CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


Testing the Theory ofEvolution“The more statisticallyimprobable athing is, the lesswe can believe it happened byblind chance. Superficially theobvious alternative to chanceis an intelligent Designer.”—Dr.Richard Dawkins,Department of Zoology,Oxford University,in “TheNecessity of Darwinism,” NewScientist, April 15, 1982, p.130“The [evolutionary] originof birds is largely amatter ofdeduction. There is no fossilevidence of the stages throughwhich the remarkable changefrom reptile to bird wasachieved.”—W. E. Swinton, BritishMuseum of Natural History,London, in Biology andComparative Physiology ofBirds, vol 1, p. 1Alterations Needed toChange aReptile into aBird:•Avariety of feathers•Growth of wings•Strengthening of certainmuscles•Higher blood sugar levelsand body temperature levels• Total revision of respiratory,nervous,and reproductivesystems.•Lightening of bones•New digestive system•New “instinctive” behaviorsQuestionsforEvolutionistsThe test of any theory is whether or not it provides answers tobasic questions. Some well-meaning but misguided people thinkevolutionisareasonabletheorytoexplainman’squestionsabouttheuniverse. Evolution is not agood theory—it is just apagan religionmasquerading as science. The following questions were distributedto the 750-plus people who attended my debate at Winona StateUniversity in Winona, Minnesota, on January 9, 1993. (The videotapeddebateis #6 in my catalog, $9.95.) Questions added since thedebatearemarkedwithanasterisk(*).•1 Wheredidthespacefortheuniversecomefrom?•2 Wheredidmattercomefrom?•3 Where did the laws ofthe universe come from(gravity, inertia,etc.)?•4 Howdidmattergetsoperfectlyorganized?•5 Wheredidtheenergycomefromtodoalltheorganizing?•6 When,where,why,andhowdidlifecomefromdeadmatter?•7 When,where,why,andhowdidlifelearntoreproduceitself?•8 With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproductionreproduce?•9 Whywouldanyplantoranimalwanttoreproducemoreofits kind since this would only make more mouths to feedand decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individualhaveadrivetosurvive,orthespecies?Howdoyouexplainthis?)•10 How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code)create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining EnglishletterswillneverproduceChinesebooks.)•11 Is it possible that similarities in design between differentanimalsprovethattheyhadacommondesignerinsteadofacommonancestor?•12 Natural selection only works with the genetic informationavailable and tends only to keep aspecies stable. Howwouldyouexplaintheincreasingcomplexityinthegeneticcodethatmusthaveoccurredifevolutionweretrue?•13 When,where,why,andhowdida. single-celledplantsbecomemulti-celled?b.twoandthree-celledintermediatesevolve?c. single-celledanimalsevolve?d.fishchangetoamphibians?e. amphibianschangetoreptiles?f. reptiles change to birds? (The lungs, bones, eyes,reproductive organs, heart, method of locomotion,bodycovering,etc.,areallverydifferent!)g. intermediateformslive?Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 14

