CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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“One cannot be exposed tothe law and order of theuniverse without concludingthat there must be design andpurpose behind it all.... Tobeforced to believe only oneconclusion— that everything inthe universe happened bychance—would violate thevery objectivity of scienceitself.... They (evolutionists)challenge science to prove theexistence of God. But must wereally light acandle to see thesun? It is in scientific honestythat Iendorse the presentationof alternative theories forthe origin of the universe, lifeand man in the science classroom.It would be an error tooverlook the possibility thatthe universe was plannedrather than happening bychance.”—Dr. Wernher von Braun(Father of American rocketand space program)“We conclude—unexpectedly—thatthere is little evidence for theneo-Darwinian view: itstheoretical foundations andthe experimental evidencesupporting it are weak.”—Orr,H.A.&Coyne,J.A.,AmericanNaturalist,1992,p.726After you answer the questions, please look carefully at youranswersandthoughtfullyconsiderthefollowingquestions.•1Areyou sureyouranswers arereasonable, right, and scientificallyprovable, or do you just believe that it may havehappened the way you have answered? (Do these answersreflectyourreligionoryourscience?)•2Do your answers show more or less faith than the personwhosays,“Godmusthavedesignedit”?•3 IsitpossiblethatanunseenCreatordesignedthisuniverse?IfGodisexcludedatthebeginningofthediscussionbyyourdefinition of science, how could it be shown that He didcreatetheuniverseifHedid?•4 Is it wise and fair to present the theory of evolution tostudents as fact since over 90% of the population believeGodcreatedtheuniverse?•5 What is the end result of abelief in evolution (lifestyle,society,attitudeaboutothers,eternaldestiny,etc.)?•6Dopeopleacceptevolutionbecauseofthefollowingfactors:a.Itisalltheyhavebeentaught?b.TheylikethefreedomfromGod(nomoralabsolutes,etc.)?c. They are compelled to support the theory for fear oflosingtheirjobpeerstatusorgradepointaverage?d.Theyaretooproudtoadmittheyarewrong?e. Evolution is the only philosophy that can be used tojustifytheirpoliticalagenda?•7Should we continue to use outdated, disproved, questionable,or inconclusive evidences to support the theory ofevolution because we don’t have a suitable substitute(Piltdown man, recapitulation, archaeopteryx, Lucy, Javaman, Neanderthal man, horse evolution, vestigial organs,etc.)?•8Should parents be allowed to require that evolution not betaught as fact in their school system unless equal time isgiventoothertheoriesoforigins(likedivinecreation)?•9Whatareyouriskingifyouarewrong?Asoneofmydebateopponents said, “Either there is aGod or there is not. Bothpossibilitiesarefrightening.”•10 Why are many evolutionists afraid of the idea ofcreationismbeingpresentedinpublicschools?Ifwearenotsupposed to teach religion in schools, then why not getevolution out of the textbooks? It is just a religiousworldview.•11 Aren’t you tired of faith in asystem that cannot be true?Wouldn’titbegreattoknowtheGodwhomadeyou,andtoacceptHisloveandforgiveness?•12 Wouldyoubeinterested, toseefromthe<strong>Bible</strong>,howtohaveyour sins forgiven and how to know for sure that you aregoingtoHeaven?Ifso,callme.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 16

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