CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


“We’ve got to ride the globalwarming issue. Even if thetheory of global warming iswrong, we will be doing theright things—in terms ofeconomic policy andenvironmental policy.”—Timothy Wirth, FormerU.S. Senator (D- Colorado)“All those trees of life withtheir branches of ourancestors, that’s alot ofnonsense.”—Mary Leakey,Associated Press Dec. 10,199628. Q:A:Miscellaneous Questions:29. Q:A:Ifthere was really aworldwide flood where areall thebones ofthehumans thatdrowned?Ibelievetherearefew human fossils for several reasons.1. God made theworld full ofplants and animals but only twopeople. 1600 years later theworld was stillfull of plants andanimals butstillnotfull of people. There werenot as many ofthem tobe drowned.2. Men aresmarter than animals (that is, some men), so hewould figureout away to avoid drowninguntilthelastpossibleminutebymakingmakeshift rafts or holdingtofloatinglogs and tendto bedeposited on toprather than inthesediments. Therefore, hewould notfossilize. Forexample,millions ofbison were slaughteredin the west acentury ago,yet few, if any, fossilized. They werelefton toptorot, bonesand all.3. Sincesomany researchers havethe preconceived (and false)idea thatman has been evolving from small anddumb to bigand smart theymaytend tonot even recognize and properlyidentify bonefragments of humans thatmay havebeen hugeby today’s standards. Theirprejudice is that ancientman wassmaller. We show evidencefor gianthumans on video#2.In spiteof theaboveproblems, Marvin Lubenow, an expert onfossil humans andauthorof Bones of Contention (availablefrom CSE) says that about4000 human fossilremains havebeen found.Theevolutionist has aserious problem withthis samequestion.If man has really been hereformillions of years thereshouldbemany thousands, ifnot millions, of fossils oftheirbones likewehaveof theanimals. The“where are thebones?”question is really aquestion for theevolutionist toanswerifheexpects all the taxpayers tosupporthis religion in theschoolsystem.What is theGaia Hypothesis?TheGaia hypothesis is named after the Greekgoddess for theearth. AccordingtoGaia Hypothesis, earthitselfis alivingorganism, our “Mother Earth,” as its proponents callit. Manyevolutionists adopt this theory becausethey have notfoundany evidencefor gradual undirected evolution as Darwinpredicted. Radicalenvironmentalism and theNew AgeMovementtierightintotheGaiaHypothesis and evolution. TheBible teaches the earthwas made for man tohave dominionover. It is goingto be destroyed one day.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 78

“If my theory be true,numberless intermediatevarieties… must assuredlyhave existed;”—Charles Darwin,The Origin of Species… 1859“In the years after Darwin, hisadvocates hoped to findpredictable progressions. Ingeneral, these have not beenfound—yet the optimism hasdied hard, and some purefantasy has crept intotextbooks.”—Raup, David M.,“Evolution and the FossilRecord,” Science,vol. 213(July 17, 1981), p. 289“The function of only 1%(some say 3%) of human DNAhas been determined. If 99%of this small amount is similarto chimps it still provesnothing.”See: Modern Creation Trilogyvol. 2, chapter 9, Henry Morris30. Q:A:31. Q:A:32. Q:A:What abouttheozonehole, and R-12 refrigerants?Thereis notan ozoneproblem that man has created. Ozoneisanaturalgas, whichis produced when sunlightstrikes theatmosphere. O,ozone,3is poisonous, but itdoes filter outradiation. In the upper atmosphere, the ozone layer protectsus; it’s abarrier. Ozone is absentfrom theNorthand SouthPoles because thesun never strikes thoseareas directly, but atsuchan obliqueanglethat it does not produceozone. It’snormalto havean ozone holein these areas.What aboutR-12? R-12does destroy ozone, but the R-12 fromourrefrigerators and air conditioners never rises high enoughto destroy atmospheric ozone. R-12 sinks; itdoesn’trise. Evenconvection currents would notcarry man madeR-12 to theozone layer in 100 years, which is alonger timethan man hasbeen usingit. Man has donealmost nothingtotheozone. Infact, my understandingis thatthelasttimescientists measuredthe ozonelayer, itwas thicker than it was the firsttimetheymeasured it. Ibelievethe real purpose of the environmentalpropaganda is tofulfill the firstplankof theCommunistManifesto:the abolishmentofprivateproperty. Whilethereis noquestion man has abused theenvironment, thereisahidden