CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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“The American people areso enamored by equality thatthey would rather be equal inslavery than unequal infreedom.”—Alexis de Tocquevillesame thingwhen his enemies wanted him tostop the workand come down totalkabout thewall he was building. Hisanswer was classic. Nehemiah6:3-4 says: “And Isentmessengersuntothem (his critics), saying, Iam doing agreatwork,so that Icannotcomedown: why should theworkcease,whilst Ileaveit, and comedown to you? Yet they sent untome four times afterthis sort; andIanswered them after thesame manner.” Nearly every day askepticor scoffer willtry toengageme in aletter writing battle via e-mail orstandard mailover thecreation subject. Ihave astanding offerof $250,000for prooffor evolution and Istand ready todebate anytwoorthreeevolutionists at atimein apublicsetting, but Iwon’twastethetimetoslowlyhuntand peck outendless answerswhen theydon’t really wantone. Thatwould becasting mypearls before swine(seeMatthew 7:6). If they are so suretheyareright, theyshouldbedelighted with theopportunity todebateme publicly.Iwill even draw thecrowd for them!Atheists seem tohavenothingelseto do. They know theycan'tgetacrowd together for an atheists’ meeting, so theyride on thecoattails ofthecreationists. For example, Irecentlywas invited bythefree-thoughtclub on the OhioStateUniversity campus to debate theeditor oftheAmericanAtheist Magazine. Theytold metheynormallyhadabout30peoplecome to their meetings (in auniversityof 58,000), butthey had nearly90 comewhen this man spokethemonthbefore. They wereproud totellmeabout this greatattendance!Thenight of the debate therewere hundreds there(severalpeople said there wereover 700) to hearthedebate. Ispeaktocrowds of over 1000 nearly every weekout of theyear. Theatheists ofcourse havea“smarter than thou”attitudeaboutitall. They say their crowds are smallbecausetherearenotverymany smart people(meaningthemselves, ofcourse) in theworld. What egos!If thesecritics would devoteeven 5% oftheir error-detectingattention totheevolution theory likethey do tothe creationtheory, they would see thelies, wild exaggerations anddistortions used tosupport thesilly idea that we all came fromarockover the last4.6billion years! Converted evolutionistsmakegreatcreationists. Christians and creationists needtoworkto beaccurate, ofcourse, atthesametimeweneed torealize theevolutionists arenottheenemy, Satan is theenemy. It may be hard attimes, butwe needto lovethesinner whilewehatethesin. God is notwilling thatanyshould perish butthat all come tothe knowledge of the truth.Feel free to callin toour world wideradio program withanyquestions. Seeour web sitewww.drdino.com for details.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 86

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