CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


“Tosuppose that theeye…could have been formedby natural selection, seems, Ifreely confess, absurd in thehighest degree.”—Charles DarwinThe Origin of Species byMeans of Natural Selection orThe Preservation of FavoredRaces in the Struggle for LifeCharles Darwin 1859 p. 217All in whose nostrils was thebreath of life, of all that wasin the dry land,—Genesis 7:22And of every living thing of allflesh, two of every sort shaltthou bring into the ark, tokeep them alive with thee;they shall be male and female.—Genesis 6:197:14-15, 22). Idonot believethatallthevarieties of insectswereon the Arkbecausethey breathe throughtheir skin anddonot havenostrils. They could havesurvived on floatingmatter or by burrowingin themud. Some of the insects mayhave been on theArkin thefur of theanimals orin nooks andcrannies oftheark; theBible does not teachthatthey hadtobeon board.24. Q:A:How did animals travel from allovertheworld togettotheArk?This question assumes that theworldbefore theflood waslikethe world is today withanimals specialized for certainareas. Todaytheworld is 70% water and theoceans separatethecontinents. Also, some animals only livein afewselectedlocations. TheBibleteaches thatbeforetheflood thewaterwas gathered into oneplace(Genesis 1:9). There was probablyoneocean andmuchmorelandmass. Also, if theclimatewasmoretemperate animals couldlive in alltypes ofplaces whichmeans Noah did not have togogather animals from allovertheworld. In fact, the Biblesays that the animals cametoNoah(Genesis 6:20).25. Q:A:What aboutdinosaurs? Did they livewithAdam andEve? Did Noah takethem on theark?Thedinosaur question is dealtwith for over 2hours on myvideotape #3ofthecreation seminar series. Tosummarizebriefly: Dinosaurs weremade the sixthday withtherest oftheanimals. Noahtook them on theark(probably youngones). They have always lived withman. After the flood manydied from theclimatechanges and from man’s hunting. Theywerecalled dragons for many centuries. (Theword dinosaurwas justinvented in 1841.) Afew smalldinosaurs may still bealivetoday in remoteparts ofthe world. Therehavebeen over20,000 reported sightings of dinosaur likecreatures in thiscentury. Afew pictures and stories are on my web site.26. Q:A:It would take4.4 billion cubic kilometers of water tocover Mt. Everest. Wheredid thewater comefrom tofloodtheearth?This question assumes that thepre-flood world was liketheworldis today. Itwouldonly take oneinchofwater tocoverMt. Everest if theearth weresmooth. TheBiblestates clearlythatthe water was 15 cubits over thetallestmountain.Seashell fossils havebeen foundon topof mountain ranges allovertheworld. The top of Mt. Everestis covered withsedimentaryrockcontainingpetrified,closed clams. Since clamsopen as soon as theydie, they had tohavebeen buried alivetobepetrified in theclosed position. Therewas definitely aworldwideflood. TheBible says in Psalm 104 thatas the floodended themountains lifted up andthevalleys sankdown andDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 76

“The first living cells emergedbetween 4billion and 3.8billion years ago. There is norecord of the event.”—Biology: The Unity anddiversity of Life Wadsworth1992 p. 300the water hasted away. Today’s mountain ranges arewellabovesea level, butthis was not the case beforethe flood. Iftheearth weresmoothed out, thatis themountains presseddown and theocean basins lifted up, thereis enough water intheoceans right now tocover theentireearth 8,000 feet deep(approximately1½miles).All of the water ran off rapidly throughthesoft sedimentsintotheocean basins duringthelastfew months oftheflood.This would explain therapidcarving of features such as theGrand Canyon and the Bad Lands. Seevideo#6 for lots moreon this.27. Q:A:Duringtheflood how did the freshwater fishsurvive?This question assumes theoceans were saltwater duringtheflood like they are today. Ibelievetheentire world waslargely freshwater. Todayabout30% oftherain waterwashes intotheoceans, bringing mineral salts with it. Theoceans are gettingsaltier every day. Today’s oceans are about3.6% salt. Between thesalts washing in from ground waterand