View cases - Stewart McKelvey

View cases - Stewart McKelvey

View cases - Stewart McKelvey


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62d) How are demographic changes in Canada going to affect how organizationsneed to handle work-life?The aging workforce is going to force organizations to be more creative in phasingtowards retirement. The nexus generation is coming into the workforce with veryclear expectations of what they want from employers and clear expectations thatthey will be able to have meaningful work for meaningful wage without sacrificingwork-life balance….there is a serious labour shortage in this country….employersare going to have to accommodate employees’ demands in order to attract and retainvaluable employees.”[295] This Tribunal found the content of this Work/Life Balance FAQs dated 2005-02-03,particularly consistent with the earlier testimony and report of Dr. Linda Duxbury.2010 CHRT 20 (CanLII)[296] Although Mr. Sheridan held the same post in 2003 under the CBSA’s predecessor as hedoes now, he stated that he was completely unaware of the December 10, 2003 EquityCompliance Review directives and completely unaware of the Draft Accommodation Policydated June 2007.[297] Mr. Sheridan was asked how it could be that he would be unaware of these documents.Mr. Sheridan noted that the Compliance Review is dated two days prior to the creation of CBSA,and stated that although some policies came over from CCRA to CBSA, he is unaware if anypolicies relating to the Equity Compliance Review that came over. There was no one called as partof the CBSA’s case to explain who was in charge of receiving this Equity Compliance Review orhow it was dealt with in the transition from CCRA to CBSA.[298] As to the Draft Accommodation Policy, he testified that he was not consulted about it andnormally the drafters would consult with managers. As there are 190 Directors in CBSA, such aDraft would only go to some. This Tribunal notes that Mr. Darren Millet, by Mr. Star’s testimony,was aware of it, but not Mr. Sheridan who is his superior. Also, Mr. John King, then President ofthe Union took a copy of it from a meeting he attended, and yet Mr. Sheridan was neitherconsulted nor had he seen it previously.

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