He pleaded withcommunities not to put pressure on government for theinstallation of the transmitters. “The department has to rollout 300 more transmitters to connect the outst<strong>and</strong>ing communities,”he added.BLACK OUT: Residents waited patiently for the installationof a TV/Radio transmitter at Ekulindeni.With so many information <strong>and</strong> educational programmeson offer in the television space, Mr Mokoena urged thelocals to use the access for their benefit. “Today’s eventmarks a new beginning for the people of Ekulindeni. Theinformation, educative <strong>and</strong> entertainment gap that you hadto endure with for so long, will be a thing of the past. Youwill no longer suffer the brunt of not being able to receiveinformation via television. I believe this means more improvedopportunities especially for the students as theywill to benefit from the educational programmes. It alsomeans access to information that will enable you to makemore informed decisions,” he told them.The function was marked by the presence of Generationsstars <strong>and</strong> Ligwalagwala FM Presenters. The switching onof the transmitters will also benefit residents of Josephsdaal,Nhlaba, Sternsdorp <strong>and</strong> Bossiville.The installation of the transmitters is one of the many interventionsthat the department has embarked on to reducethe digital divide in the country. These include the digitalizationof Post Offices in the country. The Department hascommitted itself to give the Ekulindeni Post office a faceliftso that it can provide local residents with a comprehensiveservice, which includes internet service.Ny<strong>and</strong>a’s Deputy, Ms Dinah Pule, MEC for <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong><strong>Governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong>, (<strong>Co</strong>gta) Mr NormanMokoena <strong>and</strong> the Executive Mayor of Albert Luthuli, CllrS’nana Dlamini were full of praise for the installation of thetransmitter at Ekulindeni. For Mr Mokoena, the switch onwas a realization of a commitment which he made whenhe delivered his Policy <strong>and</strong> Budget Speech a month earlier.He praised the Ekulindeni community for using propercommunication channels to request for the installation ofthe signal “It is very important that we acknowledge theSUPPORTING ACT: Generations stars graced theoccasion.14

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