View cases - Stewart McKelvey

View cases - Stewart McKelvey

View cases - Stewart McKelvey


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scrutinizing closely, the contract could be cancelled. That meant they would be out ofwork. Ms. Jenkinson was particularly worried and towards the end of July let it beknown she was thinking of looking for another job.[22] Their evidence also differed with that of Mr. Derksen’s in respect of theleadership role he took and his activity in getting clients. Ms. Toews said she preparedinstructional materials for the job search sessions, on her own initiative. Mr. Derksensaid he directed her. Ms. Sangha and Ms. Jenkinson said they took it upon themselves totry and get out in the community to liaise with client providers in order to market theProgram and get clients. They said that Mr. Derksen should have been out there as well,meeting with HRDC, and establishing contacts, but he was not. Rather, he worked ontrying to get the résumé program working. Mr. Derksen’s daily time management reviewforms indicate he met with a representative from HRDC on July 24, 2002 over the lunchperiod. Also, the first thing that day, it appears he attended at the Abbotsford YouthCommission, but it was unclear as to what that meant.[23] There were also differences in the evidence with respect to Mr. Derksen’s role inteaching in the Program. There was some evidence that, initially, Mr. Derksen did notexpect that teaching would be a key element in his role. Other evidence indicated that itwas always anticipated to be part of his role. Nevertheless, I find he was eventuallyscheduled to teach a fair amount of the three-week sessions. In addition, Ms. Jenkinsonwas not originally slotted to teach, but was also added to the schedule for the three-weeksessions.[24] By the end of July, there were only 14 clients in the Program. Mr. Derksensuggested that the reason for the low numbers was because it was summertime.Nevertheless, the first three-week session was to start a month after Mr. Derksen washired, during the week of August 5, 2002, but because there were only 14 clients, it didnot go ahead. I find the clearest indicator that the Program was failing was theenrolment. A month had gone by, at which time according to the Program objectives onclient numbers of 125 per quarter, there should have been substantially more than 14clients.6

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