agenda behind the modern hype. (See FactsNotFearfor information on environment.)Whatabout global warming?Justabout as many scientists areconcerned about globalfreezing or another iceage as aboutglobal warming. Thereisn’t enough data to bedogmatic. The answer would probablydepend upon thegrantmoney being sought. As with theprevious question, most ofthe environmental hypeis reallytohelpbringabout KarlMarx’s dream (nightmare) of aCommunistworld.His firstof 10planks was theabolishing of privateproperty. Though therearemany sincere peoplein theenvironmentalmovement, Ibelievetherealagenda is Communism,not savingtheplanet.Whobuilt theGreat Pyramid, and why?Nooneknows for sure whobuilttheGreat Pyramid, butseveraltheories havebeen proposed. Somethinkit is justanother ofthepyramids built by theEgyptians. Some thinkAdam and his sons builtitbeforetheflood. Somethink Enochbuiltit and thatitis theonly structuretosurvive theflood.Others say Noah andhis sons builtit after theflood. Accordingto some experts, it appears thatsomeof its featuresindicatethat itwas intended tobeatestimony to God, theysay. Adam didnothave aBible so God gavehim thegospelstory in the stars with the 88constellations tellingtheentire79Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“If my theory be true,numberless intermediatevarieties… must assuredlyhave existed;”—Charles Darwin,The Origin of Species… 1859“In the years after Darwin, hisadvocates hoped to findpredictable progressions. Ingeneral, these have not beenfound—yet the optimism hasdied hard, and some purefantasy has crept intotextbooks.”—Raup, David M.,“Evolution and the FossilRecord,” Science,vol. 213(July 17, 1981), p. 289“The function of only 1%(some say 3%) of human DNAhas been determined. If 99%of this small amount is similarto chimps it still provesnothing.”See: Modern Creation Trilogyvol. 2, chapter 9, Henry Morris30. Q:A:31. Q:A:32. Q:A:What abouttheozonehole, and R-12 refrigerants?Thereis notan ozoneproblem that man has created. Ozoneisanaturalgas, whichis produced when sunlightstrikes theatmosphere. O,ozone,3is poisonous, but itdoes filter outradiation. In the upper atmosphere, the ozone layer protectsus; it’s abarrier. Ozone is absentfrom theNorthand SouthPoles because thesun never strikes thoseareas directly, but atsuchan obliqueanglethat it does not produceozone. It’snormalto havean ozone holein these areas.What aboutR-12? R-12does destroy ozone, but the R-12 fromourrefrigerators and air conditioners never rises high enoughto destroy atmospheric ozone. R-12 sinks; itdoesn’trise. Evenconvection currents would notcarry man madeR-12 to theozone layer in 100 years, which is alonger timethan man hasbeen usingit. Man has donealmost nothingtotheozone. Infact, my understandingis thatthelasttimescientists measuredthe ozonelayer, itwas thicker than it was the firsttimetheymeasured it. Ibelievethe real purpose of the environmentalpropaganda is tofulfill the firstplankof theCommunistManifesto:the abolishmentofprivateproperty. Whilethereis noquestion man has abused theenvironment, thereisahidden agenda behind the modern hype. (See FactsNotFearfor information on environment.)Whatabout global warming?Justabout as many scientists areconcerned about globalfreezing or another iceage as aboutglobal warming. Thereisn’t enough data to bedogmatic. The answer would probablydepend upon thegrantmoney being sought. As with theprevious question, most ofthe environmental hypeis reallytohelpbringabout KarlMarx’s dream (nightmare) of aCommunistworld.His firstof 10planks was theabolishing of privateproperty. Though therearemany sincere peoplein theenvironmentalmovement, Ibelievetherealagenda is Communism,not savingtheplanet.Whobuilt theGreat Pyramid, and why?Nooneknows for sure whobuilttheGreat Pyramid, butseveraltheories havebeen proposed. Somethinkit is justanother ofthepyramids built by theEgyptians. Some thinkAdam and his sons builtitbeforetheflood. Somethink Enochbuiltit and thatitis theonly structuretosurvive theflood.Others say Noah andhis sons builtit after theflood. Accordingto some experts, it appears thatsomeof its featuresindicatethat itwas intended tobeatestimony to God, theysay. Adam didnothave a<strong>Bible</strong> so God gavehim thegospelstory in the stars with the 88constellations tellingtheentire79Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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