CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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“Christianity is our foe. Ifanimal rights is to succeed, wemust destroy the Judeo-Christian Religious tradition.”—Peter Singer, “Father ofAnimal Rights”“To compel aman to furnishcontributions of money for thepropagation of opinions whichhe disbelieves and abhors issinful and tyrannical.”—ThomasJeffersonScale: 2/3 inch =1000 yearsAt this scale, theevolutionists’ supposed originof man, 3million years ago,would be 125 feet to the left,and the imaginary Big Bangand forming of the Earth 4.6billion years ago would be 36miles to the left of this chart.HumanPopulationChartIs Earth really overcrowded? What is the motive for all of theoverpopulationpropaganda?1. Devaluinghumanlife2. Justifyingabortion3. Scaringpeopleintomoregovernmentregulation4. Causing acceptance of the Communist idea of taking fromthe richtogivetothepoorEarth has over 197,000,000 square miles of surface area, ofwhich approximately 57,200,000 square miles, or 36,608,000,000acres, is above water. With 6billion people on the earth, everyperson could have nearly seven acres to himself. The entire worldpopulationcouldfitin acirclewithanelevenmileradius.Everyonecould fit twice within the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida (25billionsquarefeet).Though much land surface is not inhabitable, Earth is notovercrowded. (Some areas are overcrowded.) Millions of peoplemaketheirlivingfrom,andevenliveon,thewater.Earth, as originally created mostly land and smallseas, could have supported apopulation of hundredsof billions, so it is clear God is not against largefamilies (Gen. 1:26–28, 9:7, and Ps. 127:3–5). Truly,“Heformedit[earth]tobeinhabited...”(Is.45:18).4000 BC 3000 BC 2000 BC 1000 BC BirthofChristHowmuchisabillion?Adamwascreated189billionsecondsago—3.2billionminutesago52.6millionhoursago2.2milliondaysago1000 AD 2000 ADJesuswasborn62.8billionsecondsago—1billionminutesago17.5millionhoursago.73milliondaysago51Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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