View cases - Stewart McKelvey

View cases - Stewart McKelvey

View cases - Stewart McKelvey


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8seniority to transfer to Toronto as an A340 FO. When asked why he did not do so earlier, heexplained that he made a mistake, he miscalculated.[32] About six months later in 2000, Vilven transferred to Vancouver as an A340 FO. He did soknowing that there was no difference in the pay rate between Toronto and Vancouver for anA340 FO. He also recognized that his relative seniority in Vancouver was less than in Toronto sothat he would not have the same opportunity to select the more desirable vacation and monthlyschedules.[33] Vilven explained why he chose to transfer to Vancouver in 2000 as an A340 FO ratherthan bid for a higher captain position elsewhere. During the Tribunal hearing in January 2007,when this Tribunal was considering the merits of his complaint, he testified that the reason heremained an A340 FO because he wanted to fly the big airplanes and that wasn’t possible if he gotpromoted on the A320. He also testified that he was raised in Vancouver, his mother, his twosisters and his friends live there and it was only natural that he bid the Vancouver base.2010 CHRT 27 (CanLII)[34] Vancouver is the most senior base in Air Canada and it was not possible for him to hold acaptain’s position there. He said that he could have held a captain’s position in Winnipeg, Torontoor Montreal. But he wanted Vancouver as his base and he wanted to fly internationally. With hisyears of service it was not possible to do that as a captain.[35] Vilven also testified that at times he decided not to exercise his seniority rights because hewanted to stay in a certain city. Vilven also told this Tribunal in the January 2007 hearing that ifhe was successful in his complaint, he would like to return as an Air Canada pilot in Vancouver.[36] In the subsequent remedy hearing before the Tribunal, Vilven said that his previoustestimony about why he transferred to Vancouver was not correct. Although his base wasVancouver, he lived in Calgary/Airdrie, about an hour-and-a-half away. Many Air Canada pilotsdo not live in the base that they fly from.

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