CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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57SunEarthinDecemberEarthinJune3. Q:A:Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503triangleof 186,000,000 miles, whichequals only 16 lightminutes. Thereare525,948 minutes in ayear. Even if thenearest starwereonly onelightyearaway (and it isn’t), theangleatthethird point measures .017degrees. In simplerterms, atrianglelike this would be thesameangletwosurveyors would seeifthey were standingsixteen inches apartand focusingon athird point 525,948 inches or 8.24milesaway. Ifthey stayed 16 inches apartand focused on adot824miles away, theywould havethe sameangleas an astronomermeasuringapoint100 lightyears away. Apoint 5millionlightyears away is impossible to figurewithtrigonometry.Thestars may bethat far away butmodern man has nowayofmeasuringthosegreat distances. No onecan statedefinitivelythedistancetothestars.Several other methods such as luminosity and red shiftareemployed to try to guess atgreaterdistances butallsuchmethods haveserious problems and assumptions involved.For amore complex and slightlydifferentanswerto thestarlightquestion from anotherChristian perspective, see thebook Starlightand TimebyRusselHumphry availablefromwww.icr.org.Second, the speedof light maynotbeaconstant. It does varyin differentmedia (hencetherainbow effect oflightgoingthrough aprism) and mayalso vary in differentplaces inspace. Theentireidea behind the black holetheory is thatlightcan beattracted by gravity and beunable to escapethegreat pullof these imaginary blackholes. No oneknows whatlightis let alone thatit’s velocity has been the standard oftime, ifthespeed oflightis decaying, theclockwould bechangingatthesamerate and thereforenotbenoticedas thefollowing demonstrate: June4,2000, the followingarticleappeared in theSunday Times from UK. “Eureka! ScientistsBreakSpeed ofLight” Jonathan Leake, ScienceEditor June4,2000 United States.SCIENTISTS claim they havebroken theultimate speedbarrier: thespeed oflight. In researchcarried outin theUnited States, particlephyscists haveshown thatlightpulsescan beaccelaratedto up to 300 times theirnormalvelocity of186,000 miles per second.Thework was carried out by Dr. Lijun Wang, oftheNECresearchinstitute in Princeton, who transmitted apulseoflighttowards achamber filled withspecially treated cesiumgas. Sealso; New YorkTimes May 30, 2000.Www.nytimes.comSee <strong>Seminar</strong>7and FAQ on our websiteformuchmore.Doesn’tcarbon datingprovetheearth is millions of yearsold?Whenever theworldview ofevolution is questioned, this topicalways comes up. Letmefirst explain how carbon datingworks and then show you theassumptions on whichitis

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