CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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lived longer and grew much bigger than they do currently(see Genesis 1:6-7; 5; 6:4, and my Creation <strong>Seminar</strong> videotape#2). In my seminars, Ipresent many scientific evidencesthat the world is not “millions of years old.” Mostpeople are excited to learn that dinosaurs were in theGarden of Eden, have always lived with man, were on theark with Noah, and afew may still be alive today in somepartsoftheworld!(Creation<strong>Seminar</strong>videotape#3)“When [the devil]speaketh alie, he speaketh ofhis own: for he is aliar,andthe father of it.”—John 8:44“No statute exists in anystate to bar instruction in‘creation science.’ It could betaught before, and it can betaught now.”—Stephen Jay Gould TheVerdict on Creationism, NewYork Times July 19, 1987,p.34The word “Evolution” hasmany meanings, only one ofwhich is scientific.1. Cosmic evolution—theorigin of time, space andmatter; Big Bang.2. Chemical evolution—theorigin of higher elementsfrom hydrogen.3. Stellar and planetaryevolution—origin of starsand planets.4. Organic evolution—originof Life.5. Macroevolution—changingfrom one kind to another.6. Microevolution—variationswithin kinds. Only this onehas been observed.Students often call me for advice on how to handlevarioussituations atschoolwherethey arebeingforcedtolearnthingscontrarytotheirbeliefsoncreation.Pleasefeelfreetocallorwrite,ifIcanbeofanyhelp.Pleaseunderstand,whenItalkaboutevolutionIamnotreferring to simple variations that occur in any species.Dogs produce avariety of puppies, but never will dogsproducehamsterorpinetreeoffspring!Creationistsdonotargue that all dogs, wolves, and foxes may have had acommonancestor,nordotheyarguethatnaturalselectiondoes not occur. These would both be true whether plantsand animals were created or evolved. However, real evolution,aspresentedinthetextbooks,teachesthatdogssharea common ancestor with pine trees! While anyone iscertainly welcome to believe what he wants to believe, nointelligent person can say that evolution is real science,becauseevolutionisnotobservable,testable,ordemonstrable.My argument is not with science, but with evolutionbeingimproperlyincorporatedintosciencewhereithasnoplace.InfluenceyourArea.Everyonehasacircleofpeopletheycaninfluence.Atactivitiessuchasbirthdayparties,neighborhood<strong>Bible</strong>classes,Sundayschoolclass parties, etc., you can show creation videos, have acreationspeaker, or play games that teach the truth about dinosaurs andcreation.Youcanalsohelpprivateorhomeschoolswithyourtime,energy,andmoney.1Usethemedia (secularorChristian).Agreatwaytoreachpeople with the truth is to have your local radio or TVstation contact mefor an interview or call-in talkshow oncreation, evolution, dinosaurs, or the teaching in publicschools.Secularstationsareoftengladtogetsuchacontroversialguest. Ifrequently do radio interviews by phonefrom my house and would be honored to appear on aprogram in your area. Local access cable TV stations areusuallywillingtoairmyvideotapes.23Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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