CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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Communist Rules forRevolution1. Corrupt the young; getthem away from religion.2. Break down the old moralvirtues.3. Encourage civil disorders…and asoft governmentattitude toward crime.4. Divide the people intohostile groups (race, religion,etc.).5. Get the people’s minds offtheir government by focusingtheir attention on athletics,sex, etc.6. Get control of all media.7. Destroy people’s faith intheir leaders.8. Cause the registration of allfirearms… Toeventuallyconfiscate them.CommunistManifesto 18481. Abolition of private property2. Heavy progressive incometax3. Abolition of rights ofinheritance4. Confiscation of propertyrights5. Central bank6. Government ownership ofcommunication andtransportation7. Government ownership offactories and agriculture8. Government control oflabor9. Corporate farms, regionalplanning10. Government control ofeducationit comes out, sending acopy of their review to any whorequests it. The Gablers are fine Christian people and haveworkedonadonationbasisfor40years.The Mel Gablers, Educational Research Analysts, P.O. Box 7518,Longview, Texas, 75607-7518, (903) 753-5993www.textbookreviews.orgWhichBooksAreBetter?In 1991 asurvey was done of textbooks to determine whatpercentofthebooktaughtevolution.Theresultsarebelow. Somebooksaremoresaturatedwithevolutionthanothers.Biology: An Everyday Experience Merrill 2.9%Focus on Life Science Merrill 7.1%Biology: Living Systems Merrill 7.4%Life Science Scott, Foresman 8.5%BSCS: An Ecological App. (Green version) Kendall/Hunt 13.2%BSCS: AMolecular App. (Blue version) DC Heath 13.5%Modern Biology Holt, Rinehart 13.9%Biological Science: An Inquiry into Life Harcourt, Brace 15.6%(Yellow Version)JavanovichSource: Impact #278, ICR P.O. Box 2667, El Cahon, CA 92021Afteryouselectabookforyourschoolwiththeleastamountofevolution,youshoulddoseveralmorethings:1. Write to the other textbook publishers and tell them why youdid not select their books.2. Write to the one you did select and tell them why you chosetheirs.3. Put awarningstickerinthefrontoftheoneyouchoosewarningthe students, by page number, of the false information itcontains. See my video #4 or my booklet “Are You BeingBrainwashed by Your Science Textbook?” for help on this.Demand that lies be removed from textbooks. About fifty liesareusedtomakestudentsbelieveinevolution.Donotmentioncreation or evolution, just demand that books be factual. Seeseminar#4forlotsmoreonthistopic.25Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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