CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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“Martin Lingis is probablyright in saying that ‘morecases of loss of religious faithare to be traced to the theoryof evolution...than to anythingelse.’”—Huston Smith “Evolution &Evolutionism” ChristianCentury July 1982, p. 755“...researchers suggest thatvirtually all modernmen—99.9% of them, saysone scientist—are closelyrelated genetically and sharegenes with one male ancestor,dubbed ‘Y-chromosomeAdam.’“We are finding thathumans have very,veryshallow genetic roots which goback very recently to oneancestor,...that indicates thatthere was an origin in aspecific location on the globe,and then it spread out fromthere.”—U.S. News &WorldReport, December 4, 1995Note: We knew this beforeand we even knew his name!Adam.<strong>Seminar</strong>OutlineMajor Points Covered in the Video Seriesby Dr.Kent HovindPart 1A—Big Bang, Big Dud• Four great questions every religion tries to answer.- Who am I?-Where did Icome from?-Why am Ihere?-Where am Igoing when Idie?•Two irreconcilable worldviews:-Creation-Evolution•Satan’s lie to Eve- Masked his own desire to be God-Began his 6,000 year attempt todestroy humanity-Began afalse worldview of evolving to godhood•Big lies are believed more easily than small ones•Effectual lies are mixed with truth•Technique used in advertising•Modern science textbooks mix evolution and science•Textbooks confuse six types of evolution-Cosmic evolution (Big Bang -origin of matter)-Chemical evolution (higher chemical)-Planetary and stellar evolution (origin ofthe stars)-Organic evolution (origin of life)-Macroevolution -animals changing into newkinds(unobserved)-Microevolution (variation)•Fairytales are taught in school-Frog +kiss =prince-Frog +time =prince•Evidence against the Big Bang•Evolution violates both laws of thermodynamics•Students are taught they are animals•Many students behave like animals•Teachers can teach creation in public schools•Decline in morals since 1963•Scientists have along history of being wrong•Majority of Americans do not believe in evolution•Belief in evolution will destroy confidence in ScripturePart 1B—The Age of the Earth•Proofs of ayoung universe and Earth-Earth’s population-Spinning galaxies- Earth’s magnetic field- Earth’s rotational speed1 Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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