CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


“The people of these UnitedStates are the rightful mastersof both Congress and thecourts, not to overthrow theConstitution, but to overthrowthe men who pervert theConstitution.”—Abraham LincolnRadio polonium halos in graniterock prove the earth was never amolten mass.“...the theory of evolution, atheory universally acceptednot because it can be provenby logically coherent evidenceto be true, but because theonly alternative, specialcreation, is clearly incredible.”—Watson, 1929, p. 2337. Q:A:8. Q:A:down, itsends offlittle particles thatallfly acertain distance.An analogy would be afireworks displaythat produces asphereoffragments thatonly lasts afraction of asecondbeforeit collapses. Different elements have fragments thatflydifferentdistances, eachradioactive element has aparticular“signature” (howbig acircleit can makein therockas itdecays like amorepowerful fireworks rocketwould produceabigger sphere in the air). Radio-activepolonium, when itdecays in asolid rock, makes aperfect sphereas it decaysbecauseallits fragments fly about thesamedistancefrom thecenter. If it decays in solid rock, thecircleis preserved. Butifitdecays in ahot molten rock, thecircledisappears. All over theworld radio-polonium halos exist in granite, indicatingtheearthwas never ahot, molten mass. See RobertGentry’s bookCreation’s Tiny Mystery, availablefrom CSE -$13.50, formuchmoreon this subject, orwww.halos.com.Itis alsointeresting thatGentry’s researchwas published inmany major science magazines until someone realized thatitwas provingthebigbangtheory tobeabigdud. Thecensorshipofhis valuablematerialby mainstream sciencemagazinesis incredible butpredictable. Evolution is avery carefullyprotected statereligion in this humanist world today.How arediamonds, oil, fossilfuels and naturalgasformed?Coalcomes from massiveamounts of trees and plant matterthathas been changed by tremendous heatand pressure. Oilandnatural gas form from fish, reptile, and animal matterunder similar heatand pressureconditions. Themostlogicaltime for coal, oil and gas toform was during andafter theworld-wideflood, when enormous amounts of animal andvegetablematter underwentmass burialunder the incredibledestruction and pressureof thefloodwaters and the sediments.Seewww.answersingenesis.orgfor article“How fastcan oil form.”Diamonds are highly pressurized, purecarbon gems. (Supermanused tomakethem from coal all the time.) Most diamondsappear in “blueground,” in or near theneck of anextinctvolcano where magma erupted. Thehighpressureofvolcanicactivitycould haveformed diamonds. Many mayhaveformed when the“fountains ofthedeep” werebroken upor when mountains aroseduringthelastmonths of the flood”(Psalm 104:6-8.)How do you explain theformation offine strata layerscalled varves suchas those in theGreen River formation inWyomingwhich contains 20 million finelayers whichrepresent1year each? Doesn’t this prove the earthis morethan6,000 years old?Likemany questions posed by evolutionists, onehas abuilt-infaulty assumption. This question assumes thateachof theseDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 62

In 1770 George Buffonsaid the earth was 70,000years old.—Integrated Principals ofZoology 1996 P.151.In 1905 the age of the earthwas officially 2billion yearsold. Newsweek July 20, 1998p. 50. Today students aretaught it is 4.6 billion yearsold. That means the earth hasbeen getting older at the rateof 21 million years per yearfor the last 220 years! That’s40 years/min! We are agingfast!“In the six hundredth year ofNoah’s life in the secondmonth, the seventeenth day ofthe month, the same day wereall the fountains of the greatdeep broken up, and thewindows of heaven wereopened”—Genesis7:11“In the beginning of change,the patriot is ascarce man,and brave and hated andscorned. When his causesucceeds, the timid join him,for then it costs nothing to beapatriot.”—Mark Twain9. Q:A:layers is annual, and this is, obviously, notthecase.Numerous experiments havebeen doneon the formation.You can take asection of Green River formation and grind itto powder, drop itintomovingwater anditwillresortitselfinto many fine layers. It has been shown that thelayers arenotannual atall. Thereareplaces in this formation whereover 1500 layers arefoundin someareas and only 1000 inothers, allbetween the same twoash layers called “eventhorizons.” See Creation MagazineJune-Aug. 1997. Thissubjectis dealt within greatdetailattheInstitute for CreationResearch (619) 448-0900, or you can contact their webpageatwww.icr.org.Whatabout black holes?In orderto escapethegravitationalpulloftheearth, arocketmustgo25,000 miles per hour. If itgoes less than this it willfallback down. This speed is known as the escapevelocity ofearth. If aplanet has stronger gravity, theescape velocity willbeeven greater.The theory behind ablackhole is theidea thatif enoughmassis in onelocation, thegravity would besogreatthattheescapevelocity would be186,000 miles per second sothateven light could not escape. This, of course, is assuming thatlight can beeffected by gravity. Noone has ever seen ablackholesincenolightcould escapeoneif it existed.The problem black holes aresupposed to fix is this: if the bigbangtheory were true, thematter should beevenly distributedin space. Sincematter is notevenly distributed in space(we haveclumps of matter calledgalaxies then zillions ofmiles ofnothingbetween) thebelievers in thebigbangtheoryare tryingtoexplain why. They aretrying to say: “Thereismatter in between the clumps butwecan’t seeit becauseitisin blackholes.” Actually, they arearguing from alackofevidence notfromevidence. This is apoor position tobeinwhen trying to prove your case in acourt of law.Idon’t know ifblack holes existor not, but their existenceisnotproven.10. Q:A:What abouttheMars rock; is/was therelife on Mars?Lifedoes notexist on Mars. Thepurposeof theMars rockhype afew years ago was tohelp NASA getits grant moneywhichhas been stalledin Congress. They mustfind somethingimportantwithallthe billions they spend. The rock hadbeen found7years earliernear the South Pole. It arrived13,000 years ago, accordingtoNASA: In 13,000 years it couldeasilyhave becomecontaminatedwithEarth life. Or, inpassingthroughthe 200 mile thickEarth atmosphere, therock could havebecome contaminated.Also, therock’s supposed Mars origin is suspect. Supposewe63Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