thesalts leachingin from subterranean salt domes, theoceans could havegonefrom fresh water to3.6%in the 4400years sincetheflood. Iftheearth werebillions of years old,theoceans wouldbemuchsaltier –liketheDead Sea or GreatSaltLake.Manyanimals haveadapted tothe slow increase in salinityoverthelast 4400 years. We now havefresh water crocodilesand salt water crocodiles that are differentspecies but probablyhad acommon ancestor. Acrocodile! This is notevolution.Itis only variation. Changing from afreshwatercrocto asaltwatercroc is not amajor changecomparedto what theevolutionists believe. They thinkitchanged from arock to acroc! Thatwould beamajor change!Severalyears ago, aman in Minnesota told me thathehadtwolarge aquariums in his house, one freshwaterand theother salt water. He wondered ifhecould mix thefishtogether sohefigured outhow toslowly raisethesaltcontentin the freshwateraquarium alittleeach week for 10 yearsuntil it was 1.8% salt. At the sametime, he was lowering thesaltcontentin thesalt water aquarium to 1.8% salt. After10years hemixed all the fish together. Hetoldmethey adaptedfine.Noah had no problem with drinkingwater duringthefloodand thefreshwater/saltwater problem does not exist.Attemptingto forcetheway the worldis today ontothequestions involving thepre-flood world is acommon problem.II Peter3says the scoffers of thelast days willbewillinglyignorantofhow God made theheavens and theearth(theoriginalcreation), and theflood.77Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“The first living cells emergedbetween 4billion and 3.8billion years ago. There is norecord of the event.”—Biology: The Unity anddiversity of Life Wadsworth1992 p. 300the water hasted away. Today’s mountain ranges arewellabovesea level, butthis was not the case beforethe flood. Iftheearth weresmoothed out, thatis themountains presseddown and theocean basins lifted up, thereis enough water intheoceans right now tocover theentireearth 8,000 feet deep(approximately1½miles).All of the water ran off rapidly throughthesoft sedimentsintotheocean basins duringthelastfew months oftheflood.This would explain therapidcarving of features such as theGrand Canyon and the Bad Lands. Seevideo#6 for lots moreon this.27. Q:A:Duringtheflood how did the freshwater fishsurvive?This question assumes theoceans were saltwater duringtheflood like they are today. Ibelievetheentire world waslargely freshwater. Todayabout30% oftherain waterwashes intotheoceans, bringing mineral salts with it. Theoceans are gettingsaltier every day. Today’s oceans are about3.6% salt. Between thesalts washing in from ground waterand thesalts leachingin from subterranean salt domes, theoceans could havegonefrom fresh water to3.6%in the 4400years sincetheflood. Iftheearth werebillions of years old,theoceans wouldbemuchsaltier –liketheDead Sea or GreatSaltLake.Manyanimals haveadapted tothe slow increase in salinityoverthelast 4400 years. We now havefresh water crocodilesand salt water crocodiles that are differentspecies but probablyhad acommon ancestor. Acrocodile! This is notevolution.Itis only variation. Changing from afreshwatercrocto asaltwatercroc is not amajor changecomparedto what theevolutionists believe. They thinkitchanged from arock to acroc! Thatwould beamajor change!Severalyears ago, aman in Minnesota told me thathehadtwolarge aquariums in his house, one freshwaterand theother salt water. He wondered ifhecould mix thefishtogether sohefigured outhow toslowly raisethesaltcontentin the freshwateraquarium alittleeach week for 10 yearsuntil it was 1.8% salt. At the sametime, he was lowering thesaltcontentin thesalt water aquarium to 1.8% salt. After10years hemixed all the fish together. Hetoldmethey adaptedfine.Noah had no problem with drinkingwater duringthefloodand thefreshwater/saltwater problem does not exist.Attemptingto forcetheway the worldis today ontothequestions involving thepre-flood world is acommon problem.II Peter3says the scoffers of thelast days willbewillinglyignorantofhow God made theheavens and theearth(theoriginalcreation), and theflood.77Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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