CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


“The two Colorado Creekmammoths had radiocarbonages of 22,850 ±670 and16,150 ±230 yearsrespectively.”—Robert M. Thorson and R.Dale Guthrie,“Stratigraphyof the Colorado CreekMammoth Locality,Alaska,”Quaternary Research, Vol. 37,No. 2, March 1992, pp. 214-228, see also: In theBeginning Walt Brownp. 244-246“Ageologist at the BerkeleyGeochronology Center,[Carl]Swisher uses the mostadvanced techniques to datehuman fossils. Last spring hewas re-evaluating Homoerectus skulls found in Java inthe 1930s by testing thesediment found with them. Ahominid species assumed tobe an ancestor of Homosapiens,“erectus was thoughtto have vanished some250,000 years ago. But eventhough he used two differentdating methods, Swisher keptmaking the same startlingfind: the bones were 53,000years old at most and possiblyno more than 27,000 years—astretch of timecontemporaneous withmodern humans.”—Leslie Kaufman, “Did aThird Human Species LiveAmong Us?” Newsweek(December 23, 1996), p. 52.4. Q:A:Afreshlykilled sealwas carbon dated as havingdied 1300years ago! Antarctic Journalvol. 6, Sept-Oct. 1971, p.211“OnepartoftheVollosovitchmammothcarbon dated at29,500 years andanother partat44,000.” TroyL. Pewe,“Quaternary Strigraphic Nomenclature in UniglaciatedCentral Alaska,” GeologicSurvey Professional Paper 862 (U.S.Gov. PrintingOffice, 1975) p. 30“Structure, metamorphism, sedimentary reworking, and othercomplications have to be considered. Radiometricdatingwould nothave been feasibleifthegeologic column had notbeen erected first.” J. E. O’Rourke, “Pragmatism vs. Materialismin Stratigraphy,” American Journal of Science, vol. 276(January,1976), p. 54Materialfrom layers where dinosaurs arefoundcarbon datedat 34,000 years old. Earth’s Most ChallengingMysteries, 1972,p.280The number offossils in certain areas oftheworld isenormous. How could earthhave supported all those creaturesat thesametime?This question shows acommon falseassumption that manypeoplemake. They assume theearth today is thesameas ithas always been. Today’s earthis 70%under water. Therearescriptural and scientific indications thatthepre-flood worldhad greater air pressure, higher percentages ofoxygen andcarbon dioxide, muchmore land(abovesea level), less water(on the earth’s surface), and acanopy of water tofilter outtheharmful effects of the sun. This would causetheretobemany times moreplants and animals on the earththan thereare today. Theadded airpressurewould diffusemoregassesinto thewaterand support amuchgreater fish population.Aquatic plant lifeper cubicmilewould multiply also. II Peter3tells us that the scoffers in thelast days will bewillinglyignorantof how God created theheavens and theearth. Theywould alsobeignorant of the flood. Thesetwo greateventsmustbeconsideredbefore making anystatements about theconditions on earth today. Onlyabout3% ofthe earthtodayis habitablefor man. Therestis under water, ice, deserts,mountains, etc. Iftheearthbefore theflood wereforexample,70%habitable, itcouldhave supported ahugepopulation.Most ofthewater in today’s oceans would been under theEarth’s crustbeforetheflood. SeePsalm 24:1 and Psalm 136:7.Thevast amount andworld-widedistribution of fossils showsthefloodwas globaland that God hates sin enoughtojudgetheentireworld. Seevideos #2 and #6 ofour SeminarSeriesfor much moreon this topic.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 60