In 1770 George Buffonsaid the earth was 70,000years old.—Integrated Principals ofZoology 1996 P.151.In 1905 the age of the earthwas officially 2billion yearsold. Newsweek July 20, 1998p. 50. Today students aretaught it is 4.6 billion yearsold. That means the earth hasbeen getting older at the rateof 21 million years per yearfor the last 220 years! That’s40 years/min! We are agingfast!“In the six hundredth year ofNoah’s life in the secondmonth, the seventeenth day ofthe month, the same day wereall the fountains of the greatdeep broken up, and thewindows of heaven wereopened”—Genesis7:11“In the beginning of change,the patriot is ascarce man,and brave and hated andscorned. When his causesucceeds, the timid join him,for then it costs nothing to beapatriot.”—Mark Twain9. Q:A:layers is annual, and this is, obviously, notthecase.Numerous experiments havebeen doneon the formation.You can take asection of Green River formation and grind itto powder, drop itintomovingwater anditwillresortitselfinto many fine layers. It has been shown that thelayers arenotannual atall. Thereareplaces in this formation whereover 1500 layers arefoundin someareas and only 1000 inothers, allbetween the same twoash layers called “eventhorizons.” See Creation MagazineJune-Aug. 1997. Thissubjectis dealt within greatdetailattheInstitute for CreationResearch (619) 448-0900, or you can contact their webpageatwww.icr.org.Whatabout black holes?In orderto escapethegravitationalpulloftheearth, arocketmustgo25,000 miles per hour. If itgoes less than this it willfallback down. This speed is known as the escapevelocity ofearth. If aplanet has stronger gravity, theescape velocity willbeeven greater.The theory behind ablackhole is theidea thatif enoughmassis in onelocation, thegravity would besogreatthattheescapevelocity would be186,000 miles per second sothateven light could not escape. This, of course, is assuming thatlight can beeffected by gravity. Noone has ever seen ablackholesincenolightcould escapeoneif it existed.The problem black holes aresupposed to fix is this: if the bigbangtheory were true, thematter should beevenly distributedin space. Sincematter is notevenly distributed in space(we haveclumps of matter calledgalaxies then zillions ofmiles ofnothingbetween) thebelievers in thebigbangtheoryare tryingtoexplain why. They aretrying to say: “Thereismatter in between the clumps butwecan’t seeit becauseitisin blackholes.” Actually, they arearguing from alackofevidence notfromevidence. This is apoor position tobeinwhen trying to prove your case in acourt of law.Idon’t know ifblack holes existor not, but their existenceisnotproven.10. Q:A:What abouttheMars rock; is/was therelife on Mars?Lifedoes notexist on Mars. Thepurposeof theMars rockhype afew years ago was tohelp NASA getits grant moneywhichhas been stalledin Congress. They mustfind somethingimportantwithallthe billions they spend. The rock hadbeen found7years earliernear the South Pole. It arrived13,000 years ago, accordingtoNASA: In 13,000 years it couldeasilyhave becomecontaminatedwithEarth life. Or, inpassingthroughthe 200 mile thickEarth atmosphere, therock could havebecome contaminated.Also, therock’s supposed Mars origin is suspect. Supposewe63Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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