“In recent years severalauthors have written popularbooks on human originswhich were based more onfantasy and subjectivity thanon fact and objectivity.At themoment science cannot offer afull answer on the origin ofhumanity...”—Dr. Robert Martin, SeniorResearch Fellow,ZoologicalFellow,Zoological Society ofLondon“...There are gaps in thefossil graveyard, places wherethere should be intermediateforms, but where there isnothing whatsoever instead.No paleontologist writing inEnglish (R. Carroll, 1988),French (J. Chaline, 1983), orGerman (V.Fahlbusch, 1983),denies that this is so. It issimply afact. Darwin’stheory and the fossilrecord are in conflict.”—DavidBerlinsky,Commentary, September1996p.28“Asby this theoryinnumerable transitionalforms must have existed, whydo we not find themembedded in countlessnumbers in the crust of theearth? The number ofintermediate links between allliving and extinct species musthave been inconceivablygreat!”—Charles Darwin• 14 When,where,why,how,andfromwhatdida.whalesevolve?b.seahorsesevolve?c.batsevolve?d.eyesevolve?e.earsevolve?f.Hair,skin,feathers,scales,nails,claws,etc.,evolve?•15 Which evolved first (how, and how long, did it workwithouttheothers)?a. The digestive system, the food to be digested, theappetite, the ability to find and eat the food, thedigestivejuices,orthebody’sresistancetoitsowndigestivejuice(stomach,intestines,etc.)?b.Thedrivetoreproduceortheabilitytoreproduce?c. The lungs, the mucus lining to protect them, thethroat, or the perfect mixture of gases to bebreathedintothelungs?d.DNA or RNA to carry the DNA message to cellparts?e. The termite or the flagellates in its intestines thatactuallydigestthecellulose?f. Theplantsortheinsectsthatliveonand pollinatetheplants?g.The bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, ormusclestomovethebones?h.The nervous system, repair system, or hormonesystem?i. Theimmunesystemortheneedforit?•16 There are many thousands of examples of symbiosis thatdefy an evolutionary explanation. Why must we teachstudents that evolution is the only explanation for theserelationships?•17 How would evolution explain mimicry? Did the plantsand animals develop mimicry by chance, by their intelligentchoice,orbydesign?•18 When, where, why, and how did man evolve feelings?Love,mercy,guilt,etc.wouldneverevolveinthetheoryofevolution.•19 *Howdidphotosynthesisevolve?•20 *Howdidthoughtevolve?•21 *Howdidfloweringplantsevolve,andfromwhat?•22 *Whatkindofevolutionistareyou?Whyareyounotoneoftheothereightortenkinds?•23 Whatwould you have said seventy fiveyears agoif ItoldyouIhadalivingcoelacanthinmyaquarium?•24 *Is there one clear prediction of macroevolution that hasprovedtrue?•25 *What is so scientific about the idea of hydrogen gasbecominghuman?•26 *Do you honestly believe that everything came fromnothing?15Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Testing the Theory ofEvolution“The more statisticallyimprobable athing is, the lesswe can believe it happened byblind chance. Superficially theobvious alternative to chanceis an intelligent Designer.”—Dr.Richard Dawkins,Department of Zoology,Oxford University,in “TheNecessity of Darwinism,” NewScientist, April 15, 1982, p.130“The [evolutionary] originof birds is largely amatter ofdeduction. There is no fossilevidence of the stages throughwhich the remarkable changefrom reptile to bird wasachieved.”—W. E. Swinton, BritishMuseum of Natural History,London, in Biology andComparative Physiology ofBirds, vol 1, p. 1Alterations Needed toChange aReptile into aBird:•Avariety of feathers•Growth of wings•Strengthening of certainmuscles•Higher blood sugar levelsand body temperature levels• Total revision of respiratory,nervous,and reproductivesystems.•Lightening of bones•New digestive system•New “instinctive” behaviorsQuestionsforEvolutionistsThe test of any theory is whether or not it provides answers tobasic questions. Some well-meaning but misguided people thinkevolutionisareasonabletheorytoexplainman’squestionsabouttheuniverse. Evolution is not agood theory—it is just apagan religionmasquerading as science. The following questions were distributedto the 750-plus people who attended my debate at Winona StateUniversity in Winona, Minnesota, on January 9, 1993. (The videotapeddebateis #6 in my catalog, $9.95.) Questions added since thedebatearemarkedwithanasterisk(*).•1 Wheredidthespacefortheuniversecomefrom?•2 Wheredidmattercomefrom?•3 Where did the laws ofthe universe come from(gravity, inertia,etc.)?•4 Howdidmattergetsoperfectlyorganized?•5 Wheredidtheenergycomefromtodoalltheorganizing?•6 When,where,why,andhowdidlifecomefromdeadmatter?•7 When,where,why,andhowdidlifelearntoreproduceitself?•8 With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproductionreproduce?•9 Whywouldanyplantoranimalwanttoreproducemoreofits kind since this would only make more mouths to feedand decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individualhaveadrivetosurvive,orthespecies?Howdoyouexplainthis?)•10 How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code)create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining EnglishletterswillneverproduceChinesebooks.)•11 Is it possible that similarities in design between differentanimalsprovethattheyhadacommondesignerinsteadofacommonancestor?•12 Natural selection only works with the genetic informationavailable and tends only to keep aspecies stable. Howwouldyouexplaintheincreasingcomplexityinthegeneticcodethatmusthaveoccurredifevolutionweretrue?•13 When,where,why,andhowdida. single-celledplantsbecomemulti-celled?b.twoandthree-celledintermediatesevolve?c. single-celledanimalsevolve?d.fishchangetoamphibians?e. amphibianschangetoreptiles?f. reptiles change to birds? (The lungs, bones, eyes,reproductive organs, heart, method of locomotion,bodycovering,etc.,areallverydifferent!)g. intermediateformslive?Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 14

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