CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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DR. KURK E. KOCH, Professor,Lectured at 100 Universities in65 countries on 5continents.Subjects of expertise: NewWorld Order,Occultism,Extreme Movements, andParapsychology.Hisassessment of the comingNWO under the UnitedNations is that it will reduceeverything to one commondenominator:“The system will be made upof asingle currency,singlecentrally financedgovernment, single taxsystem, single language,single political system, singleworld court of justice, singlehead (one individual leader),single state religion.” Hefurther states: “Each personwill have aregistered number,without which he will not beallowed to buy or sell; andthere will be one universalworld church. Anyone whorefuses to take part in thisuniversal system will have noright to exist.”Corporation developed atoll booth substitutethat tracks cars.As acar passes, this strip in thehighway deducts 50 cents (orwhatever thetollis) from adebit account, makes an image ofthelicenseplate, and checks ittoseeif the car is registeredproperly or has been reported stolen andifthedriver iswanted by thepolice. The strip can checkeightcars persecond at100mphper lane. Finally, an imbedded wirealongsome highways and anew hand-helddeviceboth can turn offtheignition ofarunning car by destroying thecar’s computerwith aburst of energy. These new control and monitoringtechnologies may be forerunners of themark ofthebeast.Dean Martin (dean.l.martin@home.com) has the best seminarIknow of on thesubject. His phone #is (850) 455-5011. CarlSanders, P.O. Box 2000, Mountain View, AR 72645, (870)269-6113, fax (870) 447-3231, sho-phar@trumpetmin.org, hasgreatinfo.38. Q:A:How wouldyou answer critics including those whohave web sites criticizing you?Amid thehundreds of letters and e-mails wereceiveeach weekhere at <strong>CSE</strong>, we occasionally receiveone from an atheist,skeptic, critic, scoffer, or even an idiot or two. Severalhundredhaveposted web sites about me. Ikeep so busy with myhectictravel schedulethat Inormally do nottaketime torespond tothem in writing morethan once. There are somany people whowant tohear thetruths aboutcreation thatit is awasteoftimetoget distractedansweringthescoffers.They will ask hundreds of questions or makehundreds ofaccusations. Iam convinced thatmost of them don'treallywant an answer anyway, they want to tieupallmy timeandprevent the gospel from gettingout. If Itook thetimetoanswer them allthey wouldonly ask ahundred more. Wedooffer agreatbook called Creation Scientists AnswertheirCritics by Dr. Duane Gish thatanswers manycommonlyasked questions. Ihavealsoproduced an audiotapewithanswers to someofthe scoffers' questions and objections. Thetapeis $3 and can bereturned for afullrefund. We will add tothe tapeas timepermits. Ihaveastandingoffer tofaceanynumber ofevolutionists at atimein front oftheirownuniversity, and Dr. WaltBrown has astanding offerto engagequalified scientists in an email debate.Iwillbethefirstto say that Ihavelearnedmuchfrom mycritics and havechangedthings in my seminars over theyearsbecauseof their legitimate gripes, corrections andsuggestions.“Iron sharpenethiron.” (Prov. 27:17) Thesecritics can be aman's bestfriend, if they don’t distract you from themain job.God knows that Iwant to be accurate and would neverpurposely tell alie to promotemy point. Imaynotalways beright, but if Iam saying itin my seminar then Idon'tknow ittobefalse. Iworkhard and research alottotry toberight. I83Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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