CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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Aren’t caves millions of years old?"In other words, it's naturalselection or aCreator. Thereis no middle ground. This iswhy prominent Darwinists likeG.G. Simpson and Stephen JayGould, who are not secretiveabout their hostility toreligion, cling so vehementlyto natural selection. Todootherwise would be to admitthe probability that there isdesign in nature-and hence aDesigner."— George Sim Johnston,"TheGenesis Controversy," Crisis (May1989), p. 17.Although most people believe that cave formations needmillionsofyearstodevelop,stalactitesandstalagmitesgrowratherquickly. Stalactites, recognized because they "stick tight" to theceiling of most limestone caves, are deposits of calcium carbonateformed by the dripping of mineralized solutions.As the mineraldeposits build up on the cave floor, stalagmites are formed.Occasionally, the connecting of the two will create a columnextendingfromfloortoceiling.Themonitoringofmanystalactitesandstalagmiteswithinthelastcenturyhasshowntherateofgrowthtobemuch quickerthanwhat many textbooks teach. Stalactites over five feet long havebeenfoundinthebasementoftheLincolnMemorial,builtin1923,aswellassomemorethanafootlongunderbridgesinPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania.Stalagmites grow somewhat slower that stalactites ;but theystill do not take thousands of years to form. In 1953, MasonSutherlandpublishedaphotographinNationalGeographicofabatthat had fallen on astalagmite in the Carlsbad Caverns, NewMexico. The bat was covered and preserved before it coulddecompose,provingtherapidgrowthrateofsomestalagmites.Much moreevidence exists for fastgrowingstalactites andstalagmites, (see video#1) yet textbooks andnational parks continueto teach that they takecountless thousands ofyears to form. Using arapidgrowthrate,thesecave formations couldeasily fit the Biblicaltimeline after theworldwide flood 4,400y e a r s a g o .Unfortunately,scientists struggle tokeep the Biblicaltimeline out of sciencealthough science, timeafter time, falls rightintostepwithit.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 36

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