CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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87“The evolutionary trees thatadorn our textbooks have dataonly at the tips and nodes oftheir branches; the rest isinference, howeverreasonable, not the evidenceof fossils.”—Stephen Jay Gould,Professor of Geology andPaleontology,HarvardUniversity in “Evolution’sErractic Pace,” Natural History,vol. 86 (May,1977), p. 1440. Q:A:Wheredid you getyourdegree?Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Every once in awhilesomeone will askmethequestion,“Wheredid you get your degree?” Therearemany web sitesthat attackmeand often publishfalseinformation aboutmeand/ormy degree. While Iam nottheleastbit ashamed ofmyeducation, Ihavelearned by experiencethat some areaskingthequestion becausethey havecometo thepointwherethey cannotattackthemessage Ibringagainst evolutionsothey wishto attackmepersonally instead. This iscalled an ad hominem argument. They mistakenly think thatby belittling theman theyhave answered his points andwonthedebate. When theopponentin adebatebegins usingadhominem attacks, itis an obvious signal toallthat they arelosingthedebateon facts and must resortto other means totry tosaveface or divert attention. It is also interestingtowatchhow theevolutionists will spend much time andeffortscrutinizing asubject likemy degreeorcredentials yetwon'tspend twoseconds scrutinizinghow ridiculous theentireevolution theory is! They truly strain at agnat andswallow acamelas Jesus said in Matthew 23:24. Twomisguidedindividualsareeven writingtoevery churchon my itinerarytryingtogetthepastors tocancel my meetings! Nomeetings havebeen canceled, butseveralpastors havecalled me to haveagood laugh over these letters. It is obvious thatthesecriticsareunabletogetacrowd tovoluntarily listen to them preachtheevolution religion sothey spend timeattackingcreationists.Back to the degree question. Itookadvanced mathandscience classes at East Peoria HighSchool graduatingin 1971. Iearnedmy first60 (+ or -) credit hours majoringin mathandscience at Illinois Central Collegein EastPeoria, Illinois. Ithen transferred toMidwestern BaptistCollegein Pontiac,Michigan where Idoublemajored in education and <strong>Bible</strong>andgraduated in 1974. (I took 18-20 hours eachsemester plussummerschooltograduatein threeyears.) While Itaughtmathand science in Christian schools for thenext 15 years, Itook courses atseveral <strong>Bible</strong>colleges in my spare time. Itaught for 3½years in Pekin, Illinois, 3½years in Boubonais,Illinois, (I transferred at semester breakto fillaneed inBourbonais), 5years in Longview, Texas, 3years in Fairfield,California and1yearin Pensacola, Florida. Ifinished myMasters (1988) and Doctorate (1991) degrees in educationfrom PatriotUniversity.Patriot University www.patriotuniversity.com is aChristianuniversity in ColoradoSprings thatoffers an external studiesprogram for people involved in full timeministries. PatriotUniversity (established 1980) is an extension of HilltopBaptist Churchand offered aPh.D. in education. Ispentmanyyears workingon mydegreeand learned alot -asanyone whohas watched mydebates with evolutionists orseminar series will testify. LongafterIgraduated, Patriotrelocated its extension division offices to College Heights

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