“If you will not fight for theright when you can easily winwithout bloodshed, if you willnot fight when your victorywill be sure and not so costly,you may come to the momentwhen you will have to fightwith all the odds against youand only aprecarious chanceof survival. There may be aworse case. You may have tofight when there is no chanceof victory,because it is betterto perish than to live asslaves.”—Winston Churchill“Those who hold toleranceas their highest virtue do sobecause they have no others.”—G. K. Chesterson“Lava from the 1801Hawaiian volcano eruptiongave aK-Ar date of 1.6 Millionyears old.Dalyrmple, G.B., 196940Ar/36Ar analysis of historiclava flows.”—Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters, 6-47 55. Seealso: Impact # 307 Jan. 19995. QA:6. Q:A:: Is man evolvingbigger andsmarter?Theevolution theory teaches that man has been improvingover thelast 3million years. Nothingcould befurtherfromthetruth. Bothhistory and scriptureindicatethatbefore theflood in thedays ofNoahpeople weremuch biggerandsmarter than theaverageperson is today. TheBiblesays theywerelivingtobemorethan 900 years old. Ishow someof theevidence for gianthumans on my videotape#2. As forsmarter, you could learn alotin 900years!Plus, Adam camefrom thehand of God fully programmed with languagecapacity and the ability toclassifyor sort items quickly(henamed all theanimals in one day). Adam was around for overhalfofthetimefrom the creation tothe flood, sohis greatknowledge could bespread throughoutthe world.In the last400 years therehas been agreatincreasein accumulatedtechnology. This is not the sameas wisdom orintelligence. Wecan have acomputer because thousands ofmen beforehaveinvented various parts and ideas thatcan beputtogether. Thereis no evidence thatmodern man issmarter than ancientman. Ithinktheoppositeis true. Manyof the ancientstructures indicategreater intelligence insolving problems in alow-tech age. (Seeseminar 7for examples.)As forman gettingbigger, therehas been an increase inaveragesizeover thelastfew hundred years in industrializedcountries due to improved diet, sanitation, medicine, etcbutthis is not tobe confused with evolution. Alsothetrend inbigger peopleis notproofoflong-term growthpatterns. Ifman today is say 8inches taller than averageman duringtheAmerican Revolution 200 years agoit, obviously, would notprove thatman was 80 inches shorter2000years ago or 800inches shorter 20,000years ago! Every agehas seen bothtallpeopleand smartpeople. Thereis noevidencethat modernman is any better.Was the earthever ahot, molten mass likethetextbookssay?Evolutionists teach thattheearth was aboilinghot, moltenmass that slowly cooled down over millions ofyears. TheBible says in Genesis chapter1that “In thebeginningGodcreated the heaven and the earth…and the Spirit ofGodmoved upon thefaceofthewaters.” Sothesurfaceof theearthwas covered withwater; it couldnothavebeen ahot,molten mass.Thereis scientificevidencetosupporttheBiblicalaccount.RobertGentry ofKnoxville, Tennessee, does amazingresearchon radio-polonium halos in graniterock. Polonium is arareelement thatis radioactive; it breaks down ordecays likeuranium. Butpolonium onlylasts afew minutes. As itbreaks61Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“The two Colorado Creekmammoths had radiocarbonages of 22,850 ±670 and16,150 ±230 yearsrespectively.”—Robert M. Thorson and R.Dale Guthrie,“Stratigraphyof the Colorado CreekMammoth Locality,Alaska,”Quaternary Research, Vol. 37,No. 2, March 1992, pp. 214-228, see also: In theBeginning Walt Brownp. 244-246“Ageologist at the BerkeleyGeochronology Center,[Carl]Swisher uses the mostadvanced techniques to datehuman fossils. Last spring hewas re-evaluating Homoerectus skulls found in Java inthe 1930s by testing thesediment found with them. Ahominid species assumed tobe an ancestor of Homosapiens,“erectus was thoughtto have vanished some250,000 years ago. But eventhough he used two differentdating methods, Swisher keptmaking the same startlingfind: the bones were 53,000years old at most and possiblyno more than 27,000 years—astretch of timecontemporaneous withmodern humans.”—Leslie Kaufman, “Did aThird Human Species LiveAmong Us?” Newsweek(December 23, 1996), p. 52.4. Q:A:Afreshlykilled sealwas carbon dated as havingdied 1300years ago! Antarctic Journalvol. 6, Sept-Oct. 1971, p.211“OnepartoftheVollosovitchmammothcarbon dated at29,500 years andanother partat44,000.” TroyL. Pewe,“Quaternary Strigraphic Nomenclature in UniglaciatedCentral Alaska,” GeologicSurvey Professional Paper 862 (U.S.Gov. PrintingOffice, 1975) p. 30“Structure, metamorphism, sedimentary reworking, and othercomplications have to be considered. Radiometricdatingwould nothave been feasibleifthegeologic column had notbeen erected first.” J. E. O’Rourke, “Pragmatism vs. Materialismin Stratigraphy,” American Journal of Science, vol. 276(January,1976), p. 54Materialfrom layers where dinosaurs arefoundcarbon datedat 34,000 years old. Earth’s Most ChallengingMysteries, 1972,p.280The number offossils in certain areas oftheworld isenormous. How could earthhave supported all those creaturesat thesametime?This question shows acommon falseassumption that manypeoplemake. They assume theearth today is thesameas ithas always been. Today’s earthis 70%under water. Therearescriptural and scientific indications thatthepre-flood worldhad greater air pressure, higher percentages ofoxygen andcarbon dioxide, muchmore land(abovesea level), less water(on the earth’s surface), and acanopy of water tofilter outtheharmful effects of the sun. This would causetheretobemany times moreplants and animals on the earththan thereare today. Theadded airpressurewould diffusemoregassesinto thewaterand support amuchgreater fish population.Aquatic plant lifeper cubicmilewould multiply also. II Peter3tells us that the scoffers in thelast days will bewillinglyignorantof how God created theheavens and theearth. Theywould alsobeignorant of the flood. Thesetwo greateventsmustbeconsideredbefore making anystatements about theconditions on earth today. Onlyabout3% ofthe earthtodayis habitablefor man. Therestis under water, ice, deserts,mountains, etc. Iftheearthbefore theflood wereforexample,70%habitable, itcouldhave supported ahugepopulation.Most ofthewater in today’s oceans would been under theEarth’s crustbeforetheflood. SeePsalm 24:1 and Psalm 136:7.Thevast amount andworld-widedistribution of fossils showsthefloodwas globaland that God hates sin enoughtojudgetheentireworld. Seevideos #2 and #6 ofour <strong>Seminar</strong>Seriesfor much moreon this topic.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 60

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