CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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75“Origin of Species Notaddressed in 1859, and is stillamystery in 1998… Both theorigin of life and the origin ofthe major groups of animalsremains unknown.”—Alfred G. Fisher,evolutionist Grolier MultimediaEncyclopedia 1998, fossilsection“Of fowls after their kind, andof cattle after their kind, ofevery creeping thing of theearth after his kind, two ofevery sort shall come untothee, to keep them alive.”—Genesis6:201:6&7and II Peter3:5. TheCreation accountin Genesis 1records thatamistthat wentforthand watered thefaceofthe wholeground. Genesis mentions noother precipitationuntiltheflood brought rain for 40 days and 40 nights. Manypeopleteachthat rain never fellbefore theflood. Althoughthatis probably true, itcannotbetaughtdogmaticallybecausethe<strong>Bible</strong>simplydoes not mention thesubject.Possibly, if thecanopy of water that is mentionedin Genesis1:6 and 7increased theair pressure, as many thinkit did, rainwas notpossible.Itmay bethatNoahwas preachingthatrain would come outofthe sky (somethingthat had never happened), and thepeoplelaughed just liketoday when Christians preachthatJesus will comeoutof thesky(somethingthathas neverhappened) tocatchupallbelievers in Christ. SeeMatthew24:37, Luke17:26 andIThess 4:16.22. Q:A:How did Noahtakecareofallthoseanimals on theark?Itis reasonabletoassumethat all types of animals on the Arkwereyounganimals becausethey would weighless, eat less,and sleep more. Many animals becomedormant, lethargic oreven hibernateduringstormy weather. Also, afterthefloodtheywould livelonger toproduce more offspring. Nooneknows for sure how many animals wereon the ark. Limitingitdown to twoof each kind does not mean therewere twoofeach species or variety that wehave today. Thereseem tobeabout8000 basic kinds of animal in the world.Throughtheinstructions thatGod gave or throughthewisdom of Noah he was given theability to provideawateringmechanism todispersewater totheanimals throughoutthearkand possibly even afood distribution system. InGenesis 1:29-30, the<strong>Bible</strong>teaches thatbeforetheflood alltheanimals werevegetarians sothere was not aproblem with, forexample, thelion tryingtoeatthelamb. Somehavesuggestedthatthere was amoon pool, aholein thecenter of thefloor,which would provide aplaceforfishingand, ifnecessary, away todispenseanimalwastefrom the ark. Seevideo#3formoreon this topic.Theminor problems thatthe<strong>Bible</strong>believers cannotalwaysanswer arenothing compared to the problems and questionsthatthe evolutionists cannotanswer. Although Idonot knowexactly how Noahtookcare of all the animals on the ark, Iamgoingtobelievethe<strong>Bible</strong>until itis proven wronginsteadofdoubt the<strong>Bible</strong> untilit is proven right. For someone torejectthe<strong>Bible</strong>and then acceptthestory that weallcamefrom arockis silly!23. Q:A:Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Did Noah have totakeallthemillions of species ofinsects on the Ark?Noahwas commanded totakeinto the Ark all theanimals onland in whosenostrils was thebreathoflife(Genesis 6:17